The Darker Side of Trey Grey

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The Darker Side of Trey Grey Page 3

by Tara Spears

  Nice little act.

  “I’ll think about it. Lila, I presume?” I slid her card into an inside pocket. She smirked, and I smiled slyly as I turned to leave.

  “Nine to Two, Saturday night,” she said to my back, and I heard the whine of the window.

  As I walked back to Paradise I pulled out the card and flipped it in my fingers for a few moments. I couldn’t sub, that much I knew. Willie had liked seeing me trussed up with welt marks. I had so much experience in servitude that when I escaped him, I thought I could work as a professional sub. It had been a disaster.

  My very first D/s scene had broken me. The leather cuffs sir bound me with had sent a small shiver of trepidation through me that he took it as excitement. I managed to stay quiet when he hung me from a hook against the wall, but when the first lash fell across my ass I lost it and began screaming. Sir admonished me, and swung again, before he realized it was real terror, and I wasn’t just a wailer or inexperienced. I couldn’t even remember my safe word lake at the time, and found it ironic I could recall it now. There had been no safe words with Willie.

  As much as I was terrified, I think sir was more so. When he let me down I stayed in a ball on his stone floor for a long time. When he tried to touch me I screamed and scurried away. That had been my first breakdown after leaving Willie.

  I felt the card leave my fingers, and watched it sail through the air, landing in the dirt along the sidewalk. It was an unconscious decision to toss it, and a few steps later I stopped, retrieved the card, and slid it back into my pocket.

  I doubted I could work in her club, and I knew I couldn’t work in the porn industry; a guy who couldn’t shoot, or do a cum shot? That was laughable actually. I could last a fucking long time though. Still, I might check it out if I’m bored. Free booze, some dancing, and live porn might be worth a visit.

  I pulled out a smoke as I leaned against a light pole in front of Paradise. My Zippo flared against the tip. I glanced at kitten, and Salvo’s joking words about Georgie jacking off on my car came back to me, making me blanch. I would definitely be taking her through the car wash tomorrow.

  Chapter Three

  Taking one last drag, I surveyed Paradise and sighed. “One more, Trey, and you can go home. A movie and a cup o noodles sounds good, doesn’t it?” I tossed the butt to the pavement then headed towards Georgie.

  Benny saw me coming and unlocked the door. He was holding a steaming mug of coffee, waiting to escort the girls to their cars as they came up from the basement dressing room. I inclined my head at him as I headed past.

  “Hey, Trey,” the petite girl coming up the stairs said. She wore a wig when she performed, so seeing her as a short-haired brunette was always strange. She looked better with long, flowing, pink hair.

  “Hi, Star, how are you?”

  “Can’t complain today. Take care, Trey.” She smiled and I smiled back. We were both in the same business, yet I was a darker creature, and the girls knew it. They were sweet, if not a little pitying towards me. I supposed taking it up the ass wasn’t their kind of party. But then again— one never knew with strippers.

  Glancing around I saw the place was empty, which meant Salvo was already in his office. I headed up the steps at the far side of the club then opened the security door.

  “Georgie,” I said, stepping into his office. The thirty-something, tall, unnatural blond sat staring at a monitor showing the parking lot and my car.

  “I’m still upset with you,” he said, waving short, thick fingers my way as if dismissing me.

  “I can leave.”

  His head snapped around, and he must have seen I was serious.

  “No, you owe me.”

  I snorted. “I don’t owe anyone.”

  He sighed heavily as his fingers skittered along his left temple.

  “I am not your boyfriend, and you would be smart to remember that. I fuck for money, that’s all.”

  “You don’t have to be so crude. I know what you are, I never forget it, but I like the illusion you care. Can you give me that, Trey? Just pretend you care?” He looked at me hopefully, almost desperately.

  Jesus, my whole life was pretending, just one big, sick play. I supposed what he was asking wasn’t out of the realm. I took a breath, letting it out through my nose.

  “You are asking a lot of me considering I let you pay half my going rate.”

  He spun his chair towards me, his eyes widening. “What you up to now, Trey?”

  “Three. Buck fifty for a blow job,” I said pointedly, since a hundred fifty is all I have ever charged him, and he is a rough fuck.

  “I can’t afford that. You wouldn’t cut me off, would you, Trey?” he asked all aflutter.

  “I know you can’t— and no, I am not going to cut you off as long as you behave.”

  He relaxed, smiling salaciously. “I never behave.” As if to prove his point, he rubbed then twisted his nipples beneath his tight t-shirt. I groused good-naturedly. No, he never behaved.

  A few minutes later I was leaning against his desk, jeans around my ankles, braced as best I could for his onslaught. Georgie outweighed me by close to sixty pounds, and he was anything but gentle. Rough didn’t bother me as long as they listened, which he usually did.

  His hands encased my hips as he leaned in. “You ready for Georgie’s wild ride, Trey, baby?”

  “Wreck me, Georgie.”

  His fingers bit into my flesh, and he slammed into me so hard the desk moved with a loud screech.

  As he banged me, I let my mind wander as I always did with Georgie. Out of all my regulars, he reminded me most of Willie, and I preferred to think of other things as he used me. It wasn’t any one thing about him, just the overall feeling I had when he fucked me. I knew that was why I tended to skirt around him at times. However, he was so lonely I didn’t have the heart to banish him completely.

  My mind floated to Scotty. Now there was a john I liked a little too much. That kid. Shit. No matter how much I liked him, it was time to let him go. He was becoming too comfortable with me, and he needed to find someone his own age that was all his.

  Georgie slammed into me hard enough, the desk moved underneath me again, forcing me to re-brace my feet. Several pens and a walkie-talkie clattered to the floor. Damn him, I knew the bastard was punishing me the only way he knew how.

  Georgie’s hand wrapped around my limp dick and I swatted him away.

  “Baby, you’re just hanging there. Let me make you hard, please?”

  “No. I’m here so you can get off. My dick’s sleeping, done for the night. Finish, so I can go home.” I realized my tone had been too snappy when his fingers dug into my hips hard enough to guarantee a few bruises.

  Scotty telling me his guy liked it rough came to mind as Georgie ramped up his abusive fuckery. He was growling loudly now as he smacked against me. I hoped Scotty’s possible new beau wasn’t anything close to Georgie.

  I felt Georgie’s cock sliding in and out of me as he thrust like a jackhammer. Wait.

  “Georgie? What the fuck...” I levered off the desk just as his hand landed on my back, shoving me down and holding me there.

  “Ahh, so fucking go-ood,” he squelched out on a long breath.

  “You better not... you better not come inside me. Sonofabitch.” I swallowed as I thrashed around, but I couldn’t move, and knew it before I even tried. Fucker was too strong. “Georgie, you better pull out. What the fuck— you know my rules— you... God damn it.”

  I knew I was wailing and his only response was a repetitive grunt. He was getting close but he wasn’t pulling out. I felt instantly sick. If he came inside me I was going to barf all over his fucking desk. I groaned, my skin slicking with sweat.

  Georgie let out a loud; “Ahhh”, releasing me as he pulled out. Warm liquid trickled down my ass crack. I spun around and he shot onto my dick. I screamed, kicking at him, then retched all over the floor.

  Georgie was still stroking himself, sprawled on his side as
cum dripped in a glob from his cock to the grey floor. There was a look of total ecstasy on his face, and if he had been laughing he would have been Willie in that moment. Only he wasn’t Willie, and that small fact allowed me to move.

  Pulling up my jeans, I fled from the scene. Gagging and spitting bile, I streaked down the stairs. By the time I approached the end of the bar, I was shaking violently and was pretty sure I was crying. Salvo glanced up from wiping down the bar.

  “Trey, what the hell—”


  He pulled them from under the bar, and slid them to me. I caught them as Georgie blasted out of his booth, calling my name. I stumbled, caught myself, then pointed back towards Georgie and fixed my eyes on Salvo.

  “Don’t... through...” I managed before bolting out the front door, then stopping to hurl again next to the black cinderblock wall. The door crashed open behind me and I pushed off the wall, half-running and half-falling towards my car.

  “Trey, you okay?” Benny asked.

  I shook my head as I continued on to the safety of kitten. Georgie called again, and I locked my slurried vision on Benny’s large frame.


  It was all I needed to say. Benny growled like an attack dog then lunged out of sight.

  “What the fuck you do to him, you maggot?”

  That was all I heard as I slammed into the side of kitten, causing her alarm to blare into the night like a siren. Fumbling with my keys, I managed to hit the right button, and she chirped her acquiescence.

  I found the key, jammed it into the lock and it bounced off, leaving a fair scratch in the paint. The key went in the second time, and I wrenched the heavy door open then froze. I could feel the slime soaking through my jeans. Kitten was a virgin and if I climbed in to her, she would never be clean again.

  I could clean her... I could make her clean again... couldn’t I? My vision swam at the idea then I remembered the blanket. Popping the trunk, I grabbed the blanket I kept there. Very carefully, I laid it over her black leather seat before I gingerly climbed in.

  Something wet hit my fisted hands in my lap, causing me to jump, repulsed, before I realized it was my own tears. I began to rock like I had when I was a kid. I couldn’t seem to stop. I just wanted to roll up into a ball, but I couldn’t. Not until I was safely in my dorm room.

  As I parked in front of the dorm, I kissed kitten’s steering wheel, thanking her for getting us both home in one piece. I climbed from the car, being careful not to touch her more than necessary. I wadded up the blanket then on my way past, I shoved it into the garbage can near the door of my building.

  I managed to get my door open, managed to get to the bathroom and pull out a garbage bag from the stash under the sink, then somehow managed to step into the shower before I broke down completely.

  Screaming, I tore my clothes off, shoving them in the garbage bag before falling hard to the tiles. I curled into a ball, continuing to wail for I didn’t know how long, until my voice gave out anyway. I again thanked the powers that be for putting me into the oldest dorm on campus. The thick concrete walls appeared to be impervious to sound. Otherwise I would have been kicked out or moved to a mental institute a long time ago.

  It took everything I had not to scrub off the top few layers of my skin. Regardless, an hour later I was bleeding in several spots, and my anus was raw from two slightly overheated enemas. I was wise enough to know all the bleaching and scrubbing in the world wouldn’t erase what he had done. It would be trapped in my mind, along with all the other horrors that lived there, forever.

  By the time I managed to get dressed, my mind was working once more. I stared at the garbage bag containing the defiled clothes for a moment before I pulled open the second drawer in the vanity. I retrieved a pair of disposable latex gloves and tugged them on, then I grabbed another garbage bag from under the sink.

  Very carefully I transferred my denim jacket to the second bag, and tied them both closed. I’d had that jacket a long time, and it had become my trademark on the Ave. The least I could do was attempt to wash it. Now, whether I succeeded or not remained to be seen.

  The jacket, safely contained in the bag, went into my work hamper. While the rest of my clothes went with me and a bucket of bleach water outside. Tossing the vile clothes away, I set to the task of making kitten clean again.

  I fell into bed, shaking and smelling of bleach and Armor-All, just after four in the morning. Thankfully my body was done, and dragged my mind into a deep slumber.

  I woke sobbing into my pillow, my body curled into a tight ball. Memory of the nightmare had me reaching down to check and see if I had ejaculated in my sleep. I let out a relieved breath when I found “IT” limp and everything dry. Well, except my tear dampened pillow.

  I hated the fucker. I hated that at one time Willie could control me completely. I hated my self for wanting it. Although I knew teenage hormones had ruled my world at the time, it still disgusted me.

  The memory pulled another bone rattling sob from deep down. I despised crying. It never made me feel better. Nevertheless, I had shed more than my fair share of tears, an emotional wreck to rival any female.

  Breathing deeply, I felt the heaviness pressing down on me. I shivered, trying to shake the depression off, but the beast hung on tightly. I lowered my wet eyelashes, and hugged my comforter tighter.

  A few minutes later my dick tickled, telling me I needed to pee. I tried to ignore it, but my bladder pressed threateningly. I glanced at the clock and saw it was almost five. I’d slept through every one of my classes, yet I couldn’t find a reason to care right this instant. I threw my bedding off, and stepped onto the cold industrial floor. I wasn’t so far gone that I didn’t care if I peed the bed. That was promising.

  As I exited the bathroom I stared at my rumpled bed forlornly. I diverted however, and headed to my normal closet, determined to go out to eat. I tugged on a long sleeve shirt and a pair of Levis while I glared at my work closet suddenly wanting to set fire to everything in it. I smiled wickedly. Well, that was a new desire, and I was tempted to act on it.

  Instead I sighed, and finished dressing. I had some expensive work clothes, and although it would be fun to watch everything burn, I didn’t relish spending the scratch to replace it all. What I should have done was kept the defiled cloths I threw away and torched those. I could have considered it therapy. It sounded better than crazy anyway.

  Outside I glanced at my black, ivory, and chrome girl, deciding to walk the two blocks to Applebee’s instead. I wasn’t afraid to climb back into her—at least I didn’t think I was— I just wanted to walk through the misty evening and try to shake off the heaviness pressing down on me.

  “You can just seat yourself if you want to sit in the bar.” The hostess gestured to the rowdy bar.

  I shook my head. “Too young.”

  She looked me up and down. “Huh, I never would have thought it. How old are you?” she asked.

  Rather brazen little thing. I hitched my thumbs in my pockets.

  “Not quite old enough.”

  She nodded at my reply as she grabbed a menu, and then motioned for me to follow her.

  I was halfway through a decent Reuben when a Barbie wannabe flopped down across from me.

  “You’re in my business analysis class. Trey, right?”

  I swallowed the chunk of sauerkraut and corn beef as I nodded, even though I wasn’t really positive. She looked familiar, and I gave her the benefit of the doubt since she did know my name after all.

  “You missed class today. If you want to borrow my notes— oh, I’m Cam by the way.” She smiled, extending a pink nailed hand over the table. I set my sandwich down and quickly wiped my hands with a napkin.

  “Trey, but you already knew that.” I shook her hand.

  “Some of us are headed to a party and wondered if you wanted to come?” She twirled a chunk of her long, pale hair around a finger.

  I gave her a regretful look. “Sorry. Thanks f
or the invite though. I had to work late last night and I’m still beat.”

  She pouted, her pink lips not quite matching her nails. “Next time then. Where do you work?”

  “Airport.” It wasn’t a lie, per se. I worked near the airport.

  “Cool.” She glanced over her shoulder at a group near the bar. I could see my brush off was beginning to work, and she was getting bored with me.

  “Well, next time then. I’m just going to keep asking.” She pointed at me.

  I took that, and her perky smile, as a warning to steer clear of her. I wasn’t into the social scene, and this was the type of girl that was the social scene.

  “Nice to meet you, Cam. I’ll see you in class.”

  Her smile brightened, and she bounced out of the booth. She walked off swinging her hips in an acid washed, ultra-tight mini skirt. I’d bet half the guys she passed were getting hard just looking at her. But of course I didn’t feel a damn thing.

  I had just finished my sandwich, and was taking a gulp of coffee when a pair of grey eyes caught mine a few booths down and across from me. I’d seen him around the dorm, and knew he had checked me out more than once. I watched him make a comment to the people he was sitting with, then he grabbed his coffee and headed towards me.

  “Mind if I sit down?”

  I gestured towards the other bench, amused at both his deep voice and the fact that a very hetero female, and an obviously homo male were attempting to pick me up all in the course of ten minutes. I should have known better than to come here on a Friday night.

  He settled his tall frame across from me. He opened his mouth then closed it again, his brow furling as if he wasn’t sure what to say.

  “I saw you give Cam the brush off, guys don’t usually do that.” He looked at me curiously. “I’m having a hard time figuring you out.”

  I almost laughed at that. However, he seemed unsure of himself and I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. His long fingers nervously strummed his coffee cup, but his eyes stayed steadily on mine. I had to admire him for his tenacity.


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