Bite Me (The Transfigured Ones Book 2)

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Bite Me (The Transfigured Ones Book 2) Page 3

by Michelle Roth

  After she finished chewing, she took a small sip of the drink and then reflected. A moment later she said, “That's spot on. What do you think?”

  He tried to refocus his attention on the food. Taking the glass from her, Magnus sipped. Then he cut off a small piece of the foie and figs and popped them into his mouth. As the flavors blended on his tongue he nodded his approval. “I do damn fine work.”

  “There's that humbleness I mentioned again,” she commented, her lips twitching at him.

  In response he merely grinned and moved the stuffed olive dish toward her. “This one is for the lemongrass and pink peppercorn martini,” he explained. “I'll probably increase the portion size a bit, but I figured it was going to be just us. Plus I need to do up another batch of the cured olives.”

  “Oh wow,” Caroline exclaimed. “You did these yourself?”

  “I did. I also made the fresh farmer's cheese for the next drink.”

  She tilted her head thoughtfully and then said, “Please don't get a big head about this, but you're kind of impressive.”

  “Finally you're displaying an appropriate level of appreciation for my talents,” he remarked smugly.

  “You know what's particularly impressive?” she asked, spearing another olive from the dish. “The fact you can fit your ego through the doorway. Do you have to leave through the front or can you squeeze it through the service entrance?”

  “There's that adorably smart mouth of yours again,” he sighed. “At least I've got your biting sarcasm to keep me humble, love.”

  She took a sip of the drink and admitted, “Spot on again.”

  They continued through the rest of the dishes, the banter continuing back and forth between them. Magnus couldn't remember the last time he had enjoyed himself so thoroughly. Caroline was becoming more appealing every moment he spent with her.

  By the time they had loaded the dishes into the dishwasher, it was a little bit after three in the morning. He asked her, “Do you have an early morning?”

  “Not especially,” she said. “Why do you ask?”

  “I want to show you something. Would you like to see my favorite part of the casino?”

  “Is this just a clever ploy to get me up to your place? Are you going to show me your etchings?”

  Even through her humor, he could tell that she was a little bit concerned. He leaned toward her, propping his elbow on the counter. Giving her an over the top grin to signal that he was still kidding, he asked, “Why? Would you like to see them, love?”

  “Probably at some point, if I'm being altogether honest. Not tonight, though,” she admitted.

  He tilted her chin up so their eyes met and explained, “It wasn't a ploy to get you into bed. It's my hope that you'll come willingly when the time is right.”

  After studying him for a moment, she gave a small nod and then asked, “So, where are we headed?”

  “Be patient. You'll see,” he admonished.

  Ten minutes later they stepped off of the elevator and walked out to the rooftop patio. He noticed that her entire demeanor was more relaxed now.

  As soon as they stepped away from the relatively blocked off exit, a brisk wind immediately blew across them. “Jesus. Are you trying to give me pneumonia?”

  “In about thirty seconds you'll be perfectly warm. Just trust me,” he said, both shielding her from the wind and leading her to the small partially enclosed area off to the side.

  As soon as they stepped down into the pit area, the wind dissipated and she remarked, “Wow. This is nice.”

  He moved to the switches and turned on the gas fireplace. When he turned around, she was already sprawled on one of the large papasan chairs. When he chuckled and said, “Gee. Get comfortable,” she scooted to the side and offered him the space next to her.

  He kicked off his work shoes and then sat down. He smiled when she snuggled up to his side and said, “This is really nice. I can see why you like it up here. It's the opposite of every other part of the casino.”

  He wrapped an arm around her and agreed, “Yeah. I like to come up here after long shifts. It's closed off to the regular casino guests. This is for the corporate housing and short term lease people so it's mostly deserted.”

  “I really need to negotiate this into my next contract. Even if I can't score a place to live, use of the upstairs oasis would be nice.”

  “Go for the spa, too,” he advised. “Free deep tissue massages.”

  “You bragging bastard,” she grumbled, as she nuzzled into his side. “I hate you.”

  He grinned and pulled her closer still. “I can tell.”

  “Good,” she said, brushing her lips along his jaw line. “You're the absolute worst.”

  Magnus turned his face, so that his lips brushed against hers then whispered, “I know, love,” against her lips.

  When Caroline melted against him, he reached up to nip the clip from her hair. As the hair cascaded down her back, he pressed soft, gentle kisses to the side of her neck and combed his fingers through it.

  “You smell like orange blossoms,” he murmured just before he moved his mouth back to hers. He'd made it a point to be gentle thus far, but her scent and the soft little sounds of pleasure that she continually made were driving him wild.

  No longer able to resist, he slanted his mouth down over hers and just... took. At her surprised moan, his tongue swept into her mouth. He pressed her back against the chair and then groaned when her hands reached up to pull him even closer.

  He plucked her hands from where they gripped handfuls of his cotton tee, and pinned them above her head. When she responded with a low whimper and then arched her body so she was pressed against his chest, he nipped at her lower lip.

  Magnus moved to pin both wrists with one of his hands, then let the other explore her body. His fingers traced gently down her arm and along her waist while his tongue continued to swirl rhythmically against hers. Magnus couldn't remember the last time he'd been so aroused by a simple kiss.

  Eventually, though it pained him to do so, he gentled the kiss and released her hands from where he'd held them captive. He had promised her there would be no pressure tonight. He made it a point to never, ever break a promise. When they finally separated, they were both panting. He slumped back against the back of the chair, desperately trying to get his pounding heart under control.

  “I can see why you like it up here,” Caroline teased breathlessly as she slouched against his side.

  “I must admit. I'm usually up here alone. It's never been quite like this,” he responded, still a little shell-shocked. “I might need a minute to recover from that.”

  She gave a small sigh of contentment, curled back into his side and then said, “Tell me all there is to know about Magnus Corbett.”

  He looked down at where she lay against him, smiled and then asked, “Everything?”

  “You can give me the highlight reel if you'd like,” she said, her voice soft and almost sleepy.

  Chuckling, he played gently with her hair and said, “Good of you.”

  He found himself talking of his family. Both of his parents had long since passed and he had a sister living somewhere in England, he supposed. No one else in his family had been Transfigured, so when the change had happened, he'd pretty much been on his own. It was funny how genetics worked.

  A doctor had explained to him about recessive genes but the end result had been that he'd essentially lost his family when he'd been about thirty. Not that they'd been very keen on him before that. They had slowly but surely backed their way entirely out of his life when he began to crave human blood. Perhaps they'd been frightened that they'd become a late night snack. It was hard to tell what motivated people. It was still a bit of a sore spot, but what could he do?

  He even glossed over some of his previous relationships. Not that there'd been much for him to speak of. He wasn't celibate by any stretch of the imagination, but the allure of random hookups had long since worn off for him and he w
asn't an easy man to get along with.

  She occasionally squeezed his leg in a gesture of comfort or asked a question. For the most though, she listened.

  “And that's seventy years, ever so slightly abridged,” he concluded. “Now tell me everything, Caroline. Since we're only dealing with twenty years or so, feel free to be detailed.”

  “Thirty two,” she responded, rolling her eyes. “That's sweet of you, though.”

  “I was thinking twenty six but decided to err on the side of caution,” he admitted.

  “Smart man.”

  He grinned, then ordered, “Now start talking. And don't leave out any of the naughty bits.”

  In between kisses she gave him an abbreviated history. He found out that she was an only child and daughter to a city council member in Orillia, a small town to the north of them. She talked a bit about the loneliness of growing up alone. Her mother was involved in charity work most of the time, and her father in local politics. That had been what prompted the pink hair and the tattoos. The moment she'd gotten out from underneath their thumb, she'd gone a bit wild.

  He was also discovered that even with the wildness, she had gotten a degree in business management. After a few months of working in an insurance office, she'd been miserable. She'd missed the people and the constant buzz of excitement. Much to her parents’ displeasure, she'd gone back to bartending.

  He really couldn't blame her either. The thought of settling into an office job made him shudder. Magnus knew he would miss the fast-paced tension of the kitchen. As much as people complained when it was busy, he knew that was when he was in his element. He assumed that bartending would be much the same.

  It sounded like the relationship she had with her parents was contentious. She tried to make light of it, but he could see that she wasn't happy with the strain. Not that he could blame her. He didn't think anyone truly wanted to be a disappointment to their parents.

  It was almost five in the morning when he finally walked Caroline down to her car. He could already feel the sun coming up. His skin was tight and itchy. Though he wanted her to stay, he gave her one final kiss goodnight and then watched her drive out of the parking lot again. He looked forward to the day that she didn't.

  Chapter Four

  “Caroline,” Magnus asked, his voice startling her enough that she gave a slight jump in her desk chair. “Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you, love.”

  She looked up from her monitor, her hand over her heart, to see him leaning against the doorframe of her office. Christ. He was heartrendingly gorgeous. She let her eyes drift over his lean form in appreciation for a moment before she said, “I was in the zone. No worries. Was there something that you needed?”

  He grinned at her. He clearly knew exactly what was going through her mind. He crooked a finger, calling her out from behind the desk. “There are a great many things that I need right now, Caroline. None of those things are appropriate to discuss in the work place, though.”

  A grin of her own, she stood and slipped out from behind her desk. Closing the space between them, she urged, “Don't let that stop you.”

  In the two days since they'd spent the early morning on the roof, they'd essentially been passing ships. Friday and Saturday night had both been brutal for them. Both the bar and restaurant had been slammed non-stop. Other than a brief, stolen kiss in the supply room the other evening, there hadn't been any contact. She hoped that was going to change soon.

  When she was close enough that he had to look down at her, she asked him, “So, what can I do for you, Magnus?”

  He tilted her chin up and lowered his mouth toward hers. When his lips almost grazed hers, he said, “This.”

  She felt the first gentle brush of his lips against hers and then she swayed into him. Her heart pounded in her chest as he placed light, gentle nips against her lips. Caroline brought her hands up, running them along the firm planes of his chest and then locked them behind his neck.

  He made a low noise of approval and sucked her lower lip into his mouth, gently running his tongue along it. She leaned into him and gave in to the leisurely kiss. Magnus made no attempt to deepen it. He seemed utterly content to nibble at her lips.

  The kiss went on for some time, slow and careful, like he was trying to memorize the taste of her. When she eventually sighed against his lips, he took advantage, sweeping his tongue boldly into her mouth. While their lips melded and their tongues explored, his arms wrapped around her, pulling her body flush against his.

  Magnus made another low moan of approval as his hands swept over her curves. It was silly, but the longer that the kiss drew out, the more it felt like he was making love to her mouth. By the time his mouth gentled on hers, she was dizzy with desire. Need coursed through her, and if the bulge pressed against her stomach was any indication, then she was certain that it coursed through him as well.

  “Well,” Lilly's voice dryly interrupted the moment. “I guess I don't need to ask if you two are getting along okay.”

  Caroline made the attempt to step back, but Magnus simply broke off the kiss. He didn't release her. “I don't suppose you do,” he answered for them both, his eyes never leaving Caroline's face.

  Lilly smirked at them and said, “That's one way to settle your differences. But seriously, let's keep it PG in the halls, okay? Come see me when you get a moment, Caroline.”

  “Sure thing,” she agreed, her face flaming. Without another word, Lilly waddled down the hallway.

  “Christ,” Caroline muttered, leaning against him. “So embarrassing.”

  “Embarrassed to be seen with me, then, love?”

  “Your tongue was in my mouth. That was a bit more than being seen with you,” she corrected. “But no. I just feel bad because it was a little inappropriate for work.”

  “Mm,” he said, leaning in to press his mouth against her neck. “That brings me to my next question. I know you're off tomorrow night. Are you busy?”

  Caroline tilted her head and asked, “How did you know I had off work?”

  “I have my ways. I thought maybe we could finish the menu and be inappropriate at my place.”

  “Your place?” she asked.

  “Unless you'd rather me come to your place?”

  She studied him for a moment and then confessed, “I have an electric stove.”

  He gave a quick grimace. “That won't do, love,” he said, leaning back in to brush his lips against her jaw line.

  “I thought as much. I'll come to your place. Besides, it'll give you a chance to show me your etchings,” she teased.

  She felt his grip on her tighten for just a split second before he murmured, “It's a good thing I'm feeding you first then, because it's an extensive collection. Might take all night. You'll need your strength.”

  Caroline made an involuntary noise that was almost a whimper and then pulled away from his roaming lips. “Much as I'd like to continue this, I need to go talk to Lilly.”

  He groaned in displeasure and then said, “I should probably go make sure they haven't burnt my bloody kitchen down anyway. Stop by tonight before you go so we can exchange information?”

  When she nodded her agreement, he placed another quick, hard kiss on her lips and then left. She watched him walk away, her head still spinning.

  The moment his mouth touched hers it was like she had ingested truth serum. She'd all but just told him she was a sure thing. Way to keep it classy, Caroline, she thought in disgust.

  The other night on the roof, she had essentially done the same thing. He'd asked her about herself. Suddenly an hour had disappeared while she talked about how she was a disappointment to her parents. She shook her head in frustration, then headed down the hallway to Lilly's office.

  Caroline approached Lilly's door, then took a calming breath. Tentatively, she tapped against the doorframe. When Lilly looked up, she had a smug grin on her face. “Magnus? Really? After your first meeting in the kitchen, I can't say I expected to see his tongue down your thro

  Flushing, Caroline asked, “You wanted to see me?”

  “Oh, yeah. That. Right. I was actually checking in to make sure you guys were making progress on the pairing menu. I know he can be a bit temperamental, so I figured I'd ask you instead.”

  “The dishes he came up with the other night were perfect. We're going to get together and finish the rest tomorrow,” Caroline explained.

  Lilly nodded and said, “I've been thinking about it. I think I'd like to make a big splash with the tasting menu. Maybe do an invitation only evening. Invite the media, bloggers. People like that. I think we're doing something really special here. Now that we've had a modicum of success, I'd like the world to know what new, exciting things we're doing. And the valuable people I've got working here that are doing it, too.”

  “Oh,” Caroline stammered. “Um... If that's what you want to do. I don't have to plan this, do I?”

  “God, no. I don't have the foggiest idea how to plan it either. I'll talk to Talan. See if he'll lend me some of the event planners from the hotel.”

  Caroline snorted. “I feel like you could talk him into just about anything in your current state. He's all but swaddled you in bubble wrap.”

  “Don't think that I'm not using that to my advantage, Caroline,” she admitted, her smug grin returning.

  If she didn't know how blissfully with each other those two were, she'd actually feel a little bit sorry for Talan. Lilly was like a pit bull. When she locked onto an idea, she typically made it happen. Even if he did object, he didn't stand a chance.

  “You guys are absolutely adorable,” Caroline admitted, a soft smile. “It makes me a little nauseated, if I'm being honest.”

  “I think he broke me. In the best way possible, though. I'm a no nonsense, levelheaded businesswoman until he walks into the room. Suddenly I'm a puddle of mush.”

  “You broke him in the exact same way. The one time I met him before, he was very stiff and formal. Now he's like a slightly menacing teddy bear,” Caroline said with a snicker. Then she sobered for a moment to add, “Please don't tell him I said that. But seriously. I'm glad I decided to take the job here. When they closed down the sports bar after, well... you know. They gave me my pick of where I wanted to go.”


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