Jennifer's Choice

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Jennifer's Choice Page 14

by Erin Osborne

  “Wow! That’s a crazy schedule,” Kim says, sitting back in the third seat as we make our way to the hotel.

  Pulling up to the hotel, I feel like I’m in a fantasy. The outside is manicured and immaculate with windows going from the ground all the way up to the top of the building. We pull under a canopy as the guys get out and grab our meager luggage from the back while handing over the keys to the valet.

  When we walk in the hotel, my mouth drops open. The ceilings are higher than I’ve ever seen in my life with several chandeliers hanging from them. It looks like crystals hang from them, and add to the glimmer bouncing off the walls. The entire interior of the lobby appears to be in gold surrounded by cream and soft whites.

  Kim and I sit in the chairs and wait to be checked in. Once the men walk back toward us, we stand up and meet them at the elevators. Wood uses a key card to begin our ascent up to our floor. I’ve never been in a place where you had to use a key card to get to your room in my life. They’ve gone all out, and we’ve just gotten to the hotel. Damn!

  “When we get inside, you have a dress to change into. We’re gonna shower and meet to leave in an hour. That enough time for you, baby?” Boy Scout asks me as the elevator doors finally slide open.

  “Yeah. I’ll make sure I’m ready to go,” I say, following the men down the long hallway to a door at the end.

  The dress that was waiting for me is beautiful. It’s a white, floor-length dress that fits every curve of my body. It’s got spaghetti straps and the back of the dress dips low on my back. Kim helps me do my hair. She curls it and lets it float down to my waist with only the sides pinned up. My make-up is kept light, and I mainly accentuate my blue eyes so that they appear to sparkle. Kim is wearing a red dress that matches mine. Her hair is left down with a few well-placed curls.

  Walking out to the living room, I see the three men dressed in new jeans with button down shirts. Wood and Boy Scout are wearing red while Fox has on a black one. Wade is dressed to match the men and looks absolutely adorable. My men look sexy as fuck, and I can’t wait to get them alone after the ceremony.

  “You’re sexy as fuck, baby,” Boy Scout says, walking over to me and placing a kiss on my lips.

  “Same back at ya,” I say, looking from him to Wood and back again. How the hell did I get so lucky?

  “Let’s go,” Wood tells us, never once taking his eyes from me.

  The five of us make our way down to the small chapel that is in the hotel. We enter and are greeted by an elderly woman. She checks us in and makes sure that the package the guys picked is correct before ushering them further into the chapel leaving Kim and me behind.

  When she comes back, I’m handed a small boutique of flowers and she stands in front of us until it’s time to walk down the aisle. I’m practically running to the front so that I can marry my guys. Well, I’m marrying Wood, committing to Boy Scout, and taking both their last names as mine. It may not be practical, but it’s perfect for us.

  “We’re gathered here today to join Brantley Parker and Jennifer Hayes in holy matrimony…” I zone out as I stare into Wood’s eyes. Only tearing my gaze away to look at Boy Scout.

  “Brantley, you may now say your vows,” the minister says, stepping back slightly and giving us the floor.

  “Jennifer, you captured our attention the second our eyes landed on you. Boy Scout and I knew in our gut that you would be the one that we’d settle down and build a life with. Our life won’t be conventional or easy; it’s already been a roller coaster ride. With you, I know that I’ll come home, and all the bad shit will melt away with just a look from you. I can’t wait to begin to build onto what we’ve already started, watch you grow round with our babies, and grow old together. In the eyes of the club, you’re already our wife, now the entire world will know that you belong to us. I’ll protect you, love you, and do whatever I can to make you happy and free for the rest of my life. I love you. Forever,” he says, bringing tears to my eyes.

  “J, you are the one that has given me the courage to talk about my past. You slay my demons when they show up and I can’t get rid of them, and let the light shine through instead of the constant darkness. I breathe easier when you’re around, and Wade makes our life complete until we add to it. I love you. Forever,” Boy Scout says, a man of few words. But when he speaks, you definitely want to listen to what he says.

  “Jennifer, you may say your vows,” the man says, never moving from his spot.

  “Wood, Boy Scout, I never knew I could be free until you showed me that the life I was living wasn’t the one I was meant to have. You showed me the strength that was inside me all along, and continue to make sure that I live the best life I can. When I need a shoulder, you always give me yours. And, you make sure that Wade and I are taken care of in any way possible. And you have given me a family. I’ll do what I can to always make you happy, and slay any demons that threaten to pull you under the same that you do for me. I love you both. Forever!” I say, taking one of my hands out of Woods and grabbing Boy Scout’s.

  The minister says the rest of his part before we are to exchange rings. I look at the guys with panic in my eyes as I realize that we never got rings. They laugh slightly and pull out two boxes. These two have really thought of everything for today.

  We exchange our rings and are told that we can kiss. First, I lean in and kiss Wood before turning my attention to Boy Scout. The kisses aren’t very long, but they know that I have issues kissing them in front of people that we don’t know. And right now, the only thing I’m thinking about is getting back to the room and spending the rest of the night with my men.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  AFTER GETTING MARRIED, Kim and Fox took Wade while the guys whisked me up to the hotel room. There was a nice dinner laid out on the table when we got there complete with lit candles and an employee there until we walked through the door. The lights were dimmed in the main room and flower petals lead down the hall to our room.

  I look at the dinner and see they ordered chicken, potatoes, and a few different choices for a vegetable. Wood pulls out a chair for me to sit in before taking the seat right next to me. Boy Scout sits on the other side and grabs the remote off the table next to him to turn on music.

  I’ll Be by Edwin McCain softly plays in the background as we eat and make casual conversation. Once we’re done, Wood walks into the small kitchen area and brings back a cake for us. He dishes it up for us all before sitting back down and making sure that we don’t need anything else.

  “You ready to dance?” Boy Scout asks.

  I nod my head and stand up as he holds out his hand for me. Promise by Jagged Edge plays. Boy Scout pulls me into his arms and we begin to sway slowly to the music. Wood disappears while we’re dancing.

  Lying my head on Boy Scout’s chest, I keep my arms wrapped around his neck and let the words flow over us. By the time the song is over with, Wood is back. He’s wearing a pair of jeans slung low on his hips and no shirt. He takes Boy Scouts place as the same song plays on repeat. If this is going to be our song, I don’t see a reason to dance with him to anything else.

  Before the song ends, Wood leads me down the hall to the room. The flower petals lead all the way to the room and up on the bed. They’re in a heart shape on the bed. I look at the guys and tears well up in my eyes. Even though this was quick and we didn’t really plan anything out, there’s still thought that’s gone into our day.

  Wood slowly begins to strip me out of my dress while Boy Scout strips. He lays on the bed and waits for me to climb up with him. I lean down over his body and kiss him deeply. Wood walks up behind me and rubs his hand from my back down to the junction to my pussy.

  He rubs my pussy as I continue to kiss Boy Scout. I let my hand wander down his body to find his hard cock. My lips follow the same path my hand just took and I take him in my mouth. Wood slides two fingers in my wet pussy before tapping me on the leg so I spread my legs farther apart.

nbsp; As I continue to slide my mouth up and down Boy Scout’s hard length, Wood slides beneath me and sucks my clit into his mouth. Boy Scout moves his hand down and begins to pinch and pull my nipple. The sensations flowing through me cause me to falter in my attempts to give Boy Scout a blowjob.

  Wood suddenly pulls his mouth and fingers away from me. The only one that doesn’t move is Boy Scout.

  “Ride him,” Wood says.

  I do as he says and straddle Boy Scouts hips while he lines his cock up with my pussy. For a few minutes, I slide up and down him while Wood does something behind us. Boy Scout stops me as the bed dips behind us.

  Wood’s hand on my back flattens me so that I’m crushed against Boy Scout’s hard chest. A cool liquid drips down my ass while Wood places kisses along my back and shoulders. Since I know what’s coming, I don’t tighten my body in fear of the unknown.

  Boy Scout pulls my head down to him to kiss me while Wood lines his cock up with my ass and slowly starts to push it in. I push back against him slightly because I’m already on Boy Scout and I can’t move very much right now.

  Finally, Wood is all the way in me and we all take a few minutes to relish the feeling flowing through us. I’ve been with both men at the same time in the past, but never like this. Now that we’re married it seems to add an entirely new level to the mix.

  Boy Scout nods to Wood and they begin to move within me. I reach one arm behind me to touch Wood while running the other hand down Boy Scout’s side. They continue to slide in and out of me as the all too familiar coiling of my orgasm begins to build inside.

  Wood begins to move faster and harder. Boy Scout follows his lead. My eyes close on their own as I let the feeling take me over. One of them reaches between us and begin to rub my clit while fingers dig into my hips hard enough I know bruises will be left behind.

  Screaming out my release as it takes over suddenly, I sink down into Boy Scout’s chest. He soon follows me over the edge, leaving Wood to follow him. The three of us lay panting in a tangled heap on the bed until we can begin to get our breathing back under control.

  Wood moves from the bed first. He soon returns with a washcloth in his hand and cleans me up. Boy Scout moves to his side of the bed and opens his arms for me to slide in next to him.

  “I love you J,” he says, kissing the top of my head.

  “I love you both so much,” I say.

  “Spitfire, I love you,” Wood says, climbing into bed and pulling the covers up as he pulls me into his arms for a kiss.

  It’s not long before the three of us fall asleep. They wake me up several more times throughout the night. Sometimes it’s just one of them, while other times the three of us have sex again. I’m not going to complain about a damn thing though.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  WE GOT BACK from Vegas a week ago and it’s been the best week ever. There hasn’t been any more news on Snake’s Revenge. It’s truly like they’ve vanished off the face of the earth at this point. Slim is putting calls out to everyone he knows trying to find out anything about them, but they’ve just ghosted.

  Jennifer has thrown herself into work and school. She’s only got a handful of months left before she graduates, and I plan on making sure that we celebrate her accomplishment. Every single semester she’s been on the Dean’s list. Her homework and research get done while Wade is napping during the day, at Phantom when she’s working, or at night before we get home. Somehow, she’s gotten herself set on a schedule and makes everything she has to do work and look effortless.

  Every night we spend wrapped in one another’s arm. I wasn’t kidding when I told her I want her to have our baby. It doesn’t matter if it’s my baby or Boy Scout’s; he or she will be loved just the way that Wade is. We’re all a family, and it doesn’t matter to me. Boy Scout says he feels the same way. He just wants her to have a baby and soon.

  “Wood, gotta talk to you,” Kim says, walking up to the bar and sitting next to me.

  “What’s up?” I ask, turning toward her.

  “Did you know Jennifer’s birthday is in two days?” she asks, completely shocking me with her question.

  “Yeah. How did you find out?” I question as I finish my beer and wave off another one.

  “Fox told me. He’s done a background check on everyone, and let it slip out last night,” she tells me, letting the info sink in for a minute. “I want to have a party. We’ll have it here if we have to for security purposes. And I want Shy and Trin to be there too.”

  “Okay. You set it all up, and let me know what time you want her here. You know that she’s gonna kill you for havin’ a party, right? That’s why we haven’t said anythin’ to anyone about it,” I tell her, going out to my bike and heading toward home to talk to my brother.

  We already have dinner planned and a night spent in. But, if Kim wants to plan something for her, then we’ll do that. I know that Jennifer hates having the attention on herself, but I think she needs to see that she truly matters to everyone here too. And, Kim loves her like a sister so I know that she’ll be happy to throw her a party. No matter what happens, we’ll spend time with her and that’s all that matters.

  I pull up to the apartment complex and make my way to the building that Boy Scout is working in today. We’re remodeling them before we add more buildings to the small complex. There are four guys working on the job while the rest of us are working our jobs and trying to open a new garage for the club. Slim just decided that he wanted to try his hand at one since the guys from the Wild Kings have had such a good response to theirs.

  We might not be the same type of club as them, but we know how to work hard and try to give back as much as we can. Opening a garage here so that people don’t have to drive almost an hour away to the next town just for a damn oil change will benefit a lot of people.

  “Boy Scout where you at?” I holler as I walk through where the door used to be.

  “Upstairs,” he replies.

  Walking up the stairs, I find him in the bathroom. He’s working on taking out the tub and toilet before demolishing the rest of the room. I stand back while he removes the tub liner, and take it from him to set in the hallway where Ian or Clayton, two Prospects, will take it to the dumpster.

  “Kim found out that Jennifer’s birthday is in a few days. She wants to have a party for her,” I tell him, leaning against the wall.

  “That’s cool. We can do somethin’ earlier with her. I know she’s plannin’ on takin’ the day off Phantom, and she doesn’t have class that day. So, we can spend the day together and then let Kim do the party. It can be a surprise party if we get to her now,” he replies, never taking a break in his work.

  “Yep. I’ll send her a message in a little bit. What are we gonna do durin’ the day with her and Wade?” I ask, trying to think of something we could do that I know she’s been waiting on.

  “Let’s go out to lunch, take them to the lake, and then we’ll have Trin come get him so we can spend some time alone and take her for a ride. You pick where we go, and that’s what we’ll do. To get her to the clubhouse, we’ll go home and get ready, and then tell her that we have to pick Wade up before we head out of town or somethin’,” he says like he’s truly put thought into this.

  “Sounds good. I’m gonna head out. Want to check in with the diner and tattoo shop before I make my way over to the garage. You guys good here?” I ask, letting him know I’ll stay to help if they need me here.

  “We’re good. I’ve got two more guys in here with me, and there are three in the other apartment. Once these are done, we’ll move Sally and Sam in here and then move on to the next. I think he might hire Renegade’s crew to come build the new houses,” Boy Scout answers, nodding to me as I walk away from him.

  I spent the day going from business to business the club owns. If they need help, I step in and help them no matter what it is. The only thing I won’t do is wait on tables at the diner. People piss me off on a regular basis and I�
��m not going to alienate customers because I don’t have any manners when people begin to have an attitude or are rude about anything. Everyone was all set, so I went to the garage to help out with that.

  Right now, we’re building everything from the ground up. Hound and Ghost are the main ones that have experience with this shit, so they’re the leads on the project. Slim paid for the land, building permits, getting everything drawn up by engineers, and whatever else needed to be done just so we could break ground and build this.

  Out behind the garage we’re gonna build a large warehouse. We’ll be able to store our bikes in the winter, use it to house anything that we end up having to hang onto such as guns that we run, and it will be something that’s not necessarily tied to the club. The garage is in Hound’s legal name, and not a lot of people know what that is. Yeah, we’ll all be employees in that, but not many will make the connection.

  Today, I’ve also taken the opportunity to keep an eye out for anyone from Snake’s Revenge. They are still underground, but they’re going to end up making a mistake. Groups like them always do. It’s always the ones that make a hit and then hide that will be the easiest men to break when you finally capture one or two of them. That’s all we need.

  So far, there’s been no sign of them in Benton Falls or the surrounding area. They haven’t been spotted in Shadowville or anywhere near there. Slim even called Butcher, one of our other charters, and he hasn’t heard anything there. Butcher’s club is a six-hour ride at least.

  So, I guess it’s time to get my ass to work at the garage. By the end of the day, we should be done with framing the outer walls and outlining where the bays will go. Off to the side will be a spray booth for any paint jobs that need to be done. On the opposite side will be the office that I think one of the girls will end up working in.


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