The Enforcer (Devil's Henchmen MC Book 1)

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The Enforcer (Devil's Henchmen MC Book 1) Page 8

by Samantha McCoy

  “Remember to place the explosives as you go,” Reaper called. This place would go down in fire and brimstone.

  “What explosives?” the Police Chief asked.

  “Oh, come on Chief. You know how the Grim Reaper works,” laughed Sledge.

  “Fire and Brimstone baby!” Tank laughed.

  “Stay alert. They have to be here somewhere,” Reaper called.

  The search continued, but still no one had radioed that Amber had been found. Reaper was beginning to worry. Could they have taken her somewhere else on the property? he wondered.

  “East side, Clear.” Viper informed.

  “West side, Clear.” Tank followed.

  “South end, Clear.” K called.

  “North end, Clear. Where the fuck is everyone?” Reaper demanded. Amber wasn’t here. Nobody was here. The old saw mill was vacant and from the looks of it, it had been that way for a while.

  “She has to be in one of the abandoned buildings,” Banjo interjected. “Traffic cameras have not shown any movement since they entered.”

  “Everyone spread out. Search all the buildings,” Reaper ordered.

  “It will take a while to get search warrants for all of these properties. That is, if we can even find a judge to grant them,” said an unknown voice.

  “Shut up Jenson,” the Chief ordered. “Henchmen don’t wait for warrants. They don’t need them.”

  “Jenson, if you are a ‘by the book’ type of guy,” Sledge answered via the ear mic, “You might want to leave the area. Because I can guarantee you, nothing today will be even remotely close to legal.”

  One by one, Reaper was blasted with the laughter of his crew, but he never said a word. All he could think about was Amber. Was she okay? Was she hurt?

  “Ratchet and the Bloods have been located,” K responded. “Building directly South of original entry point.”

  Reaper took off through the building. Running out the back door, he looked to see the rest of his team following.

  “Any sign of Amber?” he asked when he came to a stop next to K.

  “Negative, but Ratchet and two others have entered that room several times in the last few minutes,” K answered pointing to a room on the opposite side of where they were standing.

  “Looks like only one entrance/exit,” radioed Banjo. “East end of the building. Map shows it as the only point of entry.”

  That would work. As it was, if they entered in through the windows on this side, Amber would be in direct line of their gunfire.

  “Okay guys, move,” Reaper ordered.

  Once they all reached the other end of the building, Reaper turned to his men. “Watch where you fire. Amber is in there and any stray shot could puncture the wall and hit her.”

  “Anyone shoots my sister, you answer to me,” Sledge’s voice rang loud in everyone’s ear.

  Counting to three, Tank kicked open the door. All at once, gunfire exploded around the small building. The Henchmen were easily outnumbered, but that was never a problem. They were all highly trained military operatives. They were used to having the odds against them.

  Chapter Twenty


  Amber wasn’t sure how long she had been here, it felt like days. Her body hurt like hell. When they arrived at the saw mill, Ratchet had his men took her to an office in the back and tied her to a chair. But that didn’t last long. Keeping her tied, Ratchet had his men moved Amber to a building somewhere on the back of the property. Once there, the beatings started. Leaving her face untouched, Joe’s men used a cut-off section of a water hose and hit her repeatedly. No visual signs would show on the outside, but it would leave some lasting marks on the inside.

  “So baby,” he said with a sneer, “Did you really think I would let you walk away from me?”

  “Honestly Joe, I didn’t think about you at all,” she stated flatly, earning the first slap across her face. It stung, but other parts of Amber hurt far worse, not that she would ever admit it. Amber was finding it difficult to take a deep breath.

  “Let’s try to watch our tongue, dear. I have big plans for you and would hate for my buyer to show up and see that beautiful face of yours disfigured,” Ratchet snarled.

  “Buyer? Do you really think you will get that far? Bitch, please!” Amber said, spitting blood on Joe’s shoes, earning another slap.

  This was going to be a long day, she thought to herself. But there was no way in hell she was backing off this bastard. She just wished Zander and her brother would hurry the hell up and find her. Amber seriously didn’t know how much more her body could take before it shut down.

  Just as Ratchet turned, the building shuddered and the sound of gunfire filled the air. Amber felt a rush of relief fill her. They were here. The Grim Reaper and his Henchmen were here. Amber would live to see another day.

  “Find out what the fuck is going on!” Ratchet yelled to his men.

  Turning back to Amber, he stalked towards her, backhanded her across the face and then grabbed a handful of her hair. It felt like he was trying to rip it out by the roots. Tears filled her eyes, but she refused to allow them to fall.

  “This is not over,” he scoffed.

  “Oh yes it is,” Amber smirked back, spitting in his face.

  Ratchet ran out of the room. Amber sagged against the chair. The only thing keeping her from collapsing to the floor were the ropes holding her. It seemed like hours passed before the door to her room was smash in, completely off the hinges. Amber’s gaze shot up and landed on K. She was rescued, just like she knew she would be.

  “Hey there, Rocky,” he said with a smile, “You have some people looking for you and one really pissed off Grim.”

  “I am so happy to see your pretty face,” she smiled, but winced.

  K crouched down behind her to remove the bonds and Amber felt herself fall sideways.

  “Easy,” he soothed, catching her before she hit the ground. “Can you walk?”

  “I don’t think so,” Amber answered honestly.

  Lifting her shirt, K searched for any signs of trauma. But Amber knew he wouldn’t find anything. “I don’t see anything,” he said.

  “Water hose,” was all Amber had to reply. She knew K would understand.

  “Fuck,” he whispered, gathering her against his chest.

  “You can say that again.” Amber tried to give him a reassuring smile, but it hurt too much. The two slaps to the face had split her lip.

  “Target has been located. Injured. Will need assistance. We are coming out,” K said, causing Amber to look at him in confusion.

  Seeing her face, he pointed to his ear, where she noticed a wire that disappeared behind it and into his shirt. Ah, she thought, earpiece, duh!

  “They’re in the other room. Is that really necessary?” she asked.

  “We aren’t the only one’s here. Dallas SWAT is outside and your brother is sniping. I don’t want either of them firing on us when I carry you outside.”

  “Good thinking.” After everything that had happened already, a gunshot wound was not at all what she needed.

  K lifted Amber into his arms and carried her from the room. As they entered the main room, she saw all the bodies. This was way too much for her. She pressed her face into K’s chest. He looked down at her and wrapped his arms around her a little tighter.

  “Amber honey, please tell them to let me go,” she heard.

  Lifting her head, she saw Ratchet on his knees. “Put me down” she told K.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because, I have business to finish,” she mumbled.

  “No you don’t,” he told her. “Reaper will end this.”

  Trying to block out all the blood and gore around her, she saw Tank standing against the wall, with a huge rifle pointed towards Joe. Viper was against the other wall, in the same stance. Finally, he eyes landed on Zander’s.

  He walked towards her and K. “What injuries do you have?”

  “He beat the shit out of her with
a water hose,” K answered the question for her. “Tied her to a chair so she couldn’t defend herself.”

  Zander leaned over and placed a soft kiss against her forehead. The feeling made Amber sigh out loud and filled her with warmth. She wanted to feel his arms around her, but she knew that wouldn’t happen. Zander might have come to rescue her, but that didn’t change how he felt about commitment.

  “Take her outside,” he ordered.

  “Amber! Please!” Joe continued to beg, but she just ignored him. “You fucking bitch!”

  Walking outside she was met by the Dallas Police SWAT team.

  “Is Reaper finished in there?” the Chief asked.

  “No. There is one loose end he has to finish off,” K told the officer. And Amber had a feeling, that loose end was Joe. The humane side of her hoped Zander finished him off quickly, but the vengeful bitch she was right now, hoped it was slow and painful.

  “Okay. We’ll stand down until then,” the Chief said, walking back to his men.

  “Oh, Miss Parks, do you need medical attention?” the Chief turned back to ask.

  “Ginx will look at her when she gets back to the clubhouse,” K answered. The Chief inclined his head and kept walking.

  It seemed like hours had passed before a noise drew Amber’s attention. She and K turned to see the remaining Henchmen walk out of the building, as a single gunshot rang out from inside. Amber’s eyes continuous searched for one person, but she didn’t see him anywhere.

  Where was Zander? Why was he still in the building? She was about to ask when another loud explosion rumbled the ground. Amber gasped and turned in the direction of the saw mill. Timber and debris fell from the sky. Flames and smoke filled the air around the building.

  “What the hell,” she said.

  “That would be Reaper,” K chuckled. “He’s the Grim. Hell, Fire, and Brimstone.”

  Shaking her head, Amber could only smile.

  Like a mirage, Zander came walking out of the building behind them. He looked every bit the protector, the enforcer, the Grim Reaper.

  “Hand her here,” Zander told K. Amber felt her weight shift from one man to the other. The moment she was placed in Zander’s arms, a sense of safety engulfed her. Before Amber knew it was happening, she fainted from exhaustion.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Reaper watched as Amber’s eyes rolled back in her head. He knew she fainted. The look of complete exhaustion was written all over her face. Beaten with a damn water hose. That would leave internal bruising that would take months to heal from.

  “I’m heading out,” he told the group.

  “I’m going with you,” Sledge called.

  Walking to the SUV, Reaper carefully placed Amber on the backseat. Walking around the vehicle, he climbed in beside her, lifting her head into his lap.

  “I’ll call Ginx and have her meet us at the house. She can look Amber over and let us know if we need to take her to the hospital,” Sledge said.

  “Okay,” replied Reaper.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Even now, she was the most beautiful woman he had even seen. Thinking that he could have lost her, his heart clenched.

  “I could have lost her today,” he whispered.

  “But you didn’t,” Sledge reminded him.

  “Because of my own stupidity, the woman I love was hurt.”

  “Don’t blame yourself Zander. You didn’t do this.”

  “No? If I was man enough to admit that Amber was what I needed, she would have never been taken in the first place. Therefore, she would have never been hurt.” Reaper was so pissed off at himself. He failed her.

  “Bullshit! This is all on Ratchet. Don’t you fucking dare start taking the blame for this shit on yourself. I will pull this car over and beat your ass!” Sledge demanded.

  “I need her to be okay,” Reaper whispered.

  “She will be. Amber is a tough girl. She always has been. She will need a while to heal, but she’ll be just fine,” Sledge vowed.

  Arriving at the clubhouse, Reaper carried Amber inside and into his room. Softy, he placed her on the bed.

  “Okay. Everyone out so I can look her over,” Ginx ordered, ushering other members of the crew out of Reaper’s room. “You too,” she said looking at him.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he told her.

  “Oh yes you are. Out!” she pointed towards the door.

  “Ginx. Now is not the time to argue with him,” Sledge told her. “Reaper stays.”

  Inclining her head, Ginx waited until Sledge left before approaching Amber. “If you are going to stay, then you can help me get her undressed.”

  “Why do you need her undressed?”

  “It makes it easier for me to treat injuries if I can see the full extent of them. I don’t need her naked. Just the shirt and pants need to come off.”

  Reaper walked over to the bed and helped Ginx. The feel of Amber’s soft skin under his callused hands made him think about their night together. Amber’s skin felt like silk.

  “Umm. Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Ginx laughed.

  “Yes. Why?” Reaper asked, confused by Ginx’s behavior.

  Suddenly, the woman burst out laughing and pointed to Reaper’s dick. Looking down, he could understand why she asked.

  “This woman has turned me into a teenage boy again,” he smiled, shaking his head.

  “I can tell!” Ginx retorted, still chuckling.

  For the next thirty minutes, Reaper looked on as Ginx searched every inch of Amber’s body. She informed Reaper that she felt a few broken ribs, but other than that everything looked good. Reaper explained the beatings Amber endured and Ginx explained that the injuries would be more internal. A ton of deep bruising. If the pain became too much, to have Amber soak in a hot tub. After wrapping Amber’s ribs, Ginx left the room, closing the door quietly.

  Not being able to stay away from her, Reaper striped off his clothes and climbed into the bed next to her, carefully scooting as close as he could get. He spent the rest of the night lying next to her, and feeling her warmth invade him - mind, body, and soul.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Amber awoke in Zander bedroom, but what was even more surprising was that he was lying in bed with her. Curled on his side, he had both hands pressed under his face. She tried to stretch, but the pain throughout her body caused her to release a moan.

  “Are you okay?” Zander asked, suddenly alert. “Let me grab you some pain medicine.”

  Amber watched as he jumped out of the bed and head to the bathroom. She could hear him rummaging through the cabinet. Moments later, he walked back to her carrying a glass of water and Tylenol.

  “Here. Take these.” Zander handed her the glass and placed two pills in her hand.

  The coldness felt amazing against her dry throat. Amber couldn’t remember the last time she drank anything.

  “How long have I been asleep?”

  Zander glanced at the clock on the bedside table. “About eight hours,” he replied.


  “You fainted when I took you from K. So I brought you back here and Ginx looked you over,” Zander explained.

  “That would explain why I’m not wearing any clothes,” Amber stated. “What did Ginx have to say?”

  “You have a few broken ribs, that’s why you're wrapped up. The beating from the hose left nothing on the outside, but she said if it hurts too much, you can soak in a hot tub.”

  “Right now, I don’t even want to think about moving,” Amber groaned, trying to get comfortable.

  “Let me help you,” Zander said, reaching out for her.

  He helped Amber move into a more relaxed position, just as a soft knock echoed through the room.

  “Come in,” Zander called.

  The door opened and Amber smiled as Devin walked in. “Hey there beautiful,” he smiled at her.

  “Yeah right,” she tried laugh. “I
probably look like complete shit. Or at least that’s how I feel.”

  “You do look like shit, but still your beautiful, Sis.” Amber was so happy to see her brother.

  “I came by to check on you and to let you both know that Diesel made it through surgery fine. He should be home in a couple of days.”

  “Oh my God!” she exclaimed. “I was so scared and worried about him. I heard the shots and then saw him fall.”

  Zander stepped over to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. His presence brought Amber comfort.

  “It’s okay,” he reassured.

  Devin walked over and placed a kiss on her forehead. “I love you. Get some more rest. You’ll need it,” he told her and headed for the door.

  As soon as the door was closed, she was back in Zander’s arms in the exact spot, she wanted to be. He reached a hand around to her face, and as soon as she was looking at him, Zander lips were against hers. It was soft at first, but soon, tongues warred with each other. It was hot, it was passionate, and it was causing a fire to build throughout Amber’s body. At this rate, she would be ashes in a matter of minutes.

  Zander was the first to pull away and Amber desperately missed the contact. He rested his forehead against her, both of them breathing heavy.

  “We need to talk Peaches,” he said, the sound causing a break in Amber’s newly repaired heart. That did not sound good, at all.

  She leaned back, preparing for the worse. You can do this, she kept telling herself. Thinking maybe if she said it enough, she would start to believe it.

  Zander leaned his own back against the headboard, but that didn’t last long. She watched from the corner of her eye as he got out of bed and started to pace. Her nerves increased more just watching him. Why was he nervous, she wondered?

  “First, I want to say I am sorry. When you walked into the kitchen and Melony was on my lap,” he started, but Amber interrupted.

  “Oh, was that her name?” she retorted. The sting of witnessing that was still flaming hot. Ever since that day, that bitch would smirk at Amber any time they were in the same room. Amber want to rearrange the hooker’s face.


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