Turning for Trouble

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by Susan Y. Tanner

  Turning for Trouble

  Trouble Cat Mysteries #7

  Susan Y. Tanner

  Copyright © 2018 by Susan Y. Tanner

  All rights reserved. Published by KaliOka Press.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover design by Cissy Hartley

  Formatted by Priya Bhakta

  For Brayden, my second-born grandchild. His smile lights up any room and my whole heart. Love him always.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20



  About the Author

  Trouble’s Wedding Caper

  Trouble’s Double Contest Winner

  Chapter One

  I will own up - if I must - to being a bit of a romantic at heart. Perhaps more than a bit. Even so, never think that small flaw in any way undermines my inherent ability to solve any mystery placed in my path. I am, after all, my father’s son. My sire, the wondrous Familiar, passed on to me his ability to discern between fact and fiction, to detect truths however skillfully buried amongst untruths. These are no small traits and are essential to my stock-in-trade of master detective.

  June has long been touted as the premier wedding month but no one could find fault in this flawless October day. And I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a bride more lovely than our Ms. Gorgeous, the intrepid Avery Wilson, momentarily to become Avery Hanna. The name has a nice ring to it and I will accept some accolades as to having ensured the likelihood of a happy outcome for the bride and groom. But that was another day and another story for my memoirs.

  It’s good to be at Summer Valley Ranch once more and without ominous clouds of danger hanging overhead. Good, too, that the sweltering humidity of summer in Alabama has been swept away on the dry, crisp breezes of earliest autumn. Now, with the afternoon fading to evening, the fairy lights twinkle to life in the soft twilight.

  And there! The deed is done. The knot is tied. Let the party commence! I shall celebrate in my own way. As the humans twirl around a dance floor constructed for that purpose, I will indulge in the fact that Ms. Gorgeous has instructed the waiters at every food station to ensure I’m given a sampling – and more if I desire! – of each of their savory offerings.

  * * *

  Cade Delaney watched the wedding couple as they danced. The bride was radiant, looking half her age and spinning in the arms of her handsome groom as if she were a teenager. The throng around him ebbed and surged trying to get a better glimpse of the two and Cade stepped back. His height gave him an advantage some didn’t have.

  Smiling at the wedding couple’s happiness, he turned just as another guest stepped forward. Instinctively, he caught slender shoulders in a light grip. He registered a swift impression of silken skin and the light scent of fragrance mixed with pure femininity. But when he looked into wide brown eyes flecked with gold, his heart stopped in his chest. He had no doubt he’d remember those eyes until his dying breath and had long ago accepted that fact.

  For a brief moment, he saw not the woman she’d become but the girl she had been. He held forever in his mind an image of Malone astride a powerful horse as they arced around then pushed away from a barrel. Of her leaning low, urging the horse for more and more speed, hair and mane tangling against her face.

  “Excuse me,” she murmured, stepping back and out of his light grasp as if she hadn’t recognized him even though he knew she had. And he let her go, once again, because that was what she wanted.

  He wished – just for a moment - sincerely wished that he hadn’t come to Avery’s wedding. Or that Malone had not come. She was a complication he didn’t need. Hell, he hadn’t even known that Avery and Malone knew each other. His world was peaceful. Orderly. His memories of Malone Summers were anything but that.

  Cade stared after her, noting legs that looked damned good in the kind of heels he’d never seen on any rodeo grounds. A slim-fitting dress hugged her slender back and waist then swirled into frothy layers just below her hips. He couldn’t have said what the material was called but he sure as hell could’ve described the way it flirted with the flesh just above the back of her knees. He watched her walk away and she left him smoldering now, just as she’d done countless years ago.

  With a physical reaction he wouldn’t acknowledge, he turned to search the dance floor for a partner who wouldn’t remind him of Malone. Two hours later, he acknowledged failure. Not a single woman reminded him of Malone but every one of them reminded him that she was not Malone. With a sincere word of congratulations to the bride and groom, Cade sought the sanctuary of the bungalow that had been assigned to him.

  He’d get up early, he thought as he stretched out in the dark, even earlier than he’d planned, and be out of here and on the road by first light. His Australian Shepherd padded around the room before settling quietly on the rug beside his bed. Within moments, Townsend’s breathing evened into sleep. Cade’s, unfortunately, did not.

  * * *

  Day was barely breaking as Malone, already feeling a sense of loss, looked into the trusting eyes of the big silver gelding she was leaving with Avery’s resident vet. If anyone could accurately diagnose the reason for Mylo’s sudden lameness, it would be Tucker. Mylo had already been seen by some of the nation’s best veterinarians with no real diagnosis or prognosis made. But, in Malone’s estimation and that of Avery, who was unstinting in the care of her horses, Tucker was ‘the best’.

  She crossed to the next stall to put a halter on Jaz and led the big sorrel mare out of the barn and into the morning toward the truck and trailer. It was still early, still chilly, that peaceful time of day she enjoyed most when the sun was just peeping over the horizon.

  Normally, she would have lingered, at least for a little while. Avery’s ranch, filled with talented rescue horses who provided equine therapy for patients in need, was one of her favorite places to visit. Today, however, she wanted to be gone before any of the other wedding guests roused themselves. Not even to herself would she admit there was only one person she hoped to avoid. With any luck at all, Cade Delaney was sleeping off a good time.

  Malone smiled at the sight of Avery propped against the hood of her truck, two steaming mugs in her hands and a black cat twining around her dusty boots. Though she didn’t see the other woman often enough, they had become good friends through their shared love of horses. At her approach, Avery pushed away from the truck and handed her one of the mugs.

  “What in the world is the bride doing up at this hour?” Malone eyed Avery over an appreciative sip of coffee that tasted every bit as heavenly as it smelled.

  Avery chuckled. “I couldn’t keep my eyes from opening. I’ll nap on the plane.”

  “I can’t believe you’re taking time for a honeymoon.”

  “I can’t either, to tell you the truth. I’ve always wanted to see Wales but never dreamed I would. Dirks smooth talked me into it.”

  “Good for Dirks. And good for you for finding a way to trust again.” Malone was more than happy for the bride and groom. Heaven knew Avery d
eserved this second opportunity at a happy marriage. Malone didn’t much believe in second chances where love was concerned but she wished the best for Avery.

  Avery nodded. She would know where Malone’s thoughts had gone. “It wasn’t easy, but if I can, you can.”

  “I’d have to want to,” Malone said lightly, “and I don’t.” To take any sting out of her response, she added with real honesty, “I’m too happy with my life now – finally – to risk changing anything.”

  As if on cue, the door to the guest cabin closest to them opened and Malone caught a glimpse of Cade in her peripheral vision as he stepped through with a small tote in hand. Damn. And he naturally turned toward his hostess and Malone. Double damn.

  A beautiful dog, Australian Shepherd from the coat and color, walked beside him. She glanced at the black cat but Trouble showed no sign of interest, much less alarm. Of course, the cat was considered to be something of a hero, credited with abilities that wouldn’t lend themselves to his cowering in fright at a mere dog.

  “Avery. Malone.” Cade greeted them both in the same pleasant tone.

  Avery’s eyes widened. “You two know each other ... but, of course, I forget. You both make your living in rodeo.”

  Before Malone could speak, before she could casually agree as she intended, Cade said, “We knew each other before that.” His gaze caught on Malone’s. “Long before.”

  Mercifully that silver gaze moved on to Jaz standing quietly on her lead line. “Nice mare. Yours?”

  Malone let a little of the tension ease from her shoulders. “Yes. I got her here last summer. She’s been pulling some nice checks at the pay window since January when I started hauling her in earnest. She’s been at the top of my string the last couple of months. I’m grateful to Avery and her team for allowing me to have her.”

  “We were glad to match her with you.” Avery said.

  The expression on Avery’s face telegraphed her curiosity at the earlier nuances of her exchange with Cade but, to Malone’s relief, Avery asked no questions. Instead, she said, “We’ve watched your success, the videos you’ve posted, with a lot of pride at her accomplishments. It’s clear your first assessment was right. She loves her job.”

  Feeling antsy under Cade’s steady regard, Malone handed Avery the empty mug. “I appreciate the coffee and the wedding was lovely. I’m going to get my girl loaded and head out. I’ve got a full week ahead of me.”

  “Both Dirks and I were happy that you could be here. I put a thermos of coffee in the front of your truck when I saw you throw your bag in the truck and head for the barn but we’d love for you to have brunch before you leave. Dirks was already poking around in the kitchen when I stepped out. He’s planning to feed anyone who is awake enough to eat.”

  No way was Malone spending the next couple of hours with Cade watching her. She declined with a smile and a word of thanks and led Jaz around to the side of the trailer. To her consternation, Cade and his dog followed. Without asking, Cade lowered the loading ramp with quiet efficiency.

  Not wanting to sound as ungrateful as she felt, she murmured thanks she didn’t feel. She’d been taking care of herself for a long time.

  “Where are you headed?”

  Cade’s question surprised her, not the words, but the fact that he’d asked. She didn’t want to tell him but he’d find out anyway if he really wanted to know.


  His brows lifted at that. “Opposite direction of Oklahoma.” She knew the comment wasn’t as casual as it seemed. LaGrange had once been home to both of them, but he’d most likely know her mother had died and her father had remarried, sold their property there, and moved out of state. She wasn’t about to ask how he knew she was entered in a competition in Oklahoma City in little more than a week. Cade might be the new Director of Operations for Twin Circuit Rodeos but exactly what competitor was entered where wasn’t something anyone would expect him to be aware of. In the end, she simply answered his question as if there were no unhappy history between them.

  “Granddad left me his place. I suspect there are some things of his I’ll want to keep so I need a day or two to sort through them before I list it with a realtor.”

  “I heard you’d lost him, not long after your grandmother.” All of the edge had left his expression and his voice. “I know that hurt.”

  “It did.” She didn’t need to ask how he’d known. Her granddad’s place bordered the Delaney property and Cade and his family had probably remained close, talking often and sharing life’s moments big and small. He hadn’t disappointed his family, hadn’t shamed his parents as she had hers.

  For the next few minutes she focused on loading Jaz but she knew Cade was there, watching, and wasn’t the least surprised when he helped her raise the ramp and secure the doors.

  She turned to face him, feeling unexpectedly awkward. “Thanks for the help. I’ll see you down the road, I guess.”

  “Yes.” That was all he said and she couldn’t read a thing in his expression. Or maybe she just didn’t want to.

  He stepped back as she climbed up into the cab of her truck and closed the door.

  * * *

  Interesting thing about humans, they don’t always say in words what’s communicated in their eyes and their expressions. While these two friends of my Ms. Gorgeous dance around their emotions, I shall stroll about the rather large truck and equally massive trailer to ensure all is in good repair and safe for the long haul. That’s western speak for the lengthy trip ahead.

  I’ve learned through my cases that the female of the human species is as capable and competent as any male. There is, however, a point of chivalry in any real male that simply requires this extra vigilance on her behalf. Indeed, I noticed Mr. Silver Eyes surreptitiously eyeing the tires of her rig to ensure they were up to the trip.

  All of the various side compartments that, as I learned during my previous sojourn at Summer Valley Ranch, contain various grains and supplements as well as buckets and fans and extension cords and other equipment, seem securely closed.

  But wait. What’s this? As I turn the corner to peruse the opposite side, an inch or two of faded denim along with worn leather boots disappear beneath a long, narrow access that is slowly lowered. The trailer is about to have a stowaway and I can see little but a pair of eyes staring back at me! Those eyes are dulled by some emotion, at best despair, at worst something more ominous. I can’t tell if this is friend or foe and cannot leave Ms. Rodeo to be taken unaware somewhere down the road, perhaps at an isolated rest stop. I’d better warn her.

  Oh, my! The truck engine has started with a bit of a roar and there’s no time. I leap forward praying that the opening of the compartment is wide enough for me to slip through and that the somber-eyed human does not discern my intent in time to lower the metal hatch even more.

  There, I’m in! And just in the nick of time, as the truck and trailer move forward. I hear a gasp as the hatch slams shut and deduce that may present a problem for both of us.

  Well, this was certainly not my plan for the day. As soon as possible, I’ll need to let my precious Tammy Lynn, the human who claims me as her very own moggy, know my whereabouts.

  For now, my excellent night vision shifts into gear and I study the human who stares back at me with no small measure of consternation.

  Chapter Two

  Malone pulled into the drive, cut the engine, and simply sat at the wheel of her truck, drinking in the remembered beauty of the place with its weathered but stout fencing and sturdy outbuildings. The house itself was by no means grand, but the wrap around porch was homey and welcoming. It invited her in as it always had.

  The two-hour drive to the property her grandparents had left her had been uneventful, giving her plenty of time to think, to wonder if she were making the right choice in even considering calling a realtor.

  This had once been more home to her than the house and property where her parents had raised her. She knew she’d disappointed her
folks, even embarrassed them. She wondered if they ever realized they’d done the same to her. Her father’s distant reserve, never speaking or smiling when her friends came around. Her mother’s relentless fault-finding, regardless of who was within hearing. The years and miles had taught her that only they were to blame for their discontent, but there’d been a time she’d blamed first herself, then each of them for the other’s miserable outlook. She knew better now, but it had been a lesson only time and experience could teach.

  As a child, she’d fled their unhappiness every chance she could. She’d been seven the first year she’d been allowed to stay with her grandparents for the three blissful months of school vacation. Twelve-year-old Cade had taught her to ride fearlessly. Summer after summer, her granddad had permitted her to tag along with Cade’s family, who were friends as well as neighbors, to local rodeos. Cade had shared his rope horse with her, helped her train him for barrels, paid her entry fee from time to time with cash hard-earned at summer jobs. If she closed her eyes, she could see him now, stepping into the alleyway, catching her rein, his face beaming with pride. And if she looked toward the rolling hills just to the north, she had no doubt she’d see a younger Cade letting his horse pick his way carefully across the uneven ground toward her with the summer sun beating down.

  But that had been a lifetime ago and time moved on.

  Sighing, she released her seatbelt and stepped down into the sunlit morning. The first order of business was to get Jaz someplace she could move about in safety, someplace she could roll and stretch with a playful buck or two.


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