Enigma, Maine, Bundle 1

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Enigma, Maine, Bundle 1 Page 18

by Iris Abbott

  “Wow,” she heard Jacob mutter. “Did Santa come early or what?”

  Hannah laughed glad to see her son was almost over his scary ordeal. Thank goodness kids were resilient. “Not Santa this time I’m afraid.” Even better as far as she was concerned, but she wasn’t about to tell her son that.

  “Steve’s here with the pizza. I always make us eat at the kitchen table, but tonight I thought we could eat in here and watch Christmas specials on TV. What do you think?”

  “Yes!” Jacob squealed and did a fist pump in the air.

  “Someone’s feeling much better.” Steve’s deep voice boomed from behind her. She hadn’t heard him return. Must be his military training.

  “Yeah he is, and I just promised him we could eat in here. That’s a treat for him.”

  She grabbed Steve and pulled him into the kitchen. “Come help me fix the plates.” She turned back to Jacob. “We’ll be right back. Stay there,” she ordered. “No hobbling around.”

  Hannah reached for Steve as soon as they were safely out of Jacob’s line of sight. She coiled her arms around his neck and kissed him. She wanted to tell him without words that she loved him.

  Steve took control of the kiss. He nipped at her bottom lip. She opened for him, and his tongue thrust in and out. Heat bloomed in her sex and spread through her body.

  He propelled her backward until she was pressed between him and the kitchen counter. His arms tightened around her. Hannah kissed him back with all the pent-up passion she saved since the last time they made love.

  A noise from the living room brought her crashing back to Earth. She pulled away from Steve. “We’ll finish this as soon as Jacob goes to bed, I promise!”

  “I want to spend all of Christmas with you, so I plan to hold you to that promise.”


  Hannah stretched and stifled a yawn. She and Steve probably dozed off a couple of hours ago, but it was seven o’clock. She knew Jacob would be up soon, begging to open his presents and play with his toys. She rolled out of Steve’s arms and moved toward the edge of the bed.

  His arm snagged her. He pulled her against his firm chest. Hannah’s body instantly relaxed into his.

  “Where are you going so early?” He nuzzled her neck and sprinkled kisses along her shoulder.

  Hannah groaned. She didn’t want to get out of bed, but she had to. She pulled away, but not before turning to give him a few kisses.

  “Wake up sleepy head. It’s Christmas morning. Jacob is going to pounce on us any minute, begging to open his gifts. Also, Amber will be here around eight.” She gave a worried frown.

  Steve massaged the creases in her forehead. “What’s wrong?”

  “Amber and I never figured out what Jacob asked for from Santa, so I hope he isn’t disappointed.”

  Steve gave her a look of disbelief. “I don’t think there’s any way he can be disappointed.” He kissed the tip of her nose and both of her eyelids.

  “He has the best and most loving family possible, and I want to add to it.” He quickly got off the bed and got down on one knee in front of Hannah. “I know we’ve only known each other a few weeks, but I love you. He cupped her face between his palms. “I love Jacob too. I promise to be the best father figure to him possible.”

  Hannah gasped and quickly covered her mouth with one hand. In the four years she’d spent alone since her husband died, she never thought she would find love again. And she knew without a doubt that she loved Steve.

  He reached out and took both of her hands in his own. “Hannah, I’m asking you to marry me. Right away as soon as possible,” he added.

  “I’ve longed for a family and a place to call home my whole life.” He drew her into his embrace and held her tight. “I’ve finally found that with you and Jacob. Being with both of you is the homecoming I’ve been waiting for. You’re the family I’ve always wanted and needed. I love both of you. I want to be a husband to you and a father to Jacob as soon as possible.”

  He gave a rueful twist of his lips. “I guess I didn’t plan this very well. Your present is under the tree. I hope I’m not spoiling the surprise by telling you now that it’s an engagement ring.”

  Hannah pulled away from Steve. She used both her hands to cradle his face, and she looked deep into his gorgeous brown eyes. Her stomach fluttered. Her heart raced.

  “I love you too, Steve. And Jacob does too. We couldn’t ask for a better man to love us and be a part of our family. Yes, Steve, I’ll marry you!” She pressed her lips to his in a sweet kiss that threatened to deepen into something more that is until the door burst open.

  Jacob limped through the door and jumped onto the bed next to his mom. He excitedly bounced up and down. “Mom, Santa came! Santa came!”

  Hannah gave Steve one of those I told you so looks. He threw back his head and let out a joyous laugh that sounded as if it came deep from the soul. She smiled at him before turning her attention to her son.

  “Of course he did. You were a good boy as usual, and you know Santa visits all good little boys and girls.” She was thankful her son was still innocent enough to believe in Santa Claus.

  Jacob thrust out a well-wrinkled piece of notebook paper for his mother to see. “Santa is real, and I can’t wait to show this to all my friends! I always believed!”

  Hannah stilled. “What do you mean, Jacob? Show what to your friends?”

  She reached out and took the piece of paper Jacob was holding out for her to look at. She glanced down the page. Her hand trembled enough to rattle the paper. Hannah held a letter to Santa, one that was written by her son.

  She quickly read it. The tears that threatened to fall earlier slid down her cheeks. “Oh, my!” She held the letter up for Steve to see. He joined them on the bed, and she leaned back into the strong circle of his arms.

  Hannah chewed her bottom lip, gathering her thoughts. She stared hard at her son. “If you mailed this to Santa how did you get it back?”

  The little boy shrugged. “I guess Santa left it when he came to visit.” He held out a small square package gaily wrapped with glitter paper and lots of curly ribbons. “These were waiting for me by the plate of cookies I left for Santa. He ate them all, by the way!”

  Steve squeezed her shoulder. She glanced at him and noticed his furrowed brows. “Hey! That’s the present I bought for you!”

  He looked at the letter, back to the package, and then at Jacob. He ruffled the boy’s hair. “Well, kiddo, it looks like you’re going to get your wish. I asked your mom to marry me.”

  He paused as if he was trying to absorb the good news himself. “She said yes! I guess that makes me your new dad.”

  Jacob threw his arms around her neck. She hugged him a few seconds before he wiggled free and launched himself at Steve. Her strong pilot caught her son and returned his enthusiastic embrace. “This is the best Christmas ever! Jacob proclaimed.”

  The light tinkling of sleigh bells could barely be heard in the background. All three people raised their heads. Steve and Hannah looked at each other while Jacob ran to the window.

  “It’s Santa,” he yelled as he clapped his hands together in childlike glee. “I can’t see him, but I just know it’s him!”

  Hannah and Steve didn’t hear. They were entwined in each other’s arms lost deep in a kiss. When Steve finally removed his lips from Hannah’s he hugged her close. “I’ve finally come home, and this is the best Christmas of my life.”

  “May it be followed by many more,” Hannah whispered against his lips. It was the best Christmas of her life too. She hadn’t been much of a believer before today. Now? Now, she believed in happily ever after, and she believed in Santa once again too!

  Thank you! I hope you enjoyed reading the first four books in the Enigma series! Please consider leaving a review at the place of purchase. They are welcomed and appreciated. Indie authors depend on reviews for our livelihood!

  Please visit my Amazon author page https://www.amazon.com/Iris-Abbott/e/B004NJG4
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