Jennifer's Choice

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Jennifer's Choice Page 12

by Erin Osborne

  When my past resurfaces and threatens to take over, I leave and come out here. I found it by accident one day when I had gone for a ride to clear my head, and have been coming here ever since. But, now, I want to show this part of myself to Wood and J. I want to make sure that they know every single part of me, and that I know every part of them. It’s the only way we’re going to make this relationship work long-term.

  Once we’re done eating, J takes the plates and puts them back in the basket so they don’t blow away and litter this place. I lay back against the tree and she climbs over to me. She lays on my chest and pushes her hand under my shirt. My muscles clench and relax with every movement she makes.

  Every move she makes, her hand gets closer to my cock as it begins to fill and harden. I moan at her contact and lean up to kiss her before my phone starts ringing. The only thing I want to do is ignore it and continue this path we’ve started, but it could be Wood or the club.

  Looking down, I see that it’s Wood calling me. “Hello?” I ask, answering the phone.

  “Need you guys to get back here. Wade isn’t gettin’ any better. He’s got a fever, barely movin’, and I can’t get him to sleep. Takin’ him to the hospital now,” he says, panic lacing his voice as I stand up and pull J up with me. The phone is on speaker so she can hear what he’s been saying to me.

  “We’re on our way,” I say, handing the phone to J so she can say what she wants to say.

  “Wood, give him a kiss for me and we’ll be there as soon as we can. Thank you for calling,” she says, her voice breaking as tears fill her eyes and spill over. Guilt is the emotion that she’s feeling right now, along with fear for her son.

  We leave everything where it is and race the few feet to the bike. As soon as we’re both on and she’s hanging on to me, we leave. The only time I take it easy is on the dirt path and when there’s a curve in the road. Other than that, I’m breaking the law and racing as fast as I can go with her on the back of my bike. I’m not going to kill us trying to get to the hospital.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  BOY SCOUT AND Jennifer haven’t been gone long when I lay back on the couch and bring Wade up to rest on my chest. He cried when they first left, and I cuddled into him for a while before he calmed down. Knowing that she had just given him medicine because he’s been teething, I figured that he’d relax and go to sleep.

  For the last hour, he’s basically been lying on my chest and not moving. The longer we laid there, the hotter I began to feel his little body getting. So, I stripped him out of his pajamas and left him in nothing but his pull-up. That did nothing to relieve the heat pouring from the little body on me.

  Beginning to get scared, I called Boy Scout to let him know that I’m taking him to the hospital to find out what’s going on with him. This has to be more than just teething going on with him. I call Alex and have him get the SUV running so that he can drive us to the hospital. I’ll be in the backseat with Wade so I can see any changes in him as we make our way there.

  Alex jumps to do what I’m telling him to do before I even finish getting the words out of my mouth. I skip grabbing anything else besides a blanket to wrap him in so he doesn’t get cold or anything while we’re outside. I don’t even know if that’s the right fucking thing to do though.

  Alex gets us to the hospital in record time. I rush inside before he goes to park and yell until a nurse comes out to get Wade. She tries to take him from me, but I’m not having it. He’ll stay in my arms until his mom can get here. Then I know she’ll be by his side right along with Boy Scout and myself. This little boy means the world to us and I’ll be damned if anything happens to him.

  I explain to the nurse what’s been going on and that he’s been teething for the past few days. She jots everything down and begins to take his vitals. At the same time, I hear a commotion coming from the waiting room and I know that J and Boy Scout are here. They made good as fuck time if he took her out where I think he did. He has a spot, and I’m pretty sure that it’s where he was planning on going. Before I can say a word, the door opens up and Jennifer is standing there, tears streaming down her face with a worried looking Boy Scout behind her.

  “You can’t be in here,” the nurse says, trying to usher them out of the room.

  “The fuck they can’t! This is our woman’s son. Shut the fuck up and do your job or send someone else the fuck in,” I roar, trying not to move Wade around a lot as she visibly begins to shake before finishing up Wade’s triage.

  “You can follow this nurse to a room and a doctor will be in shortly,” she says, running out of the room before any of us can say a word to her.

  We make our way back to the rooms in the emergency department. Jennifer takes Wade from my arms and sits on the bed with him. She wraps herself around him as we take seats on either side of the bed. It doesn’t take long before a doctor comes in and begins to do an exam on him.

  “You said your son’s been teething?” he asks, looking down into Wade’s ears as he begins to fuss.

  “Yeah. I’ve been giving him medicine to help with the discomfort and any fever he might get because of it,” Jennifer answers, fear of not knowing what’s wrong with her son the prominent emotion on her face.

  “That’s good. I can say now that he’s got a double ear infection, and I want to order a flu test. That’s been going around, and I have a feeling that’s what’s going on here. With all three things happening at the same time, it can be why he’s so lethargic and doesn’t want to move or anything right now. A nurse will be in to administer the test and start an IV in him. I want to get fluids going, and give him his first dose of an antibiotic. Is he allergic to anything?” the doctor asks, never once taking his attention off of Wade as he examines him. He doesn’t keep his eyes glued to the chart that’s lying on the counter.

  “No, he’s not allergic to anything. Thank you,” she says, holding her son closer as the doctor leaves the room with a small smile on his face.

  “I’m so sorry,” I tell her, not sure what to do right now.

  “It’s not your fault, Wood. It happens. I didn’t realize that his ears were bothering him or I’d have made a doctor appointment for him. And no one can prevent the flu from happening. You did the right thing, and I know that it’s scary as hell. Welcome to parenthood boys,” she responds, trying to lighten the mood now that we have an idea of what’s wrong with Wade. “He’s just gonna need time to rest and recover, but he’ll be back to himself in no time at all.”

  “How do you know?” Boy Scout asks, leaning over to kiss Wade on the cheek.

  “Because that’s what happens with kids. They get hurt, sick, get cuts and scrapes. It’s a part of them learning and growing up. He can’t exactly tell us what’s going on with him right now, so we have to play a guessing game. I guarantee you that he’ll be better in a few days, and right back to being a mischievous little boy,” Jennifer answers as a nurse walks back through the door.

  “I’m going to have to put an IV in this little guy. This is the worst part of my job and I hate it. But, I’ll make it as painless as possible. Mom, are you okay to hold this little one, or do you want one of them to do it?” she asks, keeping a smile on her face and trying to be as upbeat as possible.

  “I’ll do it. They can help distract him and hold him if we need them to,” Jennifer says, pulling Wade closer to her while we stand up and move as close as possible to help her.

  “Why don’t you get up on the bed with mom so that you’re still close, but I can work?” she asks Boy Scout who moves to do as she requests.

  We’ve been in the hospital for hours now. The test came back positive for Wade having the flu on top of a double ear infection and teething. Poor little guy. The guys in the club showed up to make sure that everything was okay. Because of them stopping by, we got a regular room for the night. They want to make sure that Wade starts reacting to the medicine and starts to feel a little better before we go home. I don’t care ho
w long it takes; we’re not leaving here until I know for a fact he’s not going to end up as bad as he was tonight.

  Jennifer is asleep in the bed with Wade cuddled in her arms. There’s a bandage around his foot to make sure that he doesn’t pull the IV out. They’ve got a hospital blanket over them as I place the blanket from home on top of that. Those blankets are so small and thin that I know she’s not comfortable. She’d burrow down in a ton of blankets every night if we let her.

  “You good?” I ask Boy Scout as we watch over our family.

  “Yeah. That’s some scary shit,” he mumbles, scooting his chair closer to the bed as I retake my own seat.

  “I know. I’m glad that one of us was with him though. Trin was gonna babysit, but she ended up workin’ the bar instead,” I tell him knowing that he’s feeling some type of way.

  “I shouldn’t have taken her out tonight. We knew he was off and not feelin’ good,” he says, looking at me.

  “Wouldn’t have changed a fuckin’ thing. He’d still have been sick, and we’d still be right where we are now. Let it go, and don’t blame yourself,” I tell him, sitting back as Slim and Playboy make their way back in the room.

  We all shoot the shit for a while before they head out. Alex and Zach are staying with us for the night. Or until Wade gets released from the hospital. Jennifer and Wade never wake up throughout the night, and barely move in their sleep.

  Nurses come in and out of the room to check on little man and make sure that the fluids are still full and give him the antibiotics when it’s time for them. Around three in the morning, the nurse tells us that his fever broke and is slowly going back to normal. Boy Scout and I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that we seem to be on the other side of this. For now, at least.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  THE GUYS HAVE been busy with the club over the last few weeks. We’ve barely seen one another in more than passing as one of us leaves or comes in the house. Between work and school, I have no time to breathe while they work and go on runs that are necessary. I’m not sure what all they do for the club, but I’ve learned that it’s better to not ask questions that they can’t answer.

  Wade is back to his normal self again. We ended up spending two days in the hospital because his fever came back. Once it broke the second time, he started acting better, and the fever never went high again. At most he ran a low-grade fever that we controlled with medicine.

  I’ve just put him down for bed so I can get ready for tonight. Whino is managing the club while I surprise the guys. They’re not home yet, but I hope they get back soon. I’ve decided it’s time I take the initiative, and let them know that I do want them and that it’s not just going to be started by them when we have sex.

  I jump in the shower and take care of business while using the monitor to listen for my son to wake up. Once I’m out and dried off, I do my hair and add a little make-up to my face. Walking into the bedroom, I see the little nightie that Boy Scout bought for me months ago. It’s red on the outer edges of the material while the rest of it is black and see through. There’s a small red G-string that goes with it and I slide those up my legs before putting the nightie on. Adding my silky black robe, I sit down on the edge of the bed and rub lotion into my legs and arms.

  Before I can do anything else, I feel Wood and Boy Scout in the room with me. They’re standing in the doorway as I stand up and let the robe fall to my feet on the floor of the bedroom. Boy Scout’s mouth hangs open as he takes me in while Wood walks right up to me.

  “You look good enough to eat,” he says, his voice lowering and getting a husky quality to it.

  “That’s the plan,” I reply, pulling his head down to mine as I kiss him.

  “Gonna shower real quick. Be right back, Spitfire,” he says, walking into the bathroom as I turn my attention to Boy Scout.

  “You just gonna stand there all night?” I ask, walking a little closer to him.

  “Hell no. I’m goin’ to the guest bathroom,” he says before turning and making his way down the hallway.

  I get on the bed and relax against the headboard as I wait for my men to join me. Wood is back in the room within minutes. Boy Scout soon follows as they each climb on the bed on opposite sides of me.

  Wood begins to kiss his way up my legs, running his hands in front of his mouth until he reaches my panties and pulls them off. I watch them fly through the air and land somewhere on the floor. Boy Scout pulls down the top of the nightie and lowers his head to my breasts. He kisses and licks my nipples until they’re hard peaks in his mouth. I shove my fingers into his hair so I can hold his head close to my body while he takes turns worshipping each side.

  Wood finally kisses the inside of my thighs after pushing my legs further apart with his shoulders. My legs quiver as I hold them apart and let the anticipation build of him putting his mouth on my pussy. He slides a finger through my slick folds and gathers wetness. Once his finger is coated, he slides it back to my ass.

  He’s played there a time or two but has never once tried to take me there. I let my body relax and just feel the sensations flowing through me as his finger pushes inside my virgin hole a little at a time. Finally, his mouth settles over me and I tremor as his tongue slides from the bottom of my opening all the way up to my clit.

  Boy Scout has moved from paying attention to my chest to kissing me while his hands explore every inch of my upper body. He never comes into contact with Wood. I arch my neck as he begins to kiss his way down to where my shoulder meets my neck, arching my body up into his reach while Wood holds down the lower half of my body.

  “Baby, we both want in you,” Wood says, pulling his mouth away from me just as I begin to feel that familiar tightening in my body.

  I nod my head in response as Boy Scout lifts his head from me. “Need the words, babe,” he says, looking down into my face.

  “Yes, I want you both,” I respond, sitting up while moving in to kiss first Boy Scout and then Wood.

  Wood lays down in the middle of the bed and helps me straddle him. He uses one hand to guide his hard cock into my pussy. I slide down his length while Boy Scout gets off the bed and moves to the stand on the opposite side. As I continue to move up and down Wood’s hard shaft, I hear Boy Scout moving around before the bed dips and I can feel his body behind mine. He bends over me and begins to kiss his way down my spine. Something cool and wet hits my ass and I flinch in response.

  “It’s okay, babe. Relax,” Wood says, putting one hand on my hip while his other one reaches up and begins to massage my tit before pulling and pinching my nipple.

  I lean in closer to Wood’s body and continue to slide up and down his cock while I feel Boy Scout push a finger in my ass. He’s moving in time with me and I can tell when he adds another finger to the mix.

  His cock isn’t even in me yet and I already feel full. It’s an experience that I’ve never felt before, and I don’t know what to expect when I finally feel him stop my movements and push me even further into Woods body. All movement stops as Boy Scout begins to push his way into my ass after I hear the unmistakable rip of a condom wrapper opening.

  Wood murmurs words of encouragement into my ear that I can’t understand as I concentrate on relaxing and breathing. There’s a stinging sensation as he slides further in me. When he’s fully seated within me, we all remain still for a minute to adjust to the feeling. Wood has a fine sheen of sweat covering his body as he tries to remain still and not surge up into me again.

  “Gotta move,” I say, not knowing what to do now that both men are inside me.

  Boy Scout slides out as Wood slides back inside my wet pussy. They continue to seesaw in and out, never once going in at the same time. I lay between them and run one hand over Wood’s chest while I reach back and tangle my fingers in Boy Scouts hair. Boy Scout continues to kiss up and down my spine, stopping when he gets to my shoulders and moves from one side to the other one before moving back down my back. Wood pulls me
in for a deep and breath stealing kiss. He doesn’t stop when I moan out. Boy Scout has changed his position and is hitting a different angle.

  “So. Close,” I moan out, scraping my nails down Wood’s chest as he begins to move faster, causing Boy Scout to move faster within me.

  The men continue to move faster and harder. Wood reaches between our bodies and finds my clit. Boy Scout digs his fingers into my hips so that he can pull my body up the slightest bit to make finding my clit easier for Wood.

  A scream erupts from me as my orgasm rips through my body. The sensations causing me to feel so much more than I’ve ever felt before. They continue to move, becoming erratic as Wood groans out my name. Boy Scout soon follows with a moan of his own.

  I drop down on Wood again and try to catch my breath. Boy Scout moves to the side so he doesn’t crush me between the two of them. One of them rubs their hands up and down my back as I try to slide off of Wood. He grips my hips and keeps me in place. Wrapping his arms around me, I nuzzle into his chest. Before I can fall asleep, one of their phones goes off, quickly followed by the other one.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  WE JUST HAD the most amazing experience with Jennifer. She gave us her complete trust and allowed us to take her at the same time. We’ve never pushed for it; never once asked for it until today. When we walked in and saw that she wanted to step up and let us know that she wanted to play, we knew that it was the right time to ask. The three of us will never be as close as we just were.


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