Echoes from Yesterday: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 4

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Echoes from Yesterday: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 4 Page 5

by Sean Benjamin

  “Cease fire,” Ringo ordered.

  She watched the destroyer struggle amid the asteroids. The ship had no engine power now as the heat readout from sensors showed a cooling around both nacelles. Her shields were on battery power and the constant pounding of the rocks would deplete them quickly. Then the rocks would start pounding the bare hull, and then compartments would start opening to space. The crew had to be working frantically to get any sort of power online. A powerless ship could not survive for long, and escape pods were not an option among the swirling mayhem of nature. The ship was sure to be calling for help on all her discrete fleet frequencies. Soon she would do it on all the general frequencies. Ringo had to suppress the urge to continue shooting her since Renegade had been doing extended raiding and was getting low on ordnance, and still had to make the trek to the Perdition system. Ringo couldn’t chance being caught short with no resupply close by. She shrugged. Nature would have to do the job for her. Not perfect, but the end result would be the same.

  Ringo spoke to the bridge crew. “Well done, everyone. As always, you were on time and on target. Need damage reports from all stations.” She now addressed the helm again. “Set course for the Perdition system. Best sustained speed.”

  Renegade turned to port and rolled out on course. Ringo relaxed in her seat. She had already dismissed the destroyer from her consciousness. Another victory. A moment of satisfaction and nothing more. There never was anything more.

  ~ ~ ~

  “You can’t be serious,” Baby Doll stared at Mason Reed as he sat in the captain’s chair.

  He smiled at her. “I’m acting captain of the pirate vessel Predator. I’m always serious.”

  Baby Doll was not giving it up. “You do recall I have standing permission to mutiny if I think it is necessary.”

  Reed nodded as he patted the arms of the captain’s chair. “That’s why I’m staying in this command chair. Raferty distinctly said not to get blood on his chair.”

  The remainder of the bridge crew watched the back and forth with amusement. They had wondered about Mason Reed being in command, but it had worked out well up to now. They had stopped four freighters and one turned out to be a slaver. The slaves were taken aboard Predator and the ship was looted of money and other gear of use to the pirates. The crew was entered into the pirate facial recognition database for slave runners, and then the ship was released.

  Predator travelled to Marblefall and entered orbit under an assumed identity. The slaves were dropped off, but Predator stayed in orbit. Now Reed was giving himself and his temporary command a new mission.

  “Colandra would not have changed his money operations just because I left. He thinks I am still hiding out somewhere, and he hopes I will get desperate and do a money withdrawal. The transaction will give him a location on me, so his or the Sunrise death squads can get a shot at me. He will have left the codes and the procedures in place for withdrawing money. We need to help ourselves before he comes to the conclusion that I won’t bite, and changes the codes and bank procedures. We got a short time to get this done. Once we do it and he fails to get me, he will change the codes.” He smiled at Baby Doll and then the rest of the bridge crew. “We can always use the money and, besides, it’ll be fun.”

  Baby Doll stared at him. “Of course, you plan to use Predator as your getaway vehicle before the death squads can close in. Got this all planned out, have you?”

  “I’ve been thinking about it for a while.”

  “Isn’t that just grand?” Baby Doll replied. She looked at him for a long moment. “Well, we got nothing pressing to do so if you think we can get this done with no trouble, let’s give it a try. I and a squad will accompany you in case a death squad is nearby and someone at the bank alerts them to you. Where to first?”

  Reed nodded. “As it so happens, we have an opportunity right here. There are two banks on Marblefall that are conduits for Colandra Enterprises. One in Sonoma and one in Yarrow. We will take a trip down and see what we shall see.”

  Minutes later, Reed led a party down to Yarrow in the ship’s shuttle. He was dressed in a stylish business suit and carried a briefcase.

  Baby Doll looked him up and down as their shuttle departed Predator’s shuttle bay for the short trip to Yarrow’s landing terminal. “When did you get that outfit?”

  “On Lorelei during that three-day stopover when Tactical and I were together while you and Rafe handled the mission with the Sunrise director. I knew I would have a use for it sometime.”

  Baby Doll shook her head. “You’ve been planning this little move for a while, haven’t you?”

  Reed shrugged. “I thought I was going to be on my own and you can never have too much cash on hand so, yeah, I was putting this trip together back then.”

  Baby Doll continued to eye him silently. He returned her look. “I’m going to contribute whatever money we get to our cause.”

  “Take a little for your trouble?”

  “I’m owed a little something for the trouble I’ve been put through by my former boss.”

  Baby Doll nodded. “So we’re in the collection business now.”

  Reed winked at her. “Flot 1 has always been in the collection business. Just collecting different things.”

  Baby Doll nodded and frowned as she thought through the plan. She was all for relieving Colandra of some of his monies, but she didn’t want to help Mason Reed augment his own portfolio of funds.

  After landing and then passing through Yarrow’s customs facility, she looked over at Logan. “Take two men with you and help the XO find his bank and then you escort him inside to ensure he doesn’t get lost.”

  Logan nodded toward Baby Doll and moved next to Mason. He pointed at two men and they fell in behind the pair. Reed smiled at Baby Doll. “It hurts me that you think I wouldn’t play this straight.”

  Baby Doll smiled back. “I’m sure it is only a temporary pain. You’ll be fine once you turn over all the money to me. Knowing you are helping Flot 1 will alleviate your ache.”

  “You are a true warrior for our cause, Baby Doll.”

  “As I know you are.”

  Reed turned to Logan. “You’re not dressed for the occasion, so you can wait outside the bank.”

  Baby Doll cut in. “Nope. Make a quick stop along the way and get Logan a nice suit so he can fit right in. Logan will look right natty in a new suit.”

  Logan smiled as Reed shrugged. “Whatever works,” Reed said.

  Reed and his escort walked off. Baby Doll and three others followed at a discrete distance to avoid the appearance of a large group arriving at the bank. One stop was made and Logan reappeared outside the shop looking quite comfortable and handsome in a nice suit. Baby Doll was right. He did look right natty. The four-man party went to the bank while Baby Doll and her party had drinks across the street. Logan and Reed entered the bank while the other two took seats on benches by the front entrance. Ten minutes later, the pair emerged and the two waiting men fell in behind them. Baby Doll and party followed them back to the shuttle.

  Reed was in good spirits. “Got the max for a single withdraw on my company card. Fifty thousand in Goth glitter. On to Sonoma.”

  Baby Doll nodded and spoke. “Must be a helluva card to get that much money in one shot.”

  Reed grinned at her. “Remember I was one of Colandra’s top people. It is a magic card, but we have to move before the home office gets the transaction reports and shuts down the card and alerts any nearby bad guys.”

  She was loathe to admit it, but she was impressed. She said, “Let’s go.”

  The shuttle took a quick hop over to Sonoma and the plan was repeated with the exact same result. The shuttle returned to Predator with one hundred thousand in gold krone. As soon as the shuttle returned to Predator, the pirate ship set course for Lorelei.

  Reed turned to Baby Doll as they disembarked from the shuttle in the bay. “We will get one more shot at this. We should get to Lorelei and do it again while the de
ath squads are looking on Marblefall. We can get another fifty thousand in Baseline and, maybe, in Westrose before the codes are changed.”

  Baby Doll smiled at him. “That will work out very well as we can give all the money to Destiny in Westrose and she will see it is suitably handled.”

  Reed stared at her. “I should get a little something for my trouble.”

  “You are getting a little something. The satisfaction of knowing you’re contributing to Flot 1 success.”

  Reed shook his head. “You’re right about the little part.”

  The ship made the trip to Lorelei. The same landing party proceeded to the surface. The withdrawal was repeated in Baseline but was unsuccessful in Westrose. The codes and passwords had been changed and Reed’s card terminated. The largess of Colandra Enterprises was at an end.

  The pirate band proceeded to Destiny’s and deposited one hundred and fifty thousand gold krone with Destiny Flores. She assured Baby Doll the money would be suitably invested. They had several drinks in the main bar and returned to their shuttle.

  Baby Doll smiled at Mason Reed as they sat in the back of the shuttle while returning to Predator. “That didn’t hurt at all, now did it?”

  He returned her look but not her smile. “It sure as hell didn’t feel good.”

  Baby Doll’s smile widened. “Could have been worse. We could have stuck you with the bar bill at Destiny’s. You did get to drink for free so that’s something. Besides, Logan got a new suit out of it. Lots of winners here.”

  “You’re just a ‘glass is half full’ type of gal, aren’t you?”

  “In our line of work, you got to remain positive.”

  “I’m positive I got screwed here.”

  Baby Doll laughed and so did Logan and the others in the nearby seats. In a few seconds, Reed himself had a faint smile. “I guess Colandra is the guy who actually got screwed,” he confessed.

  “Another day in paradise,” Baby Doll gave the closing comment on the venture. Once the shuttle was onboard, Predator set course for the Perdition system.

  Chapter 7

  “How about my father’s family?”

  Raferty was sitting across from his grandfather at the table in the family dining room. Tactical sat next to him. Dinner had just been eaten and cleared as the three diners slowly finished their beverages.

  The Duke leaned back in his chair and stared off into the past. “Your father’s family was quite well off. Of course, they had to be to send a child to The Academy. The cost is prohibitive. They made their fortune in communications. Ramsey’s great grandfather had started the family business and each generation had expanded the company while acquiring other related enterprises. They had done quite well. It was expected Ramsey would do his time in the military and return to the family fold to take an executive position of some sort within the corporation. I suspect if Ramsey had liked the military life, he would have stayed in regardless of his family’s wishes.”

  He paused here as he collected the next chapter to the story. He looked at his two guests and spoke suddenly. “Let us adjourn to the library to take up the tale once more.”

  The three took up their drinks and made their way to the library. The Duke led them to the long couch and two chairs in front of the glowing fireplace. He motioned to the couch as he pulled an end chair around to face the couch. Once everyone was seated, the man continued. “In accordance with their wishes, your father and uncle were buried next to each other in The Academy cemetery. Their funerals were together and that was the only time I met Ramsey’s parents. Since the two children had eloped and then moved off planet to Ramsey’s duty station, there had never been any personal interaction between the parents of the bride and groom. Ramsey’s family lived on the planet of Welkin. It was a bit of travel to go back and forth so nobody could drop in on each other for a dinner engagement. I think the elopement made for an awkward beginning for any relationship between the families. Your mother and Ramsey did visit them on their home planet when Ramsey would take leave. I had offered to invite them here for a visit so we could all get to know each other. Your mother would have none of it. I suspect they did not care for her and she did not care for them so I never pressed it.”

  He paused again and stared at the floor as memories forced their way to the forefront. “Her behavior at the funerals was quite unforgivable. She was inconsolable and said the war was none of our concern and Ramsey and Keith had died for nothing, among other hateful remarks. I had to order her away from the proceedings. Any sympathies Ramsey’s family would have had for his widow vanished at that time. I could hardly blame them for that.” Another pause. “She left shortly after that and there never seemed to be a reason to meet his parents again. I did keep them informed of my search for the child’s sake.” He nodded at Raferty. “Your sake. There was never anything to report so we gradually stopped communicating. Both parents are dead now but there are uncles, aunts, and cousins. If you are so inclined to meet them, I can get you a readout on the family.” He smiled at the pirate captain. “Of course, I suspect you already have one and know more about the fate of those family members than I do.”

  Raferty smiled back. “I did some investigating on my own but wanted your insight. Mother did not make things easy, did she?”

  The Duke shook his head. “That was never in her make up. To be perfectly honest, she always found other people wanting. The universe had to be made over according to her standards, and she believed everyone should get on with that sole idea in mind. There were no innocent bystanders in your mother’s reality. If you wanted to remake the universe in her image, you were her friend. If not, you were her enemy. The only exception to that rule was your father. He didn’t want to remake the universe, and your mother let that go by. She truly did love your father. Of that, I am sure. She loved her brother also, and the deaths of those two at the same time made it impossible for your mother to cope. She should have stayed home but I think she would have left soon regardless of whether we had argued or not. She would have found this place intolerable soon enough after the funerals.”

  The old man paused now, and then spoke in a quiet voice. “Did she change at all as the years passed?”

  Rafe smiled at the memories of his mother’s dedication, but then shook his head. “No. If anything, it got worse. She would never admit it, but she had led a sheltered life here. The Aurora Empire is heaven compared to most of what is out there beyond the borders. Even the poorest planets in the Aurora Empire are far nicer places than much of the rest of the universe. I think Mother saw poverty and ways of life that were beyond her comprehension before she saw them first hand. Her response was to shift to a more radical agenda. Try to enlist more people in the cause. Demand more strident protests and faster deadlines to make things right. She held everyone in all power structures responsible. It didn’t matter if it was governments, churches, corporations, or schools. Anyone who had a hand in maintaining the status quo was suspect. She limited her reaction to talk though. I can’t remember a single time when she had a hand in violence or even proposed violence. She tried to talk change into happening.”

  Raferty paused now in his story as he considered the next chapter. “To be fair, there was some good done. Schools were started. Churches started doing charity work to help others. Some corporations gave in on marginally improving work conditions or buying better equipment for their workers. Our little group enlisted many others to the cause and a great percentage is still at it today. These people have enlisted others, and the good work goes on throughout the universe. There are many dedicated people out there who got their start with Mother’s little group. She does have that legacy.”

  “Do you help in this continuing good work?”

  “We contribute money and do some coordination work between the groups. We have provided transportation on occasion. There have been a few instances when certain groups or companies opposed to change have threatened death and destruction on the old groups Mother helped start. Th
ese old groups know to contact me. I would get in communication with those threatening violence and express my disappointment at their attitude. I would also suggest that, regardless of the distance or time involved, I and several of my associates would be more than happy to drop by to discuss the matter face to face.” Rafe shrugged. “So far, nobody has taken me up on the suggestion and each group proposing violence adjusted their views on the subject.”

  “Your reputation precedes you.”

  Hawkins shrugged. “I think my mother and I share many of the same goals but our methods vary. She talked to her opponents. I kill mine. After several such incidents, word got around so, yes, my reputation precedes me.”

  “Are you comfortable with that reputation?”

  “I am comfortable with anything that gives my opponents or potential opponents pause. I am also comfortable with killing those who do not take the hint.”

  The Duke smiled at that. Throughout the story, he would glance at Tactical to see if she would add to the tale, but Tactical remained mute.

  The talk moved on to other topics.

  Chapter 8

  Captain Skyler Mallory returned to her stateroom after dinner in the senior officers’ mess. She eased into a large comfortable chair in the corner and relaxed for a moment before looking through the comm messages on her computer and getting some work done before retiring for the evening. Her duties had no standard work hours, she was always on call, and her job was never done. She reached to the side table next to the chair and took up her computer. She scanned through her mail and stopped on one from Viscount David Van Drucker.


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