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A Wish Come True

Page 4

by Shawn Lane

  Chapter 7

  If the guard on Sebastian’s floor thought it odd I showed up again and with another guy in tow, he didn’t show it. He merely picked up his phone and called Sebastian’s room. He waved us on after receiving the approval.

  Jack was oddly nervous, even fidgety, and had even asked me twice if he was dressed okay. I did the knocking once we’d reached Sebastian’s door and it was opened less than five seconds later.

  I was more than a little surprised when I looked beyond him and noticed a petite blonde woman sitting cross-legged on the couch facing us. She gave me an assessing look and I admit I suddenly was confused as to just what I was doing there.

  Sebastian didn’t seem to notice my awkward uncertainty, but Jack did, because he looked at me with his brows furrowed.

  “Jack, it’s great to see you.” Sebastian welcomed my brother with a gracious smile and handshake. I got no handshake, just a floaty sort of smile. Sebastian had already walked to the wet bar. “Drinks?”

  “What have you got?” Jack asked.

  I gave up on Sebastian doing the polite thing and went over to the woman on the couch and offered my hand. “I’m Martin Brooks.”

  She gave me a cool smile as she shook my hand. “Abby Shulmer. Sebastian’s agent.”

  “And she was just leaving, by the way,” Sebastian said pointedly. He smiled apologetically. “Meeting went a bit longer than I thought.”

  Abby Shulmer unfolded herself and stood. “He’s right. I was leaving. I just wanted to meet you first.” She walked, barefoot, to where she’d left her shoes, a pair of flats, and slipped her feet inside them.


  “Sebastian won’t stop talking about you.” She fixed her gaze on Jack, who looked faintly red. “And you’re baby brother, Jack.”

  “Uh, yeah.” He shook the hand she offered.

  “It’s lovely to meet you, gentlemen, but I really do have to leave. I have a dinner engagement myself. Talk to you tomorrow, Sebastian.”

  “See you, Abs.” he called after her as she left the hotel room.

  Sebastian turned his attention to us. “Drinks? I have Scotch, brandy, bourbon, beer, and wine. I have a Cabernet and a Riesling. If none of that suits, I can order something to be brought up.”

  “Riesling sounds good,” I replied as Jack chose a Scotch over rocks.

  Sebastian brought our drinks to us as we took our seats on the couch. He came back holding a glass of the Cabernet. “I ordered dinner. Should be here soon. How was the rest of today’s convention activities?”

  Jack started telling Sebastian all about our day, which left most of the conversation to the two of them. Which suited me fine. I was never that much of a talker.

  Dinner, when it arrived, was surf and turf—steak and shrimp—with whipped potatoes and steamed broccoli. Dessert was New York-style cheesecake.

  After room service came and collected all the dishes, we all had an after-dinner brandy while Jack badgered Sebastian with talk of Space Heroes and future plotlines and stories about Dee-Dee Cabot. Sebastian, to his credit, answered everything good-naturedly.

  We even took that selfie picture of the three of us together.

  Jack didn’t linger long, though, as he announced it was time for him to go back to our room. He stood, and so did Sebastian and me.

  “Thanks for having me for dinner, Sebastian,” Jack said. “It was great.”

  “It was my pleasure, Jack. I’ll see you tomorrow for the cast photo, yeah?”

  Jack nodded. Glanced at me. “I’m guessing I’ll see you in the morning.

  I knew I was blushing a little as I took in Sebastian’s amused smile. “Probably.”

  When we were alone, Sebastian came to where I stood and grasped my biceps. “Are you okay?”

  I frowned. “Yeah, why?”

  “You were pretty quiet all evening.”

  “Yeah, sorry. I sort of let Jack take over. I have a tendency to fade into the background when I’m around family. I let them lead the conversation.” I shrugged. “He was pretty excited to be here. Thanks for the invitation for him, by the way. He tried to pretend it was no big deal, but I think he’ll consider it a highlight of the convention.”

  “I was pleased to do it. And sorry about Abby. She has a forceful personality. It helps with her being an agent, but she did sort of force the issue of meeting you.”

  “No biggie. I did get the feeling she was totally judging me, though.”

  “Oh, she was,” Sebastian said with a laugh. “You want coffee or something?”

  “Something.” I smiled.

  He grinned in response. “Just so we’re clear here. I’d like you to spend the night.” He tilted his head to lean down ever so slightly to kiss me. His lips were amazing soft and pliant. I groaned and pulled him close.

  Up until this point, we hadn’t done a lot of kissing and I didn’t know why. Sebastian had amazing lips.

  “You…bedroom,” I said in my most authoritative voice.

  His blue eyes widened slightly, an intimate smile curving his lips. He was already stripping out of his clothes as he made his way toward the bedroom, so I followed suit. By the time I made it to the doorway, he had already removed all his clothes. His naked ass was on display. It was like he was begging to be spanked. Far be it from me to deny him.

  I came up behind him and forced him face down on the bed. One hand closed around the nape of his neck while I swatted his round left buttock hard. The slap sounded so loudly in the room I nearly missed his groan. I smacked him again and his moan of appreciation was louder, deeper, throatier. Sent a thrill straight to my erect cock.

  I stepped back and finished discarding my own clothes, then watched as he scrambled up onto the bed, on all fours. I tossed my glasses on the nearest table.

  “Fuck,” I breathed, but winced when it came out more like a squeak. But he was really fucking hot.

  I knelt on the mattress, reaching for the condom packet he had conveniently left on the bed. After it was in place, I grabbed the lube.

  But this time…this time I had a goal and I would not be denied.

  I scooted into positon, grasping the back of his thighs. I saw him trying to crane his neck to look at me so I smacked a tan cheek. “Eyes front.”

  After he’d done so, I darted my tongue along the crease between his cheeks. He stiffened slightly, then let out a ragged breath, spreading himself to give me better access. I flicked just around the puckered hole, teasing, tickling.

  “Marty, please.”

  Okay, that was nice. I could get used to that. I speared him then, my tongue pushing in to the root, lapping at him over and over until he was soaked with my saliva. His legs shook.

  His little gasps of pleasure made my dick harder and more desperate for release, but I knew if I stroked it now it would be all over. Way too fast.

  When Sebastian began to squirm and beg, I leaned back on my haunches and reached for the lube. My fingers slipped easily inside him, and I curled them, causing him to whine low.

  “Do it,” he pleaded.

  I was inside him in seconds, my hands digging into his hipbones as I held him down, impaling him with my cock. I wasn’t sure who yelled louder. I thrust deep, to my balls, nailing his prostate and earning a hoarse scream from Sebastian.

  Over and over I fucked him until I was covered in sweat. No fine sheen of perspiration from me, no way. Sweating like it was a million degrees. He was slick with sweat and lube, our bodies on fire.

  I couldn’t hold back the tides of my orgasm if I tried, and God knew I didn’t want to, so I slammed into him hard, clenching my teeth as I poured into the condom.

  Pulling out, I flipped Sebastian onto his back and engulfed his still achingly hard cock in my mouth. One, two, three sucks…and he was coming, shouting, and shooting down my throat.

  * * * *

  A little later, after we had cleaned up and got ourselves situated in bed next to each other, I felt Sebastian stir in my arms.

/>   “Marty? You awake?”


  “I need to talk to you.”

  I blinked the sleepiness from my eyes with effort and flopped onto my back. “‘Kay.”

  He sat up, legs crossed. He had pulled on his boxer briefs earlier. “You want a drink or something?”

  “Is it that bad?”

  “Well. Yes and no. I hope no.”

  “I think I should be sober then.” I sat up myself, leaning against the headboard. “What’s up?”

  “I’m leaving tomorrow.” He glanced at the digital clock by the bed. “Later today, I guess. After the last photo ops. I’m doing the group chat, then the photo ops, then getting on a plane for L.A. after that. I wasn’t booked for Sunday. I was going to stay for the gala dinner Saturday night, but that’s one of the things Abby came to tell me. I have a lunch meeting Sunday with some producers of another movie I’m making.”

  My heart gave a little flip, but then, what had I expected? I knew it was a weekend fling. I had expected it. Chosen to do it anyway. I wasn’t supposed to have any regrets. I liked Sebastian a lot. I had liked him back in the day he was just my pen pal, Spencer. But now…well. He was a famous actor and I was an astronomy professor. Totally different worlds.

  “Yeah, okay,” I said softly. “I guess we both knew that would come eventually. It didn’t really even occur to me you were only booked for part of the time. Makes sense, though.”

  Sebastian nodded, studying me. “Would it be totally crazy if I asked you to keep seeing me?”

  I blinked. “What?”

  “It would, huh? Forget it.”

  “No,” I said, breathlessly. I reached for his hand. “I just…what do you mean exactly?”

  He smiled. “Well, I live in L.A. and you live in San Diego, so it wouldn’t be easy, but not impossible. I’d really like to see where this is going, Marty. I like you a lot. I think you like me.”

  “I do.”

  “And I don’t know, we could see each other when our jobs allowed, keep in touch with texts, emails, the usual stuff. See where we are maybe in six months.” Sebastian ran a hand through his blond hair. “Crazy?”

  I swallowed the weird lump in my throat. I was feeling hopeful. That was the part that was maybe crazy. Me and a famous actor in a relationship? Stuff like that didn’t happen to guys like me. Actors dated other actors. Their own kind. And they flitted from relationship to relationship, like they could just be thrown away once they were tired of them. Chances were pretty strong the same thing would happen to me and Sebastian. I shouldn’t allow that hope to flourish. I should put an end to this fantasy life now.

  He was looking sad, but understanding. “You don’t want to. I totally get that.”

  “Oh, I want to,” I quickly admitted. “I’m just allowing a little fear to stand in the way.”


  “Celebrities aren’t exactly the poster kids for relationships.”

  He smiled ruefully. “I can’t deny that. Want to try anyway?”

  I let out a long breath. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”

  I was suddenly being kissed and pushed down flat on my back as Sebastian lay on top of me. We weren’t going to get a lot of sleep.

  Chapter 8

  We didn’t really have time for breakfast Saturday morning so we exchanged our contact information and kissed goodbye. I tried to ignore the slight ache in my chest at our parting. We’d see each other again, and anyway it seemed silly to be that bothered since we’d known each other—in person—only a couple of days. I put on a bright face and told him I’d see him briefly at the photo ops.

  He grabbed my wrist just as I was walking out the door to give me one more kiss.

  “One more thing,” Sebastian said as he released me. He shifted awkwardly. “You know, I’m not officially out as anything but straight right now.”

  I arched a brow. “I know.”

  “You do?”

  “Uh-huh. In fact, I never imagined you were anything else before I met you. Your publicist is good.” I smiled. “Don’t worry. I don’t imagine the rags are going to be camped outside my house.”

  Sebastian winced. “I’m an ass. I know.”

  “Nah, I know how it works. I knew when I agreed that we weren’t going to be walking the red carpet together.”

  “It’s just the career thing. You know.”

  “I know. I’m not a naïve kid with stars in my eyes, Sebastian,” I assured him. “I believe in science, not fantasy.”

  His smile was relieved and I tried not to let it bother me. Much.

  I waved goodbye as I headed out of his hotel room. The same guard still stood at the station for the floor.

  “See you tonight?” he asked as I hit the button for the elevator.

  I shook my head. “Nah, this is it. I won’t be back.”

  He gave me a sympathetic smile and I didn’t bother to explain. I figured he was paid well to keep his mouth shut anyway.

  * * * *

  Jack was waiting for me in our room. “Have fun?”

  I smiled. “Yeah. He’s going home today.”

  “Oh, Jesus.” He frowned. “I’m sorry, Marty. I guess I thought you’d have tonight.”

  “I did, too. But it’s okay.” I started stripping out of yesterday’s clothes so I could get a quick shower and head off to the events for the day. “We’re keeping in touch.”

  “You’re what now?”

  “We’re going to see each other again in California,” I said over my shoulder as I headed into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

  “You’re going to date Sebastian Lookinland?”

  I shrugged. “That’s the idea. But you know, in secret or whatever.”

  Jack blinked at me, kind of like an owl. “My geeky scientist brother is going to have a secret gay affair with a famous celebrity.”

  “Yep.” I stepped into the shower.

  “Well, damn.”



  “A little privacy?”

  Jack just stared.

  “Get out of the bathroom.”

  “Oh. Sorry.” Jack laughed as he closed the door behind him.

  * * * *

  I returned to work Monday feeling a little out of sorts. My time at the Space Heroes Convention had been even better than I had thought it would be. Well, besides having started something with Sebastian, of course.

  But coming back to reality and my students, who seemed to care only a little about Astronomy, I had some trouble adjusting back to that reality.

  Of course, when I’d gotten home Sunday afternoon, I’d been perhaps a little giddy to get a text message from Sebastian. Between morning classes, I looked at it again.

  Hey, M. I just concluded my meeting with those producers. Hope you made it back okay.

  All right, so it wasn’t terribly romantic or anything, but it meant he had really contacted me. As we had gotten on the plane and left Seattle, I had started to have doubts that I would ever hear from Sebastian again.

  First of all, I had no experience with actors. Maybe he told everyone he hooked up with the same thing. And second, there was precedence in our “connecting” before. He’d stopped writing me when we were kids. Part of me wondered if I’d be facing that again. Now, I still wondered.

  I had replied of course.

  Rest of convention great. Flight home was tolerable. Dreading work. Miss u.

  I had agonized over that last part but had sent it anyway. He had replied with the number two, which I hoped meant he missed me, too. I hadn’t sent anything after that and neither had he. I had the feeling we were both still figuring out the parameters.

  Monday night I received an email in my inbox from him.

  How was your first day back? I had a long day. I’m having a long day, actually. Still filming. I’m doing a cameo in an action film. I think my part in the movie is about five minutes but I’ve been here pretty much all day. Pretty sure it’s ‘cause they hired me on
ly for a day or two. Have about a week and a half off, then I have to go to Brazil for a month of filming. I’ve been thinking about you a lot, Marty.

  The rest of the week pretty much went like that. Sebastian and me exchanging brief texts and longer emails. I didn’t teach courses Friday, but I spend the morning at my office at the university grading papers. I had just gotten home when Sebastian called. I almost dropped my cell trying to get to it so fast.

  “Sebastian?” I panted.

  He chuckled. “Hey. Are we going to have phone sex? You’re already out of breath.”

  “Sorry. I was carrying in groceries and had to lunge for the phone.”

  “Anything good?”

  “If you think frozen pizza is good.”

  His soft laugh did funny things to my stomach. I’d forgotten what a great voice he had. What a sexy laugh he had. “Actually I don’t mind it. And I’m starving so it sounds pretty good to me.”

  I twisted off the cap of a beer as I began to put away my groceries. “Well, drive down to San Diego and you can have some. With Friday traffic, you should make it in four hours,” I joked.

  “Nah. Just open your front door.”

  I slammed the bottle of beer on the counter. “What?”

  My doorbell rang. I went to the door. If I ran a little, who could blame me?

  There he stood, wearing a tank top, jeans, and sunglasses. And a fucking perfect smile.

  “Surprise.” Sebastian grinned.

  “Oh, my God.”

  “Too much? Too stalkerish?”

  “No! Jesus, come in.” I grabbed him and yanked him into my house. “I would have bought more food if I knew you were coming. Are you staying?” I was babbling, maybe. But he was holding a small duffel bag.

  “If you’ll let me. Thought I’d stay until Sunday morning.”

  “Let you? Are you kidding?” My face hurt from grinning.

  He removed his sunglasses and glanced around. “Nice house.”

  “It’s rented,” I blurted out for no apparent reason.


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