I Never Knew There Was a Word For It

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I Never Knew There Was a Word For It Page 21

by Adam Jacot De Boinod

  Schlürfbude (German) a fast-food restaurant (literally, slurp dump)

  dolorosa (Spanish) a restaurant bill (literally, painful)

  Abendteuer (German) an expensive evening (literally, an adventure)

  The condemned man is a final meal

  Possibly the strangest takeaway of all is described by the Russian word korova: this is the unfortunate person that prison camp escapees take with them to eat over their period of flight and in their hideout (it literally means ‘a cow’).


  Too many cooks spoil the broth

  sendou ooku shite fune yama ni noboru (Japanese) too many captains and the boat will go up a mountain

  qi shou, ba jiao (Chinese) seven hands, eight feet

  idha kathira ar-rababina gharigat as-safina (Arabic) too many captains sink the ship

  zo mangna go lhong mi tshu (Dzongkha, Bhutan) when there are too many carpenters the door cannot be erected

  seul mui à vugulion a vez, e vez falloc’h gouarnet ar saout (Breton, France) the more cowherds there are, the worse the cows are looked after

  puno baba, kilavo dijete (Croatian) with many midwives, the child will be lazy

  veel varkens maken de spoeling dun (Dutch) many pigs make the slops sparse

  zyada jogi math ujaad (Hindi) too many saints can ruin the monastery

  troppi galli a cantar non fa mai giorno (Italian) with too many cocks singing it is never going to dawn

  zuun yamaand jaran uhana (Mongolian) one hundred goats for sixty billy goats

  u pyati nyanek dyetya byez glaza, u cemyorykh – byez golovy (Russian) when there are five nurses the child loses an eye – with seven nurses the child is finally found to lack a head

  haber más capeadores que toros (Costa Rican Spanish) there are more bullfighters than bulls


  One for the Road

  fra børn og fulde folk skal man høre sandheden (Danish)

  from children and drunks you will hear the truth

  The towel of a hippy

  The quenching of thirst is another sensation that brings out evocative descriptions. In Chilean Spanish they say they are tener mas sed que piojo de muneca, thirstier than a louse on a doll; or again, in more contemporary usage, toalla hippy, than the towel of a hippy:

  tarfa (Hausa, Nigeria) to pour out drop by drop

  gargalacar (Portuguese) to drink from the bottle

  funda (Swahili) to fill the mouth with water until the cheeks are distended

  srann (Gaelic) a drink as deep as one’s breath will permit

  ngalela (Setswana, Botswana) to drink and drain the contents of a container in one go

  avoir la dalle en pente (French) to have the throat on a slant (in order to be able to drink constantly)

  The milky way

  The men of the African Toubari and Massa tribes observe a rite called gourouna in which they retire for several months from ordinary pursuits and restraints and drink prodigious amounts of milk.

  Social drinking

  No one should boire en Suisse (French), drink alone in secret (literally, drinking in the Swiss way). It’s always healthier to share the experience:

  gonets (Russian) one sent to buy alcohol for friends (literally, a herald)

  chistra (Breton, France) to go from farm to farm and ask for cider

  cayetanas (Mexican Spanish) a code word for apple cider disguised in a beer bottle, ordered by cabaret hostesses who don’t want to get drunk

  afdrinken (Dutch) let’s have a drink and be friends

  glaoch (Irish) the act of calling for a round of drinks at a pub

  Bob (Dutch) the designated driver, the one who sticks to one beer and drives everybody home from wherever they’ve been partying (Bob was the name used originally in a famous anti-drink-drive campaign)

  Altered states

  Soft drinks will satisfy our thirst, but are never as exciting as those which are a bit stronger. It’s surely no coincidence that most of the best words about drinks and drinking involve alcohol. As the literal meaning of the Amerindian Mingo word for alcohol, teka’niköëtényös, has it, it changes minds from one way to another: whether it’s beer you’re drinking …

  sampa (Rukwangali, Namibia) to taste beer with one’s finger

  bufferbiertje (Dutch) the beer that is standing next to the beer you’re drinking and serves as a buffer in case you finish drinking your beer before you have a chance to get the barman’s attention (literally, buffer beer)

  der Diesel (German) a mixture of beer and cola

  On reflection

  To your good health?

  Around the world the commonest drinking toast is to good health: Na zdravje (Slovenian), Salud (Spanish), Saúde (Brazilian Portuguese), Kia Ora (Maori), Egészségedre (Hungarian), Gezondheid (Flemish). The Ukrainians take this to the next level with Budmo!, which means ‘let us live forever!’

  In contrast, the Scandinavian drinking toast Skål! (pronounced ‘skoal’) has a much more macabre background, as it originally meant ‘skull’. The word is alleged to have come down from a custom practised by the warlike Vikings who used the dried-out skulls of their enemies as drinking mugs.

  … or something rather more powerful:

  Dreimännerwein (German) a wine so disgusting it takes three men to drink it (two men to make you drink it – you are the third)

  kadamsana (Malawi) a very strong home-made spirit (literally, that which brings darkness during the day – aptly describing its knock-out effects)

  Vodka vocabulary

  The Russians, in particular, have a fine set of words for the many styles of tippling:

  pogoda shepchet to take time off from work, or a desire to get drunk (literally, the weather is whispering)

  bukhat’ to drink alone

  deryabnut’ to drink quickly in order to warm up

  gorlo to drink from the bottle

  vspryskivat’ to drink in celebration of a holiday or a new purchase (literally, to besprinkle)

  daganyat’ sya to drink in order to get drunk, to try to catch up with the amount of drinking that others have already done

  otglyantsevat’ to drink beer or wine after vodka (literally, to gloss a photo print)

  ostogrammit’sya to drink 100 grams of vodka as a remedy for a hangover

  False friends

  full (Norwegian) drunk

  grogi (Finnish) whisky and soda

  pickle (Chilean Spanish) a person who drinks too much

  jaw (Zarma, Nigeria) to be thirsty

  On a slippery road

  And all languages have evocative expressions for being drunk …

  sternhagelvoll (German) full of stars and hail

  rangi-changi (Nepalese) slightly too multi-coloured

  être rond comme une bille (French) to be as round as a marble

  redlös (Swedish) ride free

  andar cacheteando la banqueta (Mexican Spanish) to go along with one’s cheek on the pavement

  … and for the inevitable results of overdoing it:

  khukhurhuteka (Tsonga, South Africa) to walk uncertainly, as a drunk man among people seated on the floor

  midàbodàboka (Malagasy, Madagascar) to fall over frequently, as drunken men or people on a slippery road

  mawibi (Ojibway, North America) drunken weeping

  Backhendlfriedhof (Austrian German) a beer belly (literally, cemetery for fried chickens)

  ne govori ou samoi muzh piatnisa (Russian) a shrug of understanding when sharing someone else’s problems (literally, no need to explain, my husband is a drunk)

  Under the monkey

  For the French you are as sober as un chameau (a camel) but as drunk as un cochon (a pig), une grive (a thrush), or even une soupe (a soup). In Lithuanian you can also be drunk as a pig (kiaulė), or then again as a bee (bitelė) or a shoemaker (šiaučius). Elsewhere you can be drvo pijan (Macedonian) drunk as a tree; jwei ru ni (Mandarin) drunk as mud; orracho como una uva (Cuban Spanish) drunk as a grape;
bull som en kaja (Swedish) drunk as a jackdaw; itdek mast (Uzbek) drunk as a dog; or einen Affen sitzen haben (German) to be dead drunk (literally, to have a monkey sit on one).

  The morning after

  It’s only when you get home that you may start to wonder what on earth possessed you:

  rhwe (Tsonga, South Africa) to sleep on the floor without a mat and usually drunk and naked

  gidravlicheskiy budil’nik (Russian) a full bladder (literally, an hydraulic alarm clock)

  sasamudilo (Ndebele, Southern Africa) a drink of beer in the morning after a debauch, a pick-me-up

  peregar (Byelorussian) the residual taste of alcohol in the mouth and the heavy stench of low-grade alcohol around a habitual drinker

  Vineyard flu

  And all drinking cultures have inventive expressions for the horrors of the morning after:

  avoir la gueule de bois (French) to have a wooden mouth

  babalasi (Venda, South Africa) a trembling hangover

  futsukayoi (Japanese) a hangover (literally, second day drunk)

  winderdgriep (Afrikaans) a hangover (literally, vineyard flu)

  einen Kater haben (German) to have a hangover (literally, to have a tomcat)

  scimmia (Italian) to have a hangover (literally, a monkey)


  Don’t cry over spilt milk

  paid â chodi pais ar ôl piso (Welsh) don’t lift a petticoat after peeing

  kusat sebe lokti (Russian) to bite one’s elbows

  nasi sudah menjadi bubur (Indonesian) the rice has become porridge

  eső után köpönyeg (Hungarian) coat after rain


  All in a Day’s Work

  yesli khochetsya rabotat’ lyag pospi i vsyo proydyot (Russian)

  if you feel an urge to work take a nap and it will pass

  Pounce and decoy

  Time was when going out to work meant leaving the cave or hut to forage for food:

  mbwandira (Chichewa, Malawi) to catch a small animal like a bird or mouse by pouncing on top of it

  puyugaktuq (Iñupiat, Inuit) to approach a sea mammal by crawling

  tamigata (Yamana, Chile) to form together in a continuous line in order to drive birds up into a creek and then hemming them round to cut off their retreat to the open water

  kanghanzila (Mambwe, Zambia) he who stands behind the game and imitates the lion’s roar so as to drive the game into the nets

  sendula (Mambwe, Zambia) to find accidentally a dead animal in the forest (and be excited at the thought that a lion or leopard could be still around)

  walakatla (Tsonga, South Africa) to fling down in disgust, as a hunter does with his spears when returning empty-handed

  Point blank

  In our rapidly developing world, this is obviously less and less the case, as age-old skills are replaced by a more up-to-date weapon:

  paltik (Kapampangan, Philippines) a home-made gun

  otselask (Estonian) a point-blank shot

  tsikinika (Oshindonga, Namibia) to shoot something at close range


  Even if the matching cunning of animals remains much the same:

  debideboo (Mandinka, West Africa) a bird which pretends not to be able to fly but slips away any time an attempt is made to catch it

  kavraq (Iñupiat, Inuit) a wounded caribou that runs away unobserved

  ugutur-kona-ina (Yamana, Chile) to go about on the water evading sight; to hide as ducklings or goslings do to evade the hunter

  vulwa-vulwa-vulwa (Tsonga, South Africa) to run a little, stop and look round before proceeding, like a buck anxious not to be seen

  Spear hurling

  Out on the seas and oceans, however, the traditional tools of hook and net have not been seriously superseded; nor have the associated skills:

  zekumuna (Luvale, Zambia) to pull out a fish which flies off the hook and falls onto the ground

  alatkaqtuq (Iñupiat, Inuit) to scan the landscape from an elevated point, to look into water for signs of fish

  ukomona (Yamana, Chile) to hurl the spear at fish, but at no special one, hoping to spear one among the shoal

  wasswa (Ojibway, North America) spearing fish at night by the light of a torch

  Eel dribbling

  In the countless islands of the Pacific, such techniques have been carefully honed:

  kikamu (Hawaiian) the gathering of fish about a hook that they hesitate to bite

  atua tapa (Rapanui, Easter Island) the orientation point for fishermen, which is not in front of the boat, but on the side

  hakakau (Hawaiian) to stand with precarious footing, as on the edge of a canoe looking for squid

  ’ea’ea (Hawaiian) to cover the eyebrows, as a fisherman shading the eyes while looking into deep water for fish

  ka ro’iro’i i te koreha (Rapanui, Easter Island) to dribble on the eel, to drop your spittle, mixed with chewed bait, into the water to attract the eel

  Sea women

  In Japan, abalone fishing is often done in husband and wife teams. The women, who are thought to be better at holding their breath and withstanding the cold for long periods, do the pearl diving, while the husbands take charge of the boat and the lifeline. The wives are known as ama – ‘sea women’.

  Bamboo cutters

  Once the world moved on from hunting and gathering, a degree of occupational specialization was bound to creep in:

  baradi’l (Arabic) a maker of donkey saddles

  murd-shuy (Persian) a washer of dead bodies

  ngmoruk-yaaroaba (Buli, Ghana) a ritual rain-maker

  médara (Telugu, India) belonging to the caste that cut bamboos and live by selling them

  gardziiba (Tibetan) an astrologist or a person in charge of the cups and dishes during parties

  bakamyi (Rwanda and Burundi dialect) a person credited with supernatural powers who milked the royal cows

  Mekametz (Talmudic Hebrew) a man who gathers dog faeces so that he may hand them over to the Burskai, men who process animal skins

  Angel makers

  As societies became more developed, so jobs became more rarified …

  netty (Scots) a woman who traverses the country in search of wool

  sunba (Tibetan) someone who looks after irrigation canals

  bagaceiro (Portuguese) a workman who feeds sugar-cane husks into a furnace

  poppendokter (Dutch) a mender of dolls (literally, a doll doctor)

  catadeira (Portuguese) a woman who culls coffee beans by hand

  faiseur d’anges (French) an illegal abortionist (literally, an angel maker)

  paçaci (Turkish) a man who sells sheep’s trotters

  khā ndika (Sanskrit) a seller of sugar plums

  bengaleiro (Portuguese) an umbrella maker or salesman

  False friends

  trafik (Hungarian) tobacconist

  agenda (French) notebook, diary

  basin (Turkish) the press

  fabric (Russian) factory

  pasta (Portuguese) briefcase, folder

  Soul plumbers

  … until we end up with occupations that are entirely sophisticated and modern:

  amanuensis (Dutch) a laboratory attendant

  arquitonto (Central American Spanish) a stupid architect

  basura (Spanish) rubbish inspectors

  dal’noboishitsa (Russian) a prostitute who specializes in a clientele of truckers

  değnekçi (Turkish) an unofficial/self-appointed parking attendant

  Seelenklempner (German) a psychiatrist (literally, a soul plumber)

  culero (Spanish) a drug smuggler who hides the drugs in his rectum

  jasusa (Arabic) a woman spy

  profesores taximetros (Columbian Spanish) part-time professors who hold a number of teaching positions at various institutions from and to which they rush by taxi (literally, taxicab professors)

  On reflection


  (the practice of using long words)<
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  The Germans are renowned for their love of long words where several words are compounded to form an extremely specific word, often to do with the world of work, such as:

  Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitänsjackenknopfloch the buttonhole in the jacket of a captain of the Danube steam boat company

  or Reichseisenbahnhinundherschiebershäuschen the little house of the state railway track shunter

  But other languages also have their own lengthy words:

  megszentségtelenithetetlenségeskedéseltekért (Hungarian) for your unprofaneable actions

  kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamheden (Dutch) preparation activities for a children’s carnival procession

  inconstitucionalissimamente (Portuguese) very unconstitutionally

  prijestolonaslijednikovica (Croatian) wife of an heir to the throne

  Low profile

  Of course, to do a job properly, certain key skills are useful:

  aprovechar (Spanish) to get the best out of or make the most of an opportunity

  diam ubi (Malay) to work quietly or with a low profile until successful

  kamgar (Persian) one who accomplishes whatever he wishes

  dub-skelper (Scots) one who goes his way regardless of mud and puddles (used light-heartedly of a young bank clerk whose duty it is to run about giving notice that bills are due)


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