Modern Girl's Guide to Office Romance

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Modern Girl's Guide to Office Romance Page 23

by Gina Drayer

  “Mr. Evans has a right to confront his accusers. The defense is going to want to verify how the documents were obtained,” Janet said. She took a long drink of her coffee before continuing, as though the hot liquid would fortify her. “Besides, this has nothing to do with the documents. You’re an eyewitness. The jury is going to need to hear from you.”

  “I’m not an eyewitness. I never saw him take money or make any of those transactions.”

  “But you were his girlfriend. You attended those parties with his clients. You were in the office when they came in. You are the only one willing to testify who can place Christian Evans in the company of Rafael Del Rossi.”

  Lee recognized the name right away. He was one of Christian’s biggest accounts, but as far as she knew, Del Rossi was a legitimate businessman.

  “Why does it matter if Rafael Del Rossi came to the office? He runs a security firm. Since when is that illegal?”

  “Since they started providing private security and transportation for smugglers,” Janet said without blinking. “The state department has been watching them for years. They could never find any proof that Del Rossi’s company was directly involved. This case might just be their way in.”

  “Smuggling? As in drugs?” Lee asked. A cold knot settled in her stomach and she thought she might just lose her breakfast. “I didn’t sign up for this.”

  “You came to us,” Janet reminded her.

  “With a money laundering case,” she said. Lee closed her eyes, hoping that this was all just a bad dream. “Am I safe? Are they going to come after me?”

  “Your name isn’t on any of our motions. Yet. And Christian has been under house arrest,” she said. “Del Rossi isn’t stupid. Coming after you would just raise red flags. You have no reason to be afraid.”

  “No reason to be afraid? Someone was in my apartment last night,” Lee practically shouted. A young man sitting at the table next to them turned to stare, and the paranoia returned. She leaned closer to Janet and lowered her voice. “How can you say I’m safe?”

  “Your name has stayed out of it. For now, you’re just an anonymous source. Christian hasn’t left his house since he made bail. And we’ve been monitoring his phone calls and computer activity. He hasn’t mentioned your name once.”

  “That alone is suspicious. I was still living with him when he was arrested, and by the time he’d made bail I was gone. You’d think he’d at least ask a couple questions about me. Christian knows I turned him in.”

  “Of course he does,” Janet conceded. “But Christian is the one who’s likely in danger. He’s the real threat to Del Rossi. And we’re counting on that. If Del Rossi’s threatened or afraid, he’s more likely to turn state's evidence for protection.”

  “And what about me? I’ve been threatened. I’m afraid. Where’s my protection?”

  “You just got spooked. It’s understandable with the pressure you’ve been under,” Janet said, trying to put her at ease. But it wasn’t working.

  “I wasn’t spooked. There was a message on my mirror.”

  “Sorry I missed you isn’t exactly a threat. And we can’t even be certain it was for you. Unless I have some proof, an actual threat, there’s not a lot I can do.”

  “So basically, I’m screwed.” Lee sighed in defeat, trying to hold back the tears and failing. “I was just trying to do the right thing.”

  “I can have a security guard posted on your floor for a couple of nights.”

  “Don’t bother,” Lee said, getting up from the table. “I’ll figure something out.”

  “Just don’t leave town,” Janet warned as she stood up and collected her things. “And if anything else happens, let me know.”

  Lee returned to her room feeling lower than she’d ever felt in her life. Nothing had prepared her for the consequences of her actions. Turning in crooks was part of being a good citizen. That’s why she’d gone to the DA, but that had been a mistake. Within a matter of weeks, Lee had gone from being a loving girlfriend and hardworking employee to being a whistleblower with a target on her back.

  The idea of making a plan seemed ridiculous now. She had no idea how long her life was going to be in tatters. No one in the financial world would hire her now that Evans and Kline was under investigation. And there was a good chance that someone was trying to hurt her, or at the very least scare her.

  She couldn’t move forward. There was no room for plans in her life. Lee had to shift into survival mode.

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  Martinis After Dark. Available at Amazon.

  Before You Go

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  Copyright © 2017 Gina Drayer

  So is this a thing? I mean… are we serious? Or do you hang out in all the author’s copyright pages?

  Once again I have to remind you that: All rights reserved. Except for use in any review (Tell all your friends about me, I don’t mind), the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form be it electronic, mechanical, photocopied, retyped, transcribed by hand (cursive or manuscript), recorded on audio tape, LaserDisc, mp3, or open reel tape, or distributed in any form or means, including but not limited to genetic, chemical, optical, holographic, stereophonic, EVP, and telepathic is strictly prohibited unless you are Bill Murray. No live broadcast of this book may be performed, lip-synced, or acted out by puppets. (Have you seen avenue Q? It’s doable!).

  In other words, this work belongs to me and you can’t use it without my written permission.

  If you downloaded this book from a pirate site … Did you have a soul? Months of work went into crafting this book. I missed dinner with friends, outings with family…do you even know how many three a.m.’s I’ve seen over the last few months? How could you?!?!?

  I need a second. Deep breath.

  I get it. Times are hard. You might consider going straight and joining my mailing list to get updated when my books go on sale.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any similarities to persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. If the incidents or people in this book resemble your life, how’s that working for you? Do you still have a job? Sleeping with the boss is risky … unless you’re the boss. But if that’s the case, there’s that whole sexual harassment issue. Be careful. I want you to find love, but I don’t want you homeless.

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  Cover design by Wicked Women Design.




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