Halfway Between Worlds: Bloodline of the Pure

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Halfway Between Worlds: Bloodline of the Pure Page 7

by S. B Terra

  “That’s correct” responded Bella.

  “I didn’t know that the crossing channels were back in use yet” the lady said, seemingly surprised and confused.

  “They aren’t, this one was an exception” said Bella as she slid Alice’s completed form back under the window.

  “Oh. Well, welcome to the higher, natural world of magic, my dear, I hope you’re settling in well. One moment please” said the lady as she stood up and walked into the back room with the form.

  A moment later the lady returned.

  “Okay, we just need to authorize your wand to activate your account and then you are all good to go” said the lady as she sat back down, “please, touch your wand on the cube and say your full name aloud.”

  Alice placed the tip of her wand onto the blue, sapphire cube, the cube was perfectly carved, it had round edges and was slightly glistening and reflecting in the light.

  “Alice Jane Teller” said Alice, and almost instantly a light green momentarily lit up and glowed for a few seconds in the center of the cube.

  “Great, your account is now activated. You have had a deposit pending from the Magic Council of the amount of $5,000, now that your account is active that has cleared. Would you like to withdraw any gold or silver today?”

  “Get forty dollars, that will be plenty to get you around, if you need more you can always come back” said Bella.

  “Forty dollars, please” said Alice, speaking to the lady behind the window.

  “There you are, there is a money bag for you as well, you can put as many small and medium sized coins in there and it will stay the same weight. Best of luck, Alice, if you need anything at all we are open twenty-four hours every day” said the lady as she placed eight silver coins with small, circular pieces of gold in their center and a small, black pouch under the window.

  “Thank you very much, have a good day.”

  Alice then followed Bella back over to the entrance of the building.

  “I better get going, what are you going to do?” asked Bella as they walked through the revolving window doors and onto the street outside.

  “I might just have a walk around and then go back and read some of my books.”

  “Okay. Remember, stay within Terra. I’ll see you back at the house later” said Bella, handing Alice a transportation flask.

  “Yep, see you back there.”

  Bella then walked off back towards the Magic Council.

  Alice walked up the street towards the stores and turned right at the crossroads, and as she made her way along the street, she noticed a small sign out the front of one of the smaller stores.

  ‘Tone’s books’

  Alice curiously walked over and entered the store, the inside was small, everything was made of wood and there were two levels with a small, wooden staircase leading up to the second floor. Both floors had book shelves along the walls and tables stacked with books in the middle. The store was dimly lit by lanterns and there was an elderly, grey bearded man sitting behind a small desk in the corner of the bottom floor.

  Alice wandered around and picked up one of the first books that caught her eye.

  “Divination by Kirra Blackstone”

  Alice turned the book over to read the description.

  “An Introduction to Divination: Kirra Blackstone takes the reader on a journey through the world of the ancient practice of divination. This book will give the reader a comprehensive understanding of divination, covering topics such as history, cultural practices, techniques, theories and the different plants & fungi used for divination.

  After opening the book and briefly reading some of the introduction, Alice place it back down on the table and then walked upstairs to the second floor. There was a young girl who looked to be around ten years old, and another young woman who seemed to be a few years older than Alice, who was looking through the book shelves and seemingly trying to find something.

  “Can we get this?” asked the young girl, holding up a rather large, thick, black book in front of the young woman’s face, who must have been her older sister.

  “I have that book at home, you can read it whenever you want” said the young woman.

  “But I want my own one” said the girl, pleading with her sister.

  “Okay, you can have the one at home, it’s yours now” said the young woman dismissively.

  The girl, who didn’t look satisfied with the answer, reluctantly walked over and placed the book back onto one of the tables in the middle of the room.

  “Okay, I’ve got everything, let’s go” said the young woman, smiling at Alice as they walked past her and down the stairs.

  Alice curiously walked over and picked up the book that the young girl had placed on the table.

  ‘The Six Ancient Bloodlines’

  Alice turned the book over to read the description.

  ‘Regarded as the most accurate and comprehensive historical account of all of the six ancient bloodlines, this book covers the lifespan, influence and legacy of each bloodline heir and influential family members during and surrounding their various times of rule throughout history.’

  Alice walked downstairs with the book and over to the man sitting behind the desk.

  “Hi, how much is this book?”

  “Ah, yes, one of the history favorites. That book is four dollars, my dear” replied the man, his voice was deep and croaky.

  Alice put the book down onto the desk and removed her coins from her robe, giving the man one of the five-dollar coins and putting the rest into her money bag.

  “There you go, have a good read” said the man as he handed Alice back her change.

  “Thank you.”

  Alice picked up the bag and walked back out onto the street, she wanted to explore more of the stores, but at the same time she also wanted to read some of her new books and more about her program, and after a short deliberation, she decided to make her way back to Bella’s house.

  Alice transported back to Rose Garden and made her way up the road to Bella’s house, walking up onto the porch and pressing her wand against the front door, a moment later the door swung open and she walked inside. She poured herself a glass of water in the kitchen and then made her way up to the bedroom, lying down on the bed and opening her program outline book.

  The Intuitive Path

  There are two paths that a soul can take in its evolution and development over the countless journeys and incarnations throughout its existence. The first of those paths is the analytical, material path, which is believed to be the unnatural way for the soul to develop. The analytically developed soul, throughout its incarnations, understands its reality by analyzing, calculating, and breaking down its reality into parts with the mind. The more that a soul develops analytically, the more it becomes bound to the material universe, taking itself away from its own intuition and losing its connectivity to the realm of spirit. It must be noted that if a soul develops analytically, this does not necessarily mean that the soul is not a good soul, there are highly advanced, analytically developed good souls that dwell in the material, and it is never too late for the analytical soul to start breaking down its mind during its incarnations and to change the path that it is on.

  The second path is the intuitive, spiritual path. The intuitive soul understands its reality by means of intuition, awareness, feelings and senses and sees its reality as a whole. The intuitive soul develops by direct intuitive comprehension rather than breaking down and analyzing with the mind. The more that a soul develops intuitively, the more it frees itself from materiality and becomes connected to and gravitates towards the realm of spirit, allowing it to incarnate into the higher, less material worlds governed by intuition, power and magic.

  You have been called and have crossed into the higher, natural world of magic, therefore, knowingly or unknowingly, you have chosen to undertake the Intuitive Path.

  It is your duty and obligation in this world to progress and to grow your intuitive conne
ctivity and power to the best of your ability. Throughout your karmic growth and evolution, you must strive, not only in this lifetime, but over your countless journeys and adventures throughout existence, to selflessly progress your soul towards its final goal of becoming unified with the perfect, all knowing and all understanding, universal, supreme spirit - the divine.

  Student Village

  Alice slowly woke up and as she saw that it was almost 11am, she quickly jumped out of bed and made her way into the bathroom to shower, she had stayed up late reading through her assessments and practicing magic in the room.

  After showering and getting ready, she walked downstairs into the kitchen, there were a few silver pots on the kitchen bench and Bella was sitting on one of the stools reading the Terra Times, she was wearing a long black dress and a light blue head scarf.

  “Good morning, sleepy head” said Bella, as Alice sat down on the stool next to her.

  “Good morning. I was up late last night, I need to get an alarm clock” replied Alice, slightly embarrassed that she had slept so late.

  Bella smiled.

  “Just ask your wand.”

  “My wand will wake me up?” asked Alice, slightly confused.

  “Of course, just ask it to wake you up at whatever time you want to get up, and it will” said Bella, still smiling, she was clearly finding Alice’s adaptation to the world of magic entertaining.

  “So, it’s fine to wear dresses?” asked Alice, she had gotten dressed into one of her new robes and was still slightly insecure and unsure about the dress code.

  “You can wear whatever you want, just make sure you dress modestly, your arms and legs should be covered, the same goes for men” responded Bella, “have some breakfast and let’s go check out your new apartment.”

  A wave of excitement swept through Alice, it was the first time that she would ever get to live in her own home.

  “Oats, cacao and fruits, the other one is soup” said Bella, pointing at the pots.

  “Is it the same soup as yesterday?” asked Alice as she dished herself a bowl.

  “No, different.”

  “Can you teach me how to make that soup?”

  Bella laughed.

  “I’ll give you a book on natural recipes for your new place. I’ll be back down in ten minutes and then we can go, make sure you get everything before we leave” said Bella as she stood up and walked out of the kitchen.

  Alice finished eating and washed up, and then walked upstairs to her room and started packing all her books and clothes.

  After packing all of her belongs into the small, magic bags and giving her room and bathroom a quick clean, she walked back downstairs and into the kitchen.

  “Ready?” asked Bella.


  “Alright, let’s do it.”

  Bella and Alice then made their way down to Rose Garden and transported to the Magic Council, briefly stopping to buy flasks and then transporting through to the Student Village.

  Alice stopped and looked around as they appeared in the Student Plaza, the plaza was a large, square room with beautiful, white marble floors and walls throughout. There were a few café style food places, a bakery, a large natural foods store and various other stores spread out around the square.

  “The apartment is furnished and has utensils, but I’ll show you the furniture and home appliance store in case you want to add or replace some things later” said Bella, leading Alice across the square.

  The plaza was rather empty and quiet, and after they made their way through the square, they stopped out the front of one of the larger stores, which had beds, couches and different types of furniture inside.

  “See those small boxes next to the furniture?” asked Bella, pointing to a little, brown box sitting next to one of the couches on display.


  “Those are what you buy, you take the box home, place it in whatever position you want, tap it with your wand and the furniture will spring to full size, the real size furniture in the store is just for display.”

  “Cool” replied Alice, the world of magic was starting to seem a lot more convenient to her the more she got to know about it.

  “You can have a look through all the stores later, let’s go.”

  Alice followed Bella across the Plaza and through the white marble entrance wall, appearing outside and walking down the small, wide staircase that led down onto the cobblestone street below.

  The Student Village had a relaxed vibe and slightly resembled a medieval town, the streets were narrow and there were lanterns hanging and vines growing on the walls, it looked quite old but very well maintained. There were small, nice looking apartment buildings built back above the street walls with balconies overlooking the streets below, some of the balconies had various plants growing and hammocks setup and looked very cozy.

  They walked for a few minutes up the street and then up a small hill to a slightly forested area, where the apartment buildings were more spaced out.

  “Here we are” said Bella cheerfully as they stopped in front of a three-level apartment building which was surrounded and sheltered by four large trees that resembled oaks.

  “Nice” said Alice, the building complex seemed homely and more private compared to some of the other buildings they had passed.

  “There’s one apartment per floor, you are on the top floor. These apartments are usually reserved for those in their final year of study in their respective specialties, so if anyone asks you how you got the apartment, just say that you were lucky” said Bella with a mischievous smile.

  Each apartment had a large, wrap around balcony and was partially blocked off from view by the large branches of the surrounding trees.

  “This is amazing, Bella, thank you so much, I owe you big time.”

  “You’re welcome, you don’t owe me anything.”

  Bella and Alice walked over to the entrance of the building, there was a small staircase leading up to a large, black wooden door.

  “Your name has been registered to the door by the housing department, press your wand up against it and say your full name so it registers your wand.”

  Alice pressed her wand against the door and repeated her name aloud, the door glowed green for a few seconds and then swung open.

  “All good” said Bella as she walked inside.

  The room inside was rather small and had a few pot plants scattered around and a wooden staircase leading up to the apartment floors.

  Bella and Alice made their way up the staircase to the third floor, there was a small entrance corridor leading down to a large, wooden door at the end of the floor.

  “Do the same thing as the door down stairs” said Bella.

  Alice raised her wand and pressed it against the door, but then lowered it again and looked at Bella.

  “What happens if someone who’s not authorized tries to get in?” she asked.

  Bella raised and pressed her wand against the door, and as it made contact, the wood around the tip of her wand glowed red and slightly repulsed Bella’s wand back a few inches.

  “No one can get in if they’re not authorized” said Bella, smiling.

  Alice raised her wand again and pressed it against the door.

  “Alice Jane Teller.”

  The door momentarily glowed green and then flung open.

  “What do you think?” asked Bella as they walked inside.

  “This is amazing” replied Alice, a huge smile had taken over face.

  The apartment was spacious, there was a rather large, nice kitchen on the left-hand side of the room that was a few steps higher and overlooking the living room. The living room had two comfortable looking black couches, a small, wooden clock hanging on the wall and large, sliding window doors that opened onto the balcony outside.

  Alice walked into the bedroom, there were window doors on the opposite side of the room that opened to another small, private balcony overlooking the grounds and one of the trees behind the
building. There were windows along the right-hand side of the room with sliding, fold down, wooden blinds that overlooked the living room balcony and one of the other trees outside. There was an office desk that was next to the windows, a large, king sized bed and a walk-in wardrobe that led into the bathroom.

  “Thank you so much, Bella, this is unbelievable” said Alice as she walked back out of the bedroom, she couldn’t believe how lucky she was.

  “No problem, I remember how excited I was when I got my first place.”

  Bella walked over and opened the window doors in the living room and then walked out onto the balcony.

  “I used to practice and meditate out here all the time” said Bella as Alice joined her out on the balcony.

  “This is great” said Alice, looking around and checking out the view.

  “Make sure you read that book on meditation that you received. Meditation is very important for your power, it will help you stay selfless and unattached, it will improve your imagination and will allow you to see clearly at all times, preventing the analytical mind from creeping in.”

  “I will, I started reading Introduction to Magic last night after reading through my assessments.”

  “Good. As I said, we are going to do at least three sessions per week working on your magic, we’ll start our first session tomorrow afternoon at 5pm, what do you say?”

  “Sounds great.”

  “Perfect. I’ll bring you over some things when I come, if I ever must reschedule, I’ll let you know in advance” said Bella as she walked back inside, “well, I think you’re pretty much all good to go” she said, smiling at Alice.

  “I think so” replied Alice, smiling back at Bella.

  “I’ll leave this with you, if you need me you know where to find me” said Bella, handing Alice todays Terra Times and opening the front door.


  “Enjoy, I’ll see you soon.”


  Alice shut the front door and walked back into the bedroom, falling back onto the bed and staring out the window, and as she stared out at the tree, she realized that this was the happiest that she could ever remember feeling.


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