What God Has For Me

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by Pat Simmons

  What God Has for Me

  ~Book IV~

  Love at the Crossroads series




  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright © 2014 Pat Simmons

  All rights reserved.

  Print ISBN-13: 978-1501037146

  Print ISBN-10: 1501037145

  This is a work of fiction. References to real events, organizations, and places are used in a fictional context. Any resemblances to actual people, living or dead are entirely coincidental.

  To read more books by this author, please visit www.patsimmons.net.

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Other Christian titles include:

  The Guilty series

  Book I: Guilty of Love

  Book II: Not Guilty of Love

  Book III: Still Guilty

  The Guilty Parties series

  Book I: The Acquittal

  Book II: The Confession, Fall 2015

  The Jamieson Legacy

  Book I: Guilty by Association

  Book II: The Guilt Trip

  Book III: Free from Guilt

  The Carmen Sisters

  Book I: No Easy Catch

  Book II: In Defense of Love

  Love at the Crossroads

  Book I: Stopping Traffic

  Book II: A Baby for Christmas

  Book III: The Keepsake

  Book IV: What God Has for Me

  Making Love Work Anthology

  Book I: Love at Work

  Book II: Words of Love

  Book III: A Mother’s Love

  Single titles

  Crowning Glory

  Talk to Me

  Praises For Pat Simmons

  I love Christian Romance novels and Pat Simmons knows how to unlock the imagination and take it on a quick path of hope, love and Jesus. You will always find some sort of message in her books just like I found in Stopping Traffic. I smiled! …Tamara Gatling, reader

  Pat Simmons does it again and again!

  Another great story from Pat Simmons! What I love about her books is they are all biblically based! She shows how we, as humans, are in need of healing, deliverance, forgiveness, etc. I really like her approach to the dating scene! It is refreshing from some other Christian novels that allow their characters to engage in sexual activity without being married! Thank you, Pat, for giving us some good, pure, interesting Christian materials to read!! I appreciate you! You and a handful of other Christian Authors are rare commodities in these last days! … LeeLee, reader

  Simmons has laid it all out on the line in this installment of the Jamieson legacy. This is pure Christian romance with a touch of heritage. There were moments in the middle that I wanted them to get it together but it turned out better than expected. The personal touch of genealogy is wonderful and will make you think about your own family heritage. Wanted to see more Grandma BB but loved the new character development. Simmons is on top of her genre... Reviewed by M. Bruner “Deltareviewer” on Free from Guilt

  Free from Guilt may be listed as Christian fiction, but it's so much more. You read about family history, romance and transformation. This is a great read and leaves the reader wanting more, with that being said I'm looking forward to the next Guilty installment… Reviewed by Melody Vernor-Bartel for Reader's Paradise

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Book Club Discussion Questions

  About the Author

  Other Christian titles include

  The Guilty Series Kick Off


  “I’m in trouble,” Halcyon Holland mumbled. With blurred vision, she stared at her second born child—a baby boy, eight pounds, and seventeen inches long. Healthy and handsome with long lashes, brown sugar skin and even one dimple in his right cheek like his grandma. The head full of fine black curly hair would be the envy of synthetic hair wearers.

  Halcyon sniffed to capture the tears that threatened as her reality set in. She was a thirty-four-year-old mother of a three-year-old daughter and now a son. Her baby twisted his mouth as if he was about to fret, then seemed to change his mind and settled back to sleep.

  As she snuggled him closer, Halcyon caught a glimpse of her fake wedding band, a symbol of her counterfeit status of belonging to someone who loved her. She had purchased the cheap ring to keep outsiders from classifying her single motherhood status as the taboo “baby’s mama.” But it also served as a reminder that she had lived beneath her privilege as a woman of God—or rather, a former Christian woman. It had been a while since she stepped foot in anybody’s church.

  Her granny told her over and over to respect herself and leave the loser before she got pregnant. “God never intended for you to have a family without benefits.”

  In the four years that she and Scott Taylor Jr. had been living together, he had never hinted at a forever with her—not during the first year they lived together, nor the following year when she had secretly hoped her disguised unplanned pregnancy would nudge Scott into marrying her. The best laid plan had backfired. Even months earlier when she had had enough of his noncommittal self and walked out on him after she said, “Scott, I’m pregnant again.” This time, it was unplanned and a complete surprise.—

  What she had craved was his strong arms wrapped around her, Scott professing his love and capping the moment off with the proposal. Instead, she was met with a blank expression.

  Halcyon had held out hope that Scott would come to his senses when she packed up Ashanti and her things and walked out of their apartment. “I’m moving back in with Mom.”

  Their argument had been ugly. Hurtful things were tossed out between them, but in the end, Scott let her go. The weeks turned into months for Halcyon living back home with her mother, sister, and her two nephews. Her absence hadn’t affected Scott as she had hoped. Halcyon had been nothing more than a roommate and bed partner. His life went on as usual without missing a beat.

  Six months after that, boxes arrived at the Holland residence with a note. I guess you like where you’re living. Here are the rest of your things. Scott

  She had cried that night harder than she ever had. Halcyon had gambled with that relationship and lost.

  Those close to her knew the ring was a sham, but no one ever commented on it except her sister, Desi’s brother-in-law, who had volunteered to be her Lamaze partner. All the Holland women—her mother, sister, grandmother and her—considered Desi’s husband, Michael’s older and only brother, Zachary, part of the family instead of an in-law.

  “Since I don’t like the latest trend of a woman proposing to a man, I’m sure not crazy about a woman buying herself a commitment ring either,” Zachary Bishop had stated as a man with the authority of a no nonsense sibling. “An
y ring buying should come for the man. At least, let me buy it for you.”

  That offer came from a bachelor who had yet to ask any woman to be his wife. The more Halcyon had thought about it, she realized she could count on two fingers the number of times he had dated since she had known him. Plus, he was a man with money and consumed with building his franchises. The endearing side of him was how he made time to play big brother to her and her other two sisters. She didn’t know if he had broken any hearts like Scott had hers, but one heart he hadn’t broken was her daughter’s. It seemed as if he was at Ashanti’s beck and call.

  Zachary’s non-judgmental and bittersweet words made her weep, after which, of course, he had lent his shoulder. “I know I’m pathetic to make believe I belong to somebody.”

  “You do—Jesus. You just haven’t recognized your worth yet,” he had said with such compassion.

  When her baby stirred, Halcyon was fast forwarded to the present, but her mind lingered on Zachary’s words. What exactly was her worth when she technically had two young children and no husband? Her property value had fallen.

  If you confess your sins, I am faithful to forgive and cleanse you from all unrighteousness, God whispered.

  “I know,” Halcyon mumbled, closing her eyes and shaking her head. God had repeated that to her over and over again lately, so that she had to ask her grandmother where she could find the Scripture.

  “Hide God’s Word in your heart, baby, and you won’t sin against Him. That’s in Psalm 119:11,” Granny Rose advised before directing her to 1 John 1:9 to answer her original scriptural request. “Everything is going to work out, either with Scott or without him. The most important thing is what God has for you, it is for you. Accept your losses and have faith for your gains to come. Remember that.”

  Halcyon was at a crossroads in her life as she tugged on the ring. It had to come off and she had to repent of the ungodly choices she had made in life, even if Scott didn’t want to reconcile with his family.

  It was the day after her delivery and he had yet to make an appearance at the hospital to see her or his son. Giving Scott the benefit of not knowing, Halcyon had texted and called him, leaving messages.

  Was he coming? It didn’t seem to matter anymore as she sat in room 321, cuddling a gift, whether it was from Scott—or God. Halcyon had come to a decision. She wouldn’t keep the children away from their father, but she wasn’t going to give them his surname either. “You’re officially Jonathan Tristan Holland.” She nodded her head with finality. She would also change Ashanti’s last name to Holland. “There goes your Trey, Scott Taylor Jr.”

  Chapter 1

  Less than a year later, Halcyon was back in the same hospital, different room, staring at another bundle of joy. The newborn was evidence that it was never too late for God to turn an ugly situation into a blessing.

  “He’s beautiful,” Halcyon whispered to her younger sister, Desi, as she sat at her bedside, waiting for other family members to join them. “Congratulations, Mommy.”

  Desi Bishop beamed, shifting her body in the hospital bed. “He is, isn’t he? And handsome like his father.” She paused and blinked. “Whew.” She fanned herself with one hand. “And just think, I almost missed out on my unbelievable blessing,” she choked out, referring to her troubled marriage that had since been reconciled. “But God changed things around for Mikey and me.”

  No one in the family would have guessed or gambled that Desi’s husband of five years would have cheated on his wife. Of the three Holland sisters, Desi had seemed to be the only one who found happiness. The oldest, Tracey, was divorced with two sons, Halcyon had been living with a man, but everyone thought that Desi had found true love with Michael and they had been rooting for them.

  Desi was also the one dubbed the most faithful to God, yet it had seemed that the Lord had failed her when it came to her marriage. Halcyon had to give God His props for turning things around. But for a while, it didn’t seem as if Desi was going to forgive her husband; even Zachary was shocked when Desi did.

  Halcyon had held out hope that God would send her some sign that Scott would come around. The joke was really on her because Halcyon thought the children gave her an upper hand in the relationship. They didn’t. The evidence was Scott exchanging vows months ago with another woman who ironically had a child. Despite the slap in the face, Halcyon had no regrets about leaving. Otherwise, she might be pregnant again and still no ring.

  Before Halcyon could say that God hadn’t turned anything around in her personal life, Desi’s door opened. “I’m back, Mommy Bishop.” Her husband led excited family members in the room, carrying balloons, stuffed animals and bags of gifts.

  Boasting a wide grin, Michael kissed his wife tenderly as if the two didn’t have an audience, then cooed at his son. Halcyon fought back the jealousy that tried to taunt her because she had never seen that look of awe on Scott’s face, especially not from looking at his son. To date, Scott hadn’t asked to see Jonathan.

  Halcyon blinked. She had to stop comparing apples to oranges. Desi and Michael were church-going folks, while she and Scott didn’t even have a Bible in their apartment.

  Little MJ, short for Michael Jr., whimpered, triggering Granny Rose and Sarah Holland, Halcyon’s mother, to ahh. The children, Tracey’s two small boys and Ashanti and Jonathan seemed more interested in the gift bags than their new cousin.

  “Mommy, why can’t God give me some girl cousins?” Halcyon’s four-year-old daughter pouted as she stood on her tippy toes to peek at the baby.

  Everyone chuckled at Ashanti’s serious expression. Outnumbered three boys to one girl in the family, Ashanti might miss that special girl bonding Halcyon shared with her two sisters. “Well,” she said as she kissed the child’s cheek and tugged on a fat braid, “maybe one of your aunties—”

  “Don’t look at me.” Tracey folded her arms with a grunt. “I’m done—tubes tied, man hater and all that other stuff.”

  Ashanti frowned. “Mommy, what’s a tube?”

  The adults chuckled while her mother swatted at Tracey, who feigned innocence. “What?”

  “We’ll see what Aunt Desi and Uncle Mike can do about that next time.” Her brother-in-law winked at Ashanti.

  Halcyon thought Desi would protest any discussion of a “next time” so soon after having her first one, but she seemed too caught up in her new baby to be distracted. All eyes turned to Zachary, who was restraining Jonathan in his arms from grabbing one of the helium balloons.

  “Well, grandson, do we have any leads coming from you?” Granny Rose didn’t believe in beating around the bush. She said what she wanted to say and dared anyone to say she was wrong, even if she was. Petite and chubby in her later years, she was an older version of Desi. Resting in a nearby chair, Granny Rose reached for Jonathan, who came willingly.

  After relinquishing her son, Zachary shrugged and his biceps flexed. His mustache and goatee were always trimmed with precision and his cologne was so faint that Halcyon looked forward to his hugs just to get a whiff. “I’m not married yet, so I have nothing to add to the pot.”

  Granny Rose hmphed. “We know. You better hurry up and find a good woman and put a ring on her finger. My great granddaughter needs a playmate.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Zachary didn’t argue; his light brown eyes sparkled. He moved closer to the bed to get a better look at the new family addition.

  Halcyon shook her head. Leave it to a man who thinks he has all the time in the world, while the woman is counting down her reproductive eggs. And when it came to children, Zachary spoiled them—hers especially. Stubborn to a fault, he possessed a quiet temperament. Good-looking and businesswise, a great combination for any woman’s good catch. Good catches were overrated in her estimation. Halcyon thought Scott had great qualities and look what happened.

  Zachary also had a dash of something special. Although he was a practicing Christian, he never condemned her for not practicing Christian values by living with a man t
hat wasn’t her husband. She wished him happiness in finding that special someone who would appreciate what she had.

  “If I had another daughter, Zach, I would gladly give her to you,” her mother said, then demanded her turn to hold her new grandson.

  “Don’t worry, Mom Holland, I’ve already put my order in and God is fulfilling it as we speak,” Zachary dropped the bombshell, stealing the show from the newborn. It was as if everyone stopped breathing to hear what he said next.

  Finally, Michael shifted his body next to his wife and smirked. “So you’re actively looking?”

  “Not anymore. I’ve already found her,” Zachary said casually as he reached for his turn to hold the baby and then talked baby talk to his new nephew.


  If Michael wasn’t a new dad, Zachary would have strangled him. They were as close as brothers could be and each other’s confidant, but Zachary didn’t give Michael the okay to meddle by throwing out hints in front of Halcyon of his interest.

  Once Zachary was convinced his little brother and Desi's marriage was back on track, he’d poured out his heart. “From the first time I saw Halcyon at your wedding, she caught my eye and heart. My attraction didn’t vanish when you told me she was living with a guy. I’ve learned to watch and pray to see what God had to say about the situation. She was beautiful, glowing and in love with the wrong man. I painfully have watched her glow dim.”

  Halcyon was a gorgeous woman with flawless brown satiny skin that had to be the envy of every makeup artist. Her full lips were naturally pouty and her eyes had just enough slant to make them mesmerizing. Scott had been a fool to discard her as if she was worth nothing to him.


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