A Legacy of Caring

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A Legacy of Caring Page 35

by John McCullagh

  Besides the manuscripts listed above, and the personal testimonies of those credited on the acknowledgments page, a major reference source used in the writing of this book was the historical material on the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto and the Infants’ Home and Infirmary housed in the archives of the City of Toronto. This archival material includes annual reports, board and committee minutes, financial records, complaint books, operational records, policies and position papers, theses, fundraising appeals, public relations brochures, newspaper clippings, correspondence, agency reviews and provincial government papers.

  The agency journal, Our Children, published between 1964 and 1987, and its successor, Communicate, which commenced publication in 1991, were major reference sources on the events of the last four decades of the twentieth century. Many of the articles these journals contain were written anonymously, and excerpts from several of them are reproduced verbatim as part of the text of this book.

  The photographs reproduced throughout the book, except those credited below, are from the archives of the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto. The author wishes to thank the copyright owners of the following photographs for permission to reproduce them:

  Chapter 1, page 28. Reproduced with permission of City of Toronto Archives, SC1, Item 142.

  Chapter 2, page 45. Reproduced with permission of City of Toronto Archives, SC1, Series B, 1896 Annual Report, Back Cover.

  Chapter 2, page 45. Reproduced with permission of City of Toronto Archives, SC1, Series B, 1903 Annual Report, Page 1.

  Chapter 2, page 47. Reproduced with permission of City of Toronto Archives, SC1, Series B, 1908 Annual Report, Page 26.

  Chapter 2, page 50. Reproduced with permission of City of Toronto Archives, SC1, Series B, 1910 Annual Report, Page 21.

  Chapter 2, page 60. Reproduced with permission of City of Toronto Archives, SC1, Series B, 1896 Annual Report, Page 55.

  Chapter 3, page 76. Reproduced printed with permission of City of Toronto Archives, SC1, Item 2.

  Chapter 3, page 84. Reproduced with permission of City of Toronto Archives, SC1, Series B, 1924 Annual Report, Page 5.

  Chapter 4, page 97. Reproduced with permission of City of Toronto Archives, SC1, Item 134.

  Chapter 4, page 104. Reproduced with permission of City of Toronto Archives, SC1, Series G, File 1, Item 1.

  Chapter 5, page 114. Reproduced with permission of City of Toronto Archives, SC1, Series B, 1951 Annual Report, Page 7.

  Chapter 8, page 254. Reproduced with permission of The Globe and Mail.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below

  Aboriginal child welfare



  Act for the Prevention of Cruelty to and Better Protection of Children, 1893

  Adelaide Street East shelter

  Administrative restructuring

  Admissions and discharges at the CAS

  at the Infants’ Home

  Adoption, as an indenture

  in the 1920s and 1930s

  in the 1950s and 1960s

  in the 1960s and 1970s

  in the 1980s

  in the 1990s

  Adoption Act, 1921

  Adoption Clearing Service

  Adoption Disclosure Register

  Advisory Committee on Child Welfare

  Afghan Women’s Organization

  Ahmed, Khadija

  Aisling Discoveries Child and Family Centre

  Alexandra Park

  Allen, Helen

  Allen, Ward

  Alternate care

  Amalgamation, Infants’ Home and CAS

  York County CAS and Metro society

  Ander, Barbara

  Appleton, John

  Apprentices and Minors Act, 1851

  Ayres, Imelda

  Babies Best Start

  Baby farms

  Baby Holly

  Badgeley Report

  Band, James

  Barbour, Connie

  Barclay, Sue

  Barnardo’s, Dr.

  Barr, Doug

  Bastedo, Gladys

  Battered child syndrome, See also Child abuse

  Beck, Sharon

  Beckstead, Angie

  Berndt, Joan

  Beyond the Best Interests of the Child

  Blatz, Dr. W.E.

  Blugerman, Trudy

  Board of Inspectors of Prisons, Asylums and Public Charities

  Boarding home care, SEE Baby farms, Foster care

  Bochner, Sue

  Bolton Camp

  Bowlby, John

  Boys’ Residence, Christie Street

  Dawes Road

  Brace, Barry

  Brace, Charles Loring


  Bridging Diversity project

  British war guest children

  Bronte Fresh Air Camp

  Brough, Lin

  Brown, Robert

  Bruce, Mamie

  Buck, Carolyn

  Burnside Hospital


  Caer Howell Street shelter

  Cairns, Jim

  Callwood, June

  Cameron, Fenton and Ann

  Camp Happiland

  Campaign 2000

  Canada Health and Social Transfer

  Canadian Union of Public Employees

  Carver, Belle


  Catholic Children’s Aid Society

  Central Branch

  Centre Avenue shelter

  CFTO Television

  Charitable Institutions Act, 1931

  Charity Aid Act, 1874

  Charles Street offices

  Charles Street shelter

  Child abuse, prevention

  compensation for injuries sustained, See also Child Mortality Task Force, Children’s Aid Foundation, Special Committee on Child Abuse

  Child Abuse Register

  Child and Family Services Act, 1984

  Child and Family Services Amendment Act, 1999

  Child Care and the Growth of Love

  Child Care in the Community program

  Child labour

  Child Mortality Task Force

  Child poverty

  Child Welfare Act, 1954

  Child Welfare Act, 1965

  Child Welfare Act, 1978

  Child Welfare Centre

  Child Welfare League of Canada

  Child welfare reform, 1990s

  Child Welfare Source Book of Knowledge and Practice

  Children of Unmarried Parents Act, 1921

  Children’s Aid Foundation

  Children’s Aid Society


  changing role

  inquiry reports on


  100th anniversary

  summary of accomplishments

  Children’s Boarding Home Act, 1957

  Children’s Charter

  Children’s Institutions Act, 1963

  Children’s Mental Health Act

  Children’s Protection Act, 1888

  Children’s Protection Act, 1893

  Children’s Residential Services Act

  Children’s rights

  Chinese Family Life Services

  Chong, Joy and Harry

  Christie Street Boys’ Residence

  CIBC World Markets

  CKEY Radio

  Clements, Mary Louise

  Clendinning, Jim

  Code of ethics

  Coleman, Stuart

  Committee on Sexual Offences Against Children and Youth


  Community Chest

  Community work

  Computerization, SEE Technology, use of

  Continuity of Care

  Corrigan, Mr. and Mrs.
/>   Coulter, Ann

  Crack babies

  Creating Together

  CUPE, SEE Canadian Union of Public Employees

  Da Costa, Grenville

  Dale, Nancy

  Dale, Professor J.A.

  Darville, Jack

  Davis, Joan

  Day Nurseries Act, 1942

  Deary, Margarita

  D’Eca, Neville

  Department of Public Welfare

  Department of Social and Family Services

  Depression, 1930s

  Diamond, Jerome

  Dickens, March

  Dickson, Barrie

  Diniz, Tony

  Dionne quintuplets

  Diversity, SEE Bridging Diversity project, Multiculturalism

  Donoahue, Jim

  Dowdall, Sheila

  Duffy, Maureen

  Duncan, Alec

  Duncan, William

  East (Scarborough) Branch

  Eastmure, A.E.

  Educational assistance, by CAS Foundation

  Edwards, Bert

  Einhorn, Felies

  Ellis, Vicky

  Emergency After Hours Service

  Emotionally disturbed children

  Enlistment of CAS wards

  Epidemics at Infants’ Home

  Etobicokc Branch

  Exceptional Circumstances Review

  Falconer, Nancy

  Family Builders

  Family Centre

  Family Day Care Services

  Family Finder

  Family Resource Centre

  Family services

  Fargnoli, Jackie

  Federation for Community Service

  Finlay, Mel

  Fitzpatrick, Ann

  Foster care

  and Vera Moberly

  and Bob Mills

  in the 1920s and 1930s

  in the 1940s

  in the 1950s and 1960s

  in the 1960s and 1970s

  in the 1980s

  in the 1990s

  Foster Parent Association

  Foundation, Children’s Aid, SEE Children’s Aid Foundation


  Freedman, Dan

  Freud, Anna

  Fuerd, Jean

  Fuller, David


  of Infant’s Home

  municipal contribution

  during the early years of the CAS

  provincial contribution

  in 1964

  in the 1970s

  in the 1980s

  in the 1990s

  Gablehurst Crescent Residence

  Garber, Ralph

  Gavendo, Hanna

  Gay-positive services, SEE Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth project

  Genova, Charlotte

  Giaretto, Henry

  Gignac, Gina

  Godfrey, Paul

  Golden Report

  Gordon, Sidney

  Graham, John

  Grant, Lorna

  Greggains, Brian

  Grosvenor Street offices

  Group home care

  Guardianship Act, 1827

  Gudge, Leland

  Haddock, Janet

  Hagerdoorn, Peter

  Hamilton, Ms. V.C.

  Handicapped children

  Hansford, Sue

  Hanson Task force

  Harrison, Larry

  Hastings, Audrey

  Hastings, Charles

  Hatton, Mary Jane

  Hedderwick, Bill

  Heise, B.W.

  High Risk Infant Nurse program

  Hilliard, Dr. Marion

  HIV babies

  Holland, Marilyn

  Holmes, Sheila

  Home care program


  Homemaker services

  Horsham House

  House of Providence

  Housing, affordable, See also Ontario Housing Corporation, and housing projects

  Howe, Phillip

  Howland, Mayor William

  Hughes, Colin

  Human rights, See also Children’s rights

  Humane Society of Toronto

  Hunter, Maggie

  Huntley Street Receiving Centre

  Hussein, Askari

  Hutchings, Mary


  Infant formula recipe

  Infants’ Home

  and Vera Moberly

  relationship with CAS

  100th anniversary

  Inner City Youth program

  Institutional care, See also Moberly House

  International adoption

  Invest In Kids Foundation

  Isabella Street offices

  James, Joyce

  Jane-Finch Family and Child Centre

  Jaques, Emanuel


  Jewish Children’s Bureau

  Jewish Day Nursery and Orphanage

  Jewish Family and Child Service

  Jewish Federation of Philanthropies

  Johansen, Sue

  Johnson, Shanay

  Johnson, Sheilagh

  Juvenile Delinquents Act, 1908

  Kelso, John Joseph, chapter 2 passim

  Kempe, John

  Keys, Lillian

  Kidder Foundation

  King, Angela

  Koval’s’kyj-England, Jennifer

  Laforet, Lil

  Lakeshore Area Multiservice program

  Lamport, Mayor Allan

  Lawrence, Helen

  Lawrence Heights

  Lee, Sam

  Leitenberger, Margaret

  Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth project

  Lewis, Mary

  LIFE houses

  Lloyd S. Richardson Residence

  Logo of CAS of Toronto

  Long-range plans of 1990

  Long-term care, recognition night

  Looking After Children program

  Lowden, Steve

  LSR SEE Lloyd S. Richardson Residence

  Luff, Betty

  MacDonald, John Kidston

  conflict with J.J. Kelso


  MacPherson, Agnes

  Maltby, Joanne

  Mankie, Ruth

  Markle, Ward

  Mary Ellen

  Maternal Care and Mental Health

  Maternity Boarding Home Act

  McConville, Mary

  McCullagh, John

  McCulloch, Shirley

  McDermott, Sheila

  McDonough, Hanna

  McKeil, Malcolm

  Media, use in homefinding

  role in reporting child neglect and abuse

  role in reporting child mortality

  and government management of CAS

  Medical clinics

  Meredith, Edward

  Metro CAS in the Nineties

  Mian, Marcellina

  Michaelis, Paul

  Military families, child welfare services to

  Mills, Bob

  Ministry of Community and Social Services

  Miracle Fund

  Mission and values statements

  Moberly, Vera

  Moberly House

  Moneypenny, Dr. Doris

  Morgan, Bill

  Mother Goose program

  Mothers’ allowances


  Muslim community outreach

  Name changes

  Native Child and Family Services

  Newsboy’s Lodging and Industrial Home

  Night duty work

  Nike P.L.A.Y. Canada

  North (York) Branch

  Nurse practitioners

  Nursing foster homes, SEE Foster care

  O’Connor, Brian

  Office of Child and Family Advocacy

  Oley, Susan

  Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies

  Ontario Department of Public Welfare, SEE Department of Public Welfare

  Ontario Housing Corporation, and housing projects
  Orphans Act, 1779

  Our Children

  Pape Adolescent Resource Centre

  Pape Alternate Care program

  Parameswaran, Mahes

  PARC, SEE Pape Adolescent Resource Centre

  Parsons, Ann

  Patterson, Jim

  Paulson, Jim

  Pearse, Shirley

  Pearson, Marilyn

  Pediatric medicine

  Peer support team

  Perkins, Marjorie

  Persaud, Melanie

  Petroff, Melville

  Phillips, Richard

  Pickup, Brenda

  Pittaway, Kim

  Poole, Ron

  Popen, Kim Anne

  Poverty, child, SEE Child poverty

  Pregnancy and Aftercare program

  Preparing for Practice

  Prevention programs, See also Child abuse, prevention

  Private adoption agencies

  Protection work

  Protestant Children’s Home

  Public health, in the 19th century

  in mid-twentieth century

  Public housing, SEE Ontario Housing Corporation, and housing projects

  Public relations, See also Media

  Quan, Tony

  Raiken, Steve

  Raptors Foundation

  Receiving Centre, See also Huntley Street Receiving Centre


  Regent Park

  Reid, Sheila

  Reitmeier, Kristina

  Rescue Home for Fallen Girls

  Residential Placement Advisory Committees

  Resources for Change

  Richard, Kenn

  Richards, Sharron

  Richardson, Lloyd

  Richmond Street East offices

  Ridout, Charlotte

  Rivers, Bruce

  Robarts Commission

  Roberts, Jean

  Robertson, Sir John Ross

  Robinson, Mona

  Roman Catholic Orphans’ Asylum of St. Paul’s

  Ross, Connie

  Safety, worker

  St. Mary Street shelter

  St. Vincent de Paul Children’s Aid Society, SEE Catholic Children’s Aid Society


  Same-sex fostering and adoption

  Scanlon, Jack

  Scarborough (East) Branch

  Scarth, Sandra

  Sexual abuse

  Sexuality policy

  Shepphard, Ms. G.

  Silverman, Peter

  Simcoe Street shelter

  Simpson Avenue residence

  Slotek, Lynne

  Smith, Ron

  Smith, Sybil

  Social Assistance Review Committee

  Social work and social workers

  Somali Women and Children’s Support Network

  Sosa, Ken

  Speak Out

  Special Committee on Child Abuse

  Special needs children and youth, See also Emotionally disturbed children, Handicapped children

  Staff, of Infants’ Home

  at Simcoe Street shelter

  post-war period

  and amalgamation

  in the 1980s

  Alumni Association

  Stapleford, F.N.

  Steinhauer, Dr. Paul

  Street youth, See also Toronto Street Youth program


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