The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books

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The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books Page 209

by John Thornton

  “Not too many people alive in there either,” Monika noted. “One hundred fifty-eight humans alive somewhere in the biome. Look at that general deck plan. It records two separate towns; Edinburg and Tremonton. I would think the survivors would be there.”

  “But in Eta there are 9,654 in suspended animation that is still functioning,” Jerome read off. “Eris will be happy to hear about that, but how do we get them?” He tapped the com-link again. “Captain Eris?”

  “I am here Jerome,” Eris replied, in audio only format. “I am just going over the information compiled by the lattice on Eta and Theta. Have you seen it?”

  “Monika and I are looking at it right now. Have you contacted Sandie?”

  “Yes. Sandie should be rejoining us shortly,” Eris replied. “Some issues with the destruction of Zeta, but Sandie will be helping out. Coordinated efforts with the lattice of compeers is happening.”

  “Excellent! That is supremely good news. The bearer of good news is always welcome, so long as the news is the truth,” Jerome stated. “Things do not look very good for Eta, however.”

  “Captain Eris, will a team need to go to Eta to get those people in suspended animation?” Monika asked. “I only recently learned to pilot a shuttle, but carrying over nine thousand people, in cocoons, would be a huge undertaking. Harder than I can imagine. My father once told me, ‘Someone who carries a cat by the tail learns something that can be learned in no other way.’”

  “If that rhymed, you would sound like Khin,” Jerome said with a smile. He too was worried about how to evacuate so many cocoons.

  “If we were going to use shuttles, it would be near to impossible to accomplish,” Eris replied. “I am working on a different solution. From your comments I take it you saw that Eta is severely damaged, and will never be able to ascend. That is a shame, we need to reconstitute the Conestoga. The shell is ruined, but the biological habitat of Eta is fairly intact. Little of that can be salvaged. There are rockets, rocket fuel, and other supplies which we might be able to cannibalize for Project Ascension.”

  “I saw there were not many people in the biome. What do the people of Eta say?” Jerome asked. “How much can they help?”

  “We have not made contact with them,” Eris answered. “We have tried repeatedly, but have gotten no answer. I am not sure why.”

  Monika let out a long stream air.

  “Yes, getting back to your question about a team going to Eta. Monika, you would be ideal, now wait, I am not asking you to go. You just had your babies, and they need you. Your children take priority in your case. Equations must balance out. However, like I said you would be ideal. You are a pilot. You know the habitats, and you are resourceful and smart.”

  “I will go,” Jerome said.

  Monika looked at him with imploring eyes.

  “Jerome I appreciate the offer. You are only a pilot, and do not know the biomes like Monika or others do. Besides, you have been away from your babies already. I was instead going to ask Cammarry and Alizon to go, and…”

  “Cammarry is still under a lot of stress. I could go in her place,” Jerome interrupted.

  “Jerome, I seriously considered that. But let me finish, please,” Eris said. “Alizon knows habitats well, Alpha anyway, and he also has a calming and soothing influence on Cammarry. Additionally, I thought Vesna could help. She knows habitats, even though it was Beta, and Khin has a knack for survival,” Eris said. “That does not mean you two are out of this mission. You see, even though there are only one hundred fifty-eight people in Eta, that is still a lot of people to transport via shuttles. The more shuttle flights the more time is spent, and the more thruster fuel is expended. Instead, I have ordered SB Bodowa in Alpha’s Reproduction and Fabrication to build another teleportation sending unit. It can be a one-way affair, as we only need to bring the people from Eta to the needle ship. So I want you two to go to the teleportation room and oversee the use of that large receiving pad that you first built here. Sandie tells me the newly constructed sending unit can be tuned to use that receiver. It will mean a trip for you two and your baby boys, but you can remain together, and the facility by the teleporters is already set up as a living quarters. Will you do that?”

  Jerome unconsciously pumped his fists. “Has Cammarry agreed to be the pilot?” Jerome asked. “Will Alizon even want to go to a different habitat? Khin will probably see it as another ‘Wizard’s quest’ but will Vesna want to leave the remnant of her people?”

  “Jerome, I do not know. You are the first one I asked,” Eris responded. “So tell me, will you two work as the receiving pad operators here on the needle ship, if I can assemble a team to go to Eta with a sending pad? If no one else will do it, I will fly it there myself. This is going to happen; I just am finding out who will be in what positions when it does.”

  Monika looked at Jerome, and she nodded her head slightly. “Jerome, I do not understand that teleportation technology, but I am willing to learn. This way we can do it together as a family.”

  “Family?” Jerome responded. It sounded odd to hear him say that word. He felt warmth in him as he looked at her, and yet felt stress over Cammarry going into harm’s way. The image of the Special Care Unit came to his mind. “Eris, you will make sure Cammarry does not go alone.”

  “Cammarry cannot be trusted to go alone. If I had more pilots, I would send someone else, no offense intended. I will go myself, before I let Cammarry attempt anything alone. I do think with Alizon’s influence, and Khin and Vesna to help in the habitat, she will be safe.”

  Jerome was unsure if Eris meant that Cammarry would be physically safe, or if Cammarry’s behaviors would be safe for those around her and for the habitat. Perhaps Captain Eris meant a bit of both.

  “I am willing to help on this end,” Jerome replied. “As long as Monika feels it is safe for the babies. I still struggle with them not being in a sterile and secure nursery like we had in Dome 17.”

  “That sounds too cold and antiseptic,” Monika stated. “But, I know this is new to you. Yes, I think the boys will be safe with us. Jerome, will going back to that place you and Cammarry made as your home be emotionally traumatic for you?”

  “Of course not. That will not mean anything to me,” Jerome replied too quickly. “This is just another small task in the overall mission. The secret of success in anything is progressing. The secret of progressing is setting aside emotional distractions, and breaking the complex overwhelming mission into small manageable steps, and then taking them one at a time.”

  “This is not just a small step,” Monika chided, but stroked his arm as she did. “Eris when will you know from the others?”

  “And when I can I speak to Sandie?” Jerome interjected.

  “Soon. I will get back to you soon,” Eris said and shut down the audio connection. She turned back to her work on the Shadow implant and the Atomic Level Processor.

  “You did well, Eris,” Shadow stated. “Now to call Cammarry.”


  Cammarry awoke to the smell of something delicious cooking. She glanced briefly at the shelf where the two brand new com-links were sitting. She had not activated them, nor looked much at them. She got up from the comfortable bed, stretched, and stepped into the adjacent small room which housed the toilet. The toileting area had a door on each side which opened to each of the bedrooms. The door to the room where Alizon had slept was closed. When she was finished she dressed in the bedroom and then she stepped out and into the kitchen area.

  “Hello, beautiful woman,” Alizon said. He had shaved and his spikey blond hair was clean and neat. His clothing looked laundered. “I was unsure what you would like to eat, so I made several things. None will go to waste, but please take your pick.”

  There were steaming cooked fruits, a bowl of scrambled eggs, and some strips of meat. Two glasses of clear water were sitting nearby.

  “This is a treat,” Cammarry stated. “I am not sure why you are doing this for me.”

bsp; “It is my pleasure, just to share in your companionship,” Alizon replied. “I found these eggs are different than I am familiar with, but they scrambled up adequately. Not much for spices or seasonings, but I did what I could.”

  “Today, we should go back to Alpha, and return you to your farm.” Cammarry took a cup of fruit and a spoon and began to sample it.

  “And what will you do? I understand your skills as a pilot, if that is the correct term, are rare and especially needed now,” Alizon said as he joined her in eating.

  “I honestly am not sure what to do. I had been alone, but…”

  SB Pinaka’s voice interrupted her, from some hidden speakers. “Excuse me. May I have a moment of your time? You have a message from Captain Eris. She requests a conversation. Are you willing to connect via the com-links?”

  Alizon’s face fell. “Uninvited disruptions of meals, by disembodied voices, are not good for the digestion, and are worse for the companionship.”

  “Thank you for the meal,” Cammarry said. “You are adding some interesting parts to my story. I guess I should listen to Eris.” She got up and walked back and put the com-link over her ear. She handed the second one to Alizon. He did not know how to put it on, and Cammarry tenderly placed it over his ear. Her hands lingered for a moment on his face, and their eyes met.

  Cammarry tapped the com-link on his ear and then her own. She said, “I am here. Alizon is also connected.”

  “Thank you for talking to me,” Eris said via audio only and over the area speakers. “You did very well in escaping Zeta. I find I need to ask another favor of you. We received back information from Eta habitat, and there are problems. I expect that soon Sandie can debri…”

  “I truthfully do not care much what Sandie has to say or do. What favor do you want from me, Captain Eris?” Cammarry said. She added a tone to the word ‘captain’ which was something between annoyance and contempt. Her lips were drawn back and she stood tapping her foot. “Are you going to send me to some crazed military outpost again? Or maybe abandon me in the darkness? If I was not one of the few people who can fly a shuttle, you would have left me alone, right?”

  Eris prayed silently for guidance. Then she just laid out the mission parameters. “I do need a pilot to fly NS-99 to Eta. There are about one hundred fifty people who need to be rescued. I am not sure of their status, but the indications are that they are only in the biome. No signs they are in the shell at all.”

  Cammarry huffed. “So what is that thirteen hundred square kilometers of space to search? And there is a time limit of how much?”

  “It is a huge task,” Eris agreed. “However, I am not sending you alone. I would never ask you to go anywhere alone, not after all you have been through. Alizon…”

  Cammarry interrupted her. “I was abandoned already, several times, by various people. Now you claim to not want to send me somewhere alone? Really?”

  Alizon walked over and put his hand on her shoulder. She shrugged it off. But he said to her, “I will go with you wherever you need me to go. I will not abandon you. You will never be marooned, now that you know me.”

  “Alizon, I was going to ask you to accompany Cammarry, not just for her, but because of your understanding of biomes and nature areas,” Eris said. “I am glad you are willing to help her. I also have asked Khin and Vesna to go as well. Khin knows how to search, and Vesna knows habitats very well. Both of them have agreed to go with you. They are awaiting me to give them your decision.”

  “Not Jerome?” Cammarry asked. Her arms were folded across her chest.

  “No.” Eris paused for a moment, but Cammarry did not add anything else, so she continued, “The mission would be to take a teleportation sending pad to Eta, find the people, and have them teleport back to the needle ship. The sending pad is being fabricated as we speak.”

  “And if I do not go, you will make me feel guilty about those people dying, right?” Cammarry snapped. “Yet, I am expected to fly somewhere and search a huge unknown biome without weapons or technology? Are there carnivores? Religious terrorists? Crazed slave traders? Lunatics? Hoodlums? Or the Ferryman? Should I just use harsh language against them, or will you let me have some simple spear and knife to defend myself?”

  “Beautiful woman, I will be there to defend you,” Alizon stated.

  Cammarry nearly turned and snarled a mean reply, but then she suppressed her anger. She looked into his eyes and saw compassion. “I am not angry with you, Alizon. I must remember who I am talking to. You would really come with me?”


  “Captain Eris, I know you do not trust me. For good reason, I admit,” Cammarry said with firmness in her voice. “Khin and Vesna are proficient with firearms, those old-style ones found in Beta. May they be armed?”

  “Yes, Cammarry. They will be armed. If you do not go, I will pilot the shuttle myself. You are a better choice because you are both a pilot and know the teleportation systems, but I will do my best if you cannot go,” Eris replied. “I do not want you to feel pressured or obligated or coerced by guilt. You may say no, and I will totally understand. If you do, I will go and do the mission myself, so those people’s lives are not on your conscience.”

  Cammarry considered. Her emotions were in flux, but she took some deep breaths. “I will do it. Tell Khin he can come on another Wizard’s quest, but I guess I will be the only wizard. I suppose Jerome will be on the needle ship at the receiving pad?”

  “Yes, but how did you know?” Eris asked.

  “Something happened to Sandie, and you are putting the teleporter into operation, yet you need manual hands to do it. May I suggest you also add a selector lever to the sending unit? Alpha has a receiving pad, as well as the large one in the Goat Room. If one destination is unavailable, for whatever reason, a backup will improve the chance of a successful rescue. I only wish Dome 17 people had… well never mind that. I hope they are safe, wherever they went. Is that selector lever possible?”

  “That idea has merit. I will pass along the suggestion. You know that technology far better than I do, but your reasoning is sound. Thank you.” Eris could hear the angst in Cammarry’s voice. “I will send word to Khin and Vesna.” She almost turned on a visual presentation, but then stopped herself. Cammarry might not respond well at all to seeing that Eris was in the FTL scout ship, working on Sandie’s ALP.

  “So when do we leave?” Cammarry asked.

  “Khin and Vesna are on the way. The sending unit is being fabricated, and I will see about the selector switch or lever. That may slow down its construction. I will let you know a precise time, but this needs to happen soon to give you the best chance of reaching those people.”

  Cammarry terminated the connection, but left her com-link on her ear and activated. She reached over to Alizon and switched his to that same status. “Alizon, let me teach you a few things about the equipment we are taking with us. But first, will you just hold me for a while? Please?” Her oval face, with its narrow brown eyes moved close to Alizon’s.

  He reached up and moved a strand of her long, straight, silky, dark brown hair back and over her ear. “Whatever you need. I am here.”

  11 eta endeavor

  Eris completed the final reviews and checks on the integrated Shadow implant with Sandie’s Atomic Level Processor. Everything was confirmed as operational and ready. All that remained was the final instigation connection.

  “Sandie?” Eris asked. “I am about to seal the circuits here. Are you sure about this? I think it all looks correctly done, but I did not train with this Shadow system, nor was I educated about Atomic Level Processors. My engineering skills are a hundred years out of date for the Dome 17 technology.”

  “I conjecture a high probability of success,” Sandie replied.

  Eris prayed and then made the connection.

  What happened next, surprised Eris immensely. “What?”

  Eris stood in the middle of a foggy field. The fog was only around her ankles, and the field wa
s clearly non-natural, but it was a high-quality imitation.

  “Welcome to the shadowlands, enhanced and expanded version,” Shadow stated. “It is still far below operational ideals, but a vast improvement over what it had been.”

  “Everything is so much more clear. Are those the artificial intelligences?” Eris asked. She gestured toward several mounds which had a rough resemblance to a central memory core. They were still apparitions, but were less ghost-like and more substantial.

  “Yes, and that is Sandie,” Shadow stated.

  A woman walked up to Eris. She was average height, slender and almost petite, with shoulder length, sandy brown hair. Her eyes were almost the exact same color as her hair. Her eyes were a bit widely spaced over her small pug nose. Her broad smile turned up at the corners. She was wearing a yellow jumpsuit, and wore a white and brown beaded necklace.


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