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Breakaway Page 6

by Lindsay Paige

  “It’s no big deal, Presley. I’ve got some napkins in the car-”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she snaps, dragging me towards the building, up the stairs and into her apartment with Trevor on our heels. Presley fumbles with the lock, but gets it. She pulls me into her bedroom, slamming the door in Trevor’s face. She walks us across the room, into her bathroom, and pushes me to sit after she closes the lid on the toilet.

  I don’t say anything as she opens a cabinet to get a rag. She wets it and squeezes the excess water out. Gently, she wipes around my nose.

  “I don’t think it’s broken or anything,” she says quietly.

  “It’s not. I’ve had broken noses before and it isn’t broken.”

  “I knew he wouldn’t like it, but I didn’t think he would ever find out either.”

  “Hey,” I say placing my hands on her waist and squeezing. “Don’t let him get to you.”

  “He’s my brother, Levi. Mytwin. That’s impossible. He’s probably pacing on the other side of my door right now.”

  “Let him pace then.” It wasn’t until now that I thought to consider how her relationship might be with her brother. I figured they were close, sure, but I don’t know. “You okay?” I ask since she hasn’t looked at me yet. The blood is probably all gone, but she’s still wiping.

  “No. I’m sorry about your nose.” She drops the rag in the sink and taps my nose lightly.

  “I’m a hockey player, remember? Getting hit in the nose isn’t that big a deal.”

  “I’m still sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I mean it, Presley. How he feels is his problem, not yours.”

  “It is when I made him feel that way.”

  “Pres? Everything okay in there?” Trevor calls from the living room.

  “No, we’re having a quickie,” she yells with a roll of her eyes. I smirk at how she still has some humor left. “You should go.”

  “Sure? I can take him, you know,” I smile.

  “I’m sure.”

  Trevor opens her bedroom door and peeks inside with a clear view of her bathroom. His eyes harden at the sight of Presley standing between my legs and my hands on her hips.

  “Seriously, Trevor?”

  His mouth forms a determined line, but he doesn’t say anything.

  “I better get going.” I stand and push her back gently. “Bye, Smarty.” And then, I just walk away. That’s my plan anyway, but when I’m a step away from her bedroom door, Presley gets the last word.

  “Hey, Levi.” I turn to look at her. “I’ll see you Friday, okay?”

  My raised eyebrows are the only sign of my surprise. I nod and walk past a fuming Trevor without another word.

  Chapter Six


  I push past Trevor and head to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

  “Presley, I forbid you to go out with him.” He stands in my kitchen with his arms crossed.

  “Excuse me?” I turn, glaring at my twin brother.

  “You heard me. You are not going out with him anymore.”

  I sit my glass on the counter and walk over to my twin. Even though Trevor is taller than me, I’m not going to back down from him, this time. “Listen to me Trevor and listen up good. I am going out with Levi again and you have no say in the situation.”

  “He is just using you. Do you know what kind of reputation he has?”

  “I bet it’s a lot like yours. One Bunny after the other.” Trevor steps back from me.

  “I’m nothing like him,” he hisses at me.

  “Are you sure about that? Let’s compare, shall we?” I tap my finger on my chin and think of all the ways they are alike. “You both are captains. You both love hockey. You both are stubborn, and you both love Bunnies. Did I miss anything?” Trevor’s eyes are filled with hurt and anger. I know that look well because it was the way he looked at me when I made my decision to stay with our mother in the divorce. Standing here, looking at him reminds me of our father. Dad always looks at me like I’m doing something wrong all the time. I can’t stand that Trevor is treating me like this.

  “You’re my sister!” he shouts. “He’s nothing, but trash. Do you remember all the nights we talked about him and the way I was treated by him?”

  “He isn’t trash and high school is over. Maybe you need to grow up, because the Levi I have seen is a lot more mature than you.”

  Trevor gets very close to my face, glaring at me. “Don’t come crying to me when he fucks you, kicks you out of his bed the next morning, and never calls you again.”

  “Get out, now.” I’ve never kicked my brother out of my apartment before. I can’t believe the way he is talking to me. My brother never spoke to me this way. We’ve always been close and hardly ever argued.

  Trevor glares at me before turning and walking out of my apartment. I’m not sure how long I stand in my kitchen or how long I’ve been crying, but I walk back into the bathroom and take a hot shower. I need to calm my nerves, and the hot steam is helping me relax from the fight between Trevor and me.

  I get out of the shower, wrap my hair in a towel, and put on my robe. Sitting on my bed, I stare at my favorite picture of Trevor and me on my nightstand. We were five, and it was our first day of school. I was in braids, and Trevor’s hair was a mess of red curls, which have now gone away and it’s turned more brown over the years. We both have huge smiles on our faces and it’s the one time we almost look identical to each other. I can’t fight with my twin. I pick up my cell phone and call him.

  “He’s going to hurt you.” Trevor’s voice is low, and I can still hear the hurt in it.

  “You don’t know that and if I do get hurt then it’s my choice.”

  “I’ll kill him if he hurts you.” I can hear the seriousness in his voice, and I have no doubts that Trevor will protect me.

  “I expect nothing less from you, Trev. Please, can we not fight about this? Let me, for once, make a choice of my own.” I know it felt like I’m begging, but I want my brother to be supportive of my choice.

  “Levi? Levi Carr, is what you want?” he growls with skepticism.

  “Yes and don’t act like I’m marrying the guy tomorrow. I just want to go on a few dates and see what happens.”

  “Just...stop making out in parking lots. That is a Bunny move and you’re far from a Bunny.”

  I laugh at him. “Deal.”

  “Hey, Twin, just please be careful.” I know that he is concerned and I understand that.

  “I will.” We hang up, and I feel better as I crawl into bed and think about that amazing makeout session with Levi.

  ~ ~ ~

  My alarm is buzzing and I just want to throw it across the room, instead of getting up. I thought about Levi all night and hardly slept. After hitting snooze, I finally drag myself out of bed. I walk into the kitchen and turn on the coffee maker and throw bread in the toaster. I notice my phone is blinking. I can’t help the smile come across my face as I see a text from Levi saying good morning.

  Me: good morning to you too.

  Levi: Everything ok w/ McCarthy

  Me: Yep C-ya Fri

  Levi: What time?

  Me: 8

  Levi: Deal, Smarty

  I know I won’t be able to get rid of my smile for the rest of the day. Standing there, in my daydream, I realize that I am running late. I rush around my apartment to get ready, and I run out the door to get to class.

  ~ ~ ~

  I’m exhausted from having classes all day. As I head out of the building and into the student square, I just want to go home and get all this homework done, so I can rest tonight. I’m lost in thought when someone throws their arm around my shoulder.

  “Coming to my game tonight?” Trevor says.

  “Man, I forgot. I have a ton homework. I’ll come to the next one.”

  “Come on, you know you want to.” He shakes my shoulders knowing very well that I want to go.

  “Trev, I really do have a lot of work.”

bsp; “You are still coming, right?” I look up at him and see his bright smile. He is just lucky that I really love hockey and him, too.

  “Fine. I’ll be there.” He kisses my temple and runs off with his teammates.

  I stop by the local deli, grab a sandwich, and head home. I know I don’t have much time to get ready before the game. When I walk into my apartment, I toss my books and bag onto my desk and change quickly. My phone is ringing and when I look at the display, I see it’s Levi.


  “Hey, Smarty. What are you up to?”

  “Getting ready to head to the hockey game. Why?”

  “Oh, no big deal. I was going to see if you want to grab a bite, but since you are busy, we can another time.”

  “Sorry, after the game I have a lot of homework to do.” An idea pops in my head. “Hey, do you want to go to the game with me?”

  “No way. Sorry. The only way I go to a JWU game is if I’m playing on the opposite team.”

  “Well, if you came I bet there could be some morefun after the game.” I’m flirting because I want to finish our make-out session.

  “You just said that you would be busy,” he points out to me.

  “Well, I had trouble sleeping last night because we didn’t finish making out and I’m betting that you had ahard time too.” I hear him groan on the other side of the phone. I bite my lip to keep from laughing.

  “How about this? I’ll meet you when the third period starts.”

  “Well, I guess, if that’s the best you can offer...” I sigh at him as he laughs.

  “How about I throw in some dinner? Will that make it a better deal?”

  “Much better. See ya soon.”

  ~ ~ ~

  My throat is sore from yelling for my brother and his team. They are playing amazingly. Trevor is one goal away from scoring three goals, a hat trick, and I want him to get it. The start of third period brings everyone to their feet when the JWU Hockey Team take the ice. I’ve been saving a seat for Levi, but he is not here yet. I text him to let him know the section I’m in.

  I turn my attention back onto the ice. I love every sound that comes from the players being on the ice. Their skates cutting the ice, the shouts of commands from the coaches, and watching their faces full of determination.

  I stare at Trevor’s red jersey as he takes the ice. Through the face mask, I can see Trevor’s brown eyes that match mine. He wants that hat trick. Flanked by two of the opposing players, Trevor fights for the puck, shoots and scores. I scream so loud, I’m sure my twin can hear me.

  “Well, I guess your brother really wants the MVP this year?” Levi says in my ear. I notice that his nose is slightly red, but not swollen.

  “Hey, be nice, he deserves that hat trick.” I lightly slap his chest. Levi hooks my belt loop and pulls me closer to him. His kiss is sweet and perfect.

  “I want to finish watching the game.” I mumble against his lips. “We can finish this later.” He slightly pouts his lips, and I just laugh at him.

  We watch the rest of the game together. Levi doesn’t cheer, but he does pay attention. When it’s over, I lead Levi down to the player’s entrance. I wait on my brother to come out to congratulate him for his amazing game. Levi has not let go of me since he arrived to the game, and it is no different when my brother and his friends come out of the locker room.

  “Hey,” I leap into Trevor’s arms. “I’m so proud of you.”

  Trevor hugs me tight.

  “Yeah, McCarthy, congrats.” I know that Levi is being sarcastic, but it makes my brother tense up anyway. Then I see Noah and Sloan come up and flank Trevor.

  “What are you doing here, Carr?” Noah hisses at him.

  “I’m here with Presley.” He crosses his arms and squares his shoulder.

  “No way,” Braxton says.

  “Enough guys,” I tell everyone.

  “Oh, it’s true. Guess you guys don’t have anything to offer a pretty girl and she had to find a real hockey player.”

  Noah, Braxton, and Trevor make a move for Levi, but I jump in the middle.

  “Look,” I state firmly. “Levi and I are friends. I just came over here to say congratulations and now we’re leaving.” I grab Levi’s hand and we head the other direction of my brother and his friends. When we are out of ear-shot, I whip around and slug him in the shoulder.

  “Now, listen and listen good,” I point my finger right in his face. “Don’t you start any trouble with Trevor or his team. I mean it. If you do, then this is really over.” Levi stares at me for a moment, I am not going to let him use me as a pawn.

  Levi holds his hands up in surrender. “You’re right. I won’t start anything. However, I won’t back down from him or those guys either.”

  “Fair enough.” I take a step away from him. “Now, you promised me some food.”

  “I did.” He throws his arm over my shoulders, we leave the rink and we stroll down the street to find something to eat. We stop at the local Mexican restaurant to grab a few tacos. The place is so packed, there isn’t a seat.

  “Hey, let’s get it to go. My apartment is up the street.” Levi nods and we grab our food.

  We walk silently to my place. I let us in and point to the small kitchen table, where Levi sets down our food. I grab a couple of beers from the fridge and we sit down and eat.

  “So, when did you start playing hockey?” I figure I will keep the conversation light between us.

  “I think I was four or so when I joined my first pee-wee league. Do you skate or have you ever played?”

  “I can skate, but no I never played in a league. Trevor and I would mess around, but my dad thought a girl shouldn’t play hockey.” I did try to convince my dad to let me join a girl’s league when I was younger, but he said no.

  “Are you any good?”

  “Well, I’m not Sidney Crosby, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Levi starts laughing. “Is there anyone like that guy?”

  Then I start laughing. It’s nice that I can have a conversation with someone. It’s nice to have dinner with someone who can make you laugh. Levi is great company, and I like our talks.

  We finish our food and together, we clean up the mess. I am just as nervous as I was last night, but there is something calming about Levi’s blue eyes. I reach for his hand and lead him to the couch.

  It doesn’t take long for Levi’s lips to cover mine, and I can’t help the moan when he pulls me over to straddle him. I settle myself on him, as he slips his tongue further in my mouth. I run my hands through his soft hair, as he grips my hips tighter. My body reacts by rocking against him. I can feel his fingers working on the hem of my shirt. The touch of his hot, rough hands on my back causes me to quiver. His hands are traveling up and down my back. He breaks our kiss and begins to kiss my neck and collarbone. It’s hard to catch my breath as Levi’s thumbs graze my breast.

  With ease, I move us into a different position. I want to feel more of Levi. I pull his t-shirt off. The muscles of his back and arms flex as I drag my nails up and down. He settles himself in between my legs.

  “Oh my god, Presley.” Levi pushes my bra up over my breasts. He gently tugs on my nipple with his teeth.

  “Levi.” I arch my back as his lips, tongue, and teeth work on my breast. I dig my nails deeper into his back. He leaves my breast and kisses down my stomach. Each kiss sears my skin. He stops just at the top of my jeans. He looks up at me with a breathtaking smirk. He unbuttons them. As he pulls the zipper down, he comes back up close to my face.

  “If you don’t want this, tell me to stop.” His hot breath is on my lips, and my mouth is dry.

  “I do want this, but I don’t want to be some girl you just screw and don’t call back.” I would much rather he leave right now, if he is going to do that.

  Levi looks deep into my eyes for a moment before he kisses me fully. It’s sweet and caring. I feel him pull the zipper of my jeans back up.

  “What are you doing?

  “I am aware that you are not some Bunny.” He rubs his thumb over my cheek. “I don’t want to treat you like one.” He pulls my bra and shirt down.

  “I didn’t mean we had to stop,” I almost whine.

  Levi laughs. “Let’s think of it as ‘to be continued’.” Levi stands and puts his shirt on. I almost drool on myself as I see his abs and hard chest. I have seen a lot of hockey players, but Levi is really built. He holds out his hand and pulls me up when I take it.

  He gives me a heart-warming kiss. “I’m going to leave, but I will call you in a couple of days.”

  I nod. “I could give you a ride to your car.”

  He shakes his head. “The cold night air will help me calm down.”

  “Thank you for a great evening.” I smile sweetly at him.

  “Thank you for those hot lips.” He wags his eyebrows at me before he walks out the door.

  Chapter Seven


  The most I can do is shake my head at the thought of the past couple of hours. When I heard what Presley said about sleeping with her and then leaving, I felt a little guilty. Of course, I know that she isn’t a Bunny, and I don’t want to treat her like one. I meant that. The guilt is still here because in the beginning, that was exactly what I planned. It was going to be a wham bam, thank you ma’am. Just to spite her brother.

  Who would have thought that she wouldn’t actually be a Bunny? Then it would have been at least somewhat acceptable to fuck her and leave her. Most of them expect that. With the cold air biting my cheeks, I wonder just what I’ve gotten myself into this time. I shake my head once more and think of what I’m going to do. It seems that while Trevor doesn’t approve, he’s going to let Presley do whatever she wants. If I really want to irritate him, I’m going to have to think of a better tactic.


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