Best Lesbian Erotica 2015

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Best Lesbian Erotica 2015 Page 12

by Laura Antoniou

  Heat captured during the long July day shimmered up from sidewalks. I couldn’t blame the season, though, for the wetness under my arms and between my legs. My pulse hammered in my temples. I wished I’d worn a heavier blouse, one that would better conceal my shamefully swollen nipples.

  Remembering Haley always had this effect on me. I tried not to do it too often.

  Get hold of yourself, girl. You can’t go to work like this.

  Breathe in, slow, deep. Breathe out. Focus on the sounds and smells of the sultry summer dusk—kids shrieking as they chase each other through lawn sprinklers, the jingle from an ice-cream truck, hotdogs on the grill, fresh-cut grass. Forget about her lean thighs, her throaty laugh, her fuck-the-world attitude.

  She’s probably forgotten me, after ten years. The thought was an icy blade turning in my chest, but I didn’t really believe it. From that first day, when she’d offered me a joint and I’d refused, we’d had this weird connection. If she walked into a room, I’d know it, even if I couldn’t see her. I’d start to stammer and sweat, transformed in an instant from the prom queen to a nervous dork. Chemistry, she called it. Even then, I’d known it was just lust. That didn’t mean I could resist.

  Haley had left town the night of my engagement party. It had been way past midnight when she’d shimmied up the rose trellis and swung one slim leg over my windowsill. Taking off my makeup, high on champagne and rosy visions of my future with Granville’s star quarterback, I’d felt her presence before she spoke.

  “I can’t take any more, Di. I’m getting out.”

  Her short-chopped locks stuck out at all angles. Oil stains spotted her jeans. Under her battered leather jacket, she wore a white T-shirt, sheer enough to reveal the dusky surround of her pert nipples. Her eyes sparkled like chips of topaz. Her lips were compressed into a scowl I ached to kiss away.

  “Haley, I’m sorry.” When I reached for her, she twisted out of my grasp.

  “No, you’re not—not really. You got what you wanted, right? A good-looking guy whose family has plenty of dough. A catch—that’s what everyone’s saying. Position. Respectability. Christ, six months after you’re married you’ll probably join the Garden Club!”

  “It’s not like that…”

  “Isn’t it? Why else did you pick him over me? It can’t be the sex. I’ll bet my last buck he can’t drive you crazy the way I do…”

  She’d swept me into a blistering kiss that sent rivulets of need flowing through me. While her tongue probed my mouth, her brazen fingers parted my robe and took possession of my weeping cunt. I melted in her arms, letting her take me places I’d never known existed before she’d entered my life. Implacable, diabolical, she had brought me to the very edge. Then she’d pushed me away.

  My disappointed moan earned me a bitter laugh. “Just wanted to remind you what you’re missing.”

  Oh god! How could she be so cruel?

  “Haley, please—don’t go. We—we can still—um…”

  “Still what? Be friends? Be lovers? Don’t kid yourself, girl. You won’t dare sneak out to meet me once you’re someone’s wife. Anyway, I’m not gonna hang around for Jack Harrison’s leavings. I’m taking off tonight, with or without you.”


  She lowered her eyelids and gave me a sly, seductive smile. “You could come, too, you know. Throw a few things in a bag, hop on the back of my bike and we’re out of here. Off to places bigger and better than this shitty town. Places where nobody knows or cares who we are or what we do.” She brushed my blonde curls, mussed from our recent clinch, back into place. “Think how great it will be, Di. Freedom!”

  Even her most casual touch sent me into a frenzy. I wanted to sink to my knees and press my lips to her crotch in worship, to spread myself naked upon the bed and have her feast on me, to confess that Jack’s kisses left me cold compared to hers.

  It would be so easy to say yes. Why not do what I wanted for once instead of what everyone else wanted me to do?

  But everything was so settled—the newspaper announcements, the church and the hall already booked for September, the dress commissioned, the guest list half-finalized by Jack’s mother and mine. It was too late to back out now. Wasn’t it?

  She’d seen my answer in my eyes before I stammered it out. Without a word—without saying good-bye—she’d exited through the window and climbed back to the street level. The stuttering motor of her battered old bike faded into silence.

  I threw myself facedown on the bed, grinding my fingers into my pussy in search of what she’d offered and then withdrawn. I didn’t find it.

  After that, all I had was rumors and gossip. Every so often, her name would come up in conversation. Haley’d done time in the state pen, someone said, for armed robbery. Haley had made a fortune gambling in Vegas. She was down in Texas, riding the rodeo. She’d moved to Alaska to work as a lumberjack.

  All it took was the mention of her name. In an instant I’d be back in that thrilling, terrifying summer of secret fire.

  That familiar fever racked me once again as I arrived at the Starlight Cinema. She was close by. My body still knew.

  “‘Evening, Diane.” My balding, bespectacled boss emerged from the glassed-in ticket booth to hand me the theater keys. “Matinee was pretty slow. Hope tonight’s better.”

  “Should be, I’d think.” I dragged my mind back to the present. I had a job to do. “People want to get out of this heat.”

  “They can do that at the multiplex off the Interstate.” His brow furrowed. “I don’t know why I don’t just throw in the towel. Sell the place and retire.”

  “The town would be poorer if you did, Mr. Parsons.”

  “I’m worn out, to be honest. And who’s going to keep the place going once I’m gone. You?”

  “Maybe.” I’d actually thought about it. After working as his manager for four years, I certainly knew the business. I didn’t have much savings of my own but I figured I could get Jack’s mother to front the money. Play on her guilt and all. “Anyway, go home and have your dinner. I’ll take over.”

  After a brief trip inside to greet Harvey, the projectionist, I took my place in the cramped booth, awaiting the first customers for the seven o’clock screening. Working on autopilot, I counted and recorded the till, oiled the ticket-dispensing machine and set out a stack of coupons for discounted soda and popcorn. All the while, images of Haley prowled through my mind.

  I imagined her in boxers and a singlet, sprawled on the lumpy mattress at one of the motels on the edge of town, with the wheezing air con turned up full blast. She gripped a can of beer in one hand. The other cupped one small breast through the sweat-damp cotton, twisting the protruding nipple. I could practically hear her moan, like some lost soul, as her fingers burrowed into her shorts and found her clit. I remembered that little bullet, so stiff and so sensitive—the only shy thing about

  her. She’d taught me how to coax it from its shelter with my tongue, how to make it swell and harden, how to lap harder as she clamped her thighs down around my ears and near-drowned me in her aromatic juices.

  My own clit throbbed inside my damp underwear. My breasts felt meaty and tender, ready to burst at a touch like overripe fruit. An ominous heaviness hung in the night air, a barely palpable vibration, like distant thunder drawing nearer. Haley was coming.

  A few customers arrived. I smiled, made small talk, dispensed tickets. All the while, my mind swung between longing and terror and my body melted into a puddle of need.

  At seven thirty, after serving the stragglers, I cracked open my novel and tried to lose myself in the plot. Every so often a bolt of knowledge sizzled through, dragging me back to the present. Haley was on her way.

  Eight o’clock. Eight thirty. The early show let out. I took a bathroom break and was mortified to discover I was thoroughly drenched. A trace of pussy scent clung to my fingers, even after I’d washed twice.

  I sold a handful of tickets for the nine o’clock screening. I’d gr
own accustomed to the aching that gripped my pelvis and the pressure of my nipples against the wilting cotton of my blouse. Once I was sure no one else was coming, I leaned back and closed my eyes.

  Exhausted by the tension of waiting, I must have dozed. Thunder woke me, a roar that made my belly clench. I opened my eyes in time to see a huge Harley execute a U-turn in the middle of Main Street, then pull up to the curb in front of the Starlight.

  A lean figure dismounted the black-and-chrome monster. The driver peeled off black gloves that looked like leather and stuffed them in a back pocket, then removed the shiny black helmet and ran her fingers through her short, chestnut locks.

  Long before I saw her face, I knew who it was.

  “Hey, Di! Heard you worked here.” She sauntered up to the booth and grinned at me through the glass. “How’re ya doin’?”

  I stared at her, paralyzed and dumb with lust. Heat rippled through me. My earlobes, my nipples, my clit, all felt like they’d burst into flames at any moment.

  “Ah—um—hello…um…hi, Haley.” I was eighteen again, tongue-tied, overwhelmed, marveling at her effortless, androgynous beauty. “Um—welcome back.”

  “I’m just passin’ through—on my way to L.A., got a job waiting—but I had to stop by to look up an old friend…”

  Her voice went low when she said that word. She meant something else. A chill skittered up my spine. “Wasn’t sure you’d still be here, though, stuck in this dumpy little town. Weren’t you headed to college?”

  “Yeah, well…” I shrugged, a splinter of regret piercing the bubble of desire. “Jack didn’t want me to go. You see, he was just starting his business, and he told me he needed my help…”

  “Ah, yes. Jack.” Haley’s lips twisted like she’d eaten something sour. “And how is Jack?” Her fists clenched at the sides of her designer jeans. I almost expected her to spit.

  My cheeks were on fire. “Um…Jack’s gone. Took off with his secretary, nearly five years ago. I guess he’s somewhere on the West Coast. He sends us a check every now and again—when he remembers.”

  “Bastard.” Haley swept her fingers through her hair, pushing it off her forehead. I remembered the gesture. “What do you mean, us?”

  “Me and my son. Jack Junior.” Could I really be sorry about my choices, given my baby? At that moment, though, may God forgive me, I wished he’d never been born.

  Haley’s expression softened. “You poor girl.” She tugged open the door of the ticket booth. “You need a hug.”

  Her scent hadn’t changed—tobacco and leather, old-fashioned lavender and good honest sweat. Like a trained dog, I began to salivate, new wetness flowing everywhere. When she leaned in, reaching for me, though, I shrank away. It was too dangerous. If she touched me, I was lost.

  “No—Haley, there’s no room in here—Mr. Parsons…the customers…”

  She paused, her gaze raking over my trembling body before returning to my face. “After ten years, Di, you still gonna shut me out?”

  We hung there in silence, mere inches between us. Close up, I could see the past decade in her face: some lines at the corners of her eyes, a hard set to her mouth, a half-inch scar along her right cheekbone. Then she smiled and the years vanished. Once more she was the bad girl, the school rebel, the one who’d cornered me behind the diner and dared me to kiss her.

  “Never mind. I can wait till you get off work.”

  She strolled back to straddle her bike and lit a cigarette. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, and she knew it.

  For the next hour, she ignored me, or at least she pretended to. I sat in the ticket booth, squirming in my wet underwear, watching her chain-smoke, imagining those blunt, competent fingers molding my flesh.

  The show let out. People wandered out of the theater, chattering about the movie, and disappeared into the balmy darkness. Harvey killed the lights on the marquee. “You want me to lock up inside?” he called out through the door.

  “No, that’s okay. I’ll take care of it. You can go home.”

  He stepped out into the street. Noticing Haley, he gave her a friendly nod. “Good evening, miss. Nice bike.”

  “Thanks. I’m here to take Diane for a ride.”

  “Lucky lady.” He waved and headed for his VW Beetle. “See you tomorrow, then.”

  The grumble of his vehicle died away as he rounded the corner onto Maple. Silence settled over the empty street. Still perched on her motorcycle, Haley watched as I stowed the cash drawer and locked the ticket booth behind me.

  I swallowed the lump rising in my throat and held out my hand. “Come on.”

  Her calloused palm felt dry and cool against my fevered skin. I led her through the lobby, lit only by the glowing Coke machine, then through the velvet curtains into the dim auditorium.

  I’d been thinking of heading for Mr. Parson’s office, behind the screen. Haley didn’t give me the chance. She yanked me to a stop, then swung me around to face her. One arm encircled my waist and pulled me into a tight embrace, compressing my full breasts against her smaller ones and striking sparks from my nipples. With her other hand, she fisted my hair and dragged my mouth to hers.

  We went from zero to sixty in seconds. She forced her tongue between my lips, savage and hungry. I let her take me, drinking in the mingled flavors of smokes, beer and mint toothpaste. Meanwhile she grabbed my ass and ground her crotch against mine. Fierce bolts of pleasure shot through the heaviness coiling in my cunt.

  I clawed at her shirt, desperate for her skin. She released me long enough to pull the garment over her head and toss it aside. She’d never worn a bra as a teenager; she hadn’t changed. The girlish swellings still featured coffee-colored areolae the size of silver dollars. I dove for her sweet nipples, sucking hard the way she liked. If you had asked me what turned Haley on, I might not have been able to tell you, but my body remembered how to make her moan.

  Each pull of suction tugged at my clit. Her nipple lengthened and swelled in response to my worship. The crinkled surround teased my lips. I circled the nub with my tongue, then paused to breathe, thinking I’d switch to the other side.

  Haley shoved me backward. I stumbled, landing on my ass. She was on me in an instant, straddling my thighs, tearing open my blouse, tugging down my bra and burying her face between my breasts. She licked along the valley between them while pinching both tips. It hurt, but that’s what I wanted—what I needed. The pain burned away all those empty years of wanting.

  Her bare breasts grazed my belly. I arched up, craving more contact. Haley giggled and pulled away. When she flipped up my skirt and mouthed the soaked crotch of my panties, I almost came, from the mere thought of what she was about to do. She ran her tongue back and forth along the cotton-covered groove, making me squirm. “You want more, baby?” she teased. “Let’s just get these off, and I’ll give you what you want.”

  She flipped open a knife—where had that come from?—and slid the blade under the waistband of my panties, near my hip. “Don’t move…” One flick of her wrist and the fabric yielded. She dragged the damp rag out of the way. Her warm breath fluttered over my exposed pussy. I lay back on the sticky floor, letting her do what she did so well.

  A rough finger wriggled into my hole. Another digit grazed my clit.

  “Oh god…Haley…please…!”

  “You’re so juicy, Di. But then you always were. Do you taste as sweet as ever?”

  She sought the answer for herself, sweeping her tongue along my cleft from back to front, ending with a flick to the bead at the apex. I teetered on the edge of climax, the tension of the evening’s wait knotting deep inside. When she pursed her lips around my clit and prodded it with her tongue, the strands snapped apart and I flew free, into a place of quivering bliss.

  Haley continued making a meal of my cunt as I recovered. I rose quickly toward another crisis. But I didn’t want to come alone.

  “Wait—wait a minute! Don’t be so greedy! I want to taste you, too.”

h yeah?” Her hands clamped down on my thighs, holding me to the floor. Her strength astonished and aroused me. She burrowed in my cunt for a few more minutes before continuing. “You remember how to eat pussy?”

  “Like it was yesterday, Haley. Come on—please?”

  “Since you ask so nice…”

  Rolling away from me, she unzipped her jeans and worked them down over her hips to her knees. She wore nothing underneath. An earthy scent rose from the reddish tangles hiding her cunt. “Too hard to get these damn things off.”

  “I don’t care. C’mere.” I maneuvered my body till my face was opposite her pussy. Reaching behind her, I clasped her rear cheeks and drew her closer. Then I buried my nose in her fur and breathed her in.

  Memory flooded back—that hot August night, stretched out together on a blanket atop Broad Hill, gloriously naked. The prickly scent of dry grass had mingled with the ripe, oceany aroma of women in heat as I’d knelt between Haley’s knees for the very first time. I made her come twice. How proud I’d been! Afterward, we’d sprawled under the stars, limbs entangled, giddily caressing each other, drunk on our audacity.

  Using my fingers to part her curls, I licked along her tender inner lips. My tongue gathered her tangy juices, making her wetter still. Her clit peeked out from its hood. I circled the bud, tempting it into view. When it finally emerged, I rewarded its boldness by suckling it.

  Haley squirmed and strained, unable to part her legs much because of her confining jeans. I sucked harder, pausing every so often to nibble on her labia or poke my tongue into her channel. She was close—I remembered the signs—moaning and thrashing about so much that I had difficulty staying in control. Then she hoisted my leg over her shoulder to open me and dove into my muff. At that point, I lost control entirely.


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