04 - Shock and Awesome

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04 - Shock and Awesome Page 12

by Camilla Chafer

"Oh, you're busy?" He sounded disappointed.

  "No, that is, I, um, I'm not there. I'm, um..." I flapped my hand at Lily. What should I say? Lily pulled a face, then grinned. She started running on the spot with big exaggerated arm movements. "I'm out running," I told Ben, and Lily gave me the thumbs up. I puffed into the phone for effect. "I'm a little ways away. I'd love to go to brunch, but I'll need to run home first. Why don't I meet you somewhere?"

  "I could pick you up in half an hour?"

  "Sounds great. See you then! Gotta run!" I clicked off, then looked at the phone. Gah! What had I done? Set up a date with suspect number three and now I had thirty minutes to get dressed and across town. Even worse, what if Ben waited outside? How could I show up in my car when Ben thought I was running? "Can you give me a ride?" I asked Lily.

  "I would, but some jerk drove into my car last night and the taillight is busted. I don't want to get a ticket."

  "Is the jerk the wall across the street? The same one that got you last time?"

  Lily pouted. "I don't want to talk about it."

  I could call any member of my family, but they would want to know the details and the chances of any of them driving fast enough was close to zero. Unless Jord turned on the sirens. "Is Jord in a car today?"

  "Nope. He's playing Officer Good Cop at some school."

  "Poor kids." That left only one other option. "Solomon, can you give me a ride?" I asked when my boss picked up the phone.

  "What's wrong with your car?"

  "Nothing. It's fine. I have to get to the Chilton house in thirty minutes and I can't be seen in my VW."

  "Where's the Ferrari?"

  "In the agency garage. I drove my car home last night." I explained my predicament and Solomon promised to pick me up in ten minutes. He didn't explain where he was, but I'd long given up asking. Maybe he was out to brunch too. With her. Maybe Maddox was out to brunch with Detective Blake. I wondered what they were all eating and my stomach rumbled. "I need to get dressed," I told Lily. "What should I wear?"

  "Sweats. You're out running." She checked my hair. "At least you won't have to brush your hair."

  "I brushed my hair already!" I yelled over my shoulder as I steamed past her on the way to my bedroom. Pushing the door until it was only open a little so we could still talk, I rummaged through my closet until I found tight running pants and a pink short-sleeved top. I dressed and wound my hair into a low, messy ponytail, reasoning that I could shower and change at the Chilton house.

  "Who's the guy?" Lily called.

  "Suspect number three. Hot. Sexy."

  "Cuff him!" she replied.

  "He might not be the one."

  "The One one or the suspect one?"

  "The thief," I clarified. "He might just be a hot, rich guy."

  "I don't know what attracts you to him." Lily snorted. "Is the dating fun?"

  "Kind of. I mean, I've had worse jobs than to go out for dinner and talk, and Ben's really cute."

  "Are you gonna sleep with him?"

  "No! He kissed me, but I can't get too interested because..." Because what? Because I was sad about breaking up with Maddox, even though it was my idea to split, and sadder that I didn't — and possibly wouldn't — ever know the truth about what happened with Detective Blake? Or because I didn't know what the situation was between Solomon and me? Did I want to get back together with Maddox and could I ever trust him, now doubt was in my mind? Or did I want to pursue something with my boss? My head began to hurt just thinking about it.

  "When you catch the suspect, you can date this Ben guy for real."

  "Yeah, I'm sure he'll be thrilled to find out he was in our suspect pool. He'll find me really attractive then. Besides," I paused, a thought occurring to me. "If he's the genuine article, he's rich and he's looking for a rich woman; and that, I definitely am not."

  "Only in spirit, honey."

  "Better than nothing. How do I look?"

  "Sweaty and you haven't even gone anywhere."

  "Great!" Grabbing my purse and keys, I hustled Lily downstairs, arriving on the sidewalk just as Solomon pulled over.

  "Do you often run with your purse?" he asked as I slid into the passenger seat.

  "Only when there's a sale on in front of me, or a mugger behind me." I dropped it on my feet and folded my lightweight running jacket over my knees. "I didn't think. I was flustered."

  He scanned me before pulling onto the street, hauling a U-turn and heading back the way he came. "You look flustered."

  "You don't." He didn't. He looked damn delicious and he smelled as if he just got out of the shower. I wanted to lean over and sniff him, but I was pretty certain there was a rule about that in the employee handbook; and if there wasn't... someone should write one. Or maybe Solomon would put smell-care alongside our basic healthcare?

  "I'm never flustered."

  "I didn't notice. I have fifteen minutes to get to Chilton. Do you think we can make it?"

  "No problem." Solomon got us there in ten. Though "there" seemed to have a different meaning to him as he pulled over several blocks away. He nodded towards the door and smiled.

  "You lost me," I said, looking from the sidewalk to him.

  "You're out running. Run 'home'," he said, adding air quotes with his index fingers. He looked like he was making bunny shadow puppets. I bet he would make a great daddy one day.


  What the...?

  I scrambled out of the car like it was on fire, then leaned back in to grab my purse, but Solomon got there first. "You're running, remember? I'll take this to the house."

  "I need keys. And my cell phone." He handed me the purse and I extracted my necessities. After a moment, I withdrew a ten dollar bill, just in case. In case of what? I didn't know, but I felt weird not carrying money. I stuffed everything into my jacket's zip pocket. "What if Ben is waiting outside? How are you going to explain why you have my purse?"

  "I'll think of something."

  "Great. And the car?"

  "Make something up. Lexi?"


  "Are you going to let go of the door?"

  "Uh, yeah, sure. Which way? That way?" I pointed ahead and Solomon nodded. He gave me brief directions as I wasn't overly familiar with Chilton, not my neighborhood while growing up, or well, ever after, and his instructions matched up with the way I guessed. "Thanks for the ride."

  "It's all part of the job." Solomon nodded, leaning over and tugging the door closed. I watched him speed away, then started after him, albeit a heck of a lot slower. And, come to think of it, really put out. Not that I minded exercise. I pushed myself at the gym frequently, though, come to think of that too, a lot less frequently now Lily was taking it easier, thanks to her pregnancy. The thing about the gym was that it was warm and nice and... inside. It didn't spit with rain. I went when I wanted to. I really didn't want to take a run right now, but I had to. Otherwise, Ben would wonder why I wasn't doing what I said I was and I couldn't risk rousing the suspicions of any of our suspects. With a heaving breath, I lifted my feet a little faster and began to run towards my faux-home.

  By the time I rounded the corner, Ben was leaning against a black Mercedes, his arms folded, looking just as gorgeous as he had the previous evening. Now dressed down in slacks and a gray, V-neck sweater, the collar of a white t-shirt just peeked above the neckline. Even casually styled, he still had model-worthy looks.

  I, on the other hand, just jogged six blocks and was starting to feel out of breath. A bead of sweat made its way down through my cleavage, and a strand of stray hair clung to my cheek. At least, I looked authentic for my running ruse. Plus: exercise. Bonus!

  "How do you run and look so beautiful?" said Ben, stepping forward and kissing my cheek.

  "Ha-ha. I'm a mess. I ran miles," I lied.

  "That explains why you have such a great figure."


  Ben's eyes skimmed my running clothes. "I guess you want to change before brunch?"
br />   "Absolutely, again. Why don't you come inside and wait?" I pulled the house key from my pocket and made towards the steps. Just as I placed my foot on the first step, the door to Solomon's house opened and the beautiful, young woman I'd seen and spent too much time wondering about, stepped out. She saw me and waved, then held aloft my purse.

  "Lexi!" she exclaimed as though we'd known each other years. "Thanks so much for loaning me your purse." She held it out to me and I leaned over to catch it.

  "Anytime," I answered, hoping I didn't look too puzzled. So this was Solomon's idea? Get his new girlfriend to sneak me my bag? I wondered what he told her about the ruse; if she even knew his job.

  "Friends and neighbors," commented Ben. "You are fortunate indeed."

  "Uh, yeah, um, this is..." I trailed off. Shoot. I didn't know her name.

  "Anastasia," said the woman with a casual flick of her long, glossy hair. "Lexi told me she was heading out for brunch after her run, but she didn't mention her date was so handsome."

  I sighed. Great. Not only did she have my boss, but now she was probably going to bewitch my date-suspect too with her perfect, straight teeth, lithe figure, and unbelievably symmetrical face. Sometimes life just isn't fair. She might as well take my job, break my case, and let me go home and back to bed. If that didn't mean ruining my life, it would sound more appealing. As it was, I hoped Anastasia would go away. Pronto. Not that I was jealous. Obviously.

  "Lexi is very kind," Ben replied, smiling at me, and seeming barely to notice the opposition... I mean, my neighbor. "And far too generous in her praise."

  Anastasia smiled at both of us, raised her hand and waggled her fingers as she turned away. Over her shoulder, she cooed, "Stop by for coffee later, honey. Enjoy brunch!"

  "Later, honey," I cooed in return, like the good buds we weren't. "Come on in, Ben. Can I make you coffee while you wait? I just need to shower and change so I'll be a few minutes."

  "Just a water," said Ben as I unlocked the door and pushed it open. We stepped inside and Ben shut the door behind us.

  "Coming up. Why don't you sit in the living room? Feel free to look around." What I meant was feel free to be light-fingered, or at least check around the place while my back was turned. Of course, I knew full well that Solomon, or one of the team would be monitoring the secret cameras and watching Ben's every move the moment he entered. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have invited a virtual stranger into my "home" while I stripped upstairs.

  I resolved to lock the bathroom door, just in case, though I was pretty certain Solomon would smash his way through the wall separating the houses rather than let me come to any harm. Even if he did just want to be friends.

  I got Ben's glass of water and returned to the living room, only to find him browsing the bookshelves. "Art fan?" he asked.

  "Oh yes, and you?"

  "I'm sorry to say I don't know much about art."

  "Me neither."

  "Hence the books?" Ben asked.

  "Exactly." I smiled, most pleased with myself that I'd circumvented any difficult art questions. I took a quick look at the bookshelf he pointed out. Yep, lots of art books. Good call.

  He took the water from me, sipped it and licked his lips. "Thanks."

  "So... um, don't break anything," I laughed, keeping the mood light, but also because I didn't want him to break anything I might have to pay for. I added, "and I'll be right back."

  Fortunately, Solomon told me several days earlier to leave a few clothes stashed in the master bedroom just in case of events like this. The dark blue jeans, white blouse and Serena's black blazer I selected would do for brunch. Plus, my purse matched nicely. Shower first. I took the clothes into the attached bathroom, shut the door and flipped the lock. I tugged my cell phone from my pants pocket and speed-dialed Solomon.

  "What's Ben doing?" I asked, when he answered two rings later. I saw his car parked so I guessed he arrived home. "Is he stealing anything?"

  "No. He walked around a little. Checked out the shelving. Now, he's sitting on the couch, flipping through a travel magazine."


  "He hasn't broken anything." There was a small cough that sounded like Solomon was covering up a laugh.

  "Good to know. Solomon?"


  "Are there any cameras in the bathroom?"

  "Which bathroom are you in?"

  "Hah. That answered my question. If there were cameras, you'd know the answer to that."

  "Very quickly deduced, PI Graves. Are you naked?"

  "If you had cameras, you'd know the answer to that, too," I replied smartly and hung up. I pulled a face at my phone. What kind of question was that? I was fairly certain Anastasia might have a complaint if she overheard. Also: why did Solomon care whether I was naked or not?

  Seconds later a text pinged. Solomon. "Suspect four date this evening. Details to follow," was all it said. Nothing flirty at all. I deleted it.

  Men were so confusing.

  Thirty seconds later, I was naked and under the shower, a hot stream of water rushing over me. I unscrewed the tops of a few bottles before I found a super nice smelling shower gel and helped myself to it liberally. I figured Solomon probably inventoried everything in the house prior to letting me stay, and I was similarly certain that every single thing would be exactly as the actual owners left it, including the volume of shower gel.

  As I scrubbed my skin under the dramatic rainfall fixture, I wondered if I could install something like this in the bungalow, if I could even get used to something as luxurious as my current surroundings... and I was only in the bathroom. The rest of the house was amazing. Which reminded me, I hadn't seen the inside of Solomon's house in a while, since he was still decorating when I did. I wondered what he'd done to the place and if it looked as amazing as this house. I concluded it probably did. It was certainly a cut above my place in West Montgomery, or Maddox's co-op building in Harbridge, or any of the rentals I checked out, but I wasn't going to be jealous or envious. This was a borrowed house, and once I caught the culprit, I'd have to give it back.

  Strangely enough, I had no problem with that. I didn't want to be rich and draped in jewels or able to buy expensive art at a whim like David — not that I would turn it down if the cash were handed to me — I was content with my life as it was. Pretty much. I had a job, a new house, family, friends. Really, what else did I need?

  Probably new shoes.

  I gave my hair a quick wash, rinsed and, with a sigh, shut the water off. Toweling dry, I wondered if Ben was still behaving himself downstairs... if Solomon still watched his every move. I wondered what Justin was doing and if he missed home. Then I thought about my date with the fourth suspect this evening, and thanked every deity I could think of that there were only four suspects, and one had already been eliminated in a baptism of fire. I wondered just how I would get rid of two more so I could hand the thief over to the cops and allow my life to return to normal. Although... looking around the luxurious bathroom, maybe I could get used to this kind of normal... so long as I didn't have to live next door to Solomon and the supermodel.

  By the time I was dressed, hair blown dry, and downstairs, Ben looked bored. "Ready?" he asked, smiling at me. "Of course, you are. You look gorgeous."

  "Same. You that is. You look really handsome."

  "And we'll make a charming couple at brunch. I've found a place I'd like to try on the road to Boston. It's a little drive, but I think we'll enjoy it. I hope you're hungry."


  "Then let’s go eat."

  Ben was right. The drive was beautiful, especially when the top of the Mercedes came down and he handed me a pair of sunglasses to match his own. If it weren't for Delgado and Fletcher tag-teaming our tail all the way, I'd have had a fabulous time. As it was, I settled for merely great as brunch turned into a picnic lunch and afternoon at Fairmount Park.

  I even forgot about my cell phone in my purse until Solomon walked past, purposefully bumping
into me at the park. "Excuse me," he said, stepping around us and walking on. Only after he left and Ben went to get us take-out coffee did I get to read the note Solomon slipped into my hand. “Leave,” it read, “date at seven. Emailed details.” All too soon, I had to make my excuses and leave Ben and our impromptu, day-long date behind. The only thing that boosted me was the hope that maybe the next guy would slip up and Ben would be off the hook as a suspect. If only I were that lucky.

  Chapter Eleven

  Once upon a time, Marty Tookey was cute. Unfortunately, that was fifty pounds and a receding hairline ago. Right now, his face was a little doughy, his cheeks too pink, and his nose a little too squashed. But he had potential. If he were real estate, he would have been a fixer-upper. I don't know if he dressed himself or hired someone with style, but the slacks and sweater, with shirt lapels neatly folded over the sweater’s collar, were crisp and stylish, though the extra belly didn’t complement the outfit. I wasn't sure how old his photographs in the agency file were, but they definitely weren't recent. Shame. He once was attractive, albeit a good several years younger.


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