Carter Finds Two Mates [Pack Law 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Carter Finds Two Mates [Pack Law 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Becca Van

  Pack Law 7

  Carter Finds Two Mates

  Carter Friess wants a mate, but when Crag Reynolds, a wolf from the second largest pack in the world, walks through the door and he realizes the man is his mate, he isn’t sure what to do. He’d always envisaged a woman when he imagined his mate but when he is close to Crag he can’t resist him. Crag is a wonderful man and because they are both wolves and fated mates they fall in love from the start.

  And then Tammy Adams walks into the Aztec Club bruised and battered after being hit by her stepfather, and Carter knows she is their mate too. But what none of them realize is that Tammy’s life is in jeopardy.

  Tammy accepts Crag and Carter as her mates, but just when their relationship is strengthening, danger comes to town. It’s a race against time for Carter and Crag to get to Tammy before it’s too late.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 42,310 words


  Pack Law 7

  Becca Van


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Becca Van

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-354-1

  First E-book Publication: April 2014

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  This book is dedicated to all the hard-working staff at Siren-BookStrand. If it wasn’t for the dedicated editors helping tie up loose ends—Kate, thanks for the help on this one—or the artists making such wonderful book covers, my books wouldn’t be as good as they are.

  Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

  Becca Van. xxoo

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  About the Author


  Pack Law 7


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Carter Friess sighed tiredly as he finished up his shift behind the bar at the Aztec Club. He’d been watching mated groups of people laughing and having a good time, and even though he was in a room full of people, he felt…so alone.

  Carter had family around him all the time. He was a member of the Friess Pack, and he worked and lived with his family. The Domains and Friesses all lived about twenty minutes out of Aztec, New Mexico, at the large mansion-style pack house, but most of his cousins had siblings to interact and talk with. Carter’s parents must have been the anomalies of the family, because they’d only ever had him. Maybe if they hadn’t been taken out by a rogue wolf he would have grown up with siblings, too, but sometimes life was a real bitch. His parents had been killed when he was only seven years old.

  Of course his Alphas at the time had taken him in and treated him as a son and hadn’t treated him any different from their own sons, but he could never compete with the Alpha heirs Jonah, Mikhail, and Brock Friess. Not that he really wanted to. He was at least five years younger than his cousins, and even though most males in the pack wanted to work their way up to Beta status, Carter didn’t.

  It wasn’t that he wasn’t strong enough to achieve Beta status, which would put him as a second in the pack hierarchy. It was that he was happy to be who he was, at least most of the time. He hated violence, but if he ever had to step in to protect his Alphas or one of his pack mates, he wouldn’t hesitate.

  Carter headed out the front door of the club and walked toward his truck. Just as he opened the driver’s door, another car pulled in beside his and he couldn’t help but stare at the man behind the wheel. His face was so damn handsome it was almost arresting, and he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of the man.

  The dude got out of his SUV, and Carter drew in a ragged breath. The man was a mountain. All brawny with huge muscles, and he was damn tall. Carter wasn’t short by any means, standing at around six foot two, and he was in shape with a ripped body, but he had nothing on this dude. If he encountered a bear in the woods standing straight up on its hind legs, it would have been touch and go whether this guy was taller or the bear. He had to be a few inches over six foot five, and that made Carter feel damn small.

  He drew in a breath, and that’s when the scent assailed him. All he could smell was pine, forest, and spicy musk. Mate. His beast roared in his head and pushed at him, trying to get out. Carter’s cock went from flaccid to hard in less than two seconds, and he felt a little dizzy as the bl
ood drained from his head. No, maybe it was because of the man’s amazing scent. His wolf was pushing at him to go and claim the man, but he pushed his beast back down.

  “Hey, mate, what time does that club close?” The deep tenor of his voice caused shivers to work their way up and down Carter’s spine, and he knew in that instant that this man was the other half to his soul.

  Carter cleared his throat and glanced at his watch. “It doesn’t close for another couple of hours.”

  “Are they still serving food?”

  “Yes. The owners serve food right up until an hour before closing. They figured that if people are drinking then they need to eat, too.”

  “That’s smart. A lot of people don’t care how much others drink or whether their bellies are full of food.” The man moved around the front of his truck and walked closer to Carter. His nostrils flared and his eyes changed from green to a glowing gold, and Carter realized that he was of the wolf, too. He took a step back when the other guy took a step forward. Since he had no idea what pack this guy was from or if he was a rogue wolf, he decided caution was warranted, but what he really wanted to do was grab hold of him and kiss him until he was breathless. That shocked Carter, too. When he’d tried to imagine what his mate looked like, he hadn’t thought about a man. He’d never been attracted to a man before, and he wasn’t sure he liked it.

  “Mate,” he growled as he walked closer to Carter. When he stopped, he was close enough to touch, but he kept his hands by his sides in a non-threatening pose, as if he was aware of Carter’s wariness, which of course he probably was since he could smell emotions just as well as Carter could.

  “Who are you?” Carter asked and took in the giant man’s handsome, square, stubbled jaw and dark brown hair. It looked like he was being checked out just as much. The man’s eyes ran over his face and then shifted to his dark blond hair.

  “The name’s Crag Reynolds.” He held his hand out to Carter to shake, and Carter reluctantly placed his hand in the guy’s massive paw. Frissons of electricity and warm tingles ran up his arm, across his chest, and then straight down to his hard, aching cock.

  “God, you’re sexy,” Crag said, but he released Carter’s hand when he tugged. “What’s your name, mate?”

  Carter only just managed to place Crag’s accent and realized he was Australian. Didn’t the Aussies say mate to be friendly, too? Carter couldn’t help but smile as he picked up on the double meaning of that word. He was indeed mate to this Australian werewolf in more ways than one.

  “Carter Friess.”

  “You’re a member of the Friess pack then?” Carter assumed Crag’s question was rhetorical, so he didn’t answer verbally but cocked an eyebrow in query. “That makes this all so much better. Why don’t you come inside with me? You can keep me company while I get a bite to eat.”

  As much as Carter didn’t want to be attracted or mated to a man, he knew he couldn’t fight fate, so he decided to comply with the request. He wanted to know everything he could about this man. Carter turned back to his truck, closed the door, locked it again, and then headed back inside the club. He was aware of Crag’s presence behind him, and then he saw all the other wolves in the club sniff the air and turn to eye Crag. He heard a few growls, but Carter just shook his head and hoped they wouldn’t try to challenge his mate.

  He led Crag to a booth, sat down, and was pleased that his mate took the seat opposite and not beside him. Carter wasn’t sure he could deal with sitting close to the other man just yet. He still had to get his head around the fact he was mate to a man.

  Alyson, newly mated to his cousins, Rylan, Tarkyn, and Chevy Friess, came over to take their order. “Hey, Carter, I thought you’d left.”

  Carter didn’t want to explain, so he just shook his head. Alyson frowned at him, but then she turned and smiled at Crag. “What can I get you?”

  “I’ll have two hamburgers with the lot, fries on the side, and a beer.”

  “Carter, do you want anything?”

  “A beer and a burger.”

  Alyson left to get their order, and then Carter noticed Jonah heading to their table. Carter just hoped that a fight wasn’t brewing and that his mate didn’t end up getting hurt. Although from the power and authority radiating off of him, he didn’t think Crag would go down easy.

  Jonah slipped into the booth beside Carter and then, to Carter’s surprise, held his hand out to Crag.

  “Jonah,” Crag said and shook Jonah’s hand.

  “Crag. How was your trip?”

  How the hell does Jonah know Crag? What the hell is going on?

  “Long and tiring.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet. How are your Alphas and queen?”

  “Jenny’s expecting their first cub. Joe and Blue are over the moon.”

  “What sort of name is Blue?” Carter blurted and then felt his face heat with embarrassment.

  Crag threw his head back and roared with laughter. The deep bass of his booming voice made Carter’s cock jerk in his pants. Crag stopped laughing and then pinned Carter with his gaze. His nostrils flared, and then a deep growl rumbled in his chest.

  “Blue is a nickname us Aussies call redheads.”

  He felt Jonah’s eyes on him, but he couldn’t seem to look away from Crag’s heated green stare.

  “You’re mates.” Jonah’s voice allowed him to get his desire back under control, and Carter glanced at his cousin then looked down at the table.

  “Yep,” Crag replied immediately.

  “Congratulations. This is going to make the alliance your Alphas and I wanted that much easier. Carter, are you okay with this?” Jonah asked.

  Carter shrugged, glanced at Crag, and then looked down at the table again. He wondered why his cousin wanted a connection with a pack thousands of miles away.

  Alyson delivered the food and then left again. Crag picked up one of his hamburgers and took a big bite. When he moaned, Carter shivered.

  “I’ll leave you two to get to know one another. Carter can bring you back to the den when you’re ready.” Jonah nodded and walked away.

  “What’s the problem, Carter?” Crag asked after chewing and swallowing.

  “I didn’t expect my mate to be a man.”

  “And you think I did?”

  Carter shrugged again.

  “You can’t run from fate, baby.” Crag pointed at Carter’s untouched food. “Eat.”

  Carter sighed with resignation. As much as he hadn’t expected Crag, he was attracted to him big-time and knew he couldn’t fight his destiny.

  When they’d finished eating, Crag leaned back in his seat and sighed. “How old are you, mate?”

  “Twenty-eight. You?”

  “Thirty-five. What’s your pack status?”

  “Omega.” Carter glanced away and then back again. “Does that bother you?”

  “Why should it?” Crag took a swig from his beer.

  “You’re obviously higher up than I am.”

  “So? You don’t want to be a Beta, do you?”

  “Not particularly.”

  “Hmm, I always knew my mate would have a gentle soul. I’ll follow you in my rental.” Crag tossed some money on the table, with a generous tip. “Let’s go. You can show me the way to the pack house.”

  Carter followed Crag out and headed for his truck while Crag headed for his own rented vehicle. He was really nervous about being alone with the huge man, but he was also looking forward to it. His mind was in quite a bit of turmoil, but his body was definitely ruling at the moment. He started his truck, backed out, and headed toward the pack house. He found himself constantly keeping watch in the rearview mirror even though he couldn’t see Crag because of his headlights, but he just couldn’t seem to help himself. Hopefully Crag wouldn’t be his only mate, but he wouldn’t hold his breath.

  Twenty minutes later, Carter parked his truck in the massive carport at the side of the house and Crag pulled his rental in behind his. He was about to lead the way inside, but Crag�
�s hand on his shoulder stopped him.

  Carter looked back over his shoulder but didn’t complain or protest when Crag turned him around and pushed him against the outer house wall. He stared down into Carter’s eyes and then slowly lowered his head.

  “I have to know, mate.”

  Carter stood stock-still, and when his breathing escalated, he didn’t try to hide it. He wanted to know what Crag tasted like, too. Crag leaned down the few inches separating their mouths, and then his lips were on his.

  Crag’s moan joined his as they kissed. The kiss was hot, wild, openmouthed with dancing tongues, and Carter felt his whole body shaking with need. He had never experienced anything so damn sexy in his life, and now that he’d had a taste, he wanted so much more. He gripped Crag’s shirt. Whether it was for balance because his equilibrium had gone haywire or to stop Crag from pulling away, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was that this was only an appetizer.

  Tongue glided along tongue, and then Crag’s hand was on Carter’s crotch, shaping his hard dick. He finally let Carter up for air, and he was pleased to note that Crag was panting just as much as he was.

  “I want you, Carter.” Crag released his denim-covered cock and stepped back. “I want to fuck and mark you, baby. And then you are going to fuck and mark me.”

  Carter’s cock jerked and pre-cum leaked from the tip.

  “Take me to your room, mate.”

  Carter wondered if he looked like he was staggering. His legs were shaking and felt weak, but his muscles were taut, pumped up with blood. He wanted exactly what Crag had said he did and even though he was still a little disappointed that his mate was a man, he was drawn to him big-time. He already felt like they had a connection and not just on a physical level. He could only imagine what their connection would be like once they were truly mated. But before he let Crag claim him, he had a few things he needed cleared up first.


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