Stroked by my Dad's Best Friend_A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

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Stroked by my Dad's Best Friend_A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Page 3

by Natasha Spencer

  “Brandon…” his name escaped her lips with a shuddering sigh and she could feel him smiling against her pussy. He licked her again, this time teasing her clit too and she could feel her juices seeping out. She was on the edge of an orgasm. So quickly?

  He went at it with full force immediately. His tongue thrust inside her pussy while with his thumb, he teased her clit. She could feel his tongue inside her, thrusting in and out, sliding on her juices.

  He was an expert at this. He knew exactly what to do to set her body on fire and Jolie felt herself hurtling quickly towards an orgasm. She reached for his head, weaving her fingers into his hair and she tried to control it. But, he was relentless. His tongue pushed and slid out of her pussy, his thumb played with her clit till she had no choice but to give up the fight.

  Jolie screamed as she came. Her orgasm had a blinding effect on her, and she shuddered, while her toes curled inside her suede stilettos. She could feel her juices trickling out and straight into Brandon’s mouth. He lapped up her wetness and didn’t stop thrusting into her with his tongue.

  She had no idea how long her orgasm lasted, but when it started to simmer down, Brandon stepped away from her and straightened himself up. She watched him from under her heavy lids, her mouth hanging open from exhaustion.

  He was smiling, happy with her orgasm and then he ran his hand through his hair. The gold ring glittered on his hand and a sudden realization struck Jolie. She had just allowed a married man to make her cum. She had just cum into the mouth of a married man!

  “Jo?” he said her name, because he had noticed the change in her eyes.

  She fumbled with her dress, pulling it down quickly over her legs.

  “This is insane. I have to go,” she mumbled, running a hand through her messed up hair.

  Brandon remained where he was, not making a move in her direction.

  “Sorry, this shouldn’t have happened,” she mumbled and rushed towards the door of his suite. He still hadn’t said anything as she stepped out and banged the door shut behind her. The elevator was waiting for her and she got in, desperate to get to the safety of her own room.

  It was only when she was halfway down to her floor, that she realized she wasn’t wearing any underwear.


  Jolie paced around in the lavish room that her boss, Margaret, had booked for her. She had been doing this for the past half an hour. Her mind was conflicted between a desperate urge to go running back to him; and the logical voice telling her that she needed to stay put in this room. Sleeping with him could have disastrous consequences for her heart. This wasn’t just about sex. She had felt something deep inside her soul every time he looked at her. And the truth was that he had nothing to give.

  She kept all the lights in the room turned off because she was afraid of looking at herself. She smelt of him now. His cologne was wrapped up in her clothes and on her skin, and she could still feel the throbbing between her legs where Brandon’s mouth was.

  Jolie ran her hand through her hair, over her face and when she stuck her hand out, she realized that it was still shaking.

  She had always been in control of her feelings. This was what she had prided herself in, unlike her mother.

  Her mother had been married twice, and she had no idea who her father was. He left them before she could even walk. Jolie had spent her entire life trying her best to not turn out to be her mother. She had lived her teenage years watching her mother pick one wrong man after another, and without concern of how it affected her daughter. Jolie had decided a very long time ago, that she would not make the same mistakes. And now, she had. She had almost had sex with a man she knew she could never have; who had made no promises of sharing anything but one night with her.

  How could she have been so foolish?

  Jolie rushed over to her cellphone on the bedside table, fumbling through her contacts list. She needed to speak to someone. She needed to get this feeling off her chest, but there was nobody to call.

  She had spent all her adult life aiming to be a success, which she had achieved. But in the process, she had forgotten to make friends. There was nobody she could call, not even her mother, whom she hadn’t spoken to in at least a year.

  Jolie stared at her mother’s phone number on the screen. She just needed to hear a familiar voice.

  She dialed the number without thinking, then listened to the line ringing and it wasn’t until she heard her mother’s voice that she was snapped out of her thoughts.

  “Mom?” she said, with her voice quivering.

  “Jolie? What a surprise!” her mother sounded as carefree as she always did. She hadn’t even noticed her daughter’s shaky voice.

  “How are you?” Jolie asked, sitting down on the edge of the king-sized bed with a thump.

  “I’m good, honey, did I tell you I got married?” her mom sounded excited and Jolie shook her head.

  “Again?” she asked and heard her mom laugh.

  “This one’s a keeper. I know you’ll like him. And so rich!”

  “That’s great mom, I hope you both have a wonderful life together,” Jolie said, unable to hide the rage bubbling up inside her. She had called her mother to calm herself down, but it wasn’t working. If anything, her mother had managed to just anger her more.

  “Thank you, honey. You should meet him. I haven’t seen you in ages!” she said and Jolie rolled her eyes. She had no interest in meeting her mother’s latest acquisition.

  “Yeah, it’s been two years. Are you still in Boston?” she asked.

  “Of course, and he’s bought me a beautiful house. You won’t imagine! Come see for yourself!” her mother was giggling into the phone and Jolie fell back down on the bed.

  Maybe that’s what she needed. Maybe she needed to see her mother, just to remind herself to never make those mistakes again.

  “Okay, text me your address. I might stop by. I have a few days off from work,” Jolie said and pressed her eyes close. She couldn’t help wondering if she was making another mistake. But she also knew that spending some time with her mother would distract her from her own life. Maybe then, she would be able to stop thinking about Brandon and what had happened with him. Besides, she needed to leave the resort right away. She needed to get as far away from Florida and him as she could. And Margaret would not be happy if she turned up at the office now. She still had five more days of her forced vacation left.

  “That’s great honey. You can have your pick of the spare room. I have three!” her mom was gushing into the phone still and Jolie rolled her eyes.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow mom, text me your address,” she reminded her again, before hanging up.

  Jolie lay there with her face turned up at the ceiling. She already felt like that desperate urge to go back to Brandon’s penthouse was leaving her. Her mother’s voice was just the cure she needed. She rolled over and buried her face into the mountain of pillows and tried to take in deep breaths to stabilize herself. Nothing seemed to be working. She was still thinking about him; she was still thinking about how he had teased her nipples and her clit. How good he had made her feel.

  Jolie told herself that she needed to go to Boston. She needed to spend some time with her mother to remind herself of the kind of life she didn’t want for herself. Her mother had set the right examples; she had made Jolie see what happened when you fell for the wrong man. And Jolie wanted to avoid just that. She didn’t want to fall for Brandon Calloway.

  Chapter 8

  Brandon woke up with a dull ache at the back of his head. He hadn’t left his suite since Jo went running out of it the previous evening, and he couldn’t stop thinking about her.

  Whatever way he wanted to shape this thing, the truth was that he had been unfaithful to his wife. Even though they hadn’t actually had sex, whatever they did was bad enough.

  But every time he thought about Jo, and the way she had shuddered in his arms, how sweet her pussy had tasted…Brandon realized he was growing hard between t
he sheets.

  He jumped out of bed and went in for a cold shower. That worked for a few minutes, till he was thinking of her again. She was delicate and small in his hands, her breasts were firm and small and he wished he had ripped that dress apart. He had wanted to see her breasts, taste her nipples…his eyes fell on her panty.

  He’d fished it off the floor after she left and now it was lying tucked in under his pillow. He felt sick. He had fallen asleep surrounded by her musky earthy scent and now, even though he’d showered, he could taste her, smell her…

  She was right in running away, he thought. Sleeping with him would have caused nothing but trouble for her. He should have stayed away from her, he shouldn’t have gotten her tangled up in his life.

  Brandon wasn’t even eager to go down and check the guest register. He already knew what he would see; that Jo had already checked out. He didn’t even know her last name, and he made up his mind to not find out. The farther away he stayed from her, the better it was for Jo.

  He changed into comfortable clothes and sat down in front of his laptop, hoping that he could get some work done. Nothing was helping. All he could do was think about her, and how close he had come to having her. His cock was still throbbing in his pants, still protesting. He ran a distressed hand through his hair and drew in some quick deep breaths.

  It wasn’t just about sex, and the problem was that he knew it. He knew that he was attracted to her and not just to her body. He wished he had met her four months ago, before he met Alice. Alice!

  The thought of his new wife sent chills down his spine.

  He needed to be with her. He needed to go back to Boston and try and build a life with her. Maybe that’s what the cure was. Maybe all he needed was to remind himself of the life he had committed himself to, three months ago. But for a few moments, as hard as Brandon tried, he couldn’t recall Alice’s face.

  Chapter 9

  Jolie stood outside the red brick townhouse in the most upscale neighborhood in Boston. She blinked as she stared at the massive mansion, and then checked the address again. This was definitely the address that her mother had sent her.

  She was still standing at the gate, when the front door burst open and she saw her mother rushing down the porch steps and down the driveway towards her. Her mother had a driveway! Her mother had a manicured garden and her very own rose bushes!

  “Jolie! Honey! Yuhoo!” her mom’s arms were flailing as she waved at her, rushing towards the wrought iron doubles gates. She pulled it open and jumped at her, wrapping her short arms around her daughter.

  She even smelt nicer than she ever had before.

  “Mom! I’m in shock!” Jolie couldn’t control the giddy surprise in her voice, as her mother held her at arm’s length now.

  “What did I tell you? This one is a prized catch. Come in, honey, you look fabulous,” her mom led the way and Jolie followed. She only had one small bag to carry, which she had packed for the resort and it hung from her shoulder now.

  As she followed her mother, she tried to assess her as quickly as she could.

  She’d put on some weight, but it didn’t surprise Jolie; she had clearly settled down in the comforts of her lavish new lifestyle. Her clothes were fancy labels, which Jolie had clocked immediately, and her blond extensions and long manicured nails were perfectly done up. Even her dressing sense had changed. She had never known her mother to wear anything other than garishly bright colors and cleavage revealing blouses. Now she was wearing dark slacks and a long fawn kaftan. It would have cost her new husband a fortune, but at least she was beginning to look the part of a trophy wife.

  “You’re in luck honey, Bran called to say he’s arriving in an hour,” her mom said as she threw the front door of her house open.

  “Bran?” Jolie said, as she stepped in, immediately struck by the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling of the foyer.

  “Yes, my husband, Brandon,” she said, as she led Jolie towards the living room.

  “Brandon?” the name had struck her ears like a whip and she stopped in her tracks. This had to be some evil coincidence; that her mother’s new husband shared his name with the man Jolie nearly slept with the previous night. This had to be some kind of cruel way of the Universe to remind her of her shame.

  “I knew you would know him. Everybody knows him!” her mom turned at the living room door, her eyes sparkling with pride as she looked at her daughter with her chin jutting up.

  “Brandon Calloway, the hotelier, and he’s such a hunk!” she said and whipped around to show her into the living room.

  Jolie remained standing where she was, feeling the ground reverberating under her feet. For a moment she thought that the chandelier was going to unhinge from the ceiling and come crashing down on her. She couldn’t even hear her mother speaking anymore. All she could hear was his name, floating in the air…taunting her that she had her new stepfather’s tongue lapping at her pussy just the night before.

  Chapter 10

  Brandon didn’t have a key to the new house yet, so he had to ring the bell. Despite having two meetings set up for the following day in DC, he had decided to cancel those and return to Alice. He knew he was doing this purely out of guilt, but he had to do something to absolve himself of his desire for Jo.

  Alice opened the door herself, her face was flushed and she looked excited.

  “Bran! Guess who’s come to visit!” Alice said, throwing her arms around his neck. When she hugged him, he felt his whole body stiffen. He couldn’t stop himself from comparing her to Jo.

  She stepped away from him, beaming still and Brandon realized that he found her voice annoying. He hadn’t noticed this about her before, or had he? Was he only allowing himself to think about it now?

  “My daughter. She’s come down to see us. The moment she heard of the wedding and the house…she said she had to come and see it for herself!” Alice was still talking in her screechy voice and leading the way towards the living room.

  Brandon gritted his teeth as he draped his coat on the hanger by the door. The last thing he wanted today, was being forced to make small talk with Alice’s daughter, whom he had never met before.

  “Bran!” Alice screeched from the living room and he took in a deep breath and walked to the door.

  “Meet my daughter, Jolie,” Alice gushed and clapped her hands excitedly like a toddler.

  Brandon remained at the door, as his wife’s body shifted and he laid eyes on her daughter for the first time. For a moment, he thought he was going crazy and he was imagining it. But when he saw Jo’s face, and the look of confusion and nervousness on it, he knew this wasn’t a dream. She wasn’t thrilled to see him.

  “Jolie, go on, give your new stepfather a hug, honey,” Alice urged her daughter, standing by and watching the two of them staring at each other.

  It was Jo…with her luscious red hair flowing behind her shoulders. Her dark jeans shaping her long legs perfectly, and she was wearing a red silk blouse with a V neck that teased him. He had those breasts in his hands, he knew what her pussy tasted like. Brandon was stuck to the spot.

  “Go on, Bran!” Alice’s voice split through the air and he had no other choice but to step towards Jo.

  “Hello, Jolie,” he said, holding her fiery gaze. Their bodies were inches apart again, but, this time, under very different circumstances. She looked like she would have given her arm to be anywhere else but in this room.

  “Hello, Brandon. It’s nice to meet you,” she said and they shook hands, instead of hugging as Alice had suggested.

  Just that handshake was enough. The touch of their hands sent shockwaves down his body. For the first time in his life, Brandon felt like he had lost complete control of himself. Despite the fact that Alice was standing right there, in the same room as them, he wanted to pull Jo into his arms.

  “The news must have been very surprising to you,” he managed to say and she stared back at him, her pupils barely even moving.

, I’m still in shock. I didn’t know mom had remarried before I called her last night,” she was quick to say, and Brandon noticed how desperate she was to tell him that she had no idea. He nodded his head, and she tugged her hand away from his grasp.

  “I was hoping that I would get to meet Alice’s daughter soon,” he said and he watched her gulp.

  “And now you have!” Alice snapped through the moment and rushed towards her daughter to try and pull her into a hug. He watched as Jo struggled in her mother’s arms, averting her eyes away from him.

  “We haven’t seen each other in two years! This girl works too hard, you know,” Alice cooed, pinching Jo’s cheeks together like she was a little girl.

  Jo managed to escape her mother’s grip and she walked around to the back of the couch, in an attempt to put as much distance between herself and Brandon as she could.

  “Mom, I’d like you to show me to the spare room now, please,” she said, keeping her face firmly turned away from him.

  Brandon could feel his mind racing. Just when he thought he would never see her again, that he could start afresh with Alice…here she was, right there in front of him.

  “Okay, I’ll show you upstairs so you can settle in,” Alice said, already leading the way out of the living room.

  “I’m not going to settle in. I’m not staying. I just want to freshen up before I leave,” she said and he caught her cheeks flushing.

  “Really?” Alice turned to face her daughter, and pouted her lips. Jolie glared back at her mother and Brandon clenched his jaws.

  “No, you should stay. Spend some time with your mother. If my presence here makes you uncomfortable, I’ll leave,” he said and both the women turned to look at him.

  “That’s silly! Why would you make Jolie uncomfortable?” Alice whipped around to look at her daughter with crossed brows. Brandon saw a streak of Alice’s short temper, he got a taster of the kind of mother she might have been to Jolie. She was the kind of woman who liked to get her way.


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