Made for Two Heroes

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Made for Two Heroes Page 3

by Madison Hayes

  “Her eyes are covered,” Graham Hamm muttered in a low voice, “though she could probably see through the blindfold if she wanted to. To be realistic, she could probably see through her eyelids if she wanted to! But she doesn’t want to know who’s in the room with her. The blindfold’s meant to remind her of that more than anything else.”

  “You’re repeating yourself,” Junkie growled, his cock surging with anticipation. In a moment he’d be through that door and holding the sylphlike beauty in his arms. One moment after that, he’d have his long burning shaft buried between her legs, soaking in her drenched heat while her pussy swallowed him whole. He just needed to shake free of her overbearing, overprotective friend. Jed and Gray had briefed him earlier, telling him about Lacey’s enhanced Adept powers as well as the fact that she’d be blindfolded. He’d heard it all while Velvet was cutting his hair and he didn’t need to hear it again.

  “You be good to her,” Hamm warned.

  “I’m never anything less,” Junkie drawled, though he felt anything but nonchalant. He was itching to walk through the door. But Hamm’s big hand was wrapped firmly around the round handle, barring him entrance.

  “She’d prefer Jason,” the lieutenant commander muttered as though to put a dent in Junkie’s confidence.

  “Yeah?” Junkie challenged him. “Then why isn’t he here?”

  “It’s complicated. But you’re just the stand-in so don’t try to make it anything more than that.”

  “Why the fuck would I want anything more?” he rasped. “Besides, I promised Velvet I’d keep my identity a secret. I’ll keep my word, Earther.”

  The Spaceforce officer nodded, apparently mollified by his response. “Well, just don’t give yourself away with that useless, fucking sense of humor of yours.”

  “Open the damn door!” Junkie bit out, suddenly losing his hard-held patience.

  Shooting him a taunting smile, Hamm opened the door and ushered Junkie into the room. With a few words, he informed Lacey that she’d be safe with the man he’d brought her and asked her if she had her blindfold in place.

  Junkie stepped into the room, an expanding feeling of triumph and conquest heightening his sense of gratification. For two weeks, ever since the Spaceforce officers had arrived on eYona and he’d caught his first glimpse of the exquisite beauty, he’d dreamed of the moment when he’d finally get her beneath him. Because he’d never doubted the outcome. When Junkie set out to seduce a woman, one way or another, by fair means or foul, he got what he wanted. He’d been so hot for Lacey that he’d not even thought of another woman since he’d set eyes on her, let alone had sex with one. Two weeks was a long stretch of time for him to go without and he was looking forward to a night of blistering heat. It was a commonly known fact that Adepts were the perfect fuck, the length and width of their cunts adjusting over time to the shape of their lover’s cock. They tightened for a small man and expanded for a big man. Junkie just hoped she adjusted quickly. With Lacey’s enhanced reactions and ability to adapt more rapidly than a normal Adept, Junkie was thinking that things might just come together nicely for him.

  As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he found Lacey lying on the bed and panting in shallow bursts. A fine coat of sweat gleamed on the generous swell of her breasts and on the milky-smooth skin of her thighs. She reminded him of a young filly coming into heat for the first time—wild and desperate, shivering beneath a consuming need she couldn’t understand. Despite himself and his long-held belief that no woman could move him past feelings of simple lust, Junkie’s heart went out to the slender girl who lay panting on the rumpled sheets. “Easy, little one,” he murmured, keeping his voice low and rough as he lowered himself to the bed and ran his fingers over her damp cheek. Immediately, she turned her face and kissed his hand hungrily. Stunned by her show of need, Junkie settled his other hand on her breast. Her nipple, stiff as a nail, grazed his palm and she convulsed in a shuddering spasm just from the light touch of his fingers. “Easy,” he told her in a whisper.

  Realizing how desperate she was, he got to his feet again, planning to shed his clothing as quickly as possible but she followed him up, kneeling on the bed, clinging to him. With a rasping chuckle, he helped her get her legs around his hips then pulled her up a few inches so that he could reach the waistband of his pants. While she ran her mouth over his face and raked her hands into his hair, he got his pants past his hips and let them slide to his knees. His cock sprang free, taut and hard and reaching for her. Turning, he sat on the bed and toed his boots off while Lacey wriggled against him. He was still working his pants down over his calves when she found his cock head with the open mouth of her damp pussy. With a frantic shove, she sheathed his first few inches.

  Junkie gasped, his body going rigid with pleasure as her wet pussy lips closed around his cock head. His fingers clamped around her waist in a tight, biting grip and stopped her from taking all of him inside that hot luscious well. “One inch at a time,” he told her, surprised at the rough emotion in his own voice.

  “Oh please,” she whimpered as her teeth sank into his earlobe and the silky fabric of the blindfold stroked his cheek. “Oh please, oh please, oh please,” she begged, nipping sharply at his ear between her pleading exhortations. Suddenly she stopped, apparently realizing she was biting him. Swiftly, her tongue moved over his earlobe in short, apologetic licks.

  “I’ll get you, Lacey,” he promised. “I’ll fuck you, Y Nahita. Just slow down a bit. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She twisted in his arms and he pushed her onto him another inch. Then lifted her and fed her the same inch again.

  “More,” she moaned, screamed, demanded. “I need more. Now!”

  “Oh fuck,” he rasped and, with his hands clasping her waist, he shoved her down onto his cock as hard as he could.

  “Oh!” she shouted as she thrashed on the end of his cock. He held her tightly, forcing his thick swollen tip against the back of her cervix while her sheath clasped and unclasped then shuddered along his length, almost coming from the sheer surprising shock of a woman orgasming on his first thrust. As she went wild in his arms, a deep masculine sob of pure satisfaction broke from his throat—half joy, half something else that wrenched at his heart. He’d never had a woman like this. Never, through all the years and all the women, had a woman gone mad in his lap. Not on the first fucking thrust.

  Junkie showered her neck and shoulders with the nip of his lips, kissing her while her pussy continued to contract around his aching shaft, her back bowed, her body stiff in his arms. Finally, her head fell forward and her wet brow rested against his. Amazingly, he felt her tight warmth slide farther down his erection, her channel lengthening to take him deeper while the walls of her cunt closed around his heated flesh like a velvet glove. A moment later her swollen pussy lips were kissing the top of his balls. He was all the way in, wrapped up inside her liquid heat.

  “Thank you,” she muttered in a hoarse croak.

  “Feel better?”

  She nodded without speaking.

  “Ready to go again?”

  She shifted on him and he smiled as he felt her inner muscles contract around his rigid length. She was testing him, evidently surprised that he had something left. “You…didn’t come,” she pointed out in a small apologetic murmur.

  “You didn’t give me much of a chance,” he answered on a low, husky chuckle.

  She was silent a moment before venturing, in a voice that was almost shy, “Want another chance?”

  Again, Junkie felt that wonderful but somehow crippling sense of joy rise in his heart. “I’d like to see you try to stop me.”

  Twisting on the bed, he lowered her onto the mattress beneath him and fucked her. He came at her hard, strong and hungrily, lifting her legs over his arms and spreading her wide as he slammed his cock down the throat of her tiny slit, amazed when she bucked beneath him a second time with no less energy than the first. As she twisted beneath his sweat-dampened body, he grappled wit
h her and tried to hold her into the fuck, knowing that she’d leave herself unsatisfied if he couldn’t keep his cock seated deep inside her while she closed on him, if his groin wasn’t crushed against her pussy, grinding her clit into submission.

  “Jeezis Skies,” she grunted softly, jerking beneath him as her cunt fisted around his cock in short, milking spasms.

  “Jeezis Skies,” he agreed hoarsely, using her Earther expletive as though it was a prayer. He kissed the heated moisture from her brow and rubbed his lips together just to prolong the sensation of experiencing her flavor for the first time. That wonderful ache filled his heart again and he lowered his forehead to rest against hers. Panting roughly, he fought the groan that rumbled painfully in his chest.

  By the Princess! What the hell was happening to him? What was wrong? Inside Lacey’s hot, wet hold, his cock pulsed in thick surges, matching the beat of his heart. Both heart and shaft felt like they might shatter and explode without warning. “Y Nahita,” he whispered. “Ot n’uatha at Y?”

  Enough! He just needed to get fucked. Everything would come back into perspective after he released inside her. He shook his head and the damp ends of his recently cut hair clung to his sweat-slicked skin.

  Again, he started moving on her, powering into her slowly, thoroughly, flogging the back of her cervix with the thick swelling knob on the end of his dick and all the time, he felt his shaft stretching and thickening and expanding to the point he thought his skin might split. At the back of his balls a heavy sense of anticipation built and sharpened then pleasure rushed at him and swept over him swiftly, engulfing him in blank, terrifying ecstasy. He felt like he was falling through a long, timeless space where nothing existed except the thrill and rapture of the fuck while his cock surged and hammered and emptied inside Lacey’s tight, quivering sheath.

  Breathing hard, he fell down over her, his heart pounding above the delicate flutter of hers while he felt her cunt going through its rhythmic milking spasms again and her lips nibbled at the fever-hot skin of his throat. He could almost feel her smile against his neck…and he liked the feeling. Liked it far too much for his own good.

  Again he groaned. “Ot n’uatha at Y?”

  He should have left then, his duty performed, his mission accomplished. The sun would be up in an hour or two and he needed to get out of her room before it was light. But he couldn’t resist the temptation of a few more minutes spent at her side. She fell asleep almost immediately, curled into the crook of his arm, her shallow breaths warming the white wrap that stretched across his chest and he lay there in the darkness, watching his hand as he ran his palm over the curve of her thigh. There was a huge hush in his soul, an overwhelming feeling of contentment that loosened the muscles of his long hard body while lulling him gently toward a cottony fog of sleep.

  The next thing he knew, that damn communicator was humming in his ear and Hamm’s voice was telling him to get the hell out of there. The room wasn’t quite as black as it had been previously. Dawn was well underway and he’d stayed longer than he’d planned. Swiftly, he pulled his pants up his legs. Silently, he slipped through the door, his boots clutched in his fist.

  Chapter Four

  As though floating on a cloud, Lacey drifted into the great hall, a feeling of sated comfort wrapping her like a warm fuzzy blanket. For the first time in several days, she didn’t feel like a land mine about to go off.

  Thank god.

  Though she’d slept late, breakfast was still being served in the long, vaulted room. A few thin rays of morning light filtered down from the small gothic windows set high on the thick stone walls but most of the hall’s light was provided by vertical neon tubes spaced between colorful tapestries, neon gas being in plentiful supply on eYona. This was the room in which the Iron Duke would normally preside over dinners of state, convene meetings with both foreign and national dignitaries or perhaps join his captains for military briefings. The hall’s black marble banquet table had been pushed to the end of the room adjoining the kitchen and pressed into service as a buffet counter, creating space for many smaller dining tables that were presently occupied by both eYonan warriors and Spaceforce officers.

  Lacey wandered over to the buffet and moseyed through the line, helping herself to fresh fruit and crackle cake. At the end of the counter, she waited for the cook to serve up a sizzling-hot strip of fried riverweed, a savory eYonan breakfast delicacy she’d come to look forward to every morning.

  She had Velvet and her husbands to thank for the first good night of sleep she’d had since arriving on the planet. Of course, she owed a good deal of her gratitude to the man they’d sent to her. Although she’d been blindfolded and hadn’t seen the eYonan who’d held her in the night, she knew he had a fabulous, lean, hard-muscled body and thick hair that stopped just short of touching his shoulders. The heated kisses he’d pressed into her mouth had been roughened with a raw intensity that had touched her to her core. The heavy thrust of his thick, jutting cock had satisfied her every craving as he stretched wide the walls of her vagina and hammered the mouth of her womb. He had been masterful. Yet it was not his mastery that had made him seem so perfect a lover but the impression of a powerful masculinity held at the very edge of his control.

  Her Adept body had adjusted to him immediately, making his length and shape her own. Her vagina would retain that shape and size, remaining his perfect fit, until another man took his place. A pleased smile lifted her lips. When that happened, she’d probably have a lot of shrinking to do. The man was built to please!

  It was the eYonan’s words, however, from which she had drawn the most pleasure—the strain that had overlain his every syllable, the edgy tense emotion he’d struggled to hide from her as he’d whispered raw curses that sounded like prayers, along with those other strange words muttered in his own language.

  Lacey glanced around at the tables that filled the hall where airmen mingled with warriors and sat in small groupings. She wondered if her eYonan lover sat at one of the tables, perhaps watching her as she looked for him. When she caught Junkie’s eye, he returned her stare for a second before turning his intent look into a smile. The handsome eYonan had added a black leather wrap to his braid, she noted. The wide band was studded with flat circles of webbed turquoise similar to the three cockstones riveted into his fly.

  Remembering her annoyance with him, Lacey looked away, letting her gaze roam over the packed hall, again wondering which of the warriors might have spent the night with her. Her gaze lingered on Camp, a tall native whose brown hair seemed approximately the right length, then moved on to Blair, whose slim, rangy physique drew her attention.

  Whoever her secret lover was, Lacey liked him. She liked him a lot. Which surprised her, because of the way she felt about Jason. Now there were two men to whom she was very much attracted. But that was just about where she wanted to be—with two lovers—so that, if anything happened to one of them, she wouldn’t be alone.

  With the strip of mouthwatering riverweed on her plate, she ducked out a narrow side door onto a sun-brightened patio where she found Velvet and her husbands sitting at a round glass table. Greeting her family with a smile, she ignored Junkie who had followed her outside and joined a group of eYonans at a table nearby.

  After seating her, Jed poured her a cup of steaming char which she accepted gratefully, preferring it to either the coffee that Earthers were so fond of or the peppery morning wine popular on her native planet. Regarding her with a warm smile, Jed told her how good she looked before he returned to his conversation with Velvet and Gray. Finished with their meals, they were discussing possible destinations for an afternoon outing, Jed having offered to lead them on a magnabike trip.

  As Jed listed some of the local attractions, Lacey tucked into her breakfast. The first few bites of riverweed seemed a little tough, though every bit as delicious as she’d come to expect. Strangely enough, the next few bites seemed a good deal easier to chew. “What?” she asked when she caught her sister
’s curious gaze.

  Velvet sent her a wry smile. “Your teeth.”

  Mystified, Lacey stopped chewing and ran her tongue over the bottom edge of her incisors. They were razor sharp! Not to mention a good deal longer than they should have been. “Oh no!” she squeaked, covering her mouth with one hand and glancing self-consciously around at the adjacent tables. “I must look like a vampire!”

  “It’s not that bad,” Velvet murmured, her eyes twinkling, obviously fighting to hide her amusement.

  “The riverweed was a bit tough,” she mumbled. “I guess my teeth automatically adjusted to the fact.”

  “Pretty quick adjustment,” Velvet pointed out as she flicked her silken sheet of hair behind her shoulder.

  “You’d better hope a cold front doesn’t blow in,” Gray grunted, gray eyes glittering with humor. “Or you’re liable to grow fur.”

  “Along with a moustache and beard,” Velvet added on an unladylike bark of laughter.

  Appalled, Lacey stared at them. As far as she was concerned, the prospect of facial hair was no laughing matter! She’d have a hell of a time getting laid if she were to grow a moustache or a beard! As she sank her teeth into a succulent crescent-shaped piece of tallic fruit and waited for her teeth to change back to their normal shape and size, Jed returned to the discussion of their outing. “We might even get lucky,” he suggested, “and run across some mating ticks.”

  Velvet’s eyes widened on him. “Mating ticks?”


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