A Wish Come True

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A Wish Come True Page 5

by Shawn Lane

  “Still nice.”

  “It’s…well close to work, so—”

  “Marty, I mean it. It’s nice. I like it. Homey.”

  It wasn’t much really. Just a two-bedroom bungalow. Someday I might actually buy a house of my own. Wasn’t really ready for it yet.

  I didn’t know why I was nervous, but I was. Sebastian could see it, too. He came over to me and put his arms around my neck.

  “Was this a bad idea, hmm?”

  I shook my head. “No, it was a great idea. Maybe I’m still a little star-struck.”

  “A big star expert like you?” Sebastian kissed the corner of my mouth.

  “Well.” I laughed.

  “How about we put the pizza on when we’re finished?”


  Sebastian dropped to his knees and started to unzip my pants. “Yeah. Finished.”


  Chapter 9

  The following Friday, I got in my car just after breakfast and drove north to Los Angeles. Sebastian had asked me to come for the weekend, and though I had made the argument about grading papers, Sebastian had suggested I just bring them with me. I could hardly argue with that. Especially since Sebastian was leaving that Monday for Brazil and I really wanted to see him again before he’d be gone a month.

  Sebastian lived in the hills above Hollywood. Up a long, winding road with a gate about halfway. A guard listened to my name and waved me through. It was another half a mile before I reached his house. Scratch that…mansion.

  It was all one story, but it was massive, stretched across the entire landscape and overlooking most of L.A. I realized as I got out of my car, it overlooked the Hollywood Bowl. It was Spanish mission style and had a courtyard in front with a fountain, currently not running.

  Sebastian came out of his house as I approached. He saw me looking at the fountain. “Drought and all.” He shrugged.

  “You didn’t tell me you could see the stage of the Hollywood Bowl from your house.”

  “Pretty cool, huh?”

  “Uh, yeah. Wow. I’m like…wow.”

  He laughed and pulled me toward the front door. Inside looked like something out of a magazine highlighting the homes of the rich and famous. It was all very Mediterranean-looking.

  “I guess Space Heroes pays a lot,” I commented, sure my mouth was hanging open.

  “Yeah, it does. And some of my other roles, too. But I’m still the guy you know and want to have sex with, remember?”

  “It’s a little overwhelming,” I admitted.

  He smiled uncertainly. “I’m sorry. I don’t really think about it. I probably should. It’s just the life I’ve been living now. Is it too much for you?”

  I exhaled slowly. “It takes some getting used to. But no, it’s not too much.”

  “Good. Because I love this house. I love this place. It’s amazing at night especially and I really want you to see it, Marty. Throughout much of L.A., you can’t see the stars at night because of the lights. But here you can. And I want you to see. Living here in the summer is a little obnoxious because of the Bowl, but on the other hand, that’s kind of cool, too. Especially on firework nights.”

  “You sound like you’re selling me the house,” I joked with a grin.

  Sebastian looked away, a little shyly. “Maybe I am.”

  I blinked, feeling my stomach turn over. “What?”

  “Never mind.” He smiled brightly. “Let me show you the rest of the house.”

  * * * *

  I moved inside him, deep, joined. It felt amazing like it always did. He lay on his back, his legs wrapped around my waist as I drove into him. His gaze was locked with mine. Such beautiful blue. Like periwinkle or something. His hand stroked his cock as I fucked him. His lips were parted slightly, with his breaths coming in fast pants.

  “God, you’re gorgeous,” I murmured. I was falling for him. Hell, maybe I was already there.

  He tightened his muscles and I went over the edge.

  Later, he was urging me to get dressed so we could go outside. Night had fallen.

  The evening was balmy warm, so we both just went out in shorts, no shirts. We were holding hands as we walked out to his backyard. And then I saw it.

  “Oh, my God. You have a telescope?” I practically tripped over myself to get to it.

  “Yeah. I hope it’s okay.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I was told this was a really good one.”

  Just as I was about to look into the telescope, I straightened. “You just bought this? Because I was coming?”

  Sebastian blushed. “Uh. Yeah. I have a confession to make.”


  “Back when we were pen pals, I pretended to be interested in space and stars, even science fiction.” He sort of kicked at the dirt with the toe of his sneakers.


  “Because you liked it. And I liked you.” Sebastian shrugged. “I looked at all the letters back then when they first came in because I was the teacher’s assistant, kind of. Like her favorite. So she let me choose. I chose yours because I really liked the way you wrote and the things you said.” He shook his head. “But I thought if I told you I wasn’t interested in that stuff, you wouldn’t want to keep writing to me.”

  I felt a twist of sympathy for that lonely kid he must have been. “I would have liked you anyway.”

  “Well, I wasn’t sure. Funny how I ended up in space movies.” He grinned. “I wanted you to see the stars and planets and stuff up close. So, yeah, I bought this. Are you mad?”

  “Mad? I feel giddy.” I grinned back at him. “I have telescopes. Of course. But this…this is a really great one.”

  He nodded. “I asked a guy at Griffith Observatory what to get.”

  My eyes lit up, I knew. “The Observatory?”

  “You’ve been there?”

  “Hell, yeah. Many times. I love that place. When I was a kid I totally wanted to work there.” I sighed. “Maybe someday.”

  “That would be cool. You know. Because it’s close to here. If, you know, you ever want to move to L.A. or whatever.” He was rubbing the back of his neck again.

  “This is a great house.” I fidgeted with the telescope and bent down to look into it. “Wow. Awesome. Come look.”

  Sebastian laughed but he bent down to look just the same and pretty soon we were both gazing at stars and planets. We stayed out there for hours until he complained he was getting cold.

  After we made love again, we lay snuggled together.

  “This is nice,” he declared.

  “Yeah, it is.” I had it bad.

  “I don’t want to go to Brazil.”

  “A whole month, huh?”

  “Yeah. Not sure how much I’ll get a chance to keep in touch, but I’ll try.”

  I nodded and kissed him. “I’ll be fine.”

  “We’ll be fine.”

  “Yeah.” He drew me down to him and we forgot about sleep again.

  Chapter 10

  Happy Six Month Anniversary.

  I smiled at the message. And hell, it had been six months, hadn’t it? If you counted that first night at the Space Heroes Convention.

  It hadn’t been all smooth sailing. Sebastian was away a lot for filming and we’d gone several weeks without seeing each other at all. Sneaking in weekends when we could. Neither of us had yet said those three words either, which were an elephant in the room. I knew I was in love with him. I had been for a while. No longer my crush on the actor or even on my old pen pal, Spencer. I actually loved the man Sebastian was. And I was pretty sure he loved me, too.

  Happy Six Months.

  It was Wednesday night and I’d been grading tests. I hoped to see Sebastian this weekend, in fact. And the truth was, I wanted to go to L.A. I wasn’t crazy about the drive, but I was crazy about his house and the area and the space I could see from his magnificent backyard. I’d been to the Griffith Park Observatory several times since visiting L.A so often. A couple of times, S
ebastian even went with me, and with a baseball cap and sunglasses he was hardly recognized. Much.

  One time while I was by myself, I put the feelers out with one of the guys doing a class at the Observatory about employment there, and the next thing I knew, I was filling out an application. Something I hadn’t even told Sebastian about. It was only for part-time. Giving lectures and classes in the theaters and such. But I’d have access to all the equipment and latest technology.

  I’d also started thinking about getting work at a closer university. That wasn’t easy. One didn’t just walk into a professorship at UC or something. But Sebastian had been hinting more and more about me moving to Los Angeles. He hadn’t come out and asked, but it was a near thing. And the crazy thing was…I kind of wanted to do it.

  Hey, what are you doing?

  Grading. You?

  Reading a script. Want to come up early?


  Thursday night after your classes. I know the drive is a hassle but an extra night, right?

  I couldn’t deny having an extra night in L.A with Sebastian was very appealing. The drive after work did suck, though. Ah, hell. Life was short.

  I really want to talk to you about something.

  That came in before I’d had a chance to respond. Immediately my heart pounded hard. Was it the “it’s not you, it’s me” speech? Was that why he wanted to get it over with early? Or was it the “move to L.A” speech? I wish I knew. And now my stomach was in knots.


  Yeah, okay. Sure. I’ll come up tomorrow.

  Great. Can’t wait to see you.

  Me, too.

  I got an unexpected call Thursday morning after my first class. It was from the guy in charge of the Observatory. He wanted to interview me. It would all be through the City of Los Angeles as they were city employees and I’d have to do testing and all that, but was I interested in meeting with him? I mentioned I’d be in the area the following day, and to my surprise, he set something up for Friday. I tried not to read too much into it. It might not work out. And it especially wouldn’t if Sebastian was breaking up with me.

  I decided to test the waters a bit.

  So…funny thing. I have an interview at the Observatory Friday. Part-time lecturing.

  Yeah? You applied?

  One of the times I was there. On a lark. Didn’t really think it would come to anything.

  Keeping secrets? LOL. Very cool. See you soon.

  So that was that. I knew exactly…nothing. I finished my classes for the day, went home for my stuff, and hit the road.

  * * * *

  It took nearly four hours by the time I made it up the long hill that led to Sebastian’s home. As the guard smiled and waved me in, I felt like I was returning to my own home. I knew I shouldn’t get too attached. Nothing had changed really. Yeah, there were feelings between us. I thought so, anyway. But he was still a famous actor living the Hollywood lifestyle and I was still a nobody.

  I shook my head to clear the depressing thoughts, parked and went to the front door. I walked in without knocking these days. I even had my own key, though the door was rarely locked. A point of contention between us. I thought it should be locked and Sebastian thought only someone who could fly would get up there without getting past his guard.

  “Sebastian? You in here, sweetheart?”


  Sure enough, that’s where I found him. Chopping up garlic and onions and putting the ingredients into spaghetti sauce.

  “Cooking and everything.” I came around the counter and kissed him.

  “Yeah. Why not? You want some wine? I have some chilling.”

  “I’d love some. But I’ll get it.”

  “Bad drive?”

  “When isn’t it?” I found the bottle—a Sauvignon Blanc we both enjoyed with a twist top—and poured myself some. “You?”

  “Please.” He put the lid on the pot with the sauce and took the glass from me, leaning a hip on the counter. “So.”

  I smiled. “So?”

  He returned the smile. “Next week I have a premiere for that action movie I did. Remember? The cameo?”

  “Yeah. It was right after you and I got together.”

  “Want to go?”

  I took a sip of my wine. “To the premiere?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, the premiere. You know…the red carpet.”

  “As your date?” I asked in surprise.

  His nod was slow as he took a large swallow of his wine. “Yeah. What do you think about that?”

  My heart was beating through my chest. “Sebastian?”

  He moved away from the counter and put his hand on the back of my neck, bringing our foreheads together. “Is this too soon?”

  “Is…is what too soon?” My voice totally cracked.

  “To ask you to consider moving to L.A. To be here with me. I know I’m gone a lot. But I’ve love to come home to you.” He paused. “I know what you’re going to say.”

  I swallowed thickly. “Yeah? What?”

  “Celebrities go through relationships like normal people go through underwear.”

  I laughed low. “Well.”

  “I’m an actor and you’re an astronomer.”

  “That part’s true.”

  “You have a job in San Diego and family and everything.”

  “I can get a new job here. I do have that interview. And San Diego isn’t that far,” I heard myself say.

  Sebastian pulled back a little. There was hope in his blue eyes. So much, it kind of hurt. “Yeah? If you got that job, even if it was part-time, it wouldn’t matter. I have plenty of money.”

  “I don’t need your money.” I was firm on that. Hell, I’d sign a pre-nup if he wanted. Not sure they did those for just relationships, though.

  “I know. What I meant is, you could do whatever you wanted. Work there, look at stars and planets. Teach. Join the space program. Whatever. I know it’s only been six months. It’s nuts. It’s just…I’m in love with you, Marty.” He looked so vulnerable, any resistance I’d had—which wasn’t much—cracked and disappeared like it was nothing.

  I took the wineglass from his hand and set both mine and his on the counter. I grabbed his hand and led him from the kitchen.

  “I hope that burner is on low, because dinner’s going to wait,” I told him as I pulled him toward the bedroom.

  “Oh?” His smile was picture perfect. Stunning. Sweet and hot. And he loved me.

  I pushed him down onto the bed, straddled him, and fused my lips with his. “I love you, too.”

  * * * *

  Long after lovemaking and dinner, a movie, and some more lovemaking, I went outside to the telescope. I’d left Sebastian asleep. Or thought I did. It wasn’t long before I heard him come outside, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “Couldn’t sleep?”

  “Just wanted to take a look at the planets before I did.”

  “Mmm. Did you think about what we talked about before?” he asked like it didn’t matter. Very casual. But I’d seen that hope before and I knew it did. I suspected Sebastian needed stability in his life. He had a great life. Yeah. No doubt about it. But stability wasn’t something he had. No family that wanted anything to do with him. No real friends to speak of.

  “You’re really going to come out with a boyfriend and all?” I glanced at him as I moved the telescope into position. “What’s Abby think about that?”

  Sebastian shrugged. “She’s dealing. It’s not like nobody’s come out or anything.”

  “True. But it’s still gotta be hard for actors who want to be leading men.”

  “Maybe, yeah. I don’t care.”

  I smiled. “You should care. Look. I’m willing to move here if that’s what you want. But don’t come out for me. Come out for you.”

  “That’s what I’m doing, Marty. I promise. What do you want? You want to move here?” His breath caught as we both spotted a shooting star.

  “Make a wish,”
I whispered. I turned to him and drew him close. “Did you wish?”

  “Yep.” He kissed me. Tucked some of my hair behind my ear. His eyes were so full of warmth. “What about you? What did you wish for?”

  “I want to move to L.A,” I said by way of answer. “It is crazy, like you said. But maybe I want to be crazy. Maybe we’ll beat the odds. I don’t know. But I do know I want to try. With you.”

  His smile was radiant. “That’s what I wished for. That you would want to move here. Stupid?”

  I laughed and shook my head. “No way. I wished for this, too.”

  As we kissed under the stars and planets I so loved, I couldn’t help thinking that, yeah, this was worth it. He was, too.



  Shawn Lane is a multi-published author of gay romances and believes love and passion know no boundaries. Happily Ever After is for everyone.

  She has been published by Loose Id, Ellora's Cave, Amber Quill Press, Dreamspinner Press, and Evernight Publishing.

  Shawn lives in California and holds down a boring day job in a legal department of a giant corporation dreaming of the nights and weekends when she can create new stories.

  For more information, visit smlgr8.blogspot.com.


  JMS Books LLC is a small queer press with competitive royalty rates publishing LGBT romance, erotic romance, and young adult fiction. Visit jms-books.com for our latest releases and submission guidelines!




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