Maid for Love

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Maid for Love Page 18

by Marie Force

  Mac slid a hand around her neck and brought her in for a tender kiss. "That's nice of you to say." He reached for the baby and lowered himself into a beach chair.

  Maddie prepared a bottle. "Want me to feed him?"


  Once the bottle was finished, Mac burped him and snuggled him in close. The baby's sweet breath fanned against his neck. "Is he out?"

  "Like a light. You can put him down if you want to."

  They'd brought an umbrella and set up a spot for Thomas to nap.

  "That's okay. I like holding him." He tugged a beach towel up over the baby to protect him from the sun.

  "What would your friends in Florida say if they could see you right now?"

  "They'd never believe it."

  "What will you do about your business there?"

  "They'll buy me out and find someone to replace me."

  "Will they be mad that you're not coming back?"

  "Maybe. The three of us have busted our butts to build up a thriving business."

  "It'll be a blow to them to lose you."

  Mac sighed. The same thought had been weighing on him since he'd decided to stay. "They've been texting me with all kinds of questions and problems. We've got a lot going on right now. We always do."

  "Did you have a girlfriend there?"

  Mac glanced at her, not sure where this was heading. "Sort of."

  Maddie laughed. "How can you 'sort of' have a girlfriend?"

  "I dated my assistant for a while—and yes, I know that's a terrible cliché—but we didn't see much of each other outside of work, which irritated her. But that was over before I came home."

  "What's her name?"


  "Is she beautiful?"

  "You're beautiful."

  "Nice try. What does she look like?"

  "Short with buck teeth and a wart on her nose. Nothing at all to look at."

  Maddie dissolved into laughter. "You're so full of it. She probably looks like a super model."

  Mac linked his fingers with hers. "She can't hold a candle to you. The second I saw you, every other woman faded to the background. You're the only one who matters now—the only one who's ever mattered."

  "Mac… You're so sweet." She brought their joined hands to her lips. "Now tell me, what does she really look like?"

  He laughed at her persistence. "Well, she has six toes on her left foot."


  After they finished the shift at the daycare, Mac told Maddie he had an errand to run and would be back shortly. He sat on the sofa to tie his running shoes.

  "So you're literally going to run?" Maddie asked.


  She eyed the bag from Gold's on the counter. "Do you think maybe you could hurry up?"

  Mac stood and wrapped his arms tight around her. "I'll be so fast you won't even know I'm gone."

  She ran the tip of her tongue over his neck. "I'll get Thomas fed and put down while you're gone."

  Mac shuddered. "Hold that thought."


  He had never moved faster as he jogged over to pick up the black SUV he'd spotted for sale earlier in the day. After completing the transaction, he enjoyed the smooth ride and the easy way it handled. Mac went next to the grocery store and bought a rotisserie chicken and salad for dinner and was back at Maddie's forty-five minutes after he left. He walked in to soft music and candlelight. The blinds were drawn, and the bed had been pulled out.

  She came out of the bathroom wearing the white nightgown. Crossing her arms, she leaned against the wall and looked at him with hungry eyes. "What took so long?"

  Stemming the urge to drool, Mac stashed the grocery bags in the refrigerator. "I need a shower," he said.

  Maddie put her hand on his chest and directed him to the bed. "No, you don't."

  "But I'm all sweaty—" With her hands in his hair, she dragged him down to her and kissed the life out of him.

  The back of his knees connected with the bed, and he tumbled backward, bringing her with him.

  "Did this seem like a really long day to you?" she asked between torrid kisses.

  "Mmm, the longest day ever." He tried to roll them over, but she stopped him.

  "Can we do it like this?" she asked, her cheeks flaming with color.

  "Baby, we can do it any way you want, as long as we do it very, very soon."

  She bit her bottom lip and smiled down at him, causing his heart to skip a beat.

  He reached up to bury his fingers in her hair and brought her back to him. "Have you done it this way before?"

  She shook her head.

  "You'll like it."

  "Will you?"

  Mac laughed. "Absolutely." He ran his hands over the silky gown, gathering it up as he went. "Can we lose this or do you want to leave it on?"

  "It can go."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes! Hurry!"

  Moving quickly, they got rid of the rest of their clothes and broke open one of the new boxes of condoms.

  "Let me," Maddie said, taking the foil package from him.

  Mac exhaled a long deep breath and counted backward from one hundred as she used her teeth to tear open the package, keeping her eyes fixed on his as she rolled it slowly over him.

  "You're so hard," she whispered, shifting her eyes from his face to his groin. "Doesn't that hurt?"

  "No," he said with a groan. "But if you don't move a little faster, we'll miss the best part."

  When he was finally sheathed, Maddie straddled him, and Mac decided he'd truly died and gone to heaven as she slowly took him in and began to ride him with tremendous enthusiasm—as if she'd been waiting forever to give this a whirl. Her heavy breasts swayed in time with the movements of her hips. With his arms around her, Mac brought her with him when he sat up against the back of the sofa, putting him at face-level with her breasts. He filled his hands and then his mouth.

  Maddie threw her head back, lost in sensation.

  Since he was watching her so closely, he saw the change come over her as she reached the first peak and then came back down to discover he wasn't finished with her. "Do it again," he whispered.

  "I can't," she said, spent.

  "Yes, you can." He leaned her back against his raised knees and used his hips to lift her up and down.

  She gasped as he went deeper than before.

  "Hurt?" he asked.

  Apparently unable to speak, she shook her head.

  Mac took advantage of her preoccupation to skim his hands over her toned legs and belly, causing her to quiver under his touch. As he stepped up the rhythm of his hips, his fingers focused on the pulsating bundle of nerves between her legs, drawing a long, keening moan from her. Once again, her thighs tightened around him, and her body stiffened with fulfillment.

  Mac kept a tight hold on her hips as he went with her, his face buried between her breasts.

  Sagging into him, Maddie wrapped her arms around him and held on tight as he continued to pulse inside her.

  He combed his fingers through her hair. "Like it?"

  "Oh yeah," she said breathlessly.

  Mac's soft laugh was interrupted when she raised her head to kiss him.

  "How soon until we can do it again?"

  "I've turned you into a regular sex fiend."

  She bit his neck. "How soon?"

  Mac flinched as a zap of pure lust raced through him. He smoothed his hands down her back to cup her soft buttocks. "How does right now sound?"

  "Perfect," she said with a sigh of contentment.

  "Where did you go before?" she asked after they ate a picnic dinner in bed.

  Mac yawned and ran a hand through his hair. "I bought Thomas a car."

  Maddie sat right up. "What?"

  Laughing, he guided her back down. "We needed a way to get the three of us around, so I bought a truck."

  "I can't believe you just went out and bought a truck."

  "Why not? We needed it." Mac reached up
to turn off the light. "This was a nice day."

  "This was a great day."

  "We'll have many more just like it."

  "You're starting to make me believe it's really going to happen."

  Mac turned on his side and caressed her face. "Believe it. You and Thomas have given me so much—things I didn't even know were missing."

  "And you've given us things I knew were missing but never dreamed of having."

  "I love you," he whispered. "I want everything with you."

  "If I'm dreaming, don't tell me, okay? I don't want to wake up."

  Smiling, he snuggled her in close to him. "Go to sleep and dream about how good it's going to be." He whispered to her about plans and dreams and houses and kids until he was certain she had fallen asleep. Only then did he close his eyes and drift off.

  He woke the next morning alone. "Maddie?"

  She emerged from the bathroom dressed in a floral skirt and matching top.

  He pushed himself up on an elbow. "What're you doing?"

  "Going to church. Thomas and I go every Sunday at nine. We only missed last week because I was a bloody mess."


  "Do you want to come?"

  "I'm not very religious."

  "That's fine. We'll be home in an hour. Why don't you go back to sleep for a while?"

  "I can't sleep without you."

  She bent over to kiss him. "Don't pout. It's not pretty on you."

  He pulled her down with him and kissed her more intently.


  "You're sexy in your church clothes."

  "Let me go! I'll be late."

  "You're really going to leave me for a whole hour?" he asked, releasing her.

  "You'll survive."

  "I might not."

  "Then come with us."

  "I haven't been in twenty years. You'd be risking your life taking me into a church—the lightning bolt and all that."

  Rolling her eyes at him, she went into the bedroom and returned with Thomas, who wore a tiny red polo shirt with khaki shorts and sandals. "Don't be ridiculous. There's no lightning in our church."

  "You're going to leave me, too, buddy?" Mac said to Thomas. "This is our time together."

  Thomas kicked his feet and reached for Mac.

  "Traitor," Maddie muttered, giving the baby to Mac so she could finish getting ready.

  By the time she came out of the bathroom again, Mac was dressed. "Give me five minutes."

  Maddie stared at him.


  "You're really going to come?"

  "Since it's either that or live without you for an hour, yeah, I'm coming."

  She shook her head. "You're too much."

  On his way past her, he hooked an arm around her and brought her in close to him. "If you ever wonder how much I love you, remember this day."

  "It's only eight thirty, and I already know I'll never forget this day."

  Chapter 13

  On the way to North Harbor Monday morning with Maddie behind him on the bike, Mac relived the best weekend of his life. After church on Sunday, he'd unearthed an infant lifejacket from his father's garage and took Thomas and Maddie on ride around the Salt Pond in his father's vintage Chris Craft. Thomas had loved being on the water.

  They'd met his parents for a drink at the Tiki Bar afterward, during which his mother seemed to make an attempt to be friendly to Maddie but gave Mac the cold shoulder. He figured she'd come around in time and decided not to waste any time worrying about it. Linda even took a turn holding Thomas, who reduced Big Mac to mush with his sweet disposition. For the most part, it had been a successful visit, and Mac was more hopeful about taking a harmonious step into matrimony.


  God, a couple of weeks ago the word would've given him hives. Now here he was with the woman he loved on the back of his bike and a baby he wanted to do everything for. Amazing what a difference the right woman made. Pulling up to the hotel, Mac parked and cut the engine. He helped her off the bike and removed the helmet.

  "I want you to take it easy today. That elbow still looks bad. Don't bang it on anything."

  "I won't, don't worry."

  "I'll be right down the hill." He pointed to the marina. "You can look out the window and see me on the roof."

  She reached up to caress his face. "Be careful up there. I've become quite fond of this body, and I want it all in one piece." Her hand moved from his face to his chest and began to slide south.

  He stopped her at his belly. "Don't start anything," he growled. "I already hate that I have to let you go for six whole hours."

  "You're pouting again."

  "Come see me at lunchtime?"

  "If I can get away."

  Mac gave her a lingering kiss. "Try hard."

  She clung to him. "Gotta go," she whispered.


  Except neither of them let go.

  He kissed her forehead and then her lips. "Go. I'll pick you up at quarter to three."

  "You won't be done working by then. I can get a ride home."

  "I'll be here, and don't you dare let me see you on the back of anyone else's motorcycle."

  Maddie giggled. "No worries." She slung her tote bag over her shoulder and gave him a sultry look. "Yours is the only motor I want between my legs."

  Mac groaned at the suggestive comment and rested against the bike to watch her fine rear end stretch against tight denim shorts as she walked up the hill. He whistled softly.

  "Cut it out," she said over her shoulder, but he saw her smile.


  She had reached the top of the hill, but turned back, feigning exasperation. "What?"

  "You forgot something."

  "I did?"

  He raised an eyebrow.

  Her face flushed with color. "Love you."

  Smiling, he said, "Now I can go to work." He slung his left leg over the bike, fired it up, and turned toward the marina, feeling her eyes on him all the way down the hill.

  At a picnic table outside the marina restaurant, Mac found his father entertaining a baby from one of the boats while holding court with Ned and several other locals. Each of them had a tall cup of coffee, and they were sharing a platter of sugar donuts.

  "Hey!" Big Mac shouted. "There he is! The man who's going to keep this place from falling down around me."

  "Formidable task," Ned muttered.

  "You said it," Mac replied. "Any of my guys here yet?"

  "Haven't see 'em," Big Mac said. He nudged his old friend Sam Pressley, the retired Gansett police chief, to make room for Mac.

  "Let me get some coffee," Mac said. He returned a few minutes later and joined the men at the table.

  Ned reached for another donut.

  "You're going to eat your way to diabetes," Big Mac said to his friend as he kissed the baby and handed her back to her mother.

  Ned licked the sugar off his fingers. "Helluva way to get there." He wiped his face on his sleeve and turned to Mac. "I hear you're all shacked up with that gal from the hotel."

  "Jeez," Mac said. "Cut right to the chase, why don't ya?"

  "What gives?" Ned said.

  Big Mac snickered but didn't bail out his son.

  The others leaned in, waiting for the scoop.

  "Let's see: I love her, we're getting married, I'm staying here, probably going to take over this dump and see if I can save it from bankruptcy, I bought a new truck, I'm looking for some property to build a house on, and, oh yeah, I'm going to adopt her son. Good enough?"

  The other men, including his father, stared at him, mouths hanging open.

  "All that in a week?" Ned finally said.

  "Yep." Mac drank his coffee and enjoyed a donut while the others processed the news.

  "If you want property," Sam said, "you've come to the right place."

  "How's that?" Mac asked.

  "Talk to Ned. He can fix you up."

  Mac glanced at Ned, who squirmed in his se

  Big Mac let out a lusty laugh. "Looks like you're about to be thrust outta the closet, old buddy."

  Mac had no idea what they were talking about.

  "Ned owns half this island, boy," Cliff Sutter said. "You want property for less than a mil, you go to him."

  "I might even cut you a deal," Ned said gruffly.

  Mac stared at him. "You drive a cab and dress like a hobo, and you own half this island?"

  Big Mac and the others howled with laughter.

  "What the hell's wrong with the way I dress?" Ned huffed. "And I'll have ya know that I drive a cab because I like to. Owning property doesn't keep me all that busy, and sitting around the house watching soaps ain't exactly my style."

  "I'll be damned," Mac said. "You think you know a guy…"

  As the construction workers Mac had hired arrived, they were welcomed into the circle. Mac hoped this would become his new routine as he settled into working at McCarthy's: waking up with Maddie, taking a walk with Thomas and then coffee with his dad and the boys before beginning work for the day. That he could find such contentment and sense of purpose on an island that once made him feel so confined still amazed him. Now he just had to find a way to tell his partners in Miami that he wasn't coming back.

  Maddie was greeted with hugs from coworkers full of questions about Mac. She filled them in as quickly as she could before Ethel started spewing orders at them.

  "Mac is sooooo cute," Daisy whispered to Maddie.

  "I never get tired of looking at him."

  "And that he filled in here for you like that…" Daisy rested a hand on her chest and seemed to swoon a bit.

  "He wants to marry me and adopt Thomas," Maddie whispered, dying to tell someone who'd be happy for her. Tiffany didn't qualify.

  "Oh my God," Daisy squealed.

  "Ladies, are you listening to me?" Ethel barked.

  "Yes, ma'am," they said together, choking back giggles.

  When Ethel went back to giving orders, Maddie told Daisy about the job offer at the Beachcomber. "I'd want to take you with me."

  "You mean it?"

  "Of course, I do."

  "Oh, Maddie, I'm so happy for you. No one deserves all this more than you do."

  Maddie squeezed her friend's arm. "Thanks."

  Later that morning as his workers began removing the existing roof on the main building, Mac crawled around in the eaves and made an interesting discovery. Much of the building's frame had been recently replaced. "What the heck?" he muttered. "Why wouldn't Dad have mentioned that?" It definitely made his job easier but presented a baffling mystery. Who would take the time and considerable effort—not to mention the expense—to prop up the sagging building? Certainly not Big Mac, who seemed to do nothing more than land boats, play with kids, and pass the bull with his buddies these days. Mac took a closer look at the quality craftsmanship, which had probably kept the building from falling down around them. "Very interesting."


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