Jace: Rebels Advocate (Book 4)

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Jace: Rebels Advocate (Book 4) Page 13

by Sheridan Anne

  We hear the muffled sounds of the crowd going nuts on the opposite side of the wall and for some of the boys, it seems to help, where for others, it just makes their nerves skyrocket.

  The boys get distracted by Alec’s fight when they should be keeping themselves warm and preparing for their own. “Oi,” I call out, making them all whip around faster than they even knew they could move. They all stand straight and give me their undivided attention, throwing me way back into the past when Luke and I were in training for the military.

  We get the boys moving again and I stand before Rock, holding up some pads while he goes over a few combinations. “Again,” I tell him as his finishes off a set. “Bring it down a notch. You don’t want to exert yourself too much. Save the energy for the fight.”

  He nods and puts his game face on before getting straight back into it. While Rock takes a quick break, Michael takes his place and on and on it goes.

  The crowd on the other side of the door cheer and from how long Alec has been out there, I’d say he’s nearly completed his second round. I have no idea how the first one went, but judging by the fact there was more cheering than boo’s, I think it’s safe to say that Alec won the first round.

  The boys have all been killing it in their training, especially over the last few weeks where they have all had to cut weight for their divisions. They had the weigh in last night and I have to say, it was like a proud father moment watching them all achieve their goal weight.

  They were so proud of themselves that they desperately wanted to go out and celebrate, but then they were all exhausted that they didn’t have the energy, not that we would have let them go out anyway. That’s what tonight is for.

  As the boys take a quick break from their warm-up, I shove my head out the door to see what’s going on. A grin takes over my face as I watch Alec in his third and final round with his opponent in a headlock. It’s a pretty decent headlock even by Xander and Cole’s standards, so it’s not surprising when the guy can’t get out of it.

  Twenty seconds later, they’re both on the floor of the ring and Alec has just won his first fight.

  Fuck yeah. The grin on his face is intoxicating and I want nothing more than to run in there and celebrate with him, but I don’t, instead, I keep my cool and close the door so I can focus on getting Rock on his feet as he’s about to be shuffled out the door for his fight.

  Two hours later, I stand next to Luke while Cole, Xander, and Caden run around the empty gym like fucking idiots. We’re all high on life. Every single one of our fighters took out the win. I mean, what’s not to be happy about? They all killed it and it’s all because of the team we have here. Their hard work and our dedication is an explosive mix, and clearly, we’ve shown that it works.

  Having Xander train with us and Cole’s name attached to Rebels Advocate has put us on the map, but shit like tonight is what proves to people that we didn’t just get lucky and that we are still the number one gym in the fucking country producing elite fighters.

  Fuck yeah, it feels good.

  This fight has lined us up for another great year of competing and puts us in the prime spot. Rebels Advocate is quickly becoming a well known name and tonight has gone a long way in adding to that.

  Cole, Xander, and Caden finish what they're doing and make their way over to me and Luke. “What do you say we hit The Dark Room?” Cole asks with an excited grin.

  “I’m in,” I say, “But don’t you need to be home with Rylee?”

  “No,” he sighs. “She basically begged me not to come home.”

  “Huh?” Luke grunts. “What’s up with that?”

  “Don’t know, man,” Cole replies. “I think she’s just tired. Isaac keeps her up at night. I should cut back on a few things so I can be there a little more often.”

  “Yeah,” I say, nodding my head. “Not a bad idea. Give her all the help you can.”

  “I don’t know,” Caden says. “I think she probably just wanted to bed to herself for the night.”

  Cole lets out a booming laugh. “You’re probably right,” he says. “Now, are we heading to The Dark Room, or are you pussies going home to sleep it off?”

  Twenty minutes later, we pull up at The Dark Room and I jump down from my truck with a grin. I’ve had the best night and having a night out with just the boys is exactly what I need. Don’t get me wrong, I love it when the girls are here, it’s always fun to watch them drink a little too much and embarrass themselves, but when it’s just us boys, it’s like old times.

  We push through the doors of the club and I get hit with that familiar vibe that comes along with being inside The Dark Room. The place is awesome and it invites you in, giving you this feeling that you never want to leave. Rylee has done a great job with the place so it’s no surprise that we all feel this way about it.

  We walk across the dance floor to get to the table we like to steal when I feel a particular set of eyes burning into me. My back straightens and I turn towards the bar. Sure enough, she’s right there, staring straight back at me.

  The second I see her, all the images of that night come flooding back and paralyze me with need. She’s so fucking beautiful. Just thinking about that night and the way she threw her head back when she came has me desperate for it again.

  But right now, it’s look but don’t touch. Besides, one big question is shooting right through all the images of her naked body on mine and coming straight to the forefront of my mind. What the fuck is she doing here?

  “Yo,” I say to Cole as my eyes pierce into her. “What’s Cami doing here?”

  “Oh, didn’t you know?” he questions. “She’s practically been running the place since Rylee’s been home with Isaac. She’s doing a really good job too.”

  My eyebrows pull down as I consider what he’s telling me. “Shouldn’t she be working on getting her store up and running.”

  “I guess,” he shrugs. “But it’s not like there’s a lot she can be doing for that right now, not until they’re finished with the re-build.”

  Hmm, makes sense, but for some reason, I just don’t like it. I can’t figure out why though. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that her dream is Style me Crazy and not The Dark Room, or maybe it’s the fact that she’s working behind a bar with every male’s eyes in the room on her. Hell, it’s probably because I simply didn’t know about it.

  I should have known she’d be here. It was stupid of me to not have worked it out myself. Cami has always loved this place, hell, it would come in a very close second to Style me Crazy.

  She tears her eyes away from mine to concentrate on the customer demanding her attention and I have to admit, I absolutely hate it. Having her eyes on me is like a drug. It gets me high and makes me feel fucking invincible.

  All I know as I take a seat at the table with the boys is that before the night is up, I’ll be talking to her.

  “First rounds on me,” Cole says as he gets up from the table and heads over to the bar. Jealousy shoots through me. I’d like to head over there but I’m not about to ruin her night like that. I roll my eyes at Cole’s back. Of course, the first round is on him. Every round will be on him because he’s the boss’s man. He drinks for free, and now, for tonight, so do we.

  The longer I sit here, the wider my grin gets. As I watch her, she grows more and more distracted. She’s usually extremely good behind the bar, but right now, she’s fumbling around and blushing with her eyes constantly looking over here.

  I hate that she’s distracted but, fuck, I absolutely love that it’s because of me. I love it, even more, when our eyes connect through the throng of dancing bodies and that beautiful smile takes over. It makes me feel like I’m on cloud fucking nine.

  The doctor jessie had found me for my PTSD has given me some medication for my blackouts, while I’ve also been seeing a therapist for the past month who has been working on helping me to move forward from the guilt and self hatred, but I’m not there yet.

  Since I’ve
been on this medication, I haven’t had any blackouts and things are starting to look up, but I don’t trust it yet and that scares the shit out of me.

  But what this medication and therapy has done for me is make me see what lies in my future, and all I see there is Cami.

  So, when some douchebag walks up to the bar and grins at my girl as though he has a shot, it has my teeth grinding together and killing my mood in an instant. Even more so when Cami looks over at me and smirks before giving the guy her undivided attention.

  Shit. If she wants to play games, then it’s on.

  Her eyes cut across to me just as I push myself out of my seat. I smirk right back at her as those eyes widen at my approach. Cami turns back to her douchebag friend and gives him a flirty smile that drives me insane as that smile is supposed to be mine.

  I make it to the bar and squish in beside the guy who’s in the middle of asking if she’s ok because it would have hurt when she fell from heaven. Like, come on, dude. That’s the worst pick up line around. Chicks don’t actually fall for that shit.

  She giggles and bats her eyes lashes at him while placing her hand on his forearm. “Stop,” she smiles. “You’re so silly.”

  “Ugh,” I groan to myself as I hold back chunks and roll my eyes.

  Game time, baby.

  I slam my hand down on the bar in front of me, making the both of them jump in surprise. Cami whips her gaze to me in shock while the douchebag watches me in curiosity. “Why didn’t you tell me about the baby?” I demand.

  Her mouth pops open. “What the hell are you talking about?” she questions with narrowed eyes as she tries to work out where I’m going with this.

  “Don’t try to deny it. I found the test,” I roar. “I’m not ready to be a father.”

  “Jace?” she yells as the douchebag looks back and forth between us, wondering what the hell is going on here.

  I’m having far too much of a good time to stop here. “You’re on your own, babe,” I tell her before turning to the guy beside me and putting a hand on his shoulder. “Congratulations, man You’re going to be a dad.”

  “Woah,” he says with wide eyes as both his hands fly up “I’m… ah. I’m out,” he says before backing away and bolting out of here like his ass is on fire.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Cami demands as she crosses her arms over her chest and gives me her best glare.

  I can’t help but laugh at the whole scene. “I’m sorry, babe,” I say. “I couldn’t help myself. I was protecting what’s mine.”

  “Jace,” she demands. “I’m not yours to protect.”

  I give her a hard stare and make sure I have her undivided attention. I lean in and take her chin in my hand. “But you will be,” I tell her.

  Her arms drop from her chest and the heavy scowl instantly turns into shock. “Jace?” she whispers, and even though the sound of the club is almost deafening, I hear her perfectly well.

  Without saying another word, I wink and walk away before I throw myself over the bar and crush my lips to hers.

  Chapter 17


  I stand in the middle of my store, ecstatic for the night ahead of me. Tonight is the re-launch of Style me Crazy and we are celebrating by throwing a huge party.

  I can’t wait. Bec, Lilly, Kim, and I have been running around like crazy all week preparing for this. I got the keys back on Monday morning and the second I walked through the door, I was in heaven. The place is absolutely beautiful and is more than I could ever have imagined.

  Every single change I had wanted to make from the last store was added, my security system was upgraded, and there’s a shitload more space to display designers’ collections without it appearing cramped or over-stocked.

  So, after opening the doors on Monday morning to an empty space, the girls and I had a lot of work to do. There were car trips back and forth from the store to The Dark Room where Rylee had allowed me to store all the new collections until we got access to the new and improved Style me Crazy. We were running around like crazy trying to get everything put out on display, entering stock details, and price tags.

  In short, it’s been one of the busiest weeks of my life. I’m just thankful that I was able to get rid of the stupid cast so I was able to actually help. I swear, only having the use of one hand sucks. It’s hard and frustrating, not to mention, the simple things take so damn long, like trying to get my jeans down before I piss myself… yeah, that was interesting and way too close for my liking.

  Having a busy week has been a godsend as it’s helped to keep my mind off those three words Jace had uttered. ‘You will be’.

  I swear, the second those words came out of his mouth, I must have died. Actually, maybe I was already dead as never in this lifetime had I imagined I’d ever hear that from him. I must have been in heaven where all my dreams and fantasies were coming true because the Jace I know wouldn’t be making me promises like that.

  The bell above the door opens and I jump into action while realizing I’ve been standing here daydreaming about the way Jace had winked at me for nearly an hour… I mean, damn, that wink. Oft. It was hot enough to melt the panties right off me. It sent this desperate need right through me, leaving no choice but to pull out the bright green battery-operated friend when I got home. Though, as usual, it was disappointing. Nothing is as good as having the real thing.

  I look at up at the newcomers in the store and see none other than Rylee and little Isaac walking in with Cole behind them, carrying a wrapped box. “Hey,” I grin as I skip around the counter and crash into Rylee with a welcoming hug. “How are you?”

  “Good,” she laughs before pulling back and having a look around the store while Cole slides the big box onto the counter. “This place looks incredible,” Rylee says as I scoop Isaac out of his pram.

  “Yeah,” Cole agrees as he checks over every little detail and makes sure to stick his head out the back and into the changerooms. “They’ve done a great job.”

  “Indeed, they have,” I say in my baby voice as I hold Isaac up high while making a big slobbery toothless grin come over his little face. “You know the party doesn’t start for another hour?” I ask.

  “I know,” Rylee says, “But we wanted to bring you something first.”

  “Huh?” I grunt.

  At that, she stops looking around at the new collections and points towards the box that Cole had put on the counter. “Open it. It’s for you.”

  “What?” I smile. “You didn’t have to bring me a present.”

  “I did,” she tells me. “It’s our way of saying thanks for looking after The Dark Room over the past three months and a congratulations on your re-launch.”

  A grin rips across my face as I carry Isaac over to the counter and look over the big box. My excitement levels have been running high all day, but right now, standing in front of an unknown surprise, they’re skyrocketing.

  Rylee comes over takes Isaac from me, freeing up my hands. The second Isaac is comfortable in his mommy’s arms, I make my move.

  I rip the paper open like a maniac before gawking at the box in complete surprise. “Holy shit,” I whisper as tears begin to pool in my eyes. “You bought me a new sewing machine.”

  “Yeah,” Rylee smiles. “You’re last one got burned in the fire and I didn’t want you to give up on Cameron Drew Designs.”

  My bottom lip pouts out at the tears fall from my eyes. “Thank you,” I whisper as I pull her and Isaac into my arms. “You’re the best.”

  “I know,” she laughs.

  I turn to Cole while I hold his whole world in my arms. “You’re the best too, but Rylee is just a tad better.”

  “Believe me,” he says with a grin. “I know. She tells me all the time.”

  I can’t help but laugh as I pull out of her arms. “Alright,” I say. “I might as well put you guys to work. There’s still so much we have to do. Bec and Lilly are out getting a cake and Kim is doing the liquor store run, so I still need a ta
ble set up and I haven’t quite worked out the new sound system.”

  Cole rolls his eyes, but nonetheless, he gets right to work, and an hour later, the store is filled with everyone I know. Our whole group of friends have arrived, except for one certain man who makes constant appearances in my dreams. My family has turned up. All my trusted designers have come, and of course, all the workmen who helped put this place back together have stopped by for the beer I promised them.

  The party is an absolute hit and has me absolutely high on life.

  By the end of the night, the guests disappear, leaving behind just my close group of friends. All us girls sit in the new change room where there are the softest couches I’ve ever sat on. Apart from Lexi and Imogen who are both pregnant, the rest of us have has a few glasses of champagne to help celebrate the night, while all the guys are out the front of the store doing whatever the hell guys do.

  I can’t help but think back to Jace. I wonder what he’s doing tonight while all of his friends are here. Maybe he’s taken himself out or maybe he just went straight home to bed… though, I highly doubt party boy Jace King would be home alone on a Friday night.

  The thought stings, but let’s be real, I know Jace likes to take advantage of a beautiful woman. It’s something that I’ve just had to get used to over the past two years. At first, it would hurt, but then after seeing what it did to me, he would be a little more discreet about it, but I know it’s still happening. At least, I think it is.

  “So,” Imogen says, bringing my attention back to the here and now. “Caden and I have some news.”

  My eyebrows furrow as I try to work it out. I mean, she’s already pregnant and there’s no ring on her finger, so it couldn’t be either of those two… and well, they’re the two big ones.

  I wait patiently as an excited grin creeps over her face. “Caden and I are applying to legally adopt Brandon.”


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