Renegade (Shadow Realms): An Urban Fantasy Dragon Shifter Romance

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Renegade (Shadow Realms): An Urban Fantasy Dragon Shifter Romance Page 29

by Amber Ella Monroe

  They wouldn’t have been able to hear each other’s voices over the music, so Vicq projected his thoughts to her.

  I can’t wait until we’re alone. I can feel you trembling with need and can even taste the sexual desire in your blood right now.

  She smiled and leveled her lips with his to kiss him. Be patient. I want to enjoy the party you’ve given me. I promise to give you everything you desire in return.

  Tonight was her night to celebrate her initiation into Vicq’s coven. Dozens of vampires were packed into the small bar and nightclub to celebrate her new life. And more importantly, their leader’s new quest. Elaina hadn’t known how much leverage Vicq had over his followers until now. They waited on him hand and foot, yet he treated them with the same respect as his closest friends.

  A waitress brought him what was his fifth drink, and he lifted it to his mouth, chugging the glass down in one gulp. He’d been alternating between her blood and the cocktails all night. She preferred his blood, as the alcohol nor fresh cut fruit brought out for their enjoyment did anything to curb her raging appetite. Like him, she would enjoy the party now, but later tonight, she’d satisfy her desires of the flesh.

  Elaina felt warm palms rubbing against her shoulders and back. Many, both men and woman, had greeted her by touch all night. They hungered to know her just as they knew their leader. None had been as sexual as the two women flanking either side of her and Vicq at the moment.

  It seemed that everyone in the room either fed off each other’s blood or emotions. The beautiful women beside them had been feeding off her and Vicq’s emotions all night. They weren’t the only ones in the club tonight indulging in these desires. There were others inside that seemed to care less about who could observe them fulfilling their sexual needs and heavy appetites in open spaces or shadowed corners of the room.

  Each day Elaina learned something new about the Dresdan. Much of what she’d taken in would take some getting used to.

  Elaina hitched in a breath as one of the women placed a cube of ice between her lips and then bent to gently glide it across her shoulders. Small, delicate fingers traced a line down her spine until it stopped to meet the top of her leather pants and teased the exposed flesh between Vicq’s fingers. The woman continued her exploration across her back, cooling the skin on the outside but doing nothing to subdue the flames licking at her insides and pounded at her core. She arched her back, enjoying the sensations.

  Vicq dipped his head lower to nip and lick between her breasts. His tongue slid beneath her barely there crop top, teasing the tops of her nipples. His breath was heavy, hot, and laced with the smell of potent alcohol. His cock pressed against the fly of his pants and against her pulsing center. She was ready for him now, but intense, drawn out foreplay made for better fucking. He proved this fact time and time again.

  Her hips moved of their own accord above Vicq, and he grabbed them. He sipped her lips gently between his until she parted her mouth to accept his kiss.

  The woman with the ice in her mouth came to rest with it against the back of her neck. The two women were now knelt next to her and Vicq. Their bodies pressed against Elaina’s, feeding off her lust. The second woman picked up a dark cherry from the appetizer tray and placed it between her lips. The color of it contrasted perfectly with her honey-toned flesh, just a shade lighter than Elaina’s. Almond-shaped eyes swirled with blood-red and bright hazel and gazed at her. The woman leaned forward, offering Elaina the fruit.

  Elaina accepted, parting slightly from Vicq to meet the other woman’s lips with her own, biting into and moving away with half of the fruit.

  Vicq’s erection pulsed under her and he gripped the expanse of her hips even tighter.

  Elaina lifted her hand to run her fingers through the ends of the other woman’s tresses. In turn, the black-haired beauty lifted her neck in a gesture of submission she’d become very familiar with during her time at Vicq’s coven. The woman was offering her blood. Her neck was beautiful and long. Elaina imagined that the skin was delicate and easy to break—just like her own.

  Instead of biting her, Elaina slid her palm behind her neck, pulled her in, and kissed her. Her lips were sweet, just like the cherry. And soft, just like the skin at her nape.

  Their mouths glided against each other’s like silk and they pressed deeper, tongues joining in a dance. Elaina had no desire to exchange blood with this woman, but the taste of her was new and exciting. Their lips fit perfectly together and the other woman kissed her softly. Their tongues tangled and played, and before Elaina knew it, she was drawn further into the moment.

  Vicq’s dick grew even harder against her pussy. He slid his palm up her back and he pulled her away from the other woman. He stole a kiss of his own and then lifted her chin and honed in again on her neck. Heat engulfed her as he sucked at the delicate skin of her jugular.

  Evidently, the woman was relentless too, and her hands glided against Elaina’s belly and slipped under her belt. The vixen’s fingers reached Elaina’s sensitive mound and didn’t stop there as they slid farther down to touch her bundle of desire.

  Vicq’s mouth was at her neck. The vixen’s breath was hot against her earlobe. Elaina gasped as her center pulsed even more, and she pressed herself against hot fingers.

  Vicq hissed at the vixen and she finally retreated, removing her fingers. The black-haired beauty gave a shy smile of compliance. Her pink tongue moving lithely across her bottom lip before both women backed away and moved on.

  Elaina turned her attention back to Vicq and glimpsed the lust in his eyes, which turned her on even more. Her mouth watered as her enhanced vision honed in on his pulsing jugular. Within his veins was the blood she craved above all others. In his arms was the place she most wanted to be.

  “Mine.” His irises constricted and then turned into red blazing orbs.

  Yes, I’m all yours.

  She leaned in, he lifted his chin, and she sunk her fangs deep into his neck. The savory blood immediately washed over her tongue and down her throat. Through the blood, she connected with every feeling and emotion running through him. Lust. Sexual craving...innocent jealousy. Desire and need. Love and Adoration.

  She had tracked down the man who she’d love for all eternity. Yes, definitely.



  The past is never dead. It's not even past."

  William Faulkner


  Elaina peered out from behind an abandoned building. Rogue vampires circled around a car like vultures. A sickening, nauseating feeling stirred in her gut. All of her initial instincts pointed to nothing but trouble. Agitation crept up her spine, and although her fangs were safely tucked away, her defense reflexes had already kicked in.

  The hood of the vehicle was propped up, and a man lay slumped over the engine. Dead. Another passenger—a woman—was inside, hollering bloody murder. The rogues shook the frame, rattling the woman even more. She jumped from the passenger side into the driver’s seat and fumbled frantically to get the car started…failing.

  As expected of any human scared shitless by crazed vampires in the dark of night, the woman pulled out a cell and started punching buttons.

  “Please hurry!” the woman screamed. “They look possessed.”

  Her reaction only encouraged the rogues. If consumed, her blood would carry them for days. Fear, excitement, and adrenaline lingering in the blood at the moment of consumption were the equivalent of a high dose of caffeine in fine Colombian coffee.

  The problem here was that these rogues had killed mercilessly to satisfy their cravings. They had left a handful of bodies drained dry inside the abandoned building. Elaina had heard the aftermath of the attack while making a pit stop to recoup her energy before heading back to sanctuary. It seemed that the couple outside had succeeded in escaping the building, but couldn’t make it out of the parking lot when their car wouldn’t crank.

  Elaina stood out of view and several yards away from the car
, but like any other vampire thirsty for their next fix, all of her senses were heightened. Sense of smell to track the blood of prey. Keen hearing to use while hunting live humans even when they were silent. She could only imagine how excited the rogues felt to have discovered such an easy prey.

  “Oh, God,” the woman cried into the phone. “Okay, stay in the car, stay in the car. I think I can do that. Hurry!”

  It was too late for her. The rogues were only taunting her. Little did she know, four savage vampires would drain her petite little body before the cops even showed.

  Melrose materialized behind Elaina. “Dang. They're so high and distracted off the blood that they haven’t even detected us.”

  “Gluttony, it’s what the rogues are known for, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, they are.”

  Elaina had been employed as a vampire tracker for D5, and they had taught all recruits that rogues would gorge on blood even if they weren’t hungry. Later, when she joined Vicq’s coven, she learned that overfeeding was a trait often found in all rogues. And oftentimes, they killed whomever they fed on.

  Elaina and Melrose had been halfway across the country at a vampire holiday party and were on a pit stop to recuperate when they’d sensed the terror. Unfortunately, they were too late to save any of the souls drained of blood inside the building. Midnight was the perfect time for a vampire to come out and splurge, but these rogues were out to kill. And they had.

  Melrose held up some straps and a needle. “Look what I found inside. Drug paraphernalia.”

  “In that case, fear isn’t the only thing that chick is high on.”

  Melrose nodded. “That means the rogues are loaded, too. And high just like their victims. Maybe the victims deserved it.”

  Elaina shook her head and made eye contact with Melrose. “No. It’s not up to the rogues—or us—to lay judgment. In either case, it’s too late to clean up the mess inside.”

  “We’re talking five bodies with evidence of a vampire having fed on them and one live witness, so I agree.”

  “We’ll torch the place and leave the witness,” she said.

  “And the rogues?” Melrose asked.

  Elaina pulled a dagger from the sheath attached to her belt loop. “They’ve come to the end of the road.”

  Melrose smirked. Her evergreen eyes filled with mischief. “I’m estimating that we have less than ten minutes to waste these bastards now that she’s called the cops.”

  “Then we’ll do it in five and haul ass,” Elaina replied. “I’ll meet you back at the compound when we’re done.”

  “Bet on it.”

  As soon as Elaina and Melrose came out from behind the building, the rogues froze and whipped around. Their eyes widened and blazed bright red. Bloodstains marred their lips and jaws as though they’d fed sloppily from the victims.

  All four rogues took a dominant stance in front of the car like they weren’t quite ready to give up their last catch of the night. Apparently, they weren’t planning on bowing out without a fight.

  The first rogue charged with murderous intent in his gaze. Elaina threw the dagger. It sliced through the air, and the sharp end of the blade found its way into the rogue’s skull. Blood poured out of the wound, cascading down his face and into his mouth.

  Elaina propelled herself forward and jerked her dagger out of the rogue’s head, ready to execute the next one.

  In less than three minutes, she and Melrose had used their combined efforts to slay all but the last vampire.

  Melrose caught him by the throat and thrust her long, red-painted fingernails into his jugular.

  He knelt on the ground and howled from the pain. “You fucking whores!”

  “Oh, poor boy,” Melrose crooned. “Look, he forgot his bib.” She pointed to the bloodstains on the collar and down the front of his shirt. “You got a tummy ache now? Would you like us to make it all better?” She dug her nails deeper, and his face contorted but no sound came out.

  Elaina grabbed his arm and shoved up his sleeve. The symbol on the inside of his wrist marked him as a member of the newly formed rogue coven—a coven whose disregard for human life was a danger to all vampires and mortals. They were a threat to those like Elaina and her crew, who were just trying to exist and not cause trouble for mankind. Dead bodies with vampire bites showing up all over the country would mar their reputations even further. Thus, this rogue was a part of the problem.

  “Who's your leader?” Elaina asked.

  “You’ll only get his name over my dead body, you fucking bitch!”

  “Wrong answer.”

  Elaina brought her Kalis dagger down and severed his head, instantly rendering death.

  With the human screaming in the car, they piled the vampire carcasses into the building, drove a car through the front door, punctured the gas tank, and set the whole place on fire.

  Elaina circled back around where the survivor waited in the vehicle, smashed the passenger side window out, opened the door from the inside, and snatched it open.

  The woman screamed hysterically.

  Elaina rolled her eyes. “Will you shut the fuck up and run? Or would you rather stay in the car and let the smoke inhalation silence you?”

  The woman’s eyes widened. “Y-y-you mean you’re not going to k-kill me?”

  “Merry Christmas,” Elaina said then took the form of dark mist and started on her trail back to the compound.

  Chapter 1

  “You’re late!” Leila informed Elaina and Melrose as soon as they crossed the threshold to enter the compound, a sanctuary for members of Vicq's coven.

  The main level consisted of one big den and a gathering hall big enough to hold dozens of vampires at any given time, especially during special events or mandatory meetings. Just like the Christmas event that had been scheduled to begin more than ten minutes ago. The lower levels consisted of slumbering and recovery quarters. Most of the sanctuary was situated at the foot of the Black Mountains. Even some of the caves were used as resting places.

  “What the fuck?” Eli exclaimed. “You two look like you’ve been trudging through bloody Hell.”

  “Put a fucking cork in it, dickhead!” Melrose said, plopping down on a nearby lounge chair. “I look fabulous.”

  “We ran into some…issues on the way back from the party,” Elaina replied.

  In that instant, Vicq appeared in the doorway. He prowled into the center of the den. His lips were pinched together, but his look of disturbance vanished the moment his eyes met hers. His expression softened.


  “Sorry I’m late.”

  That was all she managed to mutter. Vicq slipped his fingers gently behind her neck and crushed his lips to hers. He was the only man or vampire that could soothe her, even on the worst of days. She needed that now as the adrenaline from her kills continued to roll furiously through her veins. She tried to subdue her frustration. After all, this was supposed to be a happy time of year. But her goal of banishing rogue vampires and bringing down District 5 was still heavy on her mind. Vicq's kisses helped to suppress the remainder of her frustrations…for now.

  His lips glided over hers like liquid warmth, and his palm kneaded the tension out of the back of her neck. Had it not been for the fact that there was a group of vampires waiting in the den to start a gift exchange that Leila had organized, this kiss would have likely continued.

  Elaina pulled back, placed her hand on his chest, and caught her breath.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Some rogues were about to feed on an innocent woman. They’d already killed five others before we got there. I had to help her.”

  “How many rogues?”


  His fangs pushed halfway through his gum line. “Elaina! I told you never to battle with rogues by yourself.”

  “She wasn’t by herself,” Melrose spoke up.

  Vicq frowned. “Both of you were under orders to stand down when outnumbe

  “Outnumbered, but undefeated,” Elaina replied.

  Vicq pressed his lips softly to her earlobe. “I can’t lose you.”

  “I’m here. And strong enough to defend myself. The party was nice. Weren’t you going to ask?”

  Vicq gave her a warning glance. “I should’ve gone with the two of you like I’d planned. Next time I won’t be so easily convinced to let you roam alone. The subject is changed for now, but we’ll talk about this later tonight.” He kissed her forehead and then led her through the small crowd of loyal coven members to the front of the room where he would make a speech before the main event.

  “Let’s get this show on the road,” he said.

  Leila squealed in delight from the corner of the room where she hung on to the arm of her eternal mate, Leo. Despite all of the parties they’d held as a coven, this was the one that Leila prided herself in organizing. Their coven was like one big family. This holiday event and time of year reminded them all of the humanity still lingering inside of them.

  “I would be lost without you. I can’t lose you,” Vicq said softly, pressing small kisses along her shoulder.

  Both of them had retired early from the coven Christmas gathering. Elaina had left before Vicq to seek out a hot shower and, of course, she’d expected him to follow soon after.

  “You can’t afford to wallow if that were to happen,” Elaina said, standing in front of the body-length mirror, glancing at their reflections. “You have work to do. It doesn’t stop. It never stops. And it won’t just because I’m not here.”

  Vicq left her briefly, retrieved something from a nightstand, and then closed the gap between them once again. He placed a necklace around her neck and clasped it in the back.

  “What’s this?” Elaina held up an amulet with tiny diamonds outlining it. The jewel was filled with blood.

  “Merry Christmas to you.”


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