by Sid Luft
Garland and Bernstein (TV show), 321
Gay Purr-ee (animated film), 401
Genevieve (international playgirl), 191, 237
Gershe, Lenny, 285–286
Gershwin, Ira, 217, 259, 285
Gershwin, Lee, 217, 308
Get Away (sailboat), 51
Giesler, Jerry, 234, 357–358
Gilmore, Bill, 250
Gilmore, Ethel Gumm. See Gumm Gilmore, Ethel Milne
Goetz, Edie, 306
Goetz, William, 306
Golden Boy (film), 101
Goldwyn, Sam, 287
golfing accident, 385
Goodwin, Bill, 131–132
Gordean, Jack, 276
Grable, Betty, 144
Grady, Billy, 94
Graham, Sheilah, 280
Grand Rapids, Minnesota, 244, 245
Grant, Cary, 262–264
Great Lakes Exposition, 84, 85
Greek Theatre performances, 339–340
Green, Johnny, 266
Green, Tom, 442
Guinness, Gloria, 387
Gumm, Dorothy Virginia “Jimmie” (JG’s sister), 218, 229, 245, 434
Gumm, Frances Ethel. See Garland, Judy
Gumm, Francis “Frank” (JG’s father)
as a father, 245–246, 249, 250, 252
homosexuality, 227
marriage, 227, 244, 250–251
as a performer, 244–245, 361–362
Gumm, Mary Jane “Susie” (JG’s sister), 218, 229, 245, 434
Gumm Gilmore, Ethel Milne (JG’s mother)
background, 243–244
death, 257, 434
lifestyle, 237
marriages, 227, 250–251, 252, 361–362
relationship with JG, 17, 18, 230–232, 243, 249, 251
as a stage mother, 173, 231, 249, 361
Gumm Sisters, 161, 245, 251, 361–362
Gundy, Margaret, 275–276, 277, 301
Haizlip, Jimmy, 127
Halaby, Jeeb, 130–131
Harburg, E. Y. “Yip,” 259
Hart, Moss, 265, 281, 284, 402
Haver, Ron, 299–300
Heasley, Bob, 90, 93
Heasley, Jack, 90, 93
Hecht, Ben, 316
Henie, Sonja, 91
Herron, Mark, 433, 434, 435–436
Hill, Marianna, 442–443
Hillcrest Country Club, 142–143
Hitler, Adolf, 73, 93
Hoch, Winton, 281
Hogan, Ben, 260
Hollywood, California, 165
Hopper, Hedda, 150, 220
Hornblow, Arthur, Jr., 266
Horne, Lena, 429
horse racing
Chickenman story, 166–170
JG’s interest in, 24
Kentucky Derby, 268–269
Ozberg races, 319–320
Rainbow Farms, 229, 291, 348, 379
research for film, 146, 166
Sienna II, 290–291
Walfarms, 174–175, 347–348
Howard, Bob, 79
Hudson Terraplane Eight, 62
Hun School, 65
Hunt, Nelson Bunker, 348
Hutton, Barbara, 75
Hutton, Betty, 20, 130
Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, 400
Hyer, Martha, 314
Hyland, Dick, 148–149, 153
I Could Go On Singing (film), 404
Isaac, Godfrey, 436
Jack Paar Program, The, 418
Jacobs, Arthur, 390
Jenkins, Gordon, 346, 347
Jordan, Bobby, 150
Judgment at Nuremberg (film), 396, 401
Judy at Carnegie Hall (album), 399
“Judy Garland at Home at the Palace” show, 442
Judy Garland Day, 245, 248, 267
Judy Garland Show, The (TV show), 413, 415, 416, 429–430, 437
Kane, Walter, 132
Kanin, Fay, 300
Kaye, Danny, 171, 174, 179, 184, 191
Kelly, Grace, 302
Kennedy, John F., 296, 313, 391, 397
Kennedy, Patricia, 296, 311–312
Kennedy family, 312
Kentucky Derby, 267–269
Kern, Jerome, 332
Khan, Aly, 296–297, 319, 347, 358
kidnap threat, 22
Kilgallen, Dorothy, 220
Kilroy Was Here (film), 148–149, 151–153
King, Alan, 328–329, 344–345, 347, 367
Kingsrow Enterprises, 396, 399, 417, 419
Klugman, Jack, 408
“Koncert for Kennedy,” 388
Korsik, Miro, 305
Koverman, Ida, 249, 282
Kramer, Stanley, 404
Ladies’ Home Journal, 409
Lamarr, Hedy, 274
Lang, June, 121–122
Lanza, Mario, 345
Las Vegas, Nevada, 322–323, 351
Lassiter, Dick, 384–385
Lastfogel, Abe, 171–172, 173–174, 193, 196, 205, 209
Lavezzo, Danny, 208
Law, Ted, 6, 140, 154, 166, 380
Lawford, Pat Kennedy, 296, 311–312
Lawford, Peter, 145, 225, 296, 311–312, 314, 386, 397
Lazar, Swifty, 280, 314
Lear, Bill, 385–386
Leavitt, Sam, 281, 300
Lebon, Phil, 387
Lederer, Charlie, 280, 316–317
Lee, Jack. See Gumm, Francis “Frank”
Lee, Peggy, 429
Lee, Tommy, 103–104
Lee, Virginia. See Gumm Gilmore, Ethel Milne
leeches, 90
Leigh, Vivien, 184
Leo, Johnny, 39–41, 47, 48, 49
Leo family, 39–40
Lerner, Red, 56
LeRoy Sanitarium, 211
Levant, Oscar, 174
Lewis, Jerry, 315, 324
Life magazine, 401–402
Lindbergh, Charles, 49, 103, 104
Linsk, Lester, 95
Little Nellie Kelly (film), 5
London Palladium, 171–172, 174, 178–181, 345, 387
Los Angeles Philharmonic Auditorium, 230, 232, 234–235
Louis, Jean, 281
“Love Letter to a National Asset” (Rose), 4
Lüchow’s, 208
Luft, Johnny (son), 147, 219, 234, 347, 349–350
Luft, Joseph Wiley “Joey” (son), 301, 346–347
Luft, Leonora (mother), 34–35, 51, 58, 69, 76–77, 103
Luft, Lorna (daughter), 247, 346–347, 443–444
Luft, Norbert (father)
appearance, 36
background, 33–34, 37–38, 103
death, 297–298
marriage, 76–77
parenting skills, 47, 51, 58–59
Luft, Peri (sister), 51–52, 68–71, 72–73, 78, 323
Luft, Sid
appearance, 52
arrests, 85–86, 153
car accident, 200–201
childhood, 33–42, 46–49, 51, 54
college years, 65–66, 78
dancing skills, 67, 68
drinking habits, 201, 279, 356, 381–382
father’s death, 297–298
fights, 49–50, 60–61, 89–90, 113–114, 118–119, 141–142, 147, 150, 201
financial problems, 349, 370–371, 380, 390, 392, 400, 425, 427–428
in France, 288–290, 292–293
gambling habits, 143, 168–169, 291, 325, 416
love of engines, 44–45
management of JG’s drug use, 271, 273, 275–276, 354, 382, 410
personality, 16, 150, 284
sense of style, 53
sports interests, 48–49, 56–57, 63–64
teen years, 56–59, 60–66, 68–71, 72–73, 74–76
weight control, 381, 383
Luft, Sid, career
A-20 accident, 135–139, 141
at ATC, 121–124
n interests, 62–63, 97, 101–102, 133
Custom Motors, 97–100, 103
Douglas Aircraft, 124–125, 126–130
flying adventures, 105–108, 115–116
as JG’s manager, 188–189, 336, 341, 346, 426, 449
Kingsrow offers, 399–400, 425–426
Palace Theatre deal, 195–196
pilot’s license, 103–104, 109–110, 125
as a producer, 145–146, 148, 149, 165, 196, 207, 209, 239, 242, 300
Royal Canadian Air Force, 109–110, 112–117
screen test, 131
Luft, Sid, relationships
custody of children, 201, 219, 234, 407–408, 423, 434–435
divorce from JG, 401, 405, 410–411, 414, 435
early impressions of JG, 5, 8–10, 15–16, 24–25, 27–28, 29
enabler role, 276, 356
Genevieve fling, 191
JG’s pregnancy, 198–199
marriage to JG, 235–236
relationship with Bari, 15, 131–133, 142, 146, 147–148, 149, 151, 175
relationship with JG, 157–159, 161–167, 197–198, 219, 327, 356–358, 374, 379, 396, 407, 413–414, 420, 442, 444, 448–449
relationship with Powell, 66–67, 91–93, 94, 103
relationship with Simpson, 103, 104, 108, 110–112, 113, 119, 120–121
social life, 207–208, 235, 238, 260–261, 278, 280, 309, 319
Lunken, Charlotte, 61–62, 66
Lurie, Louis, 235
Luro, Horatio, 166
“Lynn Bari to Speed Wedding with Flier” (Parsons), 142
MacArthur, Douglas, 206
Madame Leonora’s (boutique), 35, 69, 76
Maksik, Ben, 344, 358, 359
Maksik Town and Country, 344, 351, 359
Man o’ War (film)
financing of, 6, 154, 242
JG’s interest in, 23–24, 159
research for, 145–146, 166
Saratoga shoot, 159
script, 3, 174, 228
Warner deal for, 228, 239, 242, 255
Man o’ War (horse), 3, 6
Mann, Fred, 64
Mapleton Drive, 258, 272–273, 274, 357, 400
Maree, Morgan, 341
Margaret, Princess, 184, 191
marijuana, 312
Martin, Dean, 280, 309, 315, 410
Martin, Hugh, 22, 204, 205
Martin, Tony, 328
Marx, Groucho, 302
Marx, Gummo, 143
Marx, Zeppo, 132–133, 142–143
Mason, James, 276–277, 448
Masquers club, 364
Maxwell, Elsa, 287, 290
Mayer, Louis B., 21, 95, 249–250, 282–283
Mayer, Margaret, 282
MCA train tour, 315
McCann, Father, 48
McCreary, Conn, 319
McGyver, Beans, 37–39
McLean, Evalyn, 6
McLean, Jock, 6, 332–333
McLean, Neddie, 6
Mdivani, Alexis, 98–99
Melbourne shows, 433
Melchior, Lauritz, 221
Mercer, Johnny, 12
Merman, Ethel, 206, 208, 429
Messerschmitt jet engines, 128–129
Meth, Max, 217
Metropolitan Opera House, 366–368
Meyer, John, 445
child stars, 173, 215, 228
dismissal of JG, 20
and drug use, 19–20, 215, 228, 276
early Garland projects at, 27
and JG’s medical expenses, 21
reputation of, 93, 94–95
scandals, 93
Miami Biltmore, 79–80
Miller, Alan, 143
Miller, Don, 49–50
Milne, Ethel. See Gumm Gilmore, Ethel Milne
Minnelli, Liza
career, 347, 429
in France, 373, 384
living with father, 198
marriage, 439
relationship with mother, 190, 226, 234, 259, 350–351, 406
Minnelli, Vincente, 15, 159, 164, 198, 223
Mitchell, Jim, 116–117
Mitchell, Peggy, 104–105, 108
Mitchum, Robert, 215
Monocoupe airplane, 103, 107–108
Monogram Pictures, 149, 151
Monroe, Marilyn, 308, 309, 361, 408–409
Moore, Pug, 265, 269
Morse, Ella Mae, 143
Moss, Bob, 151–152, 154
Moxness, Jake, 128–129, 137
Munchkins, 185
My First Hundred Years in Hollywood (Warner), 287
Narcotics Anonymous, 284, 307–308
New Frontier shows, 325
New York Journal-American, 368
New York Times, 368
Niven, David, 280, 314
Niven, Hjordis, 280, 314
Nyberg, Mary Ann, 281
O’Connor, Jim, 366–368
Odessa, USSR, 70–71
Odessa, Texas, 151–152
Olivier, Laurence, 184
Olympia shows, 387
Olympic Games, 82–84
Orchestra Hall (Chicago), 363
Ornstein, Bud, 101
Ornstein, Doug, 101, 110, 358
Otash, Fred, 357
“Over the Rainbow” (song), 179, 205, 259, 340, 346, 397, 446
Oxnard pilot program, 119–120
Ozbeg (horse), 319–320
P. J. Clarke’s, 208, 399
Painted Wagon, The (play), 282, 283
Palace Theatre
performances by JG, 203–207, 325, 328, 330, 442
renovation of, 195–196, 202
Paley, Babe, 296
Palm Beach vacation, 223–224
Pantages Theatre, 296
Paramount theater chain, 299
Paris, France, 190
Parsons, Louella, 142, 150, 220
payroll holdup, 33
Peters, Jean, 308
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 342–343
Piaf, Edith, 28
Picton, Ontario, 115, 118
Pidgeon, Walter, 93
pilots, 114, 116, 127–128, 129
Pinza, Ezio, 236–237
Pobirs, Fred
frustration with JG, 356
house calls by, 273–274, 325, 336–337, 354
and JG’s shock treatments, 20, 273
monitoring JG during shooting, 275–276, 277–278
Ritalin prescription, 361
treatment recommendations, 310, 337
poker games, 324
Politiken (newspaper), 446
Ponedel, Dottie, 14, 164, 172–173, 197
Powell, Eleanor, 5, 66–67, 91–94, 97, 103, 316
Queen of All (horse), 371
Rabwin, Harry, 249
Rabwin, Marcus, 227, 249, 253
racism, 63
Rainbow Farms, 229, 291, 348, 379
Rappaport, Israel, 45–46, 211, 369
Rat Pack, 280
Reagan, Ronald, 340
Rebling, J. B., 63
Rex (boat), 96
Reynolds, Lee, 411
Rickles, Nathan, 349
Riddle, Nelson, 363
Riddle, Sam, 3, 239
Ritalin, 361, 363, 366, 408
River Club, 183–184
RKO Palace. See Palace Theatre
Robbins, Jack, 249
Roberts, Frieda, 74–75
Rockingham Avenue house, 416–417, 439, 440–441
Rodriguez, Abelardo “Rod,” 143–144
Roman II (horse), 343–344
Romanoff, Gloria, 280, 314
Romanoff, “Prince” Mike, 275, 280, 314
Romanoff’s, 305
Romanones, Aline de, 26
Rooney, Mickey, 22–23, 91, 215, 228
Roosevelt High, 63
Rosalie (film), 96–97
Rose, Billy, 4
; Rose, David, 163
Roselli, Johnny, 122
Royal Canadian Air Force, 109–110, 112–117
Royal Variety Gala, 391
Royal Wedding (film), 8, 17
Rubin, Harry, 352–353
Sacco, Frank, 438
Sadler, Marion, 424–425
Salmon, Udall, 211–212
San Juan, Olga, 194–195
Sands Hotel, 314, 363
Schenk, Joe, 95
Schenk, Nicholas, 21, 95
Schrang, Fred, 366
Schreiber, Lou, 146
Schwartz, Sol, 195, 205, 325
Scotland, 188–189
Selznick, David O., 201
Seven City Tour, 309–310
Sharaff, Irene, 295
Sherwood, Judaline, 218, 434
shock treatments, 20, 273
shoe symbolism, 229
Shoemaker, Willie, 291
Sid Field Benefit, 191–192
Sidney, Sylvia, 7, 18, 19
Siegel, Lee, 96, 240, 364–365
Sienna II (horse), 290–291, 343
Simpson, Gussie, 111–112
Simpson, Lou, 111–112
Simpson, Marylou
background, 5, 103
and Luft’s accidents, 108, 138
Luft’s divorce from, 120–121
marriage to Luft, 5, 15, 110–112, 113
personality, 105
return to LA, 119
Simpson, Wallis. See Windsor, Duchess of
Sinatra, Frank
career, 222–223, 255, 261–262
friendship with JG, 164, 223, 301, 309
during JG’s hospitalization, 21
and Rat Pack, 280
and Sands Hotel, 314, 363
and A Star Is Born, 223, 246, 261–262
in Till the Clouds Roll By, 332
Skouras, Spyros, 210
Snow Covered Wagons (film project), 228
“Somewhere Over the Rainbow” (song), 179, 205, 259, 340, 346, 397, 446
Soule, Henri, 28
Spake, Colonel, 123–124
Star Is Born, A (film)
award nominations, 297, 301–302, 401
casting of, 223, 246, 261, 262, 264
financial failure, 300
JG’s interest in, 186, 202
length issues, 298–299, 302
Luft’s credit for, 300
negotiations for, 201, 209–210, 222, 239, 241–242
premiere of, 295–296, 297
restoration of, 299–300
shooting of, 281–286, 295
storyline, 201
writers, 259, 265
Starr, Jimmy, 150–151
Stein, Jules, 390
Steinberg, Oscar, 416, 417, 419, 423
Steinman, Freddy, 36, 54–56
Steinman family, 34, 35
Stevens, Mark, 131
Stoklos, Rudy, 372