Wrecked: A Blue Collar Bad Boys Book

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Wrecked: A Blue Collar Bad Boys Book Page 5

by Brill Harper

  And now I’m getting hard again. Alfuckingready.

  I almost drop the plate of sandwiches when I get back to our bed. I’d expected her to be snoozing, or maybe thinking. But she is sitting up, under the sheet, and her pants are on the floor.

  Yeah, my dick is for sure getting harder now. She’s naked in my bed.

  She raises one eyebrow the way I love.

  “I can’t tell if you are hungrier for this sandwich or my dick right now.”

  “Sandwich first, dick next.”


  She nods. “Yeah.” Reaching for her food before I even sit, she tells me, “I’m an addict now.”

  “Happy to be your supplier.”

  We eat, but the tension between us is growing stronger. I fucking want that pussy. Bad. But I need to make sure she’s not just going along with things in order to not be a virgin. Or in order to please me because she thinks it’s expected of her.

  She nudges me. “You get a crinkle between your eyebrows when you’re thinking hard.”

  “Yeah. I just want to make sure you’re completely on board.”

  “Rogan, the reason I took my pants off was because they were completely soaked since I was so wet. I’m on board. One-hundred percent. I want you inside me.”

  I’m not any kind of superhero. That is fucking enough for me. I want inside her. I want to claim her. And yeah, if that makes me some kind of caveman because I want to be the first one in, I don’t care. I’ll be the last one in, too. She’s never going to need another man because I will give her whatever she wants. Whatever she needs. I’m whipped and I don’t care. Not one fucking bit.

  She pulls the blanket off her body, and I get my first look at her naked.

  “You’re perfect.” I lay on top of her, wanting to feel all of her against my skin. She’s so soft. Round. My cock is between us, insistent, but it will have to wait. It had its turn and will get another. But now it’s time I get to know her body. I move down slowly, drinking in the scent of her skin, that taste of her.

  She lets her head fall back when I nuzzle at her mound. After I place an almost chaste kiss there, I say, “I’d rather you watch me.” She lifts her head and questions me with a look. “I want you to watch me. I want you to watch me turn you inside out.”

  I lick her slowly, making eye contact with her. Using my fingers to separate her pussy lips, I use my whole mouth on her. She moans, struggling to keep her eyes on me like I asked. “You taste so good, baby.”

  My beard is scraping her inner thighs. I want to eat her out until my jaw locks up. Until we pass out. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of her. “Your pussy is so wet, Layna.” I plunge my tongue into her, and her hips arch off the bed. “Anybody ever make you come like this before?”

  “This again?” She shakes her head. “Rogan, you’re the only one who’s ever touched my pussy. You’re the only one who’s ever tasted me.”

  I reach up and grab one tit while my mouth gorges on her gorgeous cunt. Only one. Only one. Only one. Her sweet body is taut like a livewire beneath me, tense and vibrating. Her fingers pull my hair and then she pushes my head into her like I’m trying to get away. I’m probably squeezing that tit too hard, but she starts crying out my name as she comes, so I guess she’s doing okay.

  Hell, she’s more than okay judging by the amount of cream on my tongue. I haven’t even gotten my fingers in her yet. I need to. She’s tight and I’m big. I don’t want to hurt her. But I can’t wait to plunge my fucking cock into her.

  I rest my head on her stomach, giving us both a break for a second. She’s still got her fingers in my hair, and like earlier, she’s massaging gently. “I want to stay in this bed with you forever, Layna.”

  I rub my bearded chin across her tummy a couple times, making her giggle. Someday, when I rest my head there, she’ll be full and round with my baby. The thought of it sends a shock of heat through my blood. Fuck. I want to come inside her so bad. “Someday, I’m putting a baby in here.”

  Let her be shocked. I’ll never be anything but honest with her.

  “Oh, Rogan. Why is that so hot?”

  “Because I’m your man. I’m yours and you’re mine. Someday—I know not now, but someday, I’m going to knock you the fuck up.”

  She giggles again. “You’re such a caveman. Me breed Layna. Make baby.” She stops laughing. “Oh my God. That really is hot. I’m not even joking. Tell me again.”

  I sit up and bend her legs, plopping my cock on her mound and tapping it against her clit. “I’m going to fucking breed you, Layna. I’m going to come in you so hard and so often and with so much come, you’ll be leaking me out for days.”

  “Yes, yes. Oh shit, I love it when you talk dirty.”

  I slide my dick between her slippery folds, and we both hiss with pleasure. I fit the tip in enough to notch us together. “I don’t know how much longer I can last. If you have any second thoughts, now is the time, princess.”

  She reaches between us and rubs my shaft, holding me against her succulent pussy. “No second thoughts. I want you.”

  I want to go in bare, but I pull out.

  “Where are you…what are you doing?”


  Layna raises to her elbows. “I had my Depo shot last month. And…well…I didn’t realize when I was cleaning your desk you’d also have so many personal papers. I filed your medical papers, too. I’m sorry…I tried not to look, but I saw you get tested regularly.”

  I suppose I should be mad that she invaded my privacy, but I don’t care since I’m about to invade her pussy. “Depo shot?”

  “Birth control. It lasts three months.” She gets pink. I had my tongue inside her pussy not five minutes ago, but she’s blushing about birth control. “We don’t…if you don’t want to…I’m safe. You’re safe.”

  I don’t know how it’s possible, but my dick just got even harder. “Are you saying you don’t want me to put a condom on?”

  She is every fantasy I’ve ever had. Mouthy, sexy, smart, and now I get to fuck her raw? If I last two strokes, it will be a miracle.

  “I don’t want anything between us.” She eases back down and reaches for me. “I want to feel you. I want to feel it when you come inside me.”

  I’m leaning over her and my arms are shaking because it’s taking every damn ounce of strength I have not to slam into her, take that cherry, and spray her with my come. “Anything you want, princess.”

  I start with one finger. She’s wet, but she’s so tight. I add a second while I put a little pressure on the pearl of her clit. She tenses for a second, then releases a breath. I’m working her open, loosening her, but I feel her getting nervous. I relax and keep my fingers still while I move up and kiss her. She opens her mouth and I slide my tongue in, distracting her while I pull out my fingers and get my cock in position.

  My tongue in her mouth and my cock in her pussy is the best moment of my entire life. I ease in a little more and meet the resistance that makes me pause.

  “Don’t stop.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She wraps her legs around me, digging her feet into my ass. “Don’t stop.”

  I thrust hard, and my girl cries out. I hold still, let her adjust, pray she doesn’t hate me or ask me to stop. Christ, the walls of her pussy are squeezing my cock so tight. It’s heaven and hell at the same time. I need to take. To claim. But she needs me to be in control just a few minutes more. “I’m sorry, baby. Breathe, okay?”

  She takes a deep breath. “Talk dirty some more?”

  That’s my girl.

  “I’m going to fuck you full of come, Layna. And you’re going to come so hard around my cock. Your sweet little pussy is going to worship this cock.” I ease out and back in, slowly, evenly. “And after, when you’re a quivering, come-covered puddle of girl, I’m going to go into the kitchen and make you another sandwich.”

  Her eyes open and she huffs out a laugh. “Yeah, you fucking are.”

  “You ready, baby?”

  She nods, I can see the pulse in her throat hammering. “Yeah. I’m ready.”

  I pick up my pace. A little harder, a little faster. And then I look down to where we are joined, and I can’t stop the beast inside me any longer. I slam into her, a deep thrust that has my balls slapping her ass and her fingernails digging into my shoulders. I pound into her, ramming every inch of my cock into her tight channel. The way she stretches around me, taking it all, makes me even crazier with lust. Then she stiffens.

  “I’m coming. Oh, Rogan, I’m coming!”

  Her cunt starts squeezing, milking me, and I can’t stop myself from following her over the cliff. One last, brutal thrust has me holding her down and pouring into her. “Take it, baby. Take all of it.”

  I come for a long time, the aftereffects continuing as my cock keeps spurting. I am wrung out and shaking, but so is my girl, so I roll onto my back and pull her with me, my dick still buried inside her. I’m about to doze off after the best sex I’ve ever had when she taps my shoulder.

  My eyes open.

  She grins. “If you’d be so kind as to go make me a sandwich now?”

  “You’re a sassy girl. But since I promised you a sandwich…”

  “And your house.”

  “And my house.”

  “Rogan?” she asks as I’m halfway across the room.

  “Yeah, babe?”

  “After the sandwich, I want you to come in my mouth again.”



  TIRES CRUNCHING GRAVEL NEVER USED to scare me so much. But Rogan is already home. Rogan is also a recluse and nobody else ever comes here, so it’s unusual. Please don’t be bad news.

  I head downstairs from where I’d been working on installing QuickBooks onto a computer that is probably too old to take it. It was a miracle that he agreed to the software—I’m not optimistic about my chances of getting him to buy a whole new machine.

  “Stay here,” he tells me. Like I’m his pet dog. He gestures to the loft.

  “I don’t think so.”

  He growls at me. “Layna.”

  “If it’s trouble, and we both know it is going to be, you’re not handling it for me. I won’t let you.”

  Rogan curses under his breath and puts a shotgun behind the door. I didn’t even know there was a shotgun in this house. I stare at it, trying to still my heart. Shit is getting real and I don’t want him shooting anybody or getting shot for me.

  Two very large men in black suits are climbing the porch steps. Rogan opens the door and stands in the entryway, his arms crossed over his expansive chest. The dudes in suits are big, but Rogan is bigger.

  Fat lot of good that will do if they shoot him, though.

  “Mr. Rogan, right? Lance Rogan?” The one with the dark buzz cut asks. The one with the salt-and-pepper buzz cut catches me looking out the curtain.

  I’m not exactly trained in subterfuge, okay?

  “She’s here,” he tells his partner.

  “Mr. Rogan, we need to talk to Layna.”

  “Layna who?”

  “I just saw her in the window,” the other guy says.

  “That’s my girlfriend. I don’t know anyone named Layna.”

  The men give each other a long look.

  “She’s not in any danger, sir.”

  “It’d be best if both of you left my property. You asked about someone. She’s not here. Time to go.”

  One reaches into his breast pocket, so I run out. “Wait, wait, wait. No need for that. I’m Layna. I’ll come with you willingly if you promise to leave him alone. Please don’t shoot him. Please.”

  Rogan catches me with one arm around my waist and pushes me behind him just as Dark Buzz pulls out an ID badge.

  “Nobody is here to shoot anyone. Layna, we aren’t here to take you away. We just need to ask you a few questions.”


  Rogan looks at his badge, then asks for the other man’s, too. I try to read it over his shoulder, but I’d need a step-stool. “They seem authentic, baby. What do you want to do? I can send them away, or you can let them talk. Up to you.”

  I’m sure it’s been happening over the last week, but this is the moment I finish falling in love with Rogan. It seems strange that it isn’t when he’s kissing me or when we’re intimate. It’s when he gives me room to make my own decisions. He’s there for me, I know. He won’t leave my side. But he won’t smother me or expect me to do what he thinks is best.

  “What kind of questions?” I ask.

  “Well, for starters, did you know your stepfather is dead?”


  You probably think I’m too cool to faint like some southern belle in too tight a corset, but you’d be wrong.

  The world gets dark, and then the dark gets fuzzy. I remember sliding to the floor, but I don’t remember hitting it.

  I’m on the couch now. I’m awake but haven’t opened my eyes.

  “Smooth, Venich.” I hear one of them say. “I thought we agreed that you weren’t going to shock people like that anymore.”

  “Mr. Rogan,” the other says. “I apologize.

  Rogan is stroking my hair. “There are washcloths in the bathroom. A cold, wet one would be good right now.”

  I guess I should admit to being conscious. I blink slowly, and Rogan is staring at me, concern etched into every feature.

  “Hey,” I say, for lack of better sentiment.

  “Hey,” he replies.

  “Sometimes, I’m such a girl.”

  Relief loosens up those lines a little. “I usually like it very much when you’re a girl. Not fond of the fainting though.”

  “I’ll keep it in mind.”

  “Want to try sitting up?”

  I nod and he eases me up when Salty Buzz comes back and hands me a washcloth. I hold it to my forehead. Breathe a few times. “Is Alan really dead?”

  Salty Buzz steps back so Dark Buzz can take over. “Yeah, we’re pretty sure it was a mob hit. His body was found in the bay.”

  Oh, God. I hated Alan, but I didn’t want him dead. “Mob?”

  It hits me then that said mob might still be after their collateral. Me.

  It’s time to go north again.

  I try to stand, but Rogan holds me in place. “Let the blood settle, sweetheart. You’ve just had a shock.”

  “What if they come after me next? Rogan, I won’t put you in danger.” I plead with Dark Buzz, “Alan promised my…me…to one of them. I don’t know who. They might come looking for me.”

  “That was me you were promised to,” says Salty Buzz.

  Rogan leaps from the couch and almost lands a punch before Dark Buzz can grab him. “Jesus, Venich. You’re the worst at talking,” his partner says.

  “I was posing as mob,” Salt Buzz explains to me, quickly, as Rogan shrugs off Dark B. “We’ve been watching Alan for a while. Working undercover. When he offered your…you…to me, we realized we could add some charges. But then you disappeared before we could conclude the sting.”

  “Agent Venich was not the only bad guy your stepfather was dealing with, though. His gambling debts caught up with him before we could intervene.” Dark B. shoots Salty B. a look to shut him up when he inhales like he is about to speak. “The government has seized all of your stepfather’s property. I’m very sorry, Layna, as I know that must seem very unfair to you. We understand it belonged to your parents and should have gone to you, but Alan made sure everything but your trust was in his name. We had the warrant and the property when he disappeared shortly after you did.”

  “It’s all gone?”

  He nods.

  It’s not like I could ever live in that house again. Not after all that has happened, but everything Daddy worked for can’t just be gone.

  “Your trust is safe. When you turn twenty-five, you get it all. He was unable to touch it.”

  That means the next four years, I’m on my own.

’ve looked into some things on your behalf. Your tuition for fall had been prepaid, so you can still go to school.”

  I nod. There’s more. Dark Buzz keeps talking, and I pretend I’m hearing, but really, I go into some weird zone. When he starts sounding like Charlie Brown’s teacher, Rogan asks him to stop talking.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  I shrug. “Sure.”

  “Layna, is there someplace we can take you?”

  “Take me?”

  He eyes Rogan. “You’re not on the run any longer. If you’d rather go somewhere else. Somewhere safer?”


  “If you don’t want to stay here, or if Mr. Rogan isn’t interested in continuing to have a house guest…”

  “Layna owns the title to this house. She can stay as long as she likes.”

  I laugh. It sounds weird. Like a crazy person. But this is his big chance to pass me off as someone else’s problem. “Are you sure? I can go…somewhere else.”

  Rogan’s face turns white. “If you want to go, you can.”

  “What does that mean? Do you want me to want to go?”


  Salty Buzz starts pacing. “The two of you are dense.”

  “Venich.” Dark B. is holding onto the bridge of his nose. That man is going to have heart problems if he doesn’t do something about his blood pressure or get his partner under control.

  “I know I’m not supposed to talk, but they are obviously unable to manage this themselves. Look, kids, I’m convinced that Layna isn’t being held here under duress. You’re obviously boinking, so—”


  “There’s no danger. Nobody needs to hide. Nobody is getting whacked by the mob. Nobody but Alan, anyway.”


  “So tell him you want to stay. And you,” he points to Rogan, “tell her you want her to stay. I’d like to get back to the city before nightfall.”

  “I want you to stay.”

  “I want to stay,” we say at the same time.

  Salty is headed to the door already, but Dark B. leaves us some instructions for who to call to get my personal effects like clothes and how to claim something that is mine that might have been impounded.


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