Love and Liberation: A Christian Wife's Journey Into Sexual Freedom

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Love and Liberation: A Christian Wife's Journey Into Sexual Freedom Page 7

by Laran Mithras

  "Dina," said Melissa. She glided in and took the chair next to hers.


  The woman leaned a little to the side as if to get a better view of her. "We have decided to retire Alice. She has built quite a pension with us and feels she is ready to discontinue active employment. My husband and I would like to offer you her position."

  "Me?" Dina's eyes went wide.

  "The position comes with a twenty-five hundred dollar per month salary, two weeks paid vacation, pension, and annual reviews. The position requires six days of work – Sunday is your day off."

  Dina gaped. Wow, far better than waitressing.

  Melissa said, "The salary is rather small to start, but I'm sure you'll advance quickly up the payscale."

  Sebastian's teeth shined white under his lips. "I have no doubt. I can help prepare you for the reviews, too."

  Melissa gave him a dry look. "Shame on you."

  He chuckled, but said, "I aim to serve."

  The woman turned back to her. "What do you say to a permanent position with us?"

  "Sunday off? That's when I clean the—"

  "We'll hire another for that position."

  She felt a thrill run up her spine. "Wow, okay."

  "Do you need any time to give notice?"

  "They'll probably just fire me on the spot when I do, but I think I should."

  Melissa gave a single nod. "Then we'll set the start of your employment three Mondays from now." She rose. "I won't keep you any longer from your current duties. We're glad you accepted."

  "Thank you." She didn't know what else to say.

  Down in the basement, she donned her uniform. Feeling a little daring, she put on the tunic with the miniskirt. She cleaned, listening to her music. She really had gotten much faster, and she was done without breaking a sweat a good fifteen minutes ahead of the two hours allotted.

  She was bending over, unplugging the orbital when she heard a slight gasp. She straightened quickly.

  Sebastian stood there, holding a box. The tops of gallon cleaner jugs jutted from the open top. "Oh, pardon me…" His eyes were open, gazing at her with shock. They drifted down to her miniskirt and down her legs.

  Dina gulped. Her fright was pushed aside by a feeling of vulnerability. He's looking at my legs. She wondered if he would sneer. Or smile. She found herself hoping he would smile.

  He swallowed, his eyes lingering on her legs.

  Would he find her attractive? She hoped so. Would it be bad if he did? What would Josh think? Should I even let Sebastian stare at me like this?

  "Stunning," he said. He tore his eyes away and went to the closet.

  She pulled the orbital after him and wound the cord while he restocked the cleaning agents. She trembled, hoping he would look at her again, but afraid that he would.

  "Here," he said. "Let me get that for you since I'm in the way." He took the orbital and moved it smoothly into place.

  She noticed something then that rocked her world. He had a lump in his slacks that was not there a moment ago – a very pronounced lump.

  I did that to him? She felt a thrill of danger and lust shoot through her, followed by uncertainty. Should she be having this effect on someone other than her husband? Would it be her fault if she had caused it?

  He shut the door and stepped close to her, his eyes pinning her in place as if she were caught in a spider web.

  Thinking of Josh, she spun and walked back out on shaky legs into the main room.


  She turned, afraid.

  "Forgive me." He was close again, a look of care on his face that said he meant it. He opened his mouth to say more, but left it open. He raised his hand and brushed his fingers down her arm.

  The move froze her in place, chills racing up and down her spine. She lifted her chin, looking up into his eyes. Her heart threatened to beat its way out of her chest. She felt excited to have him notice her like this – to have him close. She could see him drinking her in – his eyes wandering all over her face.

  He stepped a little closer. "That uniform looks stunning on you."

  She was glad for his words. She felt a jolt of success and satisfaction. She was a small girl, not all filled out and womanly like others. To hear this handsome man say it filled her with joy.

  His hand drifted down, over her bony hip and to the hem of her skirt.

  She didn't move. She wanted him to stop. She wanted him to go on – afraid that he would, but desperately wanting it.

  His fingers brushed the skin of her thighs and she gasped. He tilted his head at her and smiled, a twinkle in his blue eyes. But also there was a hunger and it frightened her.

  She wanted to tell him she should be going. She wanted him to keep touching her. Why was this so difficult? What should she do? Should she say anything?

  His finger trailed up, lifting the hem of her skirt.

  She felt as if she became stone, albeit trembling stone. Feelings swam through her ranging from happiness to concern. What would Josh think?

  Thoughts fled when he touched her panties. His finger moved up, running up into the crease where her pussy lips and clit ached to be touched. His knuckle brushed over her clit and she moaned quietly, without control, and asking for more.

  She moved one leg out and widened her eyes at him, as if daring him to laugh or mock her.

  But he did not. His finger made slow moves up and down her clit, igniting within her a flame that burned as hot as anything she felt with Josh. This, however, was forbidden. Wasn't it? Those old thoughts of sin and adultery rose in her, despite all that she had read and despite all that Pastor Mann and Melissa had said.

  Then he leaned down, chasing away even those lingering thoughts. His mouth met hers and disturbing thoughts warred in her mind of a different sort. How dare he? He shouldn't be kissing a married woman. Why am I kissing him back and why does it feel so good?

  His finger rose, leaving her clit. His hand moved faster, with a purpose. His fingers found the band of her panties and slid between them and her skin.

  Yes, touch me. Reach down and touch…

  He touched her bare nub, rubbing down over it and bringing a whimper from her into their kiss.

  She broke the kiss, gasping. "Unhh…" It was more a moan than anything coherent.

  Emboldened, he went further and curled a finger up to brush at her lips and opening.

  Spirals of tension and need flared from her pussy and she opened her legs wider. She wobbled, feeling the room begin to spin.

  A strong arm wrapped her – his other arm. He steadied her as he pushed his finger inside her in little circular motions.

  Oh yes. Give me more. The tension rose higher and she felt a flood of juices in her. She clamped her pussy onto his fingers and groaned. Somewhere distant and coming closer was those familiar feelings of resistance and inevitability – bringing with them pain, pleasure and passion.

  Two fingers moved in and out of her and then suddenly were being pulled out. His hand was removed completely. He lifted one finger and sucked it slowly, cleaning her juices from it. His smile said he found her taste pleasing.

  She collapsed against him, feeling his hardened bulge in his pants. I did this to him. What an amazing thing. She would let him take her – right there on the couch. She wanted to feel him on her and in her.

  He said, "I think we should see you safely to your car."

  What? She felt the joy of success evaporate and be replaced by worry and anxiety. Am I not pretty enough? Does he think I'm ugly? Why doesn't he want to kiss me more?

  Those questions remained unanswered as she drove home.


  Dina could still imagine feeling Sebastian's fingers in her. They had felt so good that she knew she would want more – if he was willing to give them. She was also fearful he would.

  She pushed Josh back down onto the bed. The hunger in her was rampant and needed taming. But if he wasn't going to clue in on her need, then it would devour h
im and take of him what she desired.

  He chuckled. "Okay, okay." The lump hardening in his briefs told her his body would react, even if he hadn't been particularly in the mood.

  She purred at him, relishing the familiarity of his looks and smell. She adored the contours of his face and she wanted him to know she loved him. She used her body to prove it. Tearing at his underwear, she removed them from him with his help.

  His smile broadened and he said, "If this is what looking at all those forums does to you, I think I like it."

  She ignored it. She didn't want to think about his obstinacy over the origins of words. She wanted, rather, to feel him in her, to feel his manliness filling her, and to feel her womanhood taken by the man she loved.

  She stroked him for a moment, making sure he was hard. I like this.

  He hummed happily.

  Climbing over his hips, she positioned herself over his erection and then settled onto him. The satisfying feel of his erection filling her aching hole made her sigh with relief.

  "Wow, you're wet," he said.

  "I was thinking about you all the way home." It was the truth. She didn't say that she was trying not to think of Sebastian's fingers. Moving her hips in circles and relishing the feel of his fullness in her, she said, "I was feeling horny."

  "Yeah, no kidding."

  She rose and fell, her pussy sliding up and down his shaft. But she needed more, and harder, and her movements reflected the need. Her downward moves became more forceful. Drive his cock up into me. Hit that emptiness and fill it.

  Josh reacted intimately, gripping her hips and making love to her with as much energy as she gave him.

  Yes, your cock feels so good, husband. My love. Yes. She grunted with the effort, forcing herself down onto him. Fill me. You feel so good. I wonder what Sebastian's cock would feel like in there? Suddenly, waves of terrifying pain and release ripped through her, tossing her over the edge of control. She was falling, convulsing, and her climax sending flashes of light across her tightly closed eyes.

  Why hadn't Sebastian taken her? She was glad he hadn't, but she was also disappointed that he didn't. Was she not woman enough? Just because she was married she was considered un-sexy?

  She ground her hips down in a final, shaking thrust of passion. She heard Josh groan and felt the hot wetness inside her that signaled her conquering of his manhood. It's good enough for my husband, why not Sebastian? Is he gay?

  ~ ~ ~

  Dina dressed warm for the Thanksgiving barbecue at the Mann residence.

  The event was small, with only a few friends and church members invited. Caleb and Olivia had a simple tract home. It was not ostentatious, not filled with expensive vases or paintings, nor was it filled with lavish furniture.

  She noticed there was no TV. Along the wall facing the couch was a long row of bookshelves. On them, religious books of all kinds, along with many different versions of the Bible.

  Even at home, Pastor Mann took his pursuit of knowledge seriously.

  Melissa found her after not more than three steps inside the doorway. "Dina, dear. I hope your husband doesn't mind if I borrow you?"


  Josh said, "Not at all."

  Dina allowed her arm to be taken by the elegant woman and led to a more private spot in the dining room.

  Melissa turned her and eyed her critically. "Still no success telling your young husband?"

  She shook her head. "I can't even bring up to him that our modern perceptions have changed the Bible's message."

  The woman pursed her lips. "It's so common today. People claim to want to know the truth but fight the learning of it with so much effort."

  "He won't even listen."

  "Is it creating problems between you?"

  Dina tilted her head. "No, not really. He just won't talk about what I've found."

  "But you would like him to know?"

  She shrugged in a helpless gesture of frustration. "Well, sure."

  "What if I told you Olivia and I have talked about him and hatched a little plan to get him involved?"


  An eyebrow rose fractionally. "Accepting of sexual liberation, yes."


  Melissa gave her a very feminine and sly grin. "Perhaps all he needs is a little attention. Lure him out of that shell."

  "You and Olivia?"

  The woman nodded.

  Dina frowned. A jealous feeling rose in her. "I don't want him taken from me—"

  "Girl. I have no interest in taking your husband. At all." She stood straighter, no longer conspiratorial. She placed hands on hips. "I was offering to help you break the ice."

  "Oh. Oh, well, in that case…"

  "I promise not to steal your husband." Her tone said she meant it, but it was very dry.

  Olivia passed through the dining room and saw them. She immediately veered over to join the two. "So?"

  Melissa said, "She's willing." She elbowed the other woman. "As long as we don't steal him."

  Olivia quickly folded her arms, one hand up covering her mouth. Her eyes blazed with amusement.

  If anything, the cover caused Dina to feel very defensive of Josh. What was wrong with him? He's handsome, loving and caring.

  "Oh, my. Well," said Olivia. "That's a very serious restriction. I think we can manage that."

  Melissa elbowed her again and frowned.

  Dina scowled.

  The two women broke into quiet giggles.

  Melissa said, "I think you still have a ways to go yourself, yet."

  Dina was confused. "Me?"

  The two women shared a look and both of them patted her shoulders – one on one side, the other woman on the other.

  Olivia gave her a smile that spoke of promised secrets. "Leave him to us. We'll see if we can melt that exterior."


  ~ ~ ~

  Dina sipped her wine. She eyed Olivia and Melissa hanging on each of Josh's arms. The other guests talked quietly in pairs and one small group of chatters. She said to Caleb, "Did your wife tell you about this plan?"

  They were sitting together on the couch. He waved his wineglass out. "In brief." He changed the subject. "Have you still been studying the Word?"

  She knew what he meant – studying the origins, the original Greek and Hebrew inspired words and how they fit with today's translations and teachings. "Yes."

  "Does it make you feel like a boat without a rudder?"

  "Hmm?" She was looking at both of the women smiling and flirting with Josh. His face was a nice shade of red from embarrassment, but he was also smiling.

  "Adrift?" he said.

  "Oh. Well, sort of. But maybe more free."

  He nodded. "I've had those embracing liberation as describing the process as unloading the unnecessary weight of baggage from the real trip to salvation."

  Dina had never heard anyone say that, so she kept quiet.

  Josh broke away from the two women and came over to where Dina sat. He looked nervous. "So…" He looked as if he didn't know what to say.

  Behind him, the two women winked at each other.

  Dina reached out and touched his hand. "Are you alright? You left poor Olivia and Melissa all alone. They're just trying to be nice to you."

  If anything he turned redder. "Oh, well…"

  "Don't be rude to them. Melissa employs me now."

  Caleb gave a sage nod. "We should treat others as we would have others treat us. It's probably best not to ignore them, Josh. Or do you have a problem with them being nice to you?"

  His embarrassment turned to a panicked shock. "Oh, no, pastor. Not at all. I…"

  While he was addressing the pastor, Dina glanced at his pants. They stuck out a little more than normal. He's half hard in there, that's why he's uncomfortable.

  Olivia came up from behind and wormed her arms around Josh's left arm. "I thought you were coming back? How about we freshen up our wine?"

  Josh looked comically worried. "O
h, sure. Okay."

  Dina gave him a happy smile. "Don't mind me; we're just talking about Bible-stuff here."

  He let himself be steered away.

  Caleb chuckled. "I remember feeling that way."


  "Sure. I was raised like you – like everyone else. Finding the truth to be buried and reinterpreted took years."

  Dina shook her head. Her vision of Caleb Mann was of someone born of angels and delivered to mankind on a mission of message and knowledge.

  His low chuckle turned into a laugh. "Yes, me. Don't think I was born this way."

  His parents hadn't raised him with his current knowledge? Dina was confused. How did one go about learning…

  "And as much as you might think your pastor knows, I'm still discovering new things. Learning is a lifelong process."

  "I don't know if I want to know."

  His smile vanished. "Yes, I know. Sometimes I wonder the same. Much of history is changed. Much of what we see on TV that people think is reality is not. The people are truly blind."

  "Is there any hope for us?"

  Caleb crossed an ankle over his knee and swirled his wine. "For mankind? Or Christians?"

  "Christians? Is it that bad?"

  He gave her an eye from the side of his face. "Let me give you an example. Many born-again Christians profess to be Zionist Christians, but that is in reality an oxymoron."

  "What? How?" Dina was confused. All Christians were Zionist Christians.

  "A real Zionist is a Luciferian. They believe that Jesus will return, but that Satan will win at Armageddon. The entire movement of nations is geared by those Zionists in control to prepare for the battle against Jesus."

  She had never heard anything like this before. "No way."

  "Really. Did you know the Zionist symbol – the Star of David – has nothing to do with Biblical Israel but rather is a satanic symbol?"

  "The Star of David?"

  He nodded. "Satanic."

  Dina shook her head. I'll be looking that one up.

  Caleb wasn't done. "Real Jews who believe in God will be kept safe by fleeing to the wilderness when God allows Israel to be destroyed."

  "What?" Dina almost dropped her wineglass.


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