Her Christmas Cowboy

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Her Christmas Cowboy Page 5

by Maggie Carpenter

“I don’t wanna spoil you,” he winked, then locking her eyes, he added, “cos if I spoil you, I’ll have to spank you.”

  He watched her carefully, waiting for her response, but there was nothing that he could see. No flicker in the eye, no blush across her face, and he was suddenly worried. Had he spoken too soon? Was she upset by what he’d said? But a moment later she took a breath, blinked a couple of times, and leaning into him she whispered,

  “What if I threw a tantrum?”

  Connor took a breath. His pulse had just ticked up. Was it possible? Could anything be so absolutely, totally perfect? Slowly lowering his head, he moved his lips to her ear.

  “If you threw a tantrum, I’d have to spank you hard, real hard.”

  He heard her gasp, and slipping from her side he moved across to the opposite side of the booth.

  She hadn’t wanted him to leave her. She’d wanted to open his hand and stare at his palm. She could already imagine what it would be like to be over his lap and feel his hot, swatting hand. Only one other time had she experienced the stunning, sparking pleasure of an erotic spanking. Just once. And she’d loved it.

  Her heart was racing like a thoroughbred galloping on the track, she knew her face was beginning to turn as red as a ripe tomato, and as she stared across the table at him, she knew he’d meant every word.


  Though the brothers did not return to their booth, Connor was very aware that their Range Rover was still parked in front of the diner, and he suspected he and April would be intercepted as they returned to his car.

  Watching him, April could see the slight crease crossing his brow, and after he’d paid the bill and they were getting ready to leave, she reached across the table and took his hand.

  “You’re worried.”

  “I’m not worried,” he said casually. “I’m just thinkin’.”

  “I can see their car too, you know. I realize they’re still here.”


  “So, what do you think is going to happen?”

  “I think they’re gonna follow us, so we’re gonna cross the street and walk away from my car.”


  “Cos if something happens and I have to hurt them, I don’t want them jumpin’ in their Rover and chasin’ us.”

  “I don’t understand. I mean, I do, but I don’t.”

  “You will,” he grinned. “I know how to outsmart guys like this.”

  “I’m so glad I’m with you,” she said gratefully.

  “Back at ya,” he winked. “Just do what I say when I say it, okay?”

  “Oh, my gosh. Maybe we should call the police.”

  “And say what? Nothing’s happened, besides, this’ll be a piece of cake. Trust me.”

  “I do, totally,” she said with a soft smile.

  “All righty then, let’s go.”

  Donning their coats they headed outside, turned right rather than left towards his car, then crossed the road.

  “Why did you want to be on this side of the street?”

  “If you look in the shop windows you can see behind you,” Connor said pausing in front of a store.

  “You are so clever.”

  “Not really. I just know about this stuff, and look, there they are.”

  “Now I’m suddenly scared,” she said, seeing the reflection of the brothers walking towards them.

  “Hey, darlin’, you’re with me. You have nothin’ to be scared of. Remember, you don’t talk.”

  “Right, church mouse,” she nodded.

  “We’re gonna walk just a little further up towards that break between the stores,” he said, continuing to keep his eye on the brothers as he spoke.

  He could see they were half-way across the road, and placing his arm around her shoulders he began moving them slowly up the block.

  “Hey, April. Wait up!”

  “Keep walkin’,” Connor muttered ignoring the call. “Whatever you do, don’t turn around, and when my arm leaves your shoulder, walk, don’t run, walk, into that small opening between the stores and wait, but don’t peek around no matter what, okay?”

  “Ooh, Connor.”

  “My arm leaves your shoulder, go straight there, no lookin’ back here, not even for a second, and wait for me,” he repeated, his voice low but firm.

  “Okay. Shit, shit, shit.”

  “I said, wait up!”

  A moment later April felt Connor’s arm drop from her shoulder, and heart in her mouth she walked briskly forward. Fighting the overwhelming temptation to turn around she slipped into the narrow pathway, but her desperate need to see what was happening got the better of her, and with her back flat against the wall she risked it, poking her head around. She was shocked at what she saw. Both brothers were on the ground, one doubled over, the other with both hands covering his face, and Connor was striding towards her.

  “I told you not to look,” he scolded as he grabbed her elbow and bustled her forward.

  “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it.”

  “Obviously,” he replied as they reached the end of the pathway and hit the back alley that ran behind the shops.

  “Why didn’t you want me-?“

  “Shush,” he interrupted. “We’ll talk about it later.”

  He turned into the alley and started back in the direction from which they’d come. It was a short jaunt behind several shops to the next narrow pathway between stores, and he slowed his step to talk to her.

  “Stay behind me as we walk back up to the street. If I’ve guessed right their car will be gone and they’ll be headed outta here.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “They’re babies. They’ll be runnin’ home to their momma, or the urgent care at the other end of town. Either way I seriously doubt they have the stomach to stick around and deal with me again.”

  “You’re amazing,” she breathed. “I know I’ve said that before, but it’s true.”

  He paused and smiled down at her, then leaned his lips to her ear.

  “I’m not sure how amazin’ you’ll think I am when you’re over my knee gettin’ your ass spanked.”

  April felt a rush of butterflies, and filled with the sudden flapping in her belly she stood speechless, staring up at him.

  “This time do as I say. Keep behind me. I need to make sure the coast is clear.”

  Her face crimson, she managed to nod, and they started moving up the slim opening between the shops, but he stopped short of where it met the sidewalk.

  “Stay here,” he muttered. “I need to get against that opposite wall so I can see the front of the diner. It’s gonna make me visible to that side of the street, and if they’re still around or gettin’ in their car they might spot me, I don’t care if they see me, but I don’t want them to see you. Got it?”


  “You’re gonna stay put?”

  “Yes, I promise.”

  With a threatened spanking already hovering over her head she didn’t dare disobey, and she watched him move cautiously forward. Reaching the wall he squinted, peering across the street, and a moment later she saw his shoulders relax. Signaling her to stay where she was, he walked up to the sidewalk, looked in both directions, then to her great relief he signaled her to join him.

  “Looks like they’re gone,” he said as she reached his side, but he stayed still, continuing to gaze around him.

  “Why aren’t we going to the car?”

  “Just smellin’ the wind.”

  “What do you mean, smelling the wind,” she frowned. “There is no wind.”


  Standing quietly by his side, it dawned on her that Connor McBride was a whole lot more than just a cowboy who owned a bar, and she waited patiently until he let out a breath and smiled down at her.

  “I spent some time up in Alaska with an Indian tracker,” he said as he reached for her hand. “The guy was unbelievable. I learned so much from him, and one of those things was smellin’ t
he wind. Another way of sayin’, usin’ my senses to pick up the energy of my prey, or in this case, my enemy. They’ve left. Come on, let’s go home.”

  His fingers curled around her hand as he led her across the street, and they were soon in his car pulling out on to the road and heading to his house. He twisted around a few blocks to make sure he wasn’t being followed, but there was no sign of the white Range Rover or anyone else. It was a few miles out of town that the homes became further apart, each sitting on several acres, and when he turned up a gentle slope that took them into a neighborhood elevated above the town, she glanced out the window and let out a low whistle.

  “What a great area, what a view, and look at all the trees, and the open space, and the horses. Do you have horses?”

  “I wish. I really wanna ranch, just a small one, nothin’ like the place we’ll be goin’ to later for Christmas dinner, but I already have a barn I’m in the process of fixin’ up, and I’m plannin’ on gettin’ a couple of horses in the Spring. There’s a parcel of land behind me, almost ten acres, and the owner told me he’ll be lookin’ to move it soon. I’m gonna buy it, at least, that’s the plan. I just don’t know how I’ll do it. The transition will be tough.”


  “Yeah. I mean, I can’t manage the tavern, have a horse business and run a ranch. Do I lease the tavern? Do I sell it? I dunno. It’s a big question mark.”

  “If you want it bad enough you’ll figure it out,” she said confidently.

  “You’re right. I always have, and since you came out here to look at a horse, I assume you ride.”

  “I couldn’t live without my mare,” she sighed. “I miss her like crazy.”

  “I wanna hear all about that,” he said, swinging into a driveway. “Your mare, your ridin’, heck, I wanna hear all about you, April.”

  “This is your place? Connor, this is incredible,” she exclaimed as he stopped in front of wrought iron gates.

  “I wouldn’t say it’s incredible, but I’m real happy comin’ home here every night.”

  The gates swung open, and he drove slowly forward into a double garage. The house was a traditional two-story with eaves, and sat behind a six foot high natural rock fence.

  “The wall, it looks really old,” she remarked as she turned and looked back at it.

  “It is, very,” he replied. “It was crumblin’ when I bought this place, but I liked it so much I had it repaired. It’s really solid now, and it gives the house added security and privacy. When I do start my ranch I’m gonna call it Gray Stone Farms in honor of that wall, and I’m gonna put a natural stone facade around the barn.”

  “That sounds fantastic,” she said enthusiastically as he stopped the car and turned off the engine.

  “We’re here,” he said quietly. “You ready to come into the Connor Castle? You never know, it might be like the Churchill Chateau.”

  “Don’t even joke about that,” she said rolling her eyes.

  The garage door closed behind them, and climbing from the car she followed him inside and found herself in a hallway with polished wood floors and vintage horse prints lining the walls.

  “I’ll give you the tour, and you have your choice of the downstairs guest room, or the one upstairs.”

  “Thank you so much for letting me stay,” she said as they moved through the foyer into the living room.

  “Believe me” he grinned, “I’m real happy that you’re here.”

  He led her into the comfortable lounge, and she stood staring at the natural rock fireplace against the wall.

  “Look at that,” she exclaimed. “It matches the wall outside.”

  “Yep. I had to renovate the insides of it, but all that masonry is original.”

  As he took her from room to room, then up the stairs, she was impressed by his flair for decorating. Stunning antiques were artfully interspersed with traditional, comfortable furniture, the colors and patterns blending together, but when he opened the door to his master bedroom she stared in wonder. A heavily carved, four-post, Tudor bed, sat in all its old-world splendor.

  “Of all the beds I would have imagined you’d have, I’d never have dreamed of this,” she declared, and walking over to it she began running her fingers over the carvings. “Where the heck did you find it?”

  “At an antique shop years ago. They were goin’ outta business. The frame had some damage and the dealer had to move it. Once it was mine I had to figure out how to make it a proper queen. Beds used to be much smaller than they are now.”

  “It’s truly something,” she said softly.

  “I love it. I loved it the minute I set eyes on it.”

  “I don’t blame you. I love it too.”

  She turned around and saw him staring at her. There was no filter in his stare. He wanted her naked, he wanted to travel his hands across her body, he wanted to suck her tits and nuzzle her neck, and she was aching for him to do all of that to her…and more. She wanted it desperately, and she didn’t want to wait.

  “A penny?” he murmured walking towards her.

  “Since I lost my purse and don’t have any money,” she murmured, “I should accept, but I think my thoughts are worth a bit more than that.”

  “Such a sassy girl,” he sighed shaking his head. “Let’s see.”

  He was digging his hand into his pocket, and finding a nickel he held it up.

  “Five pennies. Five thoughts. My final offer,” he declared, and taking her hand he placed it in her palm. “What’s the first?”

  “I think you want to kiss me, and I want you to,” she breathed.

  He didn’t speak, but placing both hands on either side of her face he planted his mouth on hers and leisurely pressed home, then gently drew in her lower lip.

  “Second thought?” he softly asked, breaking away.

  “You’ve numbed my brain,” she sighed.

  “That was a lie,” he said raising one wicked eyebrow. “Second thought, please. I paid for it.”

  “I think your house is fabulous. I love all the antiques.”

  “Thanks. Third?”

  “I think you want me naked.”

  Her voice had fallen into a whisper, and she held her breath as moved his hands to the hem of her sweater.

  “Do you want to be naked?”

  “Uh-huh, but, um…”

  “But what?”

  “Isn’t it too soon?”

  “Do you want to be naked?” he repeated.


  “Do you want to be naked now?”

  “Yes, please,” she whimpered, feeling her knees grow weak as his fingers skirted under her sweater, tickling around her waist.

  “Fourth thought?”


  “Come on,” he insisted, pressing his palm against her skin at the small of her back.

  “Why didn’t you want me to look when I was in that narrow pathway between those shops?”

  “You were a very naughty girl, not doing as you were told.”

  “I know,” she breathed, dropping her head on to his shoulder, “but will you tell me?”

  Her heart was thudding against her chest, a wash of wetness was flooding her sex, his fingers were sending tingles everywhere they touched, and she was aching for him to pull off her sweater and throw her backwards on to the bed and ravage her.

  “Because,” he softly began, “I didn’t want them to see where you’d gone, and if they pressed charges against me, you wouldn’t be able to testify about something you didn’t actually see happen, or even the aftermath of what happened.”

  “Oops. I’m sorry. Can I ask why you wanted me to walk and not run?”

  “If you run, you have a greater chance of trippin’ and fallin’ over. At least you did that part right.”

  “I feel foolish. I shouldn’t have peeked.”

  “You’re forgiven, now tell me your fifth and last thought.”

  “Are you, uh, really, uh…” she said haltingly.

  “Am I really, what?”

  “I can’t say it,” she muttered.

  “Am I really gonna spank you for not listenin’?”

  She nodded her head.

  “I sure am, darlin’, but you’re gonna have to crawl over my lap and ask for it.”


  Stepping around her, Connor moved to the edge of the mattress, sat down, and looked up at April expectantly. She felt a warm, delicious chill shudder through her body, and unsteadily moving forward she slowly draped herself over his lap. As she settled, he heard a long, drawn out sigh, then she wriggled and looked back at him over her shoulder.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she muttered. “I can’t believe it.”

  “Still time to change your mind,” he drawled as he smoothed his hand over her upturned bottom.

  “Ooh, I can’t think.”

  “You just gave me five thoughts for a nickel,” he grinned.

  “No, you don’t understand.”

  “Then tell me,” he said, continuing to fondle her.

  “Your hand, while you’re doing what you’re doing, I can’t think.”

  “I see, well, there’s no reason to think while you’re bein’ spanked. The thinkin’ starts afterwards, when your butt is burnin’ and you’re feelin’ sorry. You ready?”

  “I guess.”

  “Nope, that’s not good enough,” he said firmly. “Why am I spankin’ you?”

  “Because I didn’t listen,” she moaned.


  “And? There’s an, and?”

  “Sure. ‘Cos you want me to. Right?”


  “Answer me,” he insisted, squeezing her cheeks.

  “Yes. Because I want you to.”

  “There you go. Once more, darlin’, are you ready?”

  “Yes, I’m ready.”

  Her voice was a tremulous mumble, but Connor knew if he were to touch between her legs he’d find her gloriously wet, and raising his hand he delivered three solids smacks on her right cheek. Her only response was a slight wiggle, so he repeated the swats on her left cheek. She wriggled again, and he began slapping his hand back and forth with gusto until she let out a yowl and threw her hands behind her.

  “OOWW! Oh, Connor, that stings!”


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