Though why be a busker when you could be a star? Or at least get as near to one as possible …
guerrilla gig a performance by a band in an unlikely venue, where they play until they are evicted
mosh to engage in uninhibited, frenzied activities with others near the stage at a rock concert (mosh pit the place near the stage at a rock concert where moshing occurs)
wollyhumper a bouncer employed by a rock band to make sure no fans manage to climb on stage while they play or, if they have climbed up, to throw them down again
résumé on a rope a backstage pass
woodpecker people who nod their heads to the music being played while paying no attention
There is one contemporary venue where almost all performers are happy to be seen; and behind the scenes in TV land, too, a whole rich lingo has grown up:
toss in television news, an onscreen handover from one host to another
golden rolodex the small handful of experts who are always quoted in news stories and asked to be guests on discussion shows
bambi someone who freezes in front of the camera (like a deer caught in headlights)
clambake the possibility of two or three commentators all talking over each other and thus confusing listeners
goldfishing one politician talking inaudibly in an interview (you can see his lips move but only hear the reporter’s words)
explode (16C from Latin) to reject; then (17C) to drive out by clapping, to hiss off the stage
tragedy (16C from Ancient Greek) a goat song
anecdote (from Ancient Greek) unpublished things; then (17C) secret history
charm (from Latin carmen) a song; then (13C) an incantation, the singing or reciting of a verse that was held to have magic power
enthusiasm (from Ancient Greek) divinely inspired; then (17C) possession by a god, poetic frenzy; misguided religious emotion
Military and political concerns
Soldiers in peace are like
chimneys in summer
We all claim to love a peaceful time, but somehow squabbles keep breaking out:
breed-bate (1593) someone looking for an argument
conspue (1890) to spit on someone or something with contempt
cobble-nobble (Shropshire) to rap on the head with the knuckles
donnybrook (1852) a street brawl (named after the famously violent annual Fair in Dublin)
recumbentibus (b.1546) a knock-down blow either verbal or physical
sockdolager (1830) a decisive blow or answer that settles a dispute
Fights come in all shapes and sizes:
batrachomyomachy (b.1828) a silly and trifling altercation (literally, a battle between frogs and mice)
sciamachy (1623) fighting with a shadow or with an imaginary enemy
holmgang (1847) a duel to the death fought on an island
ro-sham-bo (US slang 1998) a competition employed to determine the ownership of an object when in dispute (the two parties kick each other in the groin until one falls to the ground: the person left standing wins)
hieromachy (1574) a conflict of ecclesiastics, a fight between persons of the cloth
… and brave the person who tries to come between the opposing parties:
dimbox (Scotland) the ‘smoother-over’ of disputes, an expert at getting others to make up
redder’s lick (Scott:The Abbot 1820) the blow one receives in trying to part combatants
autoclaps (Jamaican English 1970s) trouble that leads to more trouble
When it comes to the bigger disagreements between nations, we still, it seems, need armies to protect us – the perfect breeding ground for specialized lingo and tradition:
boots (b.1811) the youngest officer in a regimental mess, whose duty it is to skink (b.1811) to stir the fire, snuff any candles and ring the bell
militaster (1640) a soldier without military skill or knowledge
egg (early 20C) an inexperienced airman, not yet ‘hatched’
knapsack descent (late 19C) a soldier or soldiers in every generation of a family
alvarado (Tudor–Stuart) the rousing of soldiers at dawn by beating the drum or the firing of a gun
yomp (1982) to march with heavy equipment over difficult terrain; a forced military march in full kit
Not that everyone is equally eager to join the battle:
murcous (1684) of one who cuts off his thumb to escape military service
troppo (Australian slang) nervously affected by the privations of war service in the Tropics
ear-flip (Service slang) a very cursory salute
chamade (French 1684) the drum beat or trumpet blast which announces a surrender
poodle-faker (Service slang 1902) an officer always ready to take part in the social side of military life
The navy, too, has developed some colourful jargon over the years:
anchor-faced someone, usually an officer, who lives and breathes the Royal Navy even when retired
mushroom troop a complaining description used by those who feel that they are not being told enough about what is happening (i.e. fed on dirt and kept in the dark)
Dockyard Olympics the old process of refitting a warship whereby all the tradesmen lined up at the start of the day and then raced off to various places within the ship
upstairs (submariner’s jargon) the surface of the sea
swallow the anchor to leave the navy
Our newest military service was at first rather looked down on by the other two. But it didn’t take long to prove its usefulness:
spike-bozzle (1915) to destroy (an enemy plane)
bombflet (New Zealand 1940) a propaganda leaflet dropped from an aeroplane
brolly-hop (b.1932) a parachute jump
vrille (French 1918) an aerobatic spinning manoeuvre (twisting, like the tendril of a vine)
Whatever the difficulties …
socked in (aerospace jargon) an airfield shut for flying because of poor visibility
penguin (Air Force jargon 1915) an aeroplane unable to leave the ground
dangle the Dunlops (Royal Navy jargon) to lower an aircraft’s undercarriage prior to landing
or the dangers …
cigarette roll (US slang 1962) a parachute jump in which the parachute fails to open
angry palm tree (Royal Navy jargon) a burning and turning helicopter
buy the farm (US Service slang 1955) to crash an aircraft, usually fatally (referring to government compensation paid to a farmer when an aircraft crashes on his farm)
at least it had its compensations:
modoc(k) (US slang 1936) a man who becomes a pilot for the sake of the glamorous image it conveys
As the airforce role becomes ever more important, and the machines more powerful and hi-tech, the lingo just keeps on coming:
green air (US slang) flying with night-vision goggles
play pussy (RAF jargon) to fly into cloud cover in order to avoid being discovered by hostile aircraft
glass ball environment (US intelligence jargon 2004) of the weather in Iraq being often conducive to collecting images from above
popeye! (air intercept code) I am in cloud; I have reduced visibility
state tiger! (air intercept code) ‘I have sufficient fuel to complete my mission as assigned’
Geronimo! (1940s) the favoured shout of paratroopers as they leapt from airplanes
Pancake! (Service slang) the order given in the air to land
lumpy chicken! (US military use) loud and clear
Our fourth service lurks in the shadows, complete with its
own covert terms of communication:
cut-out someone acting as a middle-man in espionage
starburst losing a tail by having several similar cars suddenly drive off in different directions, making it hard to know which to follow
swallow a woman employed by the Soviet intelligence service to seduce men for the purposes of espionage
lion tamer in a blackmail operation, a strong-arm man who makes sure that the target, once told that he is being blackmailed, does not make an embarrassing and potentially destructive fuss which could thus ruin the operation
ill arrested on suspicion for questioning
demote maximally to kill one of your associates (the victim’s career as a spy certainly can fall no lower)
We can only hope that all these fine operatives are given wise and honourable direction by that class of men and women we choose to run things for us:
tyrekicker (New Zealand 1986) a politician who discusses and debates but takes no action (from car sales where a person examines a car at length but does not buy it)
snollygoster (1846) a burgeoning politician (especially a shrewd or calculating one) with no platform, principles or party preference
dog-whistle politics (Australian slang 2005) to present your message so that only your supporters hear it properly
quockerwodger (mid 19C) a pseudo-politician; a politician acting in accordance with the instructions of an influential third party, rather than properly representing their constituents (a quockerwodger was a wooden toy figure which, when pulled by a string, jerked its limbs about)
moss-back (late 19C) a right-winger (as they move so slowly that moss could grow on their back)
doughnutting (UK slang 2005) a carefully created seating plan which places an ideal group of members of Parliament (women, photogenic, ethnic minority etc.) around a leader for the ideal television shot
mugwump (New York 1884) one who holds more or less aloof from party politics, professing disinterested and superior views
girouettism (1825) frequently altering one’s opinions or principles to follow trends
We live, after all, in the finest political system yet devised by man:
pot-waller (Somerset) one whose right to vote for a member of Parliament is based on his having a fireplace on which to boil his own pot
flusher (US slang 2008) a volunteer who rounds up non-voters on Election Day
astroturfing (US slang) a PR tactic in which hired acolytes are used to offer ostensibly enthusiastic and spontaneous grassroots support for a politician or business
barbecue stopper (Australian slang 2002) an issue of major public importance, which will excite the interest of voters
opportune (15C from Latin via Old French) (of wind) driving towards the harbour; seasonable
bounce (13C) to beat, thump; then (16C) a loud, exploding noise
borough (Old English) a fortress
the devil to pay (1783) from the time of old sailing ships when the devil was a long seam beside the keel of a ship which was sealed with tar (if there was no hot pitch ready the tide would turn before the work could be done and the ship would be out of commission longer)
Domestic life
A lyttle house well fylled,
a lytle ground well tylled and
a little wife well wylled
is best
Pundits talk of the global village, but the world is still a huge and deeply varied place, offering any number of environments for people to settle in:
Periscii (1625) the inhabitants of the polar circles, so called because in summer their shadows form an oval
Ascians (1635) inhabitants of the Tropics, who twice a year have the sun directly overhead at noon (hence ‘without shadows’)
antiscian (1842) a person who lives on the opposite side of the Equator
epirot (1660) a person who lives inland
paralian (1664) a person who lives near the sea
owd standards (Lincolnshire) old folk who have lived in a village all their lives
carrot cruncher (UK slang) a person from the country, a rural dweller
Countryside, town or something in between, take your pick:
agroville (1960) a community, a village stronghold (relating to South Vietnam)
tenderloin district (1887) the area of a city devoted to pleasure and entertainment, typically containing restaurants, theatres, gambling houses and brothels
huburb (US slang) its own little city within another city
Local features may add to or subtract from the desirability of one’s residence:
hippo’s tooth (US slang) a cement bollard
witches’ knickers (Irish slang) shopping bags caught in trees, flapping in the wind
urbeach (US slang) an urban beach generally built along a riverbank
generica (US slang) features of the American landscape (strip malls, motel chains, prefab housing) that are exactly the same no matter where one is
packman’s puzzle (Wales) a street or housing estate where the house numbers are allocated in a complicated fashion which causes problems to visitors, tradesmen etc.
If you stay too long in one place you might saddle your children with a nickname they never asked for:
beanbelly (17C) a native of Leicestershire (a major producer of beans)
malt-horse (17C) a native of Bedford (from the high-quality malt extracted from Bedfordshire barley)
yellow belly (18C) a native of Lincolnshire (especially of the southern or fenland part where the yellow-stomached frog abounds)
It’s generally wisest to try and meet the neighbours before you actually move in; though the horrid truth is that the people next door can change at any time:
baching (New Zealand 1936) living usually apart from a family and without domestic help, ‘doing for oneself’ (especially of a male)
scurryfunge (coastal American 1975) a hasty tidying of the house between the time you see a neighbour and the time she knocks on the door
exhibition meal (Hobo slang) a handout eaten on the doorstep: the madam wants the neighbours to witness her generosity
flying pasty (c.1790) excrement wrapped in paper that is thrown over a neighbour’s wall
to have the key of the street (b.1881) of a person who has no house to go to at night, or is shut out from his own
Once you’ve settled in, though, you’re free to make what you like of the rooms …
piggery (UK college slang early 20C) a room in which one does just as one wishes and which is rarely cleaned
chambradeese (Scotland) the best bedroom
ruelle (Tudor–Stuart) the space in a bedroom between the bed and the wall
but and ben (Geordie) outside and inside (refers to a two-roomed house with an outer and inner room)
though you’re all too likely to become swamped in the details of domesticity:
flisk (Gloucestershire) a brush to remove cobwebs
izels (Lincolnshire) particles of soot floating about in a room, indicating that the chimney needs to be swept
beggar’s velvet (1847) downy particles which accumulate under furniture from the negligence of housemaids
winter-hedge (Yorkshire 18C) a clothes-horse (from the way a full clothes-horse ‘hedged off’ a portion of a room: summer washing was dried out of doors)
wemble (Lincolnshire) to invert a basin or saucepan on a shelf so that dust does not settle on the inside
poss (Shropshire) to splash up and down in the water, as washerwomen do when rinsing their clothes
just make sure you don’t take it so far that that you upset your cohabitants …
spannel (Sussex) to make dirty foot marks on a clean floor
heel (
Gloucestershire) to upset a bucket
spang (Lincolnshire) to shut a door by flicking the handle sharply so that it slams without being held
With the place spick and span, perhaps it’s time to throw that party:
tin-kettling (New Zealand 1874) a house-warming custom whereby a newly wed couple were welcomed by friends and neighbours circling the marriage home banging on kerosene tins until provided with refreshments
cuddle puddle (New York slang 2002) a heap of exhausted ravers
buff-ball (1880) a party where everyone dances naked
A well-known proverb says that fish and guests go off after three nights, so if you ask people to stay for longer, make sure you have some way of getting rid of them if need be:
thwertnick (Old English law) entertaining a sheriff for three nights
agenhina (Saxon law) a guest at an inn who, after having stayed for three nights, was considered one of the family
sit eggs (US black slang 1970s) to overstay one’s welcome (from the image of a hen awaiting her chicks)
Because, in the end, what could be nicer than closing the front door to all outsiders and taking the relaxing ablution of your choice:
offald (Yorkshire) tired and dirty, in need of a bath
muck-rawk (Yorkshire) a dirty line (e.g. on neck) showing the limit of where it has been washed
I Never Knew There Was a Word For It Page 37