DIRTY ROCKER: A Rock Star Romance

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DIRTY ROCKER: A Rock Star Romance Page 6

by SC Daiko

  With a crash the door burst open and Camila bounced into the room.

  She tucked a long, dark curl behind her ear. “Hey! I’ve come to help you get ready, girlfriend.”

  “Me? Get ready?” I took a step backward.

  “Yup. Jake’s orders.” She held up a slinky red dress and looked me up and down. “You can’t go to the party wearing boyfriend jeans and a t-shirt.”

  I eyed the gown with suspicion. “Is that one of yours?”

  “Nope. I got it for ya ‘specially this afternoon. And I’m supposed to take you clothes shopping tomorrow for outfits to wear when you’re out and about with Foxy on the tour.”

  “Oh…” I was gobsmacked, as Pierce would say, totally at a loss for words.

  “I’m stoked you’re still flying out with us, honey.” Camila popped her gum. “It wouldn’t have been the same without ya.”

  “Dad would have wanted me to carry on.” My voice sounded flat to my ears. “And I made a commitment to ChiMera that I’d look after Pierce. I didn’t wanna re-neg on that…”

  She pulled me in for a hug. “Now sit still while I do your makeup and hair.”

  ChiMera on stage were a force to be reckoned with…rock gods, for sure. I sat with Camila at a table in the center of the room, my skin prickling as the strobe lights hit them.

  The crowd erupted into a cacophony of whistles and screams.

  Pierce clacked his sticks three times, then crashed them down.

  Rhys launched into a riff, his guitar wailing.

  Zach came in on the keyboards.

  Axel’s voice cut through the air.

  ‘Ghost in the Heart’ was their signature opening to a set…the crashes and slashing chords lit by flashing white light. The entire room went wild.

  Pierce drummed faster and faster.

  Axel shouted, “Jump!”

  The strobe lights flashed purple.

  We leaped to our feet.

  Song after electrifying song, I kept my eyes on Pierce. Perched on his podium, bare-chested, long dark tresses flowing, he crashed, thrashed and twirled his sticks, his arm muscles rippling. He sang the backing harmonies with the guys and I’d have loved him to sing one of his songs on his own. Weird the band didn’t know he was writing. Why hadn’t he told them? There was so much he kept hidden, not only from me but from everyone else.

  At the end of the set, he appeared at our table. He’d put on a tight, ripped black tee, but the odor of male sweat filled the air between us. He was, at that moment, the epitome of a dirty rocker, so badass he was almost a cliché.

  He eyed me. “You look different.”

  “I worked my magic on her,” Camila butted in. “Made her even more gorgeous.”

  He leaned toward me, whispered in my ear. “I can’t wait to kiss you.”

  I shook my head and squirmed away from him. If Camila found out what we’d been doing behind everyone’s back, I’d have been mortified. I lowered my gaze, sudden guilt flooding through me.

  Later, when we were on our own, I’d tell him we couldn’t carry on sleeping together. Pierce didn’t do discretion. The band would find out I’d been behaving unprofessionally and they’d give me the sack.

  The whistles and whoops of the crowd interrupted my thoughts. Phoenix and Vanilla Sky had taken to the stage…they’d made a pact with ChiMera that they’d take it in turn opening for each other. Axel, Rhys and Zach joined Pierce, Camila and me at our table, bringing a pitcher of Virgin Mojitos, and we sat back to enjoy the show.

  Camila went home, pleading tiredness, and the rock stars trooped to the green room to give their ubiquitous press interviews. Then we all moved to the private club upstairs to sit in black leather booths at the side of the small room. Phoenix, Pierce and I stuck to mocktails while everyone else ordered beers. If he was tempted, Pierce didn’t show it, and I was so freaking proud of him I wanted to give him a hug.

  What happened next didn’t surprise me…I’d seen it so many times. A long line of fans, who’d managed to swing invites to the party, approached for autographs and selfies. Joe and Axel’s bodyguard, Mike, made sure there wasn’t a riot. Subsequently, Jake, Zach and Rhys found themselves a girl each and stepped onto the dance floor along with Axel and Phoenix. Pierce and I were on our own.

  He leaned back and gave me a cocky smirk. “That dress looks way too sexy on you, sweetheart. But I love your hair in an up-do.”

  I stiffened, decided to give voice to my concerns.

  “The guys would be pissed if they knew we were sleeping together.” I kept my tone measured. “They wouldn’t believe it if we told them we hadn’t done anything. It’s like a conflict of interests…”

  He rubbed at his chin, his gaze ping ponging around the room before it settled back on me. “I think we should come clean about it. I got mad with Axel when I found out he was seeing Phoenix behind our backs. I don’t wanna be a hypocrite.”

  I gasped. “What do you propose telling them? That you’ve taken on the role of my sex therapist?!”

  “You could be my fake girlfriend,” he blurted out. “We could tell them we’re dating. Then, after the tour, you can ditch me for being the scumbag you always knew I was.”

  “Foxy.” I hardly ever called him Foxy, but the occasion warranted it. “You’re a total asshole.” I swatted his chest. “Stop messing with me.”

  “Au contraire, my darling.” His smirk grew cockier. “I’m dead serious.” He took my hand. “I’d like us to tell the others as soon as they get back from dancing.”

  “It’s a stupid idea,” I huffed.

  He had the grace to look sheepish. “I thought it was a brilliant idea…”

  “They’ll never believe that someone as famous as you would consider dating someone like me.”

  “Jesus, love. Have you looked in the mirror? You. Are. Beautiful. And you’re the sweetest girl I’ve ever met. It would be an honor to date you.” The arm that he’d been resting on the couch behind me slipped down, and he wrapped it around my shoulder. “I like you. And I think you like me. We’re golden together. I’d never do anything to hurt you, by the way. You have my word.”

  I stared at him. At this beautiful, broken man. Something told me he was drowning. Those secrets of his were dark and dangerous. And, if I wasn’t careful, I might find myself sinking along with him.

  Chapter 14


  I dropped the bombshell as soon as my bandmates had gotten back to the table, keeping my arm around Hayley as part of the act.

  Phoenix kissed us both on the cheek. “Congratulations!”

  Axel clapped me on the back. “’Bout time, Foxy.”

  “I hope you’ll still be Pierce’s minder, Hayley?” Jake had no qualms about asking her. “Just to clarify matters.”

  “Of course.” She straightened her spine. “I have an agreement with you, and I’ll stick to it.”

  “Perfect.” He rubbed his hands together. “Let’s see how things pan out, eh?”

  What the fuck did he mean by that?

  I stared at Rhys, at the scowl that had spread across his face. “How long has this been going on?”

  “Yeah,” Zach chipped in. “What about our ‘no fraternization’ rule?”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but Hayley got in before me. She rose to her full five foot nothing. “We only decided to start dating tonight. We told you because we wanted it out in the open.”

  Her use of the word ‘we’ gave me a funny feeling in my stomach. Warm and fuzzy. Or maybe there was too much sugar in the mocktails I’d been drinking? Whatever. She’d fought our corner, despite her initial reluctance to accept my proposal….

  “Okay, I get it,” Rhys conceded, backing down under Hayley’s fierce glare.

  Nobody messes with Yankee Girl.

  “Sorry for doubting your integrity, Hayley.” Zach’s smile was apologetic. “Good luck with this fucker.” He grasped me in a neck hold. “I hope you realize what an asshole he can be?”

yeah, I think I’ve got his number,” she laughed.

  “Whoa. Stop talking about me like I’m not here.” I took her hand. “As neither of us are drinking, I think we’ll call it a night.” I raked my gaze over the others. “That way you lot can get wasted without worrying about leading me into temptation.” I gave a wry laugh.

  “We’ll head off too.” Axel helped Phoenix to her feet. “Have fun, everyone.” He included Liam, Ethan and Violet, her bandmates, in his goodbye wave. “See you all on the flight to Auckland day after tomorrow.”

  Joe drove Hayley and me back up to the Hills while Mike chauffeured Axel and Phoenix. Bloody rock star of us to have separate cars. We lived practically next door to each other and could have shared. But I appreciated being alone with my girl…even if this ‘thing’ we had going wasn’t for real.

  “Come here.” I reached for her across the back seat. “You owe me a kiss.”

  “Not until you’ve had a shower,” she squirmed from my hold. “You stink.”

  I pulled a mock offended face. “I thought most chicks liked making out with a dirty rocker.”

  “Not this one, buddy…”

  “Ha. I thought our so-called dating went down well with the band. I mean, I expected Axel would be okay about it, but the others not so much.” I shot her a glance.

  “I’m still kinda on the fence,” she stuttered out a breath. “You promise you won’t hurt me?”

  “I promise, love.”

  Later, after we’d arrived back home, we made our way upstairs. I leaned my shoulder against the wall of the corridor outside Hayley’s room and shot her a glance. “So, here we are.”

  She tottered backward on the killer heels Camila had given her. “Yeah. Here we are.” Her voice came out breathy.

  I bent and touched my lips to hers, enjoying the softness of her warm mouth. I slipped one hand behind her waist and cupped her chin with the other. “You’re so beautiful,” I murmured, angling her heart-shaped face, and lifting it. The pulse in her throat beat against the stroke of my thumb.

  A silken strand of hair had come loose from her up-do, and cinnamon shimmered through my fingers as I dipped my head down again to kiss her, sipping, tasting, savoring her sweetness.

  “Oh, Pierce.” Her hands climbed up my chest, and she released a soft sigh.

  My hands chased down her spine to her rounded hips and I pulled her into me before lifting her up my body.

  I caught the sudden whiff of my B.O. “Gotta take a shower, darling.”

  “Yeah, so do I. It was hot and sweaty in that club.”

  An idea occurred to me, but would she go for it? “Your bathroom or mine?” I waggled my eyebrows. “Mine’s bigger…”

  She pushed at my chest. “Are you seriously suggesting we take a shower together?!”

  “Why not?” I smirked. “It would save water and be good for the environment.” I was clutching at straws, and I knew it.

  “Put me down, Limey. Nice try, but I’ll take a shower on my own.” She caught her luscious lips between her teeth. “You can join me later, if you like…”

  If I liked? I could no more imagine sleeping without her than I could imagine living without my music.

  “You’re on.” I pecked her on the cheek and placed her down on the floor. “Won’t be long.”

  In my bedroom, I removed my chains, stripped off to the buff and chucked my filthy clothes on the carpet.

  A sudden knock sounded at the door.

  “I can’t get out of this freaking dress. The buttons at the back are impossible.” Hayley called out.

  “Just a sec.” I grabbed a towel from the bathroom, wrapped it ‘round my waist, and opened up.

  She turned her back to me in the corridor, but the light was dim out here and I couldn’t see clearly. I told her as much and she allowed me to lead her into my room.

  I lifted the tendrils of hair from the nape of her neck and peered at the back of her dress. The gown was low-cut at the front, sleeveless, and the rear sported a line of tiny pearl buttons. My hands were big as dinner plates and the callouses on my fingers, from drumming and playing the guitar, made me clumsy, but eventually I managed to unbutton the bastard. It fell away from her shoulders, revealing smooth honey-colored skin. I had to taste it and so I did. But slowly. Didn’t want to startle her. I kissed my way down her spine, and she fluttered like a trapped bird underneath my lips.

  She turned and faced me, her amber eyes burning. “I really need a shower,” her voice rasped.

  “So do I.” I stroked a finger down her cheek. “C’mon, love. You know you can trust me. And you can keep your knickers on if that’ll make you feel more comfortable.

  She nodded. Once. “Okay…”

  Her dress fell to the floor, and she stepped out of it. Fuck, she was braless. It was the first time I’d seen her tits and I couldn’t stop looking at them. Although full, they were firm and erect, her nipples pointing to the ceiling. I tore my eyes away, reached for her hand and led her into the ensuite.

  She was wearing a thong, which left little to the imagination. God, she was so fucking beautiful I wanted to crush her against me. But I didn’t. Instead I removed the towel from around my waist and stood in front of her in all my glory. I prided myself on having a big dick, but if it swelled, given her condition, it might scare her. I took in a deep breath and thought about the upcoming tour, which was enough to deflate my erection.

  Hayley’s blush indicated that she too had been affected by our nakedness. She was looking everywhere but at me, her arms wrapped around her lovely body. “Don’t cover yourself, sweetheart. You are gorgeous.”

  “I can’t believe I said yes to this.” She lowered her head.

  “You’ll love it. You’ll see.” I slid the shower door open and reached for the tap.

  We stepped into the stall together. Hot water rained down with a hiss. I took a sponge, squirting bodywash onto it before raising her arm and spreading the warm soapy foam over her skin. I washed her behind, bent my knees and spread the bubbles down her gorgeous ass and shapely legs.

  I soaped the other leg, turned her around, and soaped her flat stomach. Her hair was still in an updo, so I unpinned it, and it tumbled over her shoulders and down to her waist. “I hadn’t realized it was so long,” I said in awe. “Why don’t you ever wear it loose?”

  “Gets in the way. I prefer to braid it.”

  I squirted shampoo into the palm of my hand and rubbed it into her scalp. Rinsed it off with the hand-held nozzle then applied conditioner and rinsed again.

  “Your turn, Limey.” She retrieved the sponge and bodywash, then started to soap me, and it took every ounce of my willpower not to stiffen like a fucking rod.

  “Jesus, Yankee Girl. You’re testing my resilience.” I grabbed the sponge off her, quickly soaped myself, and then stood under the shower head.

  “Bedtime,” I said, turning off the tap. “Why don’t you stay in my room for a change?”

  “Our hair is soaking wet. Do you have a dryer?”

  I shook my head.

  “I’ll go get mine.” She stepped out of the shower, reached for a towel and wrapped it around herself.

  Back in my room, I picked up the discarded clothes from the carpet and slung them on the back of a chair. Then I rummaged for a pair of sleep shorts in my chest of drawers, mulling over what just happened. No one would believe that I, Pierce Fox, had showered with a woman without fucking her. If this got out, I’d never live it down.

  Hayley returned, looking so fucking cute in her pajamas. Pink bottoms with a peach motif and a white top with the slogan ‘Peachy’. I could eat her up she was so ripe for plucking, but I kept my hands by my sides.

  After she’d blow dried my hair, she got on with drying hers and then braided it in a loose plait. One day, she’d sleep with me and leave it unbraided, I swore to myself, and I’d revel in the sight of it spread over my pillow.

  I took in a deep breath, coming to a snap decision. We needed to take things
one step further.

  “I wanna sleep with you skin to skin tonight. Nothing more. I promise…”

  Her expression turned pensive and she tapped a finger against her lip. “Why?”

  “I need to feel you.” Pretend indifference. “Doesn’t matter if you’re not up for it.”

  Her amber eyes glowed. “I think I’d like that.”


  Gently, I lifted her top off and I had to restrain myself from cupping her beautiful breasts. One thing I’d learned about Hayley…she couldn’t be rushed. She was like a fine Bourbon that I would savor. Sip after intoxicating sip.

  I pulled back the duvet on my king-sized bed and the mattress dipped as we both got in. She rolled toward me and we lay face to face.

  “Did you enjoy the gig tonight?” I slid my hands over her bare shoulders.

  “It was awesome.” She paused, fixed her gaze on mine. “Why haven’t you told the band that you’re writing?”

  “My songs are too dark for ChiMera.” Like my past. “And they’re still too rough.”

  I spread my arms and she came into them, pressing herself against me. “I miss my Dad,” she sighed.

  “I know.” And I did know. I knew only too well.

  But the feel of her warm skin against mine consoled me, and I hoped she too felt some consolation from being up close. My fingers toyed with the band of her pajama bottoms, my pulse quickening when she didn’t resist. I slid my hands up the sides of her lovely body. I almost stroked her tits but stopped myself and pulled her tight against me.

  “Good night, Hayley,” I whispered.

  “Good night, Pierce,” she whispered back.

  Skin on skin, we drifted off together. It felt right. Beautifully right. My last thought, before sleep took me, was that weirdly I hadn’t craved alcohol once tonight.

  Chapter 15


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