Cinderella-ish (Razzle My Dazzle Book 1)

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Cinderella-ish (Razzle My Dazzle Book 1) Page 14

by Joslyn Westbrook

  She giggles and removes my finger. “I was only going to say picnic lunch. You can feast on my picnic lunch that I lovingly pack every day.” She jabs her manicured finger into my bicep. “Seriously, Mr. Michaels, you should really get your head out of the naughty pit.”

  This woman…

  She’s everything I need.

  Playful. Beautiful. Smart.

  “Well, it seems you didn’t mind my head in the naughty pit last night.”

  The old lady, sitting in the row across from us, squeezes her legs shut and shakes her head.

  “Mr. Michaels!” Daniella says.

  And I can’t resist planting a kiss on her lips.

  The flight attendant’s announcement startles our locked lips free, and we both lean back into our own seats, waiting for the plane to take off, as we hold hands, our fingers tightly interlocked.

  We fall asleep, once again waking up right before the plane descends for a landing.

  And once we exit the plane and arrive at the busy spot to claim our baggage, I lean close to Daniella and whisper, “Will you please come home with me?”

  She looks up at me, surprised. “I’d like that very much.”

  Truth is, I want Daniella to come home with me every single day. For the rest of my life.

  Traffic is a nightmare, and all I can think about during the whole drive home is how much I want to get there and pour into Daniella. And once we walk through the front door, we don’t even make it all the way up the stairs before we rip each other’s clothes off—like gifts to our stored-up desire.

  Then I carry her into my room and onto my bed, where we still lie. I swear there is no end to the amount of times I can pleasure this woman. Seeing her react to every touch, lick, and thrust; her body is like a sexual sergeant—keeping me standing hard at attention.

  After our nap, we shower and head to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.

  “Maybe we need to order takeout. I’ve got nothing in the fridge—all of the salami is gone.”

  “Chinese?” she says, perched up on the kitchen counter looking too adorable in my bathrobe.

  “Chinese, it is.”

  We head to the living room after the takeout arrives and we eat it in front of the fireplace.

  She looks at me inquisitively. “Nonna shared how she came to raise you in this house.”

  “Yep she did. I’ve lived here all of my life.” I dip an egg roll into sauce and feed it to her.

  “It’s a lovely home, that’s for sure.”

  I shrug. “I suppose. But honestly, I’d take a small home away from the city, any day. Some guys have goals of living in lavish homes with a wife and kids. And in ironic contrast, I dream of a modest home with a wife and kids.”

  She nods as I feed her more egg roll.

  “And you? What dreams of family life do you have, Daniella?”

  Her eyelids sag and she doesn’t say a word at first. “I’ve never had dreams of a family life,” she utters as she looks at me with afflicted eyes.

  I swallow hard. “And why is that?”

  She glances up at the ceiling, tugging at the end of her braided ponytail. “My parents were young when they had me and couldn’t always afford to take care of me. I remember when I turned five, we were all living in a shelter when I was placed in foster care, with a promise they’d come back for me soon. Only they never did.” Tears that shimmer in her eyes run slowly down her cheeks each time she blinks. “I grew up waiting for them to come for me. Every car that pulled up to my foster home, every phone call, I hoped it was them. When I realized they weren’t coming, I lost all hope in the idea of family, figuring they didn’t love me enough.”

  I listen to her, open and vulnerable, realizing this is why she’s so hurt. With her parents abandoning her, the idea of love became tainted to her so long ago. She no doubt never dreamed of family life, having had no sense of it growing up, and with the foster mom who didn’t even care enough to comfort her in a thunderstorm, she’s probably grown up feeling unloved her entire life.

  I reach for her, and pull her into my arms, holding her as she sobs. “Daniella, my baby, I’m so sorry.”

  I hold her for as long as she needs me to before we go back to my room. We don’t even make love; we just lie naked in each other’s arms and fall fast asleep.

  Chapter 31


  Bedroom eyes.

  That’s what Antonio stares at me through when he looks at my naked body—his mega-seductive bedroom eyes.

  And it’s hot.

  I must admit, we’ve been like two energizer bunnies since we first made love in New York.

  He’s kind of hard to resist and, when I playfully try to, he brandishes his dreamboat smile, as if it’s his panty-dropping arsenal.

  And it is.

  It’s early and Antonio has left to get us some breakfast, so I’ve showered and slipped into one of his T-shirts, and head downstairs for the kitchen.

  It’s been a few days since I’ve spoken to Stacy and Emma so I decide to ring them via FaceTime.

  “O.M.G., woman. Where are you? Are you still at his house sexing it up?” Stacy mumbles as she looks into the screen, toothpaste all over her mouth.

  “Shhh. I don’t want Emma to know what I’ve been doing.” I blush, feeling embarrassed.

  Stacy shoots off a lopsided grin. “Uh. You mean who you’ve been doing? Come on. She’s almost seventeen. She knows.”

  “Are you both racing to head out the door?” I say, changing the subject.

  “Yep. Welcome to our new life. Post Daniella. It’s horrible fending for ourselves now.” She cackles , knowing I hate her sarcasm.

  “Where is Emma?” I ask, swiveling in the barstool.

  Stacy sighs, “I’m headed to her room now, love. Hold on.”

  Seconds later, Emma and her happy grin pop into the screen.

  “Hi, D,” the corner of her mouth quirks up. “Please come home. Mom is driving me mad. Honestly, she doesn’t know our routine.”

  Stacy pops back into the picture armed with an expressive eye roll. “See what you left me here with? Nothing but pure attitude. She’s like a younger you.”

  I laugh. “Oh, no. She’s all you, believe me.”

  Emma appears again. “D, how’s your love life? Didn’t I tell you that you’d come back from Milan all in love? I should have bet money on that. Or those pink high heels of yours I love so much.” Her long lashes flutter.

  I fold my arms and raise my chin defiantly. “Don’t mind me, young lady. How is school?”

  “It’s fine, D. And I met a guy. He’s invited me to prom already.” Her eyes brighten.

  “Did he? That sounds kinda cool.”

  Emma’s eyes widen and she giggles. And then I realize Antonio has returned and he’s standing behind me.

  “Hey, there. You must be Emma? I’m Antonio.”

  Emma nearly passes out and Stacy pops into the picture. “Hey, Antonio, I’m Stacy. And you better be good to Daniella.”

  “Stacy!” I interject.

  Antonio chuckles. “It’s good to meet you, Stacy. And yes. I will be very good to Daniella.”

  I feel my face warm. “Well, you two have a great day. I’ll be home soon. Love you.”

  “Love you, too,” they both shout before I end the FaceTime call.

  Antonio plants a kiss on my cheek. “I bought us some coffee and donuts.”


  “Yep. I thought it would be cute if we ate some jelly donuts. You know, to commemorate that day on the Metro. The day I first laid eyes on you.” He winks and brandishes that damn smile.

  Only this time that smile is not gonna get me to drop my panties.

  Because I’m not wearing any.

  I hop onto the center island counter. “You mean the day you laid your jelly donut on me?” I giggle.

  He eases his way in-between my legs and moves his hands underneath the T-shirt and up my back. “You’re wearing my T-shirt.” His sof
t growl ignites my…everything.

  I deliver a playful side-eye. Then grab the bottom half of the T-shirt and lift it up and over my head, peeling it off. “No, I’m not.”

  He looks at my naked body hungrily as if he’s licking me with his eyes.

  And I give a half-smile and say, “Aren’t you gonna eat breakfast?”

  “Shit, Daniella,” he utters. “This is the kind of stuff that makes me want you so bad.” His breaths quicken as he cups my face and pins soft kisses on my open mouth, teasing me with his tongue.

  “Then have me. Right here. Right now.”

  A sultry laugh escapes him. “Oh baby, I have every intention of having all of you. Right here. Right now.”

  He licks his way down to my center and before I know it, he’s feasting on my goodie box as I lie sprawled out on the counter, losing my mind in his sensational lick, flick, and stroke method.

  Lick. Flick. Stroke.

  And as I reach my eye-rolling climax, I realize I could very well be the luckiest woman in Beverly Hills.

  Time certainly flies when you’re having fun—and toe-curling sex.

  I feel euphoric, imagining how Anastasia Steele must have felt when she was all sexed-up by Christian Grey.

  Without all of the kinky rough sex and BDSM, of course.

  A very reluctant Antonio took me back to Stacy’s house this evening. It’s Sunday now, and I figured since we have work tomorrow, a night apart may do us some good after having been sprawled together for the last three days. I admit, I miss him already. His lovemaking is out of this world.

  Sensual. Commanding. Addicting.

  He’s mentioned he loves me more than once now.

  I want to believe he does, but I know true love doesn’t exist.

  Chapter 32


  I couldn’t sleep.

  Having spent time with Daniella in Milan, and then intimately for the past few days and nights, not having her with me last night was unbearable.

  I’m at my downtown office now, earlier than usual, keeping myself busy before everyone arrives. Daniella insisted on arriving on her own today so as not to call attention to us. Frankly it’s my company and I couldn’t care less what others think or draw conclusions about. But I want her to feel as comfortable as possible.

  Familiar voices and giggles take me to the front of the office where I’m surprised to find Liza and Jonah.

  “Hey, guys,” I say, happy to see them both…although I’m not sure what brings Jonah to my office this early.

  “Oh,” Liza says, a smile plastered on her face. “You’re here early, boss.” She sits at her desk and begins to shuffle through paperwork.

  I nod and look to Jonah. “Did you two come here together?”

  “Oh, well, I-I came to see you here and uh, we…me and Liza walked in the building at the same time.”

  “Oh, cool. Well, lucky for you I’m here early. Why didn’t you just call me? I haven’t heard from you since I left Milan.”

  “Well, we just got back Saturday. And I have a meeting with another client in the area. I wanted to drop this off here for you to look at. Figured I should do it while I’m in the area, whether you were here or not.” He hands me a flash drive. “It’s the video footage I captured of the fashion show. I want you to approve it when you can. I’d like to start on your new marketing campaign.”

  I turn to Liza. “How was the rest of Fashion Week? Did you enjoy Milan? And I hope this guy didn’t give you any problems.”

  She blushes. “Milan was fabulous, boss. Thanks for allowing me to go.”

  “So”—Jonah claps his hands together—“I’m just gonna head out, now. I’m glad I caught you here this early, my man.”

  “Sure. Me too. And I’ll walk you down to your car. I’ve got something to tell you.”

  “Oh, okay.” He looks at Liza. “It was nice running into you. Have a great day.”

  “Yep. You have a great day too, Jonah,” she says, now looking at her computer screen.

  I follow Jonah out to the elevator and, once inside, decide to fill him in on what’s transpired between me and Daniella. I mean he is my best bud. “So, uh things happened between me and Daniella.”

  Jonah looks up from the elevator floor. “What? Well, I can’t say I’m really surprised. I mean you’ve been hot for her since you saw her. And she was a beauty at the ball. Did it happen then?”

  We exit the elevator, and I fill Jonah in on some details, albeit leaving out the intimate ones and when we reach his car I say, “I told her I love her.”

  Jonah’s eyes widen. “Fuck yeah, man! It’s about fucking time your ass is in love. So, does this mean you finally found her?”

  I glance up at the sky, the sun peeking through the clouds ever so covertly. “I am pretty sure she’s the one.” I smile and Jonah grabs my hand, pulling me into a man hug.

  “Congrats, man. I was worried about you for a minute there. You’ve only got a few months before you turn thirty. Does she know?”

  I shake my head. “No way. Not yet.”

  “Okay, my man. Well, you should tell her. And congrats; I think she’s perfect for you. She keeps you in line.” He cackles then glances down at his watch. “Gotta head out, man. Meeting in thirty minutes.”

  “Right. So I’ll look at the video and get back to you later. Thanks, Jonah.”

  As I walk back to the building, then ride up the elevator, I begin to think about my 30th birthday and Miss Tilly. Sure, I inherited her house and money, but since Miss Tilly never married and didn’t want me to end up lonely like she was, she tied a stipulation to my inheritance. I need to be married before I turn thirty in a few months or I lose everything but the house. The money will automatically go to different organizations. It’s a fact that’s been hanging over my head for quite some time now, especially since at twenty-nine, I haven’t found anyone I’d like to call my wife.

  Until Daniella.

  But oddly, I don’t even care about the money. I’ve made my own since I started CraveMe, and I haven’t touched any of the money in my trust account except for donations I make to the hospital I was born at.

  As I exit the elevator my phone buzzes.

  I smile. A text from my girl.

  Daniella: I’m on my way. Stacy is going downtown today and is going to drop me off. Shall I bring coffee?

  I’m glad she’s getting a ride. She was to take an Uber even though I offered to allow her to use the Beamer I have parked in my garage.

  Me: No. And you need a car.

  Daniella: No. I told you I hate driving in Los Angeles traffic.

  Me: You’re stubborn.

  Daniella: That’s not exactly breaking news, Mr. Michaels. But since we have resorted to pointing out the obvious…you’re quite bossy.

  Me: That’s right. Now hurry up and get to work. I’ve missed you.

  Chapter 33

  “Why are you even here, D? You should be with him!” Emma exclaims the minute she walks into the kitchen and finds me making a sandwich.

  I haven’t been back to Antonio’s since I came back home Sunday, and I guess Emma is finding an issue with that. She has been hinting all along I need to go be with him. I suppose now she’s a little more emphatic about it. Honestly, I do miss spending intimate time with him. At the office, we have been able to keep it super-professional. And he’s been working late, so I’ve just been coming home.

  “Calm down there, girlie,” I joke. “I am going to be with him. He had some errands to run and I wanted to pack some stuff.”

  She plops down onto the barstool with her arms folded. “Well, good then; you’d be a fool not to be spending time with him.”

  I lean into the counter and take a bite of my sandwich. “I know, right? He is quite dreamy.”

  Emma flutters her long lashes and lets out a whimsical sigh. “It’s so romantic. I think he’s in love with you.”

  “Don’t try to analyze my love life, little girl. Would you like a sandwich?”
  “No thank you. I had pizza with Julian after school.”


  “Yes. The guy I met. The one who’s gonna take me to prom.” She hops off the barstool and walks over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

  “Oh, his name is Julian? Sounds sophisticated,” I say through bites of my sandwich.

  “He’s really sweet, D. I want you to meet him.”

  “I will, babe. But for now, I’ve gotta go pack. Antonio will be here soon.”

  Antonio picks me up and takes me back to his house with plans for us to cook dinner together.

  “Are you sure we’ll be able to cook in here without ending up naked on the counter?” I ask playfully.

  “As long as you don’t strip down to your glorious nakedness, like you did before.” Antonio pulls me close and kisses my forehead. “Because once I see you naked, all bets are off.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” I say looking up at him. “Well, don’t be flaunting any of your sexy-ass smirks that make me want to strip down to my nakedness.”

  “I’ll try not to. But it’s good to know that’s all I have to do to get you naked.”

  We prepared what has become our favorite meal together—pizza, loaded with mushrooms, bell peppers, olives, and pepperoni, and gulped it down with a glass of red wine as we lounged in the living room and watched the movie he’s never watched before—The Godfather.

  “So, what did you think?” I ask once the movie is over.

  He raises a skeptical eyebrow. “Well, besides the fact it was long, I admit it’s good. I’m glad you made me watch it.” He smirks.

  I lean in close to him and brush my lips against his. “Antonio, is that a smirk I see on your face?”

  He pulls me on top of him on the couch. “You’re very observant. Why aren’t you naked yet?”

  I lift myself off him. “That, was not your sexy smirk.” I laugh and run up the stairs toward his bedroom and then into his room.


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