Zora put her hand over her mouth. What Liam was doing was not only impressive, but also terrifying to behold. He was controlling the very elements of nature with only the slightest motion of his hands, and it responded to him in a way that made Zora wonder what more the Warden was capable of doing with Ithillium.
“What do you think?” Liam called out to her over his shoulder.
“I think you should be careful,” Zora called back, watching the moving black hole in the middle of the pond.
“Don’t worry, I’m the one controlling it. Ithillium can’t hurt you, only what we do with it. Now, it’s your turn!”
But Zora didn’t move towards him. She found herself fixated on the churning flux of murky water as it was being pulled down into the empty void. For some unknown reason, she felt herself walking towards it, straight into the state of nothingness, wanting to be consumed by it; consumed by the power of Ithillium.
It’s just like that night in my bedchamber, when I was looking out over the forest and I was being called in by it, Zora recalled darkly.
The young women couldn’t stop the memories of home from flashing through her mind at this moment, and the memories were not always good ones. Zora couldn’t help but recall the cruelty in her mother’s eyes, the knowledge that Samaria was somehow being weakened and she was too far away to stop it, and finally, the vision of ever-raging ice storms that cursed the lands outside the valley.
Hypnotically, Zora walked towards the now violent pond as the whirlpool called her in. She didn’t hear Liam ask her why she was walking into the water. She didn’t feel anything as the lower half of her dress soaked up with dirty water and her shoes filled with mud. She never heard Liam cry for her to stop.
Residual ire and resentment towards Evangeline and what she had done to her awoke in her overly stimulated mind. In that moment, Zora forgot about everything Liam had told her. She shut off all of her senses to the world around her and focused on nothing but the rage and hatred she felt towards her mother, her exile, and her suffering country.
Even though she wasn’t intentionally reaching for Ithillium, Zora could feel it surrounding her. The ancient power called to her, clouding her mind with desire and need. It begged to be used and controlled by her. At first Zora resisted, but the ancient power was determined. It pushed against her until her need to be drunk with the rapture of Ithillium overtook her. She created the Bond, and it was full of anger and indulgence, just like she was.
Zora lifted up her hand and, with a frustrated cry, slammed it into the water surrounding her. As soon as she did so, the engulfing whirlpool in the center stopped churning and the underlying current dissipated. Replacing it, however, were large black swells that began to break upon the water’s surface like the waves of a great ocean.
Larger and larger the waves grew, feeding off the anger in Zora’s mind until they built up into an enormous, daunting tidal wave that was white capped and arched over gracefully in the middle of the pond. The frightful sounds of rushing water replaced the familiar noise of falling rain as the threatening wave hovered above both her and Liam. It gathered momentum, waiting to crush them underneath its massive force. Zora knew she was the one controlling it, holding it back so that it wouldn’t drown them when it fell, when she told it to fall.
If you let go, you’ll both die, a voice in her head spoke. It sounded like the phantom from Samaria, menacing and knowing. Hold on to all the anger you feel towards your injustices and nobody will get hurt.
This was the second day in a row he had tried to contact her while she was awake. Not so ironically, it was when she was Bonding with Ithillium. Zora gritted her teeth together as she obeyed the voice. The mark on her side was burning and her hands were shaking. Anger swelled in her heart, and without trying Zora channeled it through her hands with a great burst of energy.
“No!” Zora cried out and pushed back against the tidal wave. Then she watched, astounded, as it exploded in a spray of ice crystals. Ice began to form where her body met the water’s surface, moving towards the pond’s center as fast as lightening, freezing everything in it’s path with a cold atrocity. Within seconds the pond was completely frozen over, except for the small radius round Zora. She turned around, water lapping at her thighs, and trudged back to the pond’s edge as if nothing had happened.
“Zora!” a voice broke through her daze. “A little help?”
The woman glanced over her shoulder and saw Liam frozen up to his knees in ice and looking slightly frantic. She continued to walk right by him, ignoring his cries for assistance.
“Zora! Wait a second!” She heard the gritting sounds of ice breaking apart as Liam used the energy of Ithillium to crack it so he could wiggle free. Running footsteps flew up in the rear as Liam caught up with her.
“Hey!” He whistled at her causing her to stop and look at him. “How did you do that? Did you even mean to do that?” He was pointing back at the pond. “Because it sure looked like you did! I don’t know what you’re playing at, but it’s not funny.” His voice sounded outraged, but underneath it all Zora caught a glimpse of something that resembled fear.
“I didn’t mean to do anything!” she defended in outrage. “It just happened! A train of thoughts started running through my head at the sight of the whirlpool and…I don’t know…they made me angry. Then the ice appeared.”
“Then the ice appeared,” Liam repeated slowly. He sighed and bent over to rub his lower legs that were bright pink from where the ice had begun to burn him.
“Well, whatever it was that made you angry, you should probably think about it less! Obviously I don’t have to teach you how to use Ithillium, only how to control it! Whatever it is that’s bothering you, you cannot let it take over like that!” He stopped yelling and glared at her.
“Maybe you should have told me that before dragging me over to the pond!” Zora shot back.
“I told you exactly that, Zora!” Liam retorted. “Last night! If you’re going be a good student you have to learn to listen to me. Ithillium is very sensitive to emotions. That’s the most important rule in controlling it. How you are feeling is how Ithillium will flow, and it’s very easy to get lost in. When you flow, you have to be devoid of everything you’re feeling and focus on nothing but the Bond.” Liam paused to make sure she understood.
“You could have killed both of us,” he explained, a bit less rash.
Zora understood, but she didn’t respond. She was still trembling with the stress of this entire experience. A break in the rain clouds allowed a pale stream of sunlight to beam through the canopy treetop causing steam to rise off of the saturated ground.
“Well, thank you for trying, Liam,” Zora said acidly. “You always were a good teacher. Obviously this time the problem is the student.”
“Zora, wait. I’m not saying all of this because I’m quitting. We will keep practicing until you get it right. I don’t care how long it takes. I wouldn’t be so adamant about it if I didn’t think you could be great.”
Zora stopped for a second and glowered at him. “And how are we going to do that?” she demanded. “You can’t tell me that you don’t have more important obligations to attend to than having daily secret meetings with some girl. Warden.” She emphasized his military title with vehemence. Liam opened his mouth to say something in return then quickly closed it.
“That’s what I thought,” Zora scowled then turned her back on him, arms crossed defiantly.
Liam was struggling to restrain his growing agitation. He wanted to yell at her and shake some sense into the woman. She didn’t yet realize the effects that flowing Ithillium could have over a person, and if he was going to teach her, Liam had to make sure she understood. But Zora was a strong-headed woman, and she knew how to try his patience.
“Come with me then,” he blurted out then cringed when he realized what he’d said. But it was too late to renege. Zora turned back around.
“What did you say?” she whispered, her ice-blue eyes wi
dening. Liam studied her, like he always did.
“Come with me to Cerendova,” he repeated, this time more firmly. “That way we won’t have to be apart anymore. My home is loaded with other sorcerers that can help you develop your skill.” His eyes softened. “You’ll be magnificent one day. Far more powerful than me.”
Zora immediately shook her head causing her tangled, rain soaked hair to fall across her forehead. “Liam, that is utterly ludicrous!” she insisted, and the Warden felt his agitation roil once more.
“How is that ludicrous?” Liam demanded. “You’d rather stay here in a world where you’re not wanted then come with me? Because I want you. And you’d be with others who have your abilities.” Zora broadened her stance and stuck her chin out boldly.
“Just like you have obligations in your world, I also have them in mine. You can’t expect me to give up everything I know and go with you to a place I never knew existed till yesterday. I may be a sorcerer, but I’m a noblewoman first, and I’m about to inherit the duties of ruling a township and its people. That’s my priority.”
Liam bit his tongue, hard, to prevent himself from saying anything he’d regret. If only he could make her see.
“You don’t even know anything about these people!” Liam insisted. “Or this land! What duty do you owe them? Cara is located right on the cusp of where many battles between our races took place, right before the Great Severance. While many do not believe in the legends of my people, history speaks for itself. They would not hesitate to kill us if they found out we still existed, even if it was one of their own noblewomen. You’re not safe in Montanisto or anywhere the DeVore family resides.”
“I’m not some sort of freak!” Zora yelled. “I’m a Commoner! A Daughter of the Mountain! Born and raised in the heartland of Samaria, not in a world beyond comprehension. To the people of Samaria, I’m their princess. To the people of Cara, I’m their Lady. Not a Slythos. They wouldn’t harm me.”
“I can’t just abandon you in such a state of uncertainty,” Liam insisted. His sea blue eyes were desperate with worry. “I know you’ve been displaced from your home and thrown into a foreign country, but you need to think lucidly. You’re naïve and inexperienced to such circumstances because your mother chose to keep you that way.
You don’t know anything about Montanisto, and more importantly, you don’t know anything about Ithillium. I can’t emphasize the importance of learning how to control your gift, but this is not the right place to teach you. You need to come back with me. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I don’t need your help,” Zora said through gritted teach.
She was lying to him, of course. Deep down she was terrified of what she’d just done, and her heart pounded like a hammer in her chest. What was most disconcerting of all was the fact that once she’d let Ithillium in, it was able to control her and feed off of her hatred to become more powerful. She didn’t even remember making the tidal wave and wouldn’t be able to tell Liam how she’d done it.
“Maybe you don’t understand,” Zora suggested hotly. “I was born in the Commoner lands for a reason. My fate has brought me to Montanisto, even if it’s only for a little while. Besides, if I go with you, that only takes me further away from Samaria.” She sighed as her hot temper quickly extinguished. “How will I ever get home?”
“I don’t want to fight about this anymore,” she pleaded, blinking back tears of frustration. “My mind is made up. I don’t want to go to Cerendova, so let’s not talk anymore about it. Ok?”
She eyed him to make sure he understood what she was asking, but the Warden just gave her a challenging stare back.
“I’m going to go change out of these wet cloths before I catch my death,” Zora mumbled. “You should do the same. And Liam…I am sorry, for freezing you in the pond. I didn’t do it intentionally. I promise.” She hesitated a little hoping he’d accept her apology, but he remained silent.
“And you’re welcome to use my tent again,” she continued, “if you need a warm place to sleep that is.” Her voice trailed off when she realized she wasn’t getting a response from her silent companion. “I guess I’m just gonna go then,” she said pointing her thumb towards the camp. He watched her tiny waist swinging back and forth as she walked slowly away from him.
“Zora,” Liam called out, knowing it was wrong to punish her with silence. “I’ll see you later tonight, ok?”
Zora turned and gave him a tight smile then continued to make her way towards camp, looking forward to a warm bath and dry clothes.
Chapter 16
Liam Rose hiked aimlessly through the underbrush of the Montanisto swamplands using his scimitar to cut through the snaring vegetation that blocked his path. He slashed at it angrily, watching the innocent vines and tree limbs fall to the ground as he passed through them. The overgrown brush snagged his cloths and cut his skin, but he didn’t care. Liam was angry with Zora, although he knew that she would never understand why, even if he tried to explain it to her.
Blasted headstrong woman, Liam thought as he took another swing at some impeding thicket. I tried to explain how not learning to control Ithillium will destroy you and lead to your inevitable death. Then I offer you a chance to come to a place where you can be taught everything you need to know about sorcery and you refuse me!
Ithillium was an intensely powerful energy; it had to be if every single being on the face of the earth was connected by it, even more so if humans were able to wield it. If Zora didn’t learn how to flow Ithillium correctly, it would just build up inside her until its need to be released killed her mind and body in an attempt to escape. He’d seen such an occurrence, but only once, and it was in the early days of traveling as a Warden. The images still haunted him. Then Liam’s thoughts filtered back to Spencer, her betrothed, and he became even more infuriated.
He waved a handful of mosquitos away that were buzzing loudly in his ear and biting his neck till he bled. The remaining moisture left over from the morning was quickly beginning to evaporate in the heat of the afternoon sun.
She’s powerful, he thought, more than I originally suspected. What she did at the pond was completely unexpected, and frightening. I’ve never seen a woman be able to flow Ithillium like that. It takes years to learn how to make the Bond and control other elements, and she was able to make water transform into ice quicker than I could react to it.
Liam bit his lip. He remembered the look on her face as she was Bonding with Ithillium. It was hypnotic, like someone else was controlling what she was doing.
She looks like she did that night in the library, Liam thought. But she told me about the anger she was feeling and the thoughts that evoked such a powerful emotion...
Then he recalled the scar branded on her midsection that she’d revealed to him almost a month ago.
I really don’t know what’s going on. In all my years of traveling through both Realms, I still need to talk to someone about it.
The Warden was suddenly distracted by a familiar burning sensation on his right forearm. He stopped his slashing in order to read the message that was quickly coming in. He began to undo some of the dressings Zora had put over his tattoo as the burning intensified and the wraps around the wound fell away. Finally, Liam could make out the words ‘I see you’ blazing on his skin. Uneasiness quickly gripped him.
The Warden immediately repositioned into a low defensive crouch with his sword drawn, his eyes examining every movement that flickered through the marshland. He listened intently for evidence that another person was close, but all he heard was the squawking of black crows high up in the trees.
He felt the presence of the hidden visitor who was stalking him silently and purposefully. Before Liam could turn around, a black figure charged at him with a visceral force. He slammed into Liam, knocking the breath from his chest as he hit the ground on his stomach. The attacker came at him again, trying to pin him to the ground as he lay there helpless for a moment, but Liam was faster and able to r
oll away before the other man could get his weight on him.
Liam turned onto his back and kicked the man hard in the stomach, and he heard a large whoosh of air escape his lungs. It only took a moment for the attacker to regain his composure then he rushed at Liam again. Still on his back, Liam jumped to his feet, but not before a fist made contact with his jaw, and then another to his ribs. Dizziness overcame him for a second as the blows kept coming. The two men sparred back in forth with neither one getting a better hold on the other. Every move Liam attempted was successfully blocked by his attacker till his arms and shoulders burned with fatigue.
Finally, Liam gathered enough strength to throw a single blow that caused his attacker to spin around and fall face first to the ground. The Warden was on him before he could retaliate. He hooked one elbow behind the attacker’s knee and one behind his head, then locked his hands together before sliding one knee into the opponent’s back to keep him pinned to the ground. He waited, pressing his weight further into his attacker. They were both breathing heavily from the physical exertion and sweat covered their faces. A low, deep laugh finally came forth from his opponent that caused Liam to relax his hold a bit.
“Ok, ok, you win! Now, let me up. I’ve got a mouth full of mud!”
“Serves you right for sneaking up on me! Why couldn’t you just announce yourself like a normal human being,” Liam retorted as he rubbed his jaw where the attacker had hit him. He could taste the remnants of blood in his mouth.
“I have to keep you on your toes you know!” his opponent replied as Liam released his hard grip and stood up while the other man did the same. They stood across from each other for a moment then both laughed reassuringly before entering into a genuine embrace.
“It’s good to see you, Aaron!” Liam said as he released his fellow Warden from his hold.
“And you,” Aaron smiled back.
Azurite (Daughter of the Mountain Book 1) Page 25