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The Winding Road Home Page 24

by Sally John

  The warmth comforted, and Tanner realized he was smiling. The tears still fell, but he was smiling. A lifetime of sorrows and regrets mingled with unspeakable joy, and he knew that he was loved.


  Monday evening Kate parked in the nearly empty high school lot and climbed out of the car. Streetlamps were just beginning to flicker on in the twilight. The snow had completely melted away. The parking lot was bone dry, though the ground remained soggy. It gave off a rich, damp, green scent, evidence that beneath the earth unseen new life was being diligently nourished. Already crocuses had popped through, blooming all over the place. She loved the spring.

  Yesterday had been a day full of shivers. The fear of flying had blotted them out for a while, but once she opened her eyes and saw that glorious view, they returned with magnified intensity. Magnified because the flying experience itself was enough to thrill. Added to the day-long close proximity of Tanner, she had been surprised she could breathe.


  She recognized his voice now and his distinct easy gait as he approached through the dusky parking lot. He had left a message on her voice mail sometime that morning when she had been unavailable, just to say he was subbing and that he would see her at the school board meeting.

  He neared her now, grinning broadly. “Hi.”

  “Hi, Tanner.”

  “I figured you’d come early to get the best seat in the house.”

  “You’d think they could reserve seats for the press so I wouldn’t have to do this.”

  “Yes, you would think so, wouldn’t you?” he teased.

  “If I were staying in Valley Oaks, I would do some serious training about press protocol. We are the link to public opinion. Groups like school boards need us, and we need a little special treatment.”

  “You’re only half joking.” He shook a finger at her.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “It’s in your voice. Rough day?”

  She blew out a noisy breath. “I didn’t have a chance to remind myself today that this is the best experience I could ever ask for. I do not know how Rusty did it.”

  “She would be proud of you.” He leaned beside her against the car. “Nice night.”

  “Did you walk?”

  “Of course. It’s great being able to hike everywhere in town.”

  “I keep saying I’m going to, but I’m always in a hurry.”

  He chuckled. “No kidding. You’re always trying to be in two places at once.”

  They stood together in the comfortable quiet of old friends for a few moments. The night’s first stars twinkled to life. By now others were arriving. Car doors slammed, people hurried to the building. Time to go.

  “I’d better get in there.”

  He cleared his throat. “Aren’t you going to ask me?”

  “Ask you what?”

  “You know.”

  She studied him from the corner of her eye. Ask him what? If he could feel the shivers running through her? Maybe Helen was picking them up and vibrating behind him.

  He let out a dramatic sigh. “Oh, well. Guess it wasn’t important. See you inside.” He walked away.

  What wasn’t important? Was she going to ask him something important? About what? What had they talked about yesterday? What hadn’t they talked about? They always talked and talked… A feeling of dread hit her. She was letting him down. What had he expected her to—

  “Tanner!” she yelled, running after him. “Tanner!”

  He turned around and waited for her to catch up.

  She stood before him, breathless at the thought. “Did you?”

  He gave her his cocky grin, the one he reserved for teasing. “Did I what?”

  “Did you get down on your knees?” Awe pressed her voice down to a whisper.

  “Did I say I would?”

  Yes. He had said he would. And yes, he kept his word. She nodded. “And?” Still a whisper.

  “And I told Jesus I know He’s real. I see Him in you. I told Him I wanted Him in me too.”

  Kate covered her mouth with her hands. Tears sprang to her eyes and spilled over onto her face.

  “I don’t know if I got the terminology right—”

  She went to him and slid her arms around him. They held each other tightly. Thank You, Father.

  Tanner Carlucci wasn’t the only one who kept his word.

  The board meeting was grueling. In anticipation of a large crowd, it was held in the high school gym. A good choice. The folding seats on the floor were filled. The bleachers remained shut. Another good choice. Kate suspected the clanking boards would have made noisy seats for the large number of students who had gathered.

  She sat near the front, on a side aisle, scribbling furiously on her notepad. It was after ten-thirty, and they were still discussing Joel Kingsley, the principal. The floor was open to the public. At the moment, things were very close to getting out of control.

  The lines were clearly drawn. Kingsley supporters far outnumbered his opponents among the parents and students in attendance. Still, those against were as vociferous as the bigger crowd.

  Tanner leaned against her arm and whispered, “We may be here all night.”

  She wished he wouldn’t do that…touch her arm and put his mouth near her ear. It seriously disrupted her train of thought.

  At last the president called an end to the discussion and asked for a motion to table the decision to renew the principal’s contract until a special meeting next week. There was an immediate motion, a second, a vote in favor. Kate’s eyes were on Bruce Waverly, the superintendent. She thought she detected an expression of “that’s absurd,” the same one she was trying to suppress.

  A recess was called. The majority of the people trailed out through the exits. Kate spotted Joel and Britte, her first choice for a quick interview.

  Tanner touched her elbow. “You okay by yourself?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “The natives are restless, and I see another scathing editorial mushrooming in your head. I’m going home. Stay out of trouble.”

  She rotated her shoulders, trying to relax. “Okay. See you.”

  “Bye.” He turned away.



  She smiled. “Thanks for telling me.”

  “Thanks for asking.” He returned her smile.

  “Do you mind if I share your news?”

  His smile faded. “Who would want to know?”

  “Adele. Your friends at church.”

  Those dark lashes hid his eyes.

  “The idea takes some getting used to. Forget I asked.”

  “Well, wait a minute.” He put his hands on his hips and glanced around the gym, evidently pondering the thought. His shoulders rose as he inhaled. “I guess if everyone knows I’m friends with a quirky redhead, my reputation is already shot. It doesn’t matter if they know I talk to Jesus now too.” He let out his breath.

  “You are so into appearances, Carlucci.”

  He grinned. “Why don’t you put an announcement in the Times?”

  She laughed as he walked away.

  Kate then made a beeline for Joel and Britte exiting through a side door. She caught up with them in the hallway and fell into step alongside.

  “Hi. Mind if I ask a few questions?”

  Britte’s face was flushed, her mouth a taut line, her deepset eyes flicking daggers. Joel’s demeanor was his usual one of disciplined control. Even on bended knee the guy had defined military.

  Britte said, “I’m livid.”

  Joel added, “Off the record. Let’s go find a quiet corner. How about my office?”

  That suited Kate. Two minutes later they were behind closed doors.

  “Joel!” Britte exploded.

  He pulled her into his arms and smiled at Kate. “Off the record.”

  “But the headline would be so great: Principal Hugs Livid Woman Behind Closed Doors on School Property.”
/>   He chuckled. “Thanks for joining us. We’ve sworn off closed doors for the duration. A third party changes the rules. Do you mind if I kiss my livid woman?”

  “On the record?” She shrugged the camera from her shoulder.

  Britte pushed herself away from a laughing Joel. “Will you two stop?”

  He pushed aside some papers and sat on the desktop. “A little comic relief was in order after that ridiculous show in there. ‘Ridiculous show’ is off the record, by the way.”

  “What else is your reaction to the board’s nondecision? On the record.”

  “Everyone had their say. It’s a wise decision to sleep on it. A few more days isn’t going to matter.”

  Britte paced the small area. “Except if we have to find new jobs, we should be getting started. Yesterday.”

  “Off the record,” Joel said.

  “On the record.”



  Joel turned to Kate. “Britte is a Valley Oaks native. The town knows what she’s like. If she doesn’t speak her mind, people will think something’s seriously wrong with her.”

  “Britte,” Kate said, “is it true you’ll quit if Joel’s not rehired?”

  “My letter of resignation is already written.”

  Joel held up a finger. “Off the record.”


  “Britte, you can’t blackmail the board.”

  “I’m not irreplaceable!”

  Kate didn’t want to go there. “Joel, what does the board president have against you?”

  The couple exchanged a glance. Kate twisted the crick out of her neck. Britte was tall. Joel was tall. Tanner was tall. She had to start hanging out with shorter people.

  Joel said, “Why do you ask that?”

  “Just a shot in the dark.” The board president could have kept better control, he could have wrapped things up by now.

  Britte stopped her pacing and placed a hand on Joel’s shoulder. She turned to Kate. “Last fall Harrison’s son was stopped in Rockville for speeding. He and his buddies had open beer in his car. Mandatory suspension. His football season ended that night. He was starting quarterback, a junior. They were well on their way to making it to the playoffs, some say state tournament. Several people contacted Joel, suggesting the whole incident be pushed under the rug.” Her brows went up.

  There was no reason for her to say another word. Joel Kingsley would not bow to that kind of pressure. The kid’s dad and others would resent him to no end. Kate asked, “How is the boy doing now?”

  Joel smiled. “Mick’s doing great. I made him spend some of his suspension in here right beside me. Now he’s like my shadow. The kid would probably do anything for me. And he’s making good grades.”

  “Mick? The one Tanner hired at the video store?”

  “Yeah. Mick’s pretty proud of that job. He landed it without his dad pulling strings, which is a first.”

  “He’s a great kid from what I’ve seen.” Kate tried not to grin. She had her editorial piece. Mick Harrison with his fall from grace worshiped the ground Joel walk on. Who better to extol the man’s virtues and personalize his impact on the community?

  She lifted her pen from the pad. “So, gang, what do we have here that’s on the record?”

  Britte said, “The math teacher is livid.”

  Joel slung an arm around her shoulders. “But she’s in love with the principal. Who thinks the decision to wait is a smart one. Who’s not worried because it’s all in God’s hands.”

  “Speaking of God’s hands.” Now Kate let the grin expand. She knew they were believers. She knew Tanner had worked with Britte for a couple of years. “Tanner is a Christian.”

  Britte’s eyes widened. “Tanner? Our cool Coach Carlucci with the duck feathers who pretends everything rolls off his back? Woo-hoo!”

  “Amen,” Joel added softly.

  Kate said, “Kind of puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?”

  Britte nodded. “Yes it does. Tonight is pretty silly in comparison.”

  As they headed out the door, Joel smoothed the back of Britte’s jacket with sweeping motions. “Speaking of feathers, yours are a bit ruffled, my dear.”


  Reality crisscrossed with never-never land. For three days Adele was convinced her feet did not touch the ground. Each step she took felt as if it landed on a cushion that gently bounded her upward.

  She spent hours pouring over the architect’s designs. Fox Meadow staff members teased Adele about her ever-present grin. She had even stopped worrying over Chelsea.

  She had shown the plans to Chelsea and Kate, told Naomi about them over the phone. All three began dreaming with her, pointing out possibilities, making suggestions for changes. Kate took notes, already composing a future article for the Times. It would be major news for the area. Senior citizens would be given a lovely option for downsizing.

  Now, on Wednesday afternoon, she stood outside Rand Jennings’s room wearing a purple dress he had complimented twice. She twisted her hands together. It had to be him. The anonymous millionaire blessing her with the possibility of seeing her dream come true. He was on his deathbed. She wasn’t about to let him slip away without a thank-you.

  Her attorney had explained all the legalities to her that morning. Reality interlocked with never-never land, making them one. It really was true, everything Graham had said and then some.

  She went inside the room. Rand was statuelike still, his head to one side. He sat in his wheelchair by the window. The television blared a game show. Although she couldn’t see his eyes behind the thick lenses, she assumed he was dozing.

  He appeared to have lost weight since arriving. His already gaunt figure had shrunk even more, causing his nice clothes to hang haphazardly. He still dressed every morning and made gallant efforts to eat, indications that his attitude remained upbeat in spite of the increasing pain. A downy covering of white hair had sprouted, replacing his earlier baldness.

  “Heather?” He thought she was the nurse.

  “No, Mr. Jennings.” She went to him. “It’s me. Adele.”

  “Adele.” He smiled. “Sit down.”

  “I don’t want to interrupt your nap.”

  “Plenty of time for napping. Will you turn down that noise?”

  She found the remote on a table, lowered the television’s volume, and sat on the edge of the bed next to him. “How are you?”

  “Fair to middling. How about yourself?”

  “Well.” Oh, Lord, please don’t let me cry. “I’ve never been better!”

  “Good for you.”

  “I didn’t do anything. But I think I know who did.”

  “That Graham. You like him, do you? I knew he’d fall for you. I couldn’t wait for you two to meet.”

  Typical. He was confusing the timing of the recent past. “No. I mean, well, yes. I do like him. A lot.”

  “He’s a good boy. He’s lonely. But I think he loves you. Just too stubborn too admit it.”

  She placed a hand lightly on his. “I was talking about you.”

  “Yes, I’m stubborn too.”

  “About the money. The investment.”

  “Money? Do you need some, honey? Talk to Graham. I’ve got plenty to spare. A loan would be no problem.”

  The elderly man wasn’t that confused. “You’re trying to get me off track, aren’t you?”

  “What track would that be, Addie?”

  The old name he sometimes used threw a wrench into her thinking. It took her a moment to refocus. “Rand, I think you’re my anonymous investor for the senior housing complex.”

  He grunted.

  “I want to thank you.”

  “Graham should be here soon.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What’s for dinner tonight?”

  “Rand, I won’t sign the contract unless you accept my thanks.”

  At last he looked at her. “Why would you do that?”

stung her eyes. “Because it’s just too magnanimous of a gesture. It’s like I can’t get my mind wrapped around it. I need to express something concrete. I have to try to tell you how grateful I am.”

  “You could have told Graham.”

  “It wouldn’t be the same. It is you, isn’t it?”

  He nodded slightly.

  “Thank you,” she whispered and leaned over to kiss his withered face. “You’ve changed my life.”

  Again the little nod.

  Her tears fell and her voice was unsteady, but she had to ask. “Why did you do it?”

  His mouth remained clamped shut.

  She waited, wiping her face with a tissue, knowing he wouldn’t answer. “That’s all right. I don’t need to know. You are an amazing man.”

  “No, I’m not. Just a rich old coot.”

  Smiling, she stood and smoothed her dress. “Well, I’ll go now. I have some papers to sign. Can I get you anything?”

  “Will you turn the volume back up?”

  “Sure.” She did so and walked to the door.

  “I love you, Addie.”

  She paused, her hand on the doorjamb, not sure that she heard correctly. She turned.

  Rand’s head was tilted again to one side as if he were fast asleep.

  Evidently she’d asked the rich old coot enough questions for one day.


  Washington, DC.

  The rising sun glinted off Abraham Lincoln’s steadfast face.

  And Kate was there.

  She had to tell somebody. She dug the cell phone out of her bag and dialed Tanner’s apartment number. Since he had dropped her at the Rockville airport yesterday, she hadn’t had a chance to call. Not that he expected to hear from her. He knew she had packed her agenda. Every hour was filled with a landmark, the theater, or an event arranged by Diane, her connection through Rusty’s friend. But she had to tell somebody!

  “H’lo,” he answered on the fifth ring.

  “Tanner! Good morning!”

  “Kate?” She heard him yawn.

  “Oh, Tanner! Thank you for sending me here.”

  He chuckled. “You already told me that. Once or twice.”


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