Sawyer (Great Wolves Motorcycle Club, #5)

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Sawyer (Great Wolves Motorcycle Club, #5) Page 15

by Jayne Blue

  “Where did you get this suit?”

  “Great Wolves Security provides services for a tailor in Five Points. Now about those references, did you do that?”

  “You bet your ass I did. There are actually a dozen letters in there vouching for you.”

  “Hell, maybe I should run for mayor?”

  “No, I like the suit, don’t get me wrong. But the leather, that does something to me on another level.”

  “What level?” Sawyer wiggled his eyebrow and at me.

  “A lower level.” Sawyer grabbed what could only be described as a handful of my ass cheek. I looked around, luckily no one was left in the room.

  “Let’s go home and you can show me.”



  The Wolf Den’s grand re-opening was also Bess and my wedding. We’d created an outdoor patio, we’d fixed the damage that the Russians had caused and it was ready to roll.

  There were four of us standing in front of Judge Terry as we said our vows.

  “Do you take this woman to be your wife?”

  “I do,” I answered.

  “Do you take this man to be your husband?”

  “I do,” Bess answered.

  “Do you take these three to be your family?”

  “I do,” Alexis answered.

  We’d combined an adoption ceremony with our wedding and I went from Sawyer McCall, 40-year old bachelor biker to 40-year old family man.

  I kissed her as chastely. The kids were there after all.

  Then Bess hugged Alexis and Henry. Bess couldn’t imagine her life anymore without Alexis and I couldn’t imagine mine without all three of them. It was official.

  Cassidy was Bess’s Maid of Honor and Larry stood up for me. I looked around and was only really missing one face.

  Stone wasn’t there. But there was a good reason. I knew we’d see him again. Hopefully soon.

  Dusty was there, and a bridesmaid no less. I made a point to catch up with her before we made our honeymoon escape.

  “You have a dress on. I’ve never seen that. Looks beautiful.”

  “I hate it.”

  “I know. But at least, you got your way.” She grabbed my collar.

  “New leather!” I had a new jacket, new chaps, it was all very fancy.

  “I figured if I didn’t wear new leather on my wedding day it was never going to happen.”

  “Have a good time on your honeymoon. I’ll have the girls move all your stuff to the house while you’re gone.”

  “Thanks, kiddo.” I hugged Dusty hard. The M.C. owned a handful of houses on a quiet road off our main parking lot. They were arranged in a cul-de-sac and the largest one was empty. Bess and I decided it was a better fit for Alexis and Henry than the apartment I had over The Wolf Den and so that would be our new place after our honeymoon.

  I watched as Bess and Cassidy hugged it out too. Alexis was going to stay with Cassidy during our honeymoon week.

  Henry, who was eating a piece of cake that was bigger than his head, would be with his dad. Though Chris was not invited to the wedding, Candice was, and she graciously attended. Candice and Bess had formed an alliance and the winner most certainly would be Henry.

  I reached out a hand and Bess walked the short distance to me. We entwined our fingers.

  “Hey, what about the bouquet?” Bess had opted for a really informal wedding. She wore a pale yellow sundress and her hair loose. My buttoned up civil servant was looking more like a flower child today. I loved it.

  “Okay, if you’re single get ready,” I yelled to the tight not-so-little group of wedding guests. Men and women, bikers and fighters, social workers and jewelry store owners, lined up.

  Bess gave her bouquet of tulips a good toss and a roar of hooting and hollering arose from the clamor of people.

  We turned to look and saw why.

  Victor had caught the bouquet.

  “He’s a foot taller than everyone else! Total bullshit.” Dusty said as the gang congratulated Victor. He looked good in his newly acquired leather vest with Great Wolves patch. Getting shot for the club is the hard way to go from probie to full member but it works.

  We said our goodbyes and I had her to myself, sort of, Ryder was our chauffeur. He drove us to the airport in the back of a recently restored convertible. The restoration completed by our latest venture, Great Wolves Body Shop.

  “I’m excited!” Bess yelled as we drove away from The Wolf Den. The yelling was necessary as the guys decided to provide us with a motorcycle motorcade to the highway. It was touching, intimidating, and loud as hell.

  I pulled Bess in tighter next to me. She laid her head down on my shoulder, her hair whipped around her head thanks to open air of the convertible.

  “I should have tied it back. I’m going to look like a wild animal by the time we get to the airport.”

  “Leave it. Great Wolves like it wild baby.”


  I said I wanted mountains, lakes, hikes and the great outdoors for our honeymoon. It would be the last kid-free vacation we would ever take. The idea of Sawyer at Disneyworld was starting to percolate and it made me giggle. That would be another time.

  This time was for us. Yet again Sawyer McCall surprised me. We flew to Montana where his cousin owned a secluded ranch.

  Lincoln McCall and his wife Leslie opened their home our first night there and made us dinner.

  “So does this mean you’re out of the club?” Lincoln McCall was scary looking. There was no other way to say it. He had a shaved bullet of a head and his body was thick with muscle.

  Sawyer had told me he’d been in the military and then a bodyguard. But now, he was a happily married rancher. His wife Leslie was a brunette bombshell. There was something very 1950s about her. She ran the house, the smaller animals, and she ran Lincoln, it was clear.

  “No, not out of the club. Just totally legit these days.” I helped Leslie clear the table.

  “Leslie, this is such a gorgeous home.”

  “Thank you. We’re not done with it. Lincoln is laying every log, Lincoln log - get it?”

  She had a little musical giggle.

  “I do get it,” she made me smile. I didn’t know her story but I would bet it was interesting.

  “It’s taking him longer than he wants because he’s also running the ranch.”

  “A lot of work.”

  “Yes, but it’s good.”

  We spent one night with Lincoln and Leslie McCall and then were borrowing their RV to head out further onto the property.

  “Use the trail, it’s pretty well cleared. If you follow this map, you’ll be at the base of that mountain there, next to the lake.”

  Lincoln gave Sawyer the instructions and Sawyer finished packing our stuff.

  “I really appreciate this, Lincoln.”

  “Anything for true love.” He wasn’t a man who invited spontaneous displays of affection, but I couldn’t help it. I hugged him and we were off.

  “You like my cousin there?”

  “I do, scary, but loveable. Just like you.”

  “And how about his wife, eh?”

  “I like him; I want to eat her up.”

  Sawyer laughed and we rolled on. If you would have asked me, did Sawyer McCall know how to camp, I would have said hell to the no.

  I would have been wrong. I used to camp all the way until I’d married Chris and Sawyer was a friggin’ Eagle Scout.

  “Don’t even ask,” He said as he laid out a few sleeping bags for us next to a fire he’d made. I was pretty pleased with my own handy work, organizing the little RV Kitchen. We were parked on the banks of a crystal clear lake and at the foot of a mountain we could hike.

  It was incredibly beautiful and secluded. Perfection.

  I looked at his fire and was excited. We were going to hike, swim, read the three books I’d brought, and just enjoy each other quietly away from everything. We both had big demands that would present themselves as soon as we got b
ack. We relished them. A week away would help us be ready to fight whatever fight presented itself.

  “I want to hear all about your formative years. I have a lot to learn based on the looks of your cousin.”

  “Do you know all of his brothers are named after U.S. Presidents?”


  “Yep, Pierce, Roosevelt, Lincoln, Truman and Carter.”

  “I love it. See. I have a lot to learn.”

  “Later.” Sawyer said and he took off his t-shirt and then his jeans and then everything else. I stared for a moment.

  “Lucky Bess, very lucky Bess.”

  “What was that?” Sawyer and his ripped abs came in very close.

  “Oh, sorry, said it out loud.”

  Sawyer pulled my t-shirt over my head and then my jeans. For a moment, I felt shy, almost nude in the open air. And then I remembered we were completely alone.

  “What are you doing?” Sawyer undid the clasp of my bra and then slid it off. He tossed my bra and panties onto the sleeping bags.

  “We’re going for a swim.”

  And the naked man hoisted me over his shoulder. I screamed in surprise and tried to protest.

  “It’s going to be....” Splash, we were in the cold water before I finished getting the words out.

  Sawyer’s hands were all over me as we bobbed just below the surface.

  Sawyer’s mouth was on mine and apparently he could stand. I couldn’t. It was too deep. Sawyer held me up and I wrapped my cold legs around him.

  His tongue entwined with mine and I was warm somewhere. Just not on any surface of my skin. I started to shiver.

  “Okay, that’s enough.” And he carried me out of the water. He didn’t seem cold at all.

  “How are you not freezing?”

  “The water isn’t that cold. You’re just a baby.” Again he silenced me with a kiss but it was okay. Even my lips were chilled from his abrupt caveman baptism.

  He lay me down next the fire on the sleeping bags. Every inch of my skin was sensitive and hungry for warmth. Sawyer’s hands and mouth provided it.

  Something about my cold skin and his hot breath intensified every sensation.

  “Oh, oh.” I cried out as he put his warm fingers around my nipple. They were hard as pebbles from the water and then he twisted and pulled and grinned as I reacted.

  “That’s it, baby.” He slid his fingers down, over my hip, and splayed his warm hand over my stomach. I ached to have him inside me. He plunged his finger in and I couldn’t hold back.

  A powerful peak shuddered through me. He leaned over me and captured one nipple in his mouth as I shook. I was shocked at the speed and intensity that he was able to shatter me into billions of liquid pieces.

  “I’m sorry, I wanted to wait for you but...”

  “I’ve wanted to do that for months.”


  “Watch you let go.”

  “You’re a bad, bad man, Sawyer McCall.”

  “I’m a lucky man Bess McCall. Lucky as fuck.”

  I loved when he talked dirty. He leaned down and kissed my neck. The cold that had chilled my skin was gone, I was warm and headed toward hot.

  And soon it would be Sawyer’s turn to turn liquid.

  I sank into the sleeping bag and let the sensations take over. There was one word on my lips over and over.

  “Sawyer. Sawyer. Sawyer.”

  The End.

  Visit the Human Trafficking Taskforce which is a real agency fighting against a growing threat.

  Exclusive Sneak Peek of Brax by Jayne Blue, the next book in the Great Wolves M.C. Series

  Lincolnshire, Ohio


  It’s dangerous to owe me something. Most people know that. And I always collect. For over a decade, that’s what my club depended on me for and I was glad to provide it. I did the things no one wants to hear about. Dirty deeds and bloody hands were just another Tuesday in my world. I’m not sorry. I’m not on some quest for redemption. Fuck that shit. You might not like me, but you sure as hell need me. Call me the lesser of two evils if you want. As long as you don’t have to see what I see or know what I know. And that’s just fine with me.

  Now, we live in a different world. My club has a legitimate business and flush bank accounts. I like it. I was starting to get too old for the other shit, anyway. But, that doesn’t mean I won’t be ready when the day comes that the Great Wolves M.C. needs their enforcer. And I know that day will come. It always does.


  I ducked just as an empty beer bottle flew at my head. I raised my hand and caught it before it would have hit the far wall. Setting it down I thrust my middle finger up at Tate across the table. I sat in one of the back offices of the bar going over plans we had for an expansion later in the year. The Wolf Den used to just be our clubhouse. A place for only patched members to hang out. But, two years ago, things changed for the better. New leadership came in and now we ran a cash business out of here. The Den has turned into a local hot spot with a cover charge, weekend band, and lines of customers wrapped around the parking lot. In some ways, I have the same job as always. The Enforcer. Except now I serve as general contractor, wrangling carpenters, plumbers, and other subs while we take things even bigger and better.

  “What the fuck, man?”

  Tate smiled. “I’ve been calling you for five minutes. There’s someone downstairs asking for you. You ready to take a meeting?”

  I carved a hand through my hair, pulling it out from under the collar of my leather cut in the back. “Who the hell wants a meeting? It’s Saturday.”

  Tate pointed to the security monitors against the wall behind me. We have hidden cameras downstairs on the main floor, behind the bar and in the kitchen. My eyes widened as I turned and looked. I expected to see some beefy fingered electrician chatting up one of the waitresses while he waited for me with a handout for work that wasn’t quite finished. I sure as shit didn’t expect to see her.

  She perched rod straight on one of the bar stools with a little black purse in her lap like the Queen of England. She was a fucking bombshell with long blonde hair, a short skirt, and tits that strained a little against the buttons of her white cotton blouse. Clean, classy. But with a little bit of dirty mixed in. I could see the outlines of a black lace bra beneath that shirt and mouthed a thank you that I spent a little extra cash and went for high-def. Her high black heeled shoes with crisscrossed laces screamed, fuck me. Though, I can admit that might have just been me. She cocked her head to the side and reached next to her to grab some fruity little drink. A Sea Breeze, probably.

  “She says you know her?” Tate said.

  “The fuck? Does she look like my type?” The second I said it, the words hell yeah flared in my mind. Yeah. Even Tate wasn’t buying it. He leaned against the door jamb, one hand shoved into his jeans pocket and the biggest shit eating grin on his face.

  “She says her name’s Nicole Ridley. Mean anything to you? She wouldn’t tell me what she wants. Just said she needs ten minutes of your time. Now, I was about to say don’t sell yourself short, but I kinda got the impression maybe she was a little classier than your usual.”

  Heat scorched through me at the mention of her name and settled right between my legs. I looked at the monitor again. The fuck if it wasn’t. She’d changed. More curves. More money, probably. She downed the last of her drink and took a breath. She’d done it for courage. God. Just like the last time. Fifteen years melted away in my head and I saw her as she was then. She met me under the bleachers. I thought it was a little obvious, but it had been her choice. I leaned against my bike as she walked toward me, unsteady. Cheeks flushed. Man, that little blue and gray polyester dress with the slit up the side and the big felt “L” across her chest. She’d set her pompoms on the seat of my bike Then, she took a swig from the flask I carried and I watched her nose crinkle as the whiskey went down. She wasn’t used to anything that hard. A bead of amber liquid had moistened her bottom li
p and she’d licked it away as her eyes flashed.

  “The fuck? Brax. You want me to send her back or not?”

  “Yeah. Why not?” I tapped my fingers against the table. “But send her to Colt’s office. I’ll meet here there.”

  Tate nodded and backed out of the door. Colt was our club prez. He and our V.P. Kellan were away for a few weeks down south, leaving me in charge. I moved to the room next door and sat behind Colt’s desk, the big red and black wolf logo above my head. Though we’d left the one percenter shit behind, anyone in this town knew who the Great Wolves M.C. were and what we were capable of. Which left me curious as hell why someone like Nicole Ridley would voluntarily walk back into my life.

  She did, though. Tate opened the door. She paused in the doorway, looking unsure from him to me and back again. I gave her a sly smile and gestured toward the chairs in front of Colt’s desk. She clutched that purse tight to her chest and gave an unsteady smile to Tate as he nodded and closed the door behind him.

  Yeah. I’m a dick. I could have put her at ease right away with a genuine smile and maybe a quick hug. But man, she stirred something in me. Standing there with that tiny pulse beating just above her breast. God, close up, she really did look just the same. She had dark brows that slashed in a straight line above those pale green eyes. That pouty bottom lip she liked to catch between her teeth. I remember wanting to know what it tasted like and getting the chance to find out all those years ago.

  “Hello,” she finally said, her voice sexy and low, just like I remembered. “Thank you for seeing me. I wasn’t sure if you remembered who I was.”

  I let her off the hook a little. She sighed and smiled when I stood up and offered her my hand. “Sit down Nicole. It’s good to see an old friend. You looking for a donation to the Class Reunion?” I meant the last part as a joke and she laughed a little, but she was nervous still.

  She took a seat and I couldn’t help watching as she crossed her legs. I got a flash of pink cotton panties and thighs that didn’t quit. I should know. I remembered that too. She’d been timid at first or wanted me to believe that she was. But once we got started, it had been all her. She’d leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed me, threading her hands through my hair. She said she loved it long, called it Viking blond. I still wore it like that and I caught her looking at it now and wondered what part of that night flashed in her memory. God, for me it was her delicate hands loosening my belt buckle, her nails painted alternating blue and silver to match the school colors.


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