“Brendan” said an unknown voice from the back of the room.
Brendan twisted his body to see who had called him. A tall man dressed in a black robe, like the ones Leon and Fred had been wearing stood in the door way. He had long light brown hair that was tied into a low pony tail. A brown goatee circled around his mouth, his eyes were dark blue and hidden by his thick, bushy eyebrows. His face was thin with distinctive cheek bones that curved his cheeks. His nose was long and thin, that end in a sharp point.
An estranged expression spread across his face, causing the lines on his face to seem deeper than they actually were.
“Jonas sent us” the man said, walking across the room to join Brendan followed by four other men dressed in the same attire.
Trace’s scanned the men uneasily, his eyes flashed wildly with fear and anger.
“Kill them” Trace roared.
Gunshot flew in all directions.
Two of The Covens guards fell to the floor, bursting into flames before there was nothing left but ash.
Brendan and the other guards ran off in all direction, trying to dodge the bullets.
Gabby ducked down into a crawl and disappeared within the many desks. Trace shot off left, followed by a couple of the men dressed in black combat.
The other guards responded by empting there round towards the other Vampires.
Madison threw her hands up over her head. Terror ranged through her, paralyzing her. She knew she could not out run the gun shot if she was to move.
The long glass window to the left of the room cracked and shattered, spraying glass all over where Madison sat. A screamed erupted from her throat as glass showered down all around her.
“Madison!” Brendan shouted, sprinting towards her instantly as he still tried to dodge the gunshot which flew randomly around the room.
A stray bullet collided with his right shoulder, piercing the skin and burying itself in. Brendan collapsed to the floor two desks to the left of her; he was now injured on both arms, although his left arm had probably healed by now.
“Brendan” Madison screamed in mass panic, unsure where the bullet had hit him.
Instinct kicked in, pulling me to her to her feet. She wouldn’t allow anymore of her loved ones to die, she had a new strength that she had never felt before and it would push her forwards to stand up and save the ones she loved.
She stayed low, covering her head with her arms as she pasted the gangway between the desks. Bullets zoomed past her head, missing her by inches. One of the down falls of being humans was that, if she was hit by a bullet, she wouldn’t be as lucky as Brendan.
Although she knew Brendan would heal once he had removed the bullet, he needed her now. And If the tables were turned, there was not a shadow of a doubt that he wouldn’t fight his way through to get to her.
Madison heart raced in her chest as terror ripped through her. Adrenaline pumped around her body, causing my whole body to tremble.
She reached the next desk, crouching with her back again the strong wooden side, breaching the distance to get to Brendan.
Slowly, she peered around the side of the desk, down the gangway. It was clear.
Moving fast, still staying low. She crawled the few feet towards where Brendan was led on his side injured, his hand already underneath his t-shirt, extracting the bullet from underneath his skin.
“Brendan!” Madison cried, as she reached him.
Kneeing over his head and gently pressing the palms of her hands on either side of his cheeks.
“Are you okay?” Madison asked, unable to keep the emotion from breaking through in her voice. The right side of his t-shirt was drench in blood and Brendan appeared paler than usual.
Madison lowered her head, brushing her lips against his forehead – unsure what to do.
Brendan closed his eyes, taking in the feeling of her warm lips against his cold skin. She heard his teeth grind together and his body tightened as he pulled the small silver bullet from his flesh.
The rest of the room seemed to fade away around them, unless only Madison and Brendan were left. When Madison was with Brendan, everything always seemed to melt away around them. The hell that they had been through to be together had only made their bond stronger. The loose that had occurred had been great and horrific and guilt would be with them both for however long they both shall live. Madison realised now, more than ever. That no matter how long we both lived, they would be together. There was no one else she would rather spend the rest of her days or hours with.
A sharp pain throbbed from Madison’s scalp as someone grabbed a handful of her hair and threw her backwards. Madison slid backwards across the floor a few feet. She was thrown backwards in such force it made her feel dizzy. Gasping she caught her breath as the wind was knocked out of her.
Brendan jumped to his feet as she was ripped from his side.
Gabby stood before him, her eyes flashing wildly. Blood ran down her face from an open cut of her forehead, probably a bullet scrap. Her normal flawless skin seemed duller than before, a few lines creased her forehead and the deep cut flawed her skin. She grabbed Brendan by his silky, black hair, scratching at his face and eyes. Anger rumbled through Gabby, like the trembles of an earthquake. Her whole body shook, and her normally pale faced looked flushed.
A loud and piecing scream erupted from her lungs as she continued to attack Brendan like a wild cat.
Madison jumped to her feet, not really thinking about the bullets that were still flying around the room and the fights that erupted throughout the room.
Leaping towards Gabby and grabbing a hand full of her pretty blonde hair.
“See how you like it, Bitch!” Madison spat furiously.
Gabby whimpered, letting go of Brendan instantly, not wanting to lose any of her perfect hair. Brendan face was covered with small thin scratches from Gabby’s finger nails as he watched Madison with astonishment.
Using all her strength Madison tried to pull Gabby backwards, like she had done to her. It was difficult and she was a lot weaker then what she thought.
Gabby moved unwillingly back a few paces, persuaded only, by the pain of her hair being ripped from its roots.
Gabby wailed as Madison tug at her hair, urging her back further. Gabby grabbed at her shoulders, pushing her backwards. Madison stumbled, letting go of her hair and falling to the floor.
She lunged at Brendan again, striking him in the face and stomach.
Brendan fell back against the desk, gripping his stomach from the impact.
Jumping to her feet again, Madison swung at her. Her fist painfully impacting with her left cheek, Gabby fell to the floor, out cold.
“Owe…” Madison cried, trying to shake of the pain in my hand.
“How the hell did you do that?!” Brendan asked confused, watching Madison as she danced shaking her hand from the pain of the impact.
Madison felt ecstatic. She had finally fought back, giving Gabby exactly what she deserved – a good hard smack to the face. Madison would have jumped for joy if she hadn’t been in excruciating pain.
Brendan stared at her in disbelief, a smug smile twitching the corners of his mouth. He gripped his stomach, his crystal blue eyes burning brighter from where he remained perched against the desk.
“Wow” he muttered under his breath, eyeing her from top to bottom but confused to where her new found strength had come from.
Madison turned towards him, grabbing his arm to help him up. Although, Brendan didn’t really need it, he allowed her to help him – standing up easily, without much effort.
“Come on...” Brendan said grabbing her arm and leading her towards the back of the room, away from some of the gun fire.
One of The Covens guards fell over a table at their feet, as he was shot several times by a machine gun. Brendan pulled Madison out of the way before the guard could collide with her, they staggered around the alight body of the guard and raced down the gangway between the desks staying ahead of the bullets.<
br />
The door was insight. A few guards and Trace in mid fight, blocked their way.
Madison heart raced, her head felt a little hazy but she was unharmed. She trembled, from the intense fear and trauma.
They reached the end of the desks, Brendan crouched down low as the gun fire scattered the room - Madison followed. This was as far as they could go, there was no way they could pass their enemies without them both getting shot in the process. It was becoming apparent that they would have to fight their way out.
Madison took a deep breath, bracing herself. Movement caught the corner of her right eye. A solder jumped out from behind a desk, his gun raised in the air. He brought it down forcefully, catching the top of her skull. An immense pain filled the whole of her head and her vision became blurred. Her head felt like it had grown twice its normal size and had become extremely heavy. Black drew in all around her as she crashed to the floor.
Brendan face turned cold and hard as he watched Madison fall in slow motion to the floor. Blood began to trickle down the side of her face, down on to her neck.
His eyes grew fiery and his jaw tightened as anger raced through him.
Brenan leapt up protectively, grabbing the solder and punching him repeatedly in the face.
Unconsciousness tempted Madison eyes closed, her eyes rolled back in her head but she forced them open, fighting it with all the strength she had left. She had to stay awake; slipping into unconsciousness now would kill her and Brendan.
Her hair was blood soaked, she was dizzy and disoriented. Her vision was doubled and the strength that she had felt earlier had completely disappeared.
A high pitched ringing sounded in her ears. It was too easy to be tempted by darkness that urged to take her, to be completely absorbed by the nothingness of sleep. No pain, no thoughts, no emotion, nothing.
Madison eyes flickered shut slowly, she felt the heaviness of sleep weighing down on her. Her hand touched something hard and thick as she moved it in her unconsciousness. It stirred her. She used all her strength to lift herself to her feet. Her eyes rolled open as the wave of dizziness hit her from standing up to fast. Her head felt too large and heavy for her to carry it, her hair and face were soaked in blood. There was a dull pain at the back of her head from where the end of the gun handle had struck her. The double vision subsided and she caught a glimpse of dark brown curly hair flying in the air. Trace had broken off from his fight with one of the Coven guards. He twirled around to Brendan’s direction, his face full of anger and hatred. His mouth-open wide as he screamed something to Brendan.
Splatters of blood covered his clothes, a few circles of blood dotted around his body from bullet wounds – nothing life threatening though.
Madison eyes shifted down towards the large shiny metal object that Trace had gripped in his hands, a black barrel of the gun was pointed at Brendan.
Brendan unknowingly, continued to fight the guard that had struck Madison, his back to Trace who was approaching fast. Brendan had not noticed Madison who had risen to her feet and was now watching what was about to occur before her.
A disturbing, evil smile spread across Traces face, his eyes glowed as if this had been the happiest moment of his life. His hand twitched as he grabbed the trigger and squeezed it, the gun pointed at Brendan’s back.
Panic travelled through Madison at a speed she could not comprehend. Adrenaline ran through her veins, sending a new wave of strength pulsing its way through her.
The room seemed to fall silent around them. The few vampires that were left stopped and watched as Madison grabbed the three diagonal bullet wounds in her stomach.
Trace stared in horror for a second, then his features guess calm as he realised he had killed the main target of all this madness.
Madison removed her hands from her stomach and stared at the blood that covered them. Brendan turned around quickly, realising that something was wrong.
“Madison!!” he shouted, his voice full of panic.
Madison stood behind him, he once massive effort she had sprinted towards Brendan’s blindside and jumped in front of the bullets, saving him.
Her legs suddenly became limp, unable to hold the weight of her body any longer. She sensed the motion of fall, but her mind was too deep in shock to process the information. Brendan pushed the guard he was fighting aside and caught her before she could hit the floor, sweeping her off her feet.
Pain ripped through her from where the bullets had torn her vital organs.
Madison wailed in pain, tears streaming down her face.
Brendan leapt backwards running past the solider, towards the door at the end of the room. Gunshot erupted in their directions, breaking the silence that had filled the room for that moment. The solider that had struck Madison got caught in the gun fire, blocking Brendan from getting hit. He fell to the floor and combust into flames. The Coven guards still alive erupted into battle again.
Madison’s heart fluttered in my chest, it was struggling and too many of her vital organs had been hit. Shock was being to set, causing her to shiver violently against Brendan ice cold body. Brendan kicked the office door open and hurried inside, kicking it shut behind him and twisting the lock.
“It’s okay. You are going to be alright” he said panicked.
The room was small. A few large grey filing cabinets stood at the back wall.
One mahogany desk sat in front of the filing cabinets, a computer and telephone placed exactly on the desk. The large plain of glass that covered the right wall looked out onto the city of London; it was covered with thick white pleated blinds.
Brendan ran towards the desk, knocking the items on the surface off in one fowl swoop. Gently he laid Madison down onto the desk, being careful not to hurt her further. The office door began to shake as a foot impacted with it repeatedly.
Brendan’s eyes were wet with tears, he scanned her body manically, unconcerned to who was trying to get in. He cleared his throat several times, trying to remove the large ball that had formed.
Uncontrollable tears slid down Madison cheeks into her already blood soaked hair. A stabbing pain filled her abdomen as her organs ruptured eternally.
“It hurts” Madison wept, as Brendan carefully lifted up her t-shirt to examine her injuries.
“It’s okay…” he whispered, emotion breaking his voice.
Three small holes dotted in a line in her stomach were filled with sticky, red blood. Brendan’s face drained of coloured as he realised the extent of her injuries. He threw both hands up other his mouth in shock, he became still and his eyes widening in horror.
Madison read his reaction, a loud cry erupted from her throat as she realised she was about to die. Her heart beat grew faster as it tried to compensate for the fact that it soon would stop. She coughed. Blood flew up out of her mouth and landed on the bear skin on my arm. She quickly swallowed down the rest of the metal tasting blood in her mouth, crying further. Brendan’s hands were quickly on her head, stroking her blood soaked hair.
“Madison, are you okay?” he asked frantically, his voice straining under the stress.
“Brendan, I don’t want to die” Madison cried, emotion raw in my throat.
Gently Brendan lowered his head and kissed her hard on my forehead.
Her skin tingled from his icy touch, and her mind span at the realisation that this would be the last time they would ever be together.
He straightened up, tears spilling uncontrollably down his cheeks. At the moment, Brendan had given up – he had lost all hope.
There was a million things Madison she wanted to ask him, and now she would never have the chance. The only satisfaction she could get out of her death was the knowledge that she had save the man she loved.
Her breathing became delayed and she took deep gargling breaths as blood filled her lungs. Choking, more blood rose in her mouth. She forced it down, wincing at the disgusting metal taste in my mouth.
“I will not let you die
” Brendan whispered now a complete emotional wreck.
The door crackled as it became weaker with the impact of some ones foot.
Brendan quickly raised his wrist to his mouth, revealing two large canine teeth about an inch longer than the rest of his teeth. He pieced the skin with his teeth. Blood oozed out of his flesh and dripped down onto the floor.
Madison struggled to breath, watching him with scared eyes. The sounds around her became distant, until all she could hear was the slowing drone of her own thudding heart. Her body was tingly, and the pain was beginning to ease.
Brendan placed his other arm around her shoulder, propping her up slightly.
“Drink” he hissed through his elongated canine teeth.
Madison hesitated for a moment, his voice sounded muffled as if someone had turned the volume right down. Staring at the small slit from where Brendan’s razor sharp teeth had pieced the skin, she let the smell of the cold sweet, appetizing blood fill my nostrils. It drew her in, urging her to consume every last drop of it.
“Drink!” Brendan shouted more clearly now.
With her last ounce of strength she wrapped her lips around the open wound, sucking the sweet blood into my mouth. She forced it down, swallowing it unwillingly. The blood cooled her insides as it went down. A wave of dizziness overcame her, a warm sensation burning at the pit of her stomach. The blood tasted good, sweet and sugary like a warm cup of hot chocolate. Gripping Brendan’s arm she his fist to her lips, drinking his blood like a staving man. She swallowed the blood happily, letting wave upon wave of dizziness take her, drawing her into the darkness, taking over her body, changing it.
The banging on the door grew louder. Vibrations from the door travelled around the room and up the desk to where Madison led.
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