Army Of The Winter Court (Skeleton Key)

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Army Of The Winter Court (Skeleton Key) Page 7

by Ali Winters

  “Aurelian, tell me why I’m here,” Evvie demanded in a slow, even tone as she tried to push her anger back down.

  “Rest first.”

  “No,” she said firmly. “Tell me, now.”

  His jaw ticked as indecision darkened his features, then, dropping his gaze to the floor, he said, “Very well. The Unseelie King is dead and, by the Winter Solstice, a new Ruler must be crowned. You are the key to that decision and you must choose between my brother and me.”

  “Why can’t I just make that decision now and go home?”

  “It must be a fair decision because it will affect your future. You know me, but you do not know him.”

  “I don’t understand…”

  “There will be time enough to explain in more detail once you're fully recuperated,” he answered sharply, turning and striding out of the room before closing the door behind him with a soft click.

  Evvie blew out a puff of air in frustration.

  I’m the key? What’s so special about me? Wait… he has a brother?

  A million questions raced through her mind. Opening her palm, she examined the skeleton key in her hand. Why had Aurelian given this to her? He seemed to know a lot more about it than she did.

  She placed the black, glass key on the coffee table and crossed the room to the inner set of doors.

  Inside was a much smaller L-shaped room. Polished silver lined the wall just inside the doorway, serving as a mirror above a long counter with a sink. The reflection that greeted her was pale and ghostly in the cold, dim light of the room. Dark circles had formed under her eyes, making it look like she hadn’t slept in weeks. Placing her hands on the black granite counter, Evvie leaned forward. Her skin appeared almost translucent and she was gaunt—much thinner than she remembered. It was a wonder that she could even stand on her own with how sickly as she looked.

  She reached toward the sink to turn on the faucet and paused. It was a simple silver bowl with thick, black, thorny vines holding it into place and setting it into the counter. A large leaf curved from behind the basin, the center, a tall arch where a faucet would be in a standard sink. Touching the leaf with her fingertip produced a gentle stream of flowing water. Evvie placed her hands under the current and splashed the water over her face a few times, gently scrubbing. A quick glance at her face in the mirror told her it hadn’t helped, not that she’d expected a miracle cure. She tapped the leaf once more and the flow of water ebbed, slowly trickling to a halt.

  Shaking her head at the girl staring back at her with an unearthly gaze, Evvie followed the silver-tiled floor around the corner until she came to an oval, ground level tub which was large enough to be a small swimming pool. The thing that struck her as odd, even for this place, was the green grass with tiny white daisies scattered throughout the bathing area floor. The color seemed too cheerful to belong here in this world where most things were dark and dead. Two black towels, next to an assortment of small bottles, sat on the grass next to the bath.

  Kneeling down, she picked up the containers one by one and sniffed them. Essential oils. Rose, lavender, jasmine, sandalwood, lily and more. Taking her time, she selected the jasmine and poured a few drops into the water. Shedding her filthy excuse for a towel, Evvie crumpled it up and tossed it into the far corner.

  She sank into the cool water, letting the refreshing liquid wrap around her. The pain in her feet faded immediately.

  Examining her feet, she watched as the small cuts and raw skin as it healed itself before her eyes.

  The water swirled and bubbled around her, dissolving the dirt and grime that coated her legs from the excursion into the swamp. Evvie leaned back against the edge of the porcelain tub, letting out a heavy sigh.

  As the stress of the journey left her body, she could feel her eyelids growing heavy. Lifting her hand to her face, she examined the pruned tips of her fingers; it was about time to get out. Evvie stood and wavered on her feet, as she climbed out to dry off. She took a step forward and lowered herself to her knees as the world tilted around her.

  “Wh—what’s happening?” she murmured, pressing a hand to her clammy forehead. Her head pounded and the heat that had been plaguing her for days came back in full force. If what Aurelian had said about her being sick because she was away were true, then… why had the feeling come back?

  Minutes ticked by, feeling like hours, as she knelt down on her hands and knees waiting for it to pass. Every muscle ached, as if a fire had ignited in her veins and the heat was scorching every fiber of her being. Unable to take it any longer, Evvie rose and walked on shaking legs, holding onto the wall as she made her way to the large bed. Falling onto her back she sank into the soft mattress and let the blankets cradle her.

  That took way too much effort. She thought.

  Her outstretched hand touched a cold, silky material. Lifting it above her head, she realized it was a large shirt. Pushing herself up to her knees, she slid the black, button-up, silk top over her head. The crisp material felt exquisite on her burning skin. Seeing that the length of the shirt barely hit the top of her thighs, she looked around for more of the outfit and spotted a pair of matching black shorts.

  Finally washed and dressed, she laid back down on the top of the comforter and let the exhaustion that had been consuming her for days take over. As her eyes slid closed, she saw a face.

  Blue eyes, black hair… an all too serious expression.

  Aurelian was a puzzle, both protective of her and dangerous. Should she trust him, even though he was the one responsible for her being in this state and bringing her here, or should she run as far and as fast as she could? Her mind yelled at her to get up and run, but her heart wanted to believe him when he’d said he would keep her safe.

  Stupid heart…



  Aurelian slowly closed the door as he watched Evvie turn over on top of the covers through the narrow opening. Her long brown hair fanned out behind her head as she tucked her arms underneath her pillow. A warmth started at the center of his chest, radiating outward.

  “Are you watching her sleep?” Lilith asked from behind him, her voice infuriatingly loud.

  Aurelian turned his narrowed gaze on her. “I was checking on her.”

  His spine straightened, already annoyed with her presence. The strange warmth that spread across his chest moments before evaporated, leaving behind the cold, hardened feeling he was used to.

  “Oh, is that what you call this?” she asked moving toward the door frame and leaning against it.

  “What do you want, Lil?” he snapped, as he closed the door rougher than intended, and hoped it wasn’t enough to wake Evvie.

  “I just came to see how you were feeling,” Lilith said as she smiled up at him.

  “I’m fine. Now you may go about your business. Don’t you have pegasi to set free or another brother that you can check up on?”

  Lilith tilted her head to the side.

  “I could be doing those things, but it’s more interesting to see how the claim is affecting you.”

  “It’s not,” he said harshly.

  “Then why, dear brother, are you rubbing your chest like that?”

  Aurelian froze, as he realized his hand was pressed over his heart, he quickly dropped it down to his side.

  “Even if it were affecting me, it would be necessary. I need her if I am to be crowned King.”

  “Yes—the blood of a halfling. I wonder… have you told her yet what you want from her?”

  “No, she needs time to adjust. She waited longer than she should have before coming here.”

  “Whatever you say… you’re not afraid of her reaction are you?” she asked, mocking him.

  He glared at her, ignoring her question.

  “Does Nolan know she’s here yet?”

  “Not as far as I am aware, but don’t think you can keep her from him. He will find out soon enough and then you will have to share your pr
ecious halfling.”

  “I have no intention of sharing her any more than required. As of right now, I will take as much of an advantage as I can get.” Had he detected venom in her words? The careful, innocent, child-like exterior she worked so hard to present at all times had slipped… or was it his imagination?

  “Anyway, you probably shouldn’t be standing right outside her door when she wakes up.”

  “And why is that?” he bit out.

  “Because she’ll either think you’re a creep or that you’re trying to keep her prisoner.” Lilith tittered before dancing off.

  She could be right about that… he thought. Looking back at the door, he realized that he hated to leave, wanting to be there the moment she woke up and to make sure that Nolan wasn’t the first one she saw. Aurelian needed to get her cooperation as soon as he was able and preferred to be as close as possible to her at all times. She was tired. Her body needed to heal, to adjust to having magic surrounding her for the first time in her life.

  Lilith was wrong about the claim… or was she?

  The heat Evvie sent into his veins from just touching him was addicting. On their way to the castle, Aurelian had insisted on holding her hand or maintaining contact as much as possible. He hadn’t even been aware of it at the time. All he knew was that every time she pulled away, it left him feeling foreign in his own skin.

  Was it the claim affecting him? It was becoming harder by the minute to deny it.



  Evvie stretched out her limbs, sliding them along the cool silken sheets as her sore muscles protested from the movement. She had been in one position for… her forehead wrinkled.

  How long have I been asleep?

  As if in answer, her stomach growled loudly and she wrapped her arms around her middle to stifle the noise.

  When was the last time I ate?

  Thinking back, she couldn’t remember. Had it been their date on Friday?

  What day is it now? Evvie shook her head, she didn’t even know what time it was.

  Evvie sat up and slid her legs off the edge of the bed, looking around the room.

  A dress was laid out across the back of one of the couches. Standing, Evvie walked over and picked up the delicate gown. The material was thin and airy, blood red and the cut of the material resembled rose petals. On the floor sat a pair of simple black flats.

  “A dress?” Evvie groaned. They were fine for special occasions, not that she ever went to any, besides, she usually preferred jeans and a hoodie. Quickly changing into the dress, she slipped on the shoes and looked down at herself. The material clung to her body, hugging every curve. She’d definitely have to talk to Aurelian about his wardrobe choices.

  The hall outside her room was empty as she stepped out into the large corridor and each end of the passage stretched out, leading to a staircase. She couldn’t remember which way she’d come the night before. With a shrug, Evvie closed the door behind her and picked a direction.

  As she moved to descend the nearest flight of stairs, her foot slipped. Her lips parted to call out but no sound escaped as time moved in slow motion and she fell backward. Squeezing her eyes tight, Evvie prepared for the impact.

  Two strong arms wrapped around her and held her in mid-air. Her eyelids snapped open to find herself pressed against a hard chest.

  “You should be more careful. This is the Winter Court and there are always patches of ice,” a deep voice said, rumbling with a charming laugh.

  Evvie looked up into the face of a man she didn’t know. He looked so much like Aurelian, but his jaw was more defined and his eyes were a golden shade of amber that sparkled down at her.

  This must be Auri’s brother.

  “You smell lovely, is that jasmine?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Uh…yes,” she stuttered.

  “You must be Evvie. I’ve heard so much about you,” he said, steadying her as he took a step back and bowed. “I am Nolan.”

  He’s heard of me?

  Until the night before, she hadn’t even realized Aurelian had a brother and the extent of her knowledge on the subject was merely his existence.

  Evvie stretched out her limbs, sliding them along the cool silken sheets as her sore muscles protested from the movement. She had been in one position for… her forehead wrinkled.

  How long have I been asleep?

  As if in answer, her stomach growled loudly and she wrapped her arms around her middle to stifle the noise.

  When was the last time I ate?

  Thinking back, she couldn’t remember. Had it been their date on Friday?

  What day is it now? Evvie shook her head, she didn’t even know what time it was.

  Evvie sat up and slid her legs off the edge of the bed, looking around the room.

  A dress was laid out across the back of one of the couches. Standing, Evvie walked over and picked up the delicate gown. The material was thin and airy, blood red and the cut of the material resembled rose petals. On the floor sat a pair of simple black flats.

  “A dress?” Evvie groaned. They were fine for special occasions, not that she ever went to any. Besides, she usually preferred jeans and a hoodie. Quickly changing into the dress, she slipped on the shoes and looked down at herself. The material clung to her body, hugging every curve. She’d definitely have to talk to Aurelian about his wardrobe choices.

  The hall outside her room was empty as she stepped out into the large corridor and each end of the passage stretched out, leading to a staircase. She couldn’t remember which way she’d come the night before. With a shrug, Evvie closed the door behind her and picked a direction.

  As she moved to descend the nearest flight of stairs, her foot slipped. Her lips parted to call out but no sound escaped as time moved in slow motion and she fell backward. Squeezing her eyes tight, Evvie prepared for the impact.

  Two strong arms wrapped around her and held her in mid-air. Her eyelids snapped open to find herself pressed against a hard chest.

  “You should be more careful. This is the Winter Court and there are always patches of ice,” a deep voice said, rumbling with a charming laugh.

  Evvie looked up into the face of a man she didn’t know. He looked so much like Aurelian, but his jaw was more defined and his eyes were a golden shade of amber that sparkled down at her.

  This must be Auri’s brother.

  “You smell lovely, is that jasmine?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Uh…yes,” she stuttered.

  “You must be Evvie. I’ve heard so much about you,” he said, steadying her as he took a step back and bowed. “I am Nolan.”

  He’s heard of me?

  Until the night before, she hadn’t even realized Aurelian had a brother and the extent of her knowledge on the subject was merely his existence.

  “Thank you for catching me,” she blurted out.

  He smiled at her. Nolan’s demeanor was more relaxed than she’d expected, especially after her experience with Aurelian.

  “The pleasure is mine,” he said, jutting out his elbow and offering his arm. She took it and let him assist her down the stairs.

  “I’m usually not that clumsy, I must still be weak.”

  “You are not well yet?” he asked, turning her to look at him.

  Heat flooded her face as he examined her. She wasn’t used to this type of attention from complete strangers.

  “No, it’s okay—”

  “No, it’s not,” he said with a hard edge to his voice. “Auri should have taken care of you when he brought you here. Didn’t you tell him?”

  “I thought resting would take care of it.” Frowning, Nolan lifted his palm to her forehead. A chill raced through her, calming the fire that raged through her veins. Relief flowed from her head all the way down to her toes, easing the ache in her muscles.

  “What did you just do?” she asked in awe as he dropped his hand.

  “You were poisoned. I cleansed it from your blo

  Her mouth dropped open. Nolan had said it so casually.

  What kind of place is this? Forced to come here and in less than a day I’ve already been poisoned!

  “Poisoned? Who would poison me?”

  “Do not worry, it was not a lethal dose.”

  “That hardly fills me with comfort. Lethal or not, I’d rather I wasn’t poisoned in the first place.” The pitch of her voice rose with each word, as the implications of what could have happened sank in.

  “I wouldn’t let any harm come to you. You are needed.”

  “Thank you,” she said sheepishly.

  “What did you touch?”

  Having someone she didn’t know declare himself a protector of some sort was odd and she couldn’t form words to respond to his declaration. Not wanting him to see how awkward she felt, she backtracked to his comment from a moment before.

  “How did you do that?” Evvie asked as they started walking again.

  “We are fae. You didn’t think we would be without magic, did you?”

  That explains the clothes as well… She thought. “Should I worry about another attempt on my life?” Evvie stopped in her tracks and her hand reached out to grip a window frame.

  She looked out the through the clear glass and over the strange world of blackened trees casting shadows, their fiery leaves blanketing the ground as if the land was bleeding.

  “What did my brother tell you?” he asked, breaking the trance the landscape had over her.

  “About what?” she asked, turning to him. Her fingers gripped the window’s ledge as she tilted her face up to look at him.

  “About why you are here.” Nolan’s hand reached up and twirled a piece of her hair before letting it slide from his fingers.

  “H—he told me that I was the key. That I had to choose between you and him. That my decision would decide who would be the next King.” Evvie dropped her eyes as embarrassment continued to flood her cheeks. Nolan was handsome, but in a different way than Aurelian, he was also nice… maybe nicer. She was glad she hadn’t made a hasty decision.


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