Particular Intentions

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Particular Intentions Page 10

by L. L. Diamond

  When Miss Bennet’s pale green gown faded into the forest, he cued his horse towards Netherfield. His hands still held a tremor from when he kissed Elizabeth, so he gripped the reins to avoid losing control of Boreas. The feel of her lips beneath his was exquisite! She trembled and held her breath, which spoke of her nerves, but she did not slap him for his attempt.

  He had kissed Elizabeth Bennet!

  How he wanted to shout it from the top of the tallest hill in Hertfordshire! He loved her—that much was certain. Now, he had better propose, but when? Did she require more time to be certain of her own feelings?

  He took Boreas to a gallop and allowed the favourite activity to relieve his anxiety. Tonight would be important. He would do his utmost to discover what was in Elizabeth’s heart, so he would know when to reveal his.

  When his mount was worn, he entered the stable, handing the horse over to a waiting groom. Without tarrying, he entered the house and followed the sound of Bingley’s voice to the ballroom.

  “It looks wonderful, Louisa. I hope tonight will be a grand occasion. Meryton has been welcoming to me, and I wish to repay them for their kindness.”

  “I doubt their amiability was a struggle, Brother. There have been quite a few eligible ladies thrust into your presence.”

  “Bingley’s desire to welcome the people of Meryton is a mark in his favour. When he becomes master of an estate, such an attitude will win him the loyalty of his own neighbourhood.” Darcy held out his hand. “I congratulate you on all you have accomplished in the last month. You have worked diligently with the steward to understand the estate, and I am certain the dedication you have displayed will serve you well.”

  Bingley grinned as he took Darcy’s hand. “That is quite a speech from you. You have adopted a measure of Miss Elizabeth’s outgoing nature.” With a tilt of his head, Bingley appraised him. “This morning’s walk must have been encouraging.”

  “Careful, Bingley. We are always chaperoned by Miss Bennet, so do not insinuate—”

  “I meant no disrespect.” Bingley’s hands were held in front of him. “You are not as stern since you began this courtship with Miss Elizabeth and appear more content than I have ever seen. I am pleased for you, my friend.”

  “I need to speak with Mrs. Nicholls.” Mrs. Hurst glanced between the two of them. “If you will excuse me.”

  When she had left the room, Darcy looked to Bingley. “Should I be concerned?”

  His friend’s forehead creased. “Are you asking if she will cause you problems?”

  “Well, yes. She and Miss Bingley are not so dissimilar.”

  “Hurst will not allow his wife to sabotage your friendship with me. He may lay about after a night of heavy drinking, but when he is sober, he boasts of keeping your company.”

  Darcy rubbed his face with his hands. “I had no idea.”

  “There is more to Hurst than you realized?”

  “It would appear so.”

  “He and Louisa have their fair share in common,” said Bingley with a smile. “Do not let them fool you.”

  “As long as they do not interfere with myself and Miss Elizabeth, they can claim a connection to their heart’s content.”

  A grin overspread Bingley’s countenance. “Things are going well then?”

  “That is none of your concern.” Darcy strode through the doors and towards the stairs.

  “You will tell me nothing?”

  Darcy did not answer, but continued directly to his rooms. His personal time with Miss Elizabeth was not something he wished to share. Those memories were too close to his heart to divulge to just anyone. His feelings would be revealed to Elizabeth when he found the perfect moment. He only hoped he would not have to wait too long!

  Chapter 11

  Mr. Collins’ incessant prattle during the ride, and a few instances of Lydia’s elbow to her ribs were enough to prompt Elizabeth to alight the moment the Bennet’s carriage came to a halt. The cold night air was a welcome relief! Once she had smoothed her gown, she lifted her skirts to prevent them from becoming soiled, and did not allow them to fall until she placed her foot upon the first stone step where she paused until Jane was by her side.

  “Are you well, Lizzy?”

  She clasped her hands into fists. “I feel as though I am being pulled in a hundred different directions at once, I am shaking, and I feel a bit sick.”

  “Tonight will be wonderful. You will see.” Jane took her hand with her usual serene smile and held it in her firm grasp as they climbed their way to the front doors. Jane was always so calm, which was unnerving. How did nothing ever disturb her equanimity?

  Her parents led their group into the receiving line until they greeted Mr. Bingley as well as Mr. and Mrs. Hurst, yet once Elizabeth gave her curtsey, her eye was arrested by the broad-shouldered gentleman waiting behind their host.

  “Ah! There you are, Darcy,” exclaimed Bingley. “I thought you might appear to whisk Miss Elizabeth into the ballroom.”

  Jane placed a hand to Elizabeth’s back and pressed her forward as Mr. Darcy approached. He bowed as she curtsied and held out her hand, which he gave a chaste kiss since they were in such a public setting. If only they were alone! If only Mr. Darcy did not wear those gloves!

  “Mr. Bennet, Mrs. Bennet, I hope you are well tonight.”

  Her father smirked. “I know you have no wish to remain and make idle chatter with us, young man. I am certain you have secured my daughter’s hand for the first set, so be off with you.”

  Mr. Collins opened his mouth, and Elizabeth’s shoulders stiffened. She could take no more!

  “Thank you, sir.” Before her cousin could utter a sound Mr. Darcy took her hand, placed it upon his arm, and led her through the hall towards the ballroom, leaving Mr. Collins and his sermon far behind.

  Mr. Darcy was so handsome in his formal attire. As he made his way through the guests milling around them, he stood confident and tall, his well-tailored topcoat and trousers accenting his dignified bearing and handsome figure. A curl of his dark hair fell upon his forehead and the grey in his waistcoat accented his crystal blue eyes. The ladies all observed him as he passed, but she could hardly blame them. She would as well if he were not her escort.

  She drew in a long breath, releasing it slowly, in an attempt to calm her roiling insides. An entire night of this incessant quivering would make her mad. Not only that, but with her hand upon Mr. Darcy’s arm, he was certain to take notice of her tremor. In the past, her courage always rose to the occasion when she required it—yet where was it tonight?

  “You are very silent, Miss Elizabeth.”

  “I…” She peered from side to side at the matrons whispering behind their fans. Her courtship with Mr. Darcy was certain to be prime gossip, and her mother, who had been reluctant at first to accept such a disagreeable man over the security of Mr. Collins, had changed her opinion when she had more time to consider the wealth Elizabeth could obtain by becoming Mrs. Darcy.

  “I confess I am nervous.”

  His hand covered hers, and he brushed her knuckles with his thumb. “Then, I must find some remedy for your anxiety. I had hoped to pass the evening with the bold Miss Elizabeth to whom I am accustomed. Is she to be hidden from me tonight?”

  “I do not believe so, sir, but I fear I may require some time before I am my usual self.”

  “Perhaps some wine?”

  He ushered her to the refreshment table where he handed her a glass. She took small sips lest she drink too much too fast. Her wits could not abandon her as had her courage at that moment!

  Mr. Darcy remained by her side until the musicians were ready to begin, when he escorted her to the floor to dance. The small ensemble played the introduction of the first piece and when the moment came, his hand took hers.

  Mrs. Goulding leaned in the direction of Mrs. Long and began to whisper as Elizabeth passed, staring at her and Mr. Darcy as they spoke.

  “I believe you have shocked some with your willing
ness to dance this evening and you have taken a significant gamble, sir, by standing up with me tonight. I suspect you will find yourself pursued by the eligible ladies of the room since you have proven yourself more agreeable than at the assembly.”

  He grinned. “There is my Elizabeth.” His voice was deep and soft—intimate.

  She stumbled over her own toes, but Mr. Darcy caught her with his arm before she could fall. “Forgive me. I am never so clumsy!”

  “Do not beg forgiveness since your near tumble allowed me to embrace you as much as I can without violating propriety or disgracing you before all of these people.”

  She bit her lip and looked away as she took a turn with the gentleman to her side. Upon her return to Mr. Darcy, his dimples appeared. She lifted her eyebrow.

  “You appear pleased with yourself.”

  “I am dancing with the loveliest lady in the room, and I plan to spend a significant amount of time in her company. I am quite content.”

  She looked from side to side. “And who is this lady? Do I know her?”

  He gave a bark of laughter, and several nearby guests stopped to stare. “You know very well I refer to you, Miss Elizabeth.”

  “I do not know how I should react to such flattery. You will render me a vain creature should you continue.”

  “You are teasing me.”

  The dance required them to separate and partner others, and the lieutenant who now stood across from Elizabeth peeked down at her chest. With a cringe, she looked to the ceiling as she awaited Mr. Darcy to re-join her.

  As she progressed through the pattern, her outstretched hand caught her attention. When had she stopped shaking? At some point between Mr. Darcy taking her wine glass and settling into the dance, her nerves had subsided. Perhaps the familiar tune or the pattern of the movements helped to steady her?

  His hand grasped hers again before they parted when the dance ended. “You are no longer shivering.”

  “I do not know why, but yes, I seem to have regained my composure.”

  “You could confide in me what disturbed you. I would welcome the opportunity to know more of you.”

  She peered at him out of the corner of her eye. “With the long talks we have had, you should know me almost as well as Jane.”

  His shoulders lifted. “I am content to know what I do, but you speak little of your feelings.”

  Her cheeks became warm. “I share those with a select few, but you can be assured I have no reservations speaking of my heart to you.”

  The music for the second half of the set began. “Truly?”

  “Oh, I am not saying it would not fluster me, but I know you would treat me with kindness. I can trust you.”

  Their dance ended much too soon, and Elizabeth was claimed by her cousin, who ushered her back into the line. Between the local gentlemen and the militia present, Elizabeth remained engaged until the supper dance, when Mr. Darcy approached her as she spoke to Charlotte Lucas.

  “Mr. Darcy,” acknowledged Charlotte as he approached.

  “Miss Lucas, I hope you are enjoying the evening.”

  Charlotte lifted her eyebrows at Elizabeth. The entire neighbourhood found themselves astounded by Mr. Darcy’s changed demeanour, and had laid the transformation at Elizabeth’s feet. Only the cheer of such a lady would cause such a proud man to make polite conversation with those he once deemed insignificant. The question was whether he would remain sociable once the inevitable wedding occurred or whether he would revert to his once disagreeable behaviour.

  “The evening has proven itself diverting indeed.”

  “Ah.” He glanced to Elizabeth. His expression was neutral, but there was something in his eyes. “We should take our places.”

  “If you will excuse us.”

  Charlotte acknowledged Elizabeth with a dip of her chin before Mr. Darcy whisked her back into the line. When the music again filled the ballroom, he leaned his head in her direction.

  “I must confess I am pleased to have you returned to me.”

  She lifted her eyebrow. “Had I been stolen away?”

  “Yes, most cruelly by Mr. Collins, and I have had a terrible time trying to find an opportunity to reclaim you.”

  She turned away with a grin. “Did no one teach you to share, Mr. Darcy?”

  His finger brushed against her wrist. “I know how to share, but I do not appreciate the practice when it separates me from you.”

  Her cheeks burned. “I…”

  At that moment, Sir William Lucas, who intended to pass through the set, halted when his eyes lit upon Mr. Darcy. "I am most highly gratified indeed, my dear sir, by such superior dancing. You must allow me to observe that your fair partner does not disgrace you, and that I hope to have this pleasure repeated when a certain desirable event, my dear Miss Eliza, occurs.”

  With a flinch, her eyes darted to Mr. Darcy. He did not seem at all disturbed by Sir William’s loose tongue and appeared to take the assumption of their eventual marriage without surprise.

  Sir William then glanced at Jane and Bingley. “And let us not forget another greatly anticipated union! What congratulations will once again flow in!”

  Upon Sir William’s conjecture of Jane and Mr. Bingley, Mr. Darcy paled and his visage altered. He peered down the line to where his friend danced with Jane, his jaw pulsed as he clenched his teeth and released several times in succession. He said naught, but Sir William took no notice.

  “But let me not interrupt you, sir. You will not thank me for detaining you from the bewitching converse of that young lady, whose bright eyes are also upbraiding me."

  Elizabeth’s entire being burned in mortification. “Mr. Darcy, do you require a moment?”

  He gave a slight jump as she regained his attention. “No, forgive me.”

  They resumed dancing, yet Mr. Darcy did not speak. Instead, he searched for Mr. Bingley and Jane as they turned down the line from them.

  “Are you disturbed by Sir William’s conjecture regarding us?”

  Again, his eyes darted to hers. “No! I would not have requested a courtship if I had reservations. You must know I would never pain you in such a way.”

  His manner was open, so the idea of Mr. Bingley and Jane had been what discomposed him. Had he not noticed his friend’s partiality? The entirety of the neighbourhood was aware of it, so how could he have escaped the knowledge?

  The set soon ended, and Elizabeth was seated at Mr. Darcy’s side while dinner was served. Lydia and Kitty’s periodic whines reached her ears, but they could not do much more than complain under their father’s relentless supervision.

  Despite Mr. Wickham’s obvious absence, her father had kept his youngest daughters under tight rein. They were allowed to dance, but each partner was to deliver them directly to him. At present, they were seated beside him as Lydia batted her eyelashes at a captain down the table. Mr. Bennet whispered in his youngest daughter’s ear, which prompted her to huff and cross her arms over her chest. Elizabeth snickered.

  “What amuses you?”

  “Oh! My father has taken a stricter stance with Lydia and Kitty as of late. He just corrected Lydia for attempting to flirt. I must admit to a certain amount of vindictive glee in his taking the pains to control her. Jane and I have made attempts for years while he ignored her embarrassing behaviour.”

  “I would not call you vindictive. I am certain it is a relief to no longer bear that responsibility.”

  Her eyes met his. “I do not know if you are aware, but I credit the change to you.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes, it was your mention of Mr. Wickham.” She kept her voice soft. “He began taking control of her then and has continued. I just pray he does not cease his efforts after the militia departs Meryton, else she will revert to what she was. She has not changed—not in essentials.”

  He glanced in the direction of her parents. “Your mother does not appear pleased with his corrections.”

  Her mother was chastising her father,
and by the expression upon Lydia’s face, taking Lydia’s part. Papa could not let her mother succeed! She would have them chasing the officers before the next course was upon the table.

  “Mama views Lydia as a young version of herself and sees naught amiss with her behaviour. My sister could prance through the dining room flirting with the officers and waving a sabre, and Mama would see nothing improper in it.”

  Without fail, Mr. Darcy remained attentive as they conversed during the meal. He was witty, charming, and ensured she wanted for nothing, yet he was distracted. While in such a public setting, she could not inquire as to his disquiet, which frustrated her. At least, she had discerned it was not her or their courtship.

  Dinner progressed as a formal meal often does until they were served the final course, and Elizabeth turned just as her mother’s mouth opened.

  “I had planned for Mr. Collins to wed Lizzy, but she will be so much richer as Mrs. Darcy! Why that man would take to Lizzy is a mystery! My Jane would be more appropriate to a gentleman of his station than Lizzy. Jane is so beautiful! Of course, I expect Mr. Bingley will be requesting a private discussion with my Jane within a fortnight!

  “Mary will do for Mr. Collins, I suppose, but he continues to follow Lizzy and Jane, despite being told they are both soon to be betrothed. I tell you, my poor nerves cannot take much more of that man!”

  Elizabeth dropped her head, covered her mouth with her hand, and swallowed the sick that rose in her throat. Her other hand was clenched into a fist, her fingernails digging into the tender flesh of her palms.

  “With Lizzy and Jane so advantageously married, they will be able to throw their sisters into the paths of other rich men! With my Lydia’s amiable personality, she is certain to attract a greater man than even Mr. Darcy.”

  She choked and made to rise, but large fingers entwined with hers. “Breathe, Elizabeth,” he whispered in her ear.

  “You must be horrified.” Elizabeth’s head remained down as she shook it. “How could you wish to have her for a mother?”


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