Echoes from Yesterday: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 4

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Echoes from Yesterday: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 4 Page 7

by Sean Benjamin

  The Duke nodded silently. The regret named after his daughter came back to him now in full force. Their relationship should have been fixable but they were both too stubborn to do it. She seemed to have come to that realization first but, regardless who got there first, it was too late for both of them.

  He smiled at his granddaughter. “First things first. I am absolutely certain my daughter did not name you Tactical.”

  Tactical smiled in return. “Rebecca, after her mother, your wife.”

  The Duke smiled. It was a kind gesture on the part of his daughter to do that. Maybe she had really missed home, after all. “I would prefer to use that name, if you could stand it.”

  Tactical leaned toward him. “I would prefer that also.”

  Grandfather and granddaughter talked of many things for a long time. Hawkins returned and briefly looked in but left them undisturbed. He wandered to the kitchen. George and the cook were preparing the evening meal.

  Raferty walked in and stopped. “May I get a drink?”

  “Of course, sir. I will gladly -.”

  Raferty shook his head. “I’ll get it. You’re busy enough without waiting on me.” He moved to the cold storage unit and helped himself to a fruit juice.

  “Something for the others?” George asked.

  “Not yet. They are deep in conversation and it may go on a while.”

  George smiled broadly. “So grandfather and granddaughter are getting to it?”

  Hawkins nodded and returned the smile. “Finally. You both knew all along, didn’t you?”

  “She looks like her mother. Also, moves like her. It was not a hard connection to make.”

  Hawkins nodded. “Tactical needed to get to it in her own time.”

  George nodded. “Understandable. Let me ask you something, sir.”

  Hawkins nodded and George went on. “Why are you appearing now?”

  Raferty looked off into the middle distance. After a few moments, he refocused on George. “We read of his illness and that was the trigger event, but we always wanted to meet him. Our mother would never come right out and say it, but I think she regretted how it all ended. She had regrets and much was left unspoken between her and her family. She didn’t want us to end up the same way. She actually wanted us to meet her family so we could make up our own minds. I guess we just came to the conclusion the Duke had a right to know what happened. I wish we could have come while his wife was still alive. She must have gone quickly.”

  George nodded. “She did. It tore out the Duke’s heart, but you and your sister have done a great deal in restoring it. I think his last several months will be easier now. I would not be surprised if he extended beyond what the doctors had given him, thanks to you.”

  “He is a tough man. He would have outlasted the medical estimates without us.”

  George shook his head. “He was ready to go. Now he has a reason not to.”

  Hawkins sighed. “We can’t stay much longer. We have two more fights in the near future. I check my message traffic every day in the shuttle and events are unfolding now that will require our presence very soon.”

  “Your grandfather has told me of your exploits. He is quite proud of you. You have your mother’s fire and your father’s dedication to duty.”

  Rafe smiled. “You’re very kind, George. The Duke is very lucky to have you in this house with him.”

  George smiled back. “I have always considered myself the lucky one.” He glanced over at the cook preparing dinner. “I need to assist in dinner preparations, sir. If you will excuse me.”

  Hawkins nodded. “Of course. I‘ve taken up too much of your time here. Forgive me.”

  “Not at all, sir.” He smiled with a hint of mischief. “Don’t be surprised if the Master tasks you with some family duties in the near future.”

  “Anything I can do to help.”

  “He will help you in completing your endeavors. It will be interesting to watch.”

  George turned away with that last remark. Hawkins smiled to himself as he departed the kitchen. Yes, that man knew all the secrets, past, present, and those to come.

  ~ ~ ~

  The last dinner was a special affair. The multi-course feast included wine, dessert, and excellent conversation. After the eating concluded, the three participants retired to the library and seated themselves in front of the fireplace. This after-dinner sojourn to the library was becoming a family tradition.

  Tobias Gallagher settled back in his chair with Tactical on the floor in front of the couch and Raferty sitting on the couch near her. He was content for the first time since his wife was last in good health. He looked at his granddaughter. “This is your favorite room, isn’t it?”

  Tactical nodded. “This is my favorite room in the house and, probably, in the universe.”

  The older man nodded in return. “It has always been my favorite, too. It was your mother’s also. No matter how bad it got between us, we could both coexist peacefully in here.” He looked around the room. “The family definitely got this right.”

  The Duke now looked them both over as he got down to business. “What is your schedule?” A second later, he amended that question. “Rather, let me ask, when will you be back?”

  His grandchildren looked at each other and Raferty answered. “My flotilla is gathering now and my freighter Dragon will arrive in orbit tonight. We have two fights ahead of us. One is to address a transgression of the Goths from several months ago. We will fight that battle on the common border between the Aurora Empire and Goldenes Tor. The other fight is to support your forces in the Electra System.”

  “Why can’t our Navy support the forces in the Electra System?”

  “Your Navy is spread too thin and has idiots in key positions.” Hawkins paused. “There might be no need for support in the Electra System, but my sources in Orion space tell me otherwise. Your Navy will have approximately the same information from their own sources but will ignore it. I think there is an attack coming and we have to help defeat it. Not only for the Empire’s sake but for my own as well because, after the battle, I will present a bill for services rendered that some people in the Aurora Empire are not going to like.”

  “They may not pay it then.”

  “Quite frankly, I think the people who matter will want to pay it because it benefits the Empire in the long run.”

  “Run the proposal by me.”

  Raferty turned to Tactical. “She can do it better than me.” Tactical took up the tale. She talked for ten minutes. At the conclusion, the Duke nodded. “You both have thought this through quite well.” His two grandchildren nodded.

  “It’s a win-win if the right people get onboard,” Hawkins remarked.

  “I can help,” the Duke replied. He smiled. “I do know a few of the right people.”

  Raferty shook his head. “We did not come here to try and get you into this.”

  Now the Duke shook his head. “You’re not getting me into anything. I serve the Empire and this is the right thing to do. The Empire will benefit from it.” He stared at them intently. “Why did you come at this time?”

  Tactical took up the conversation. “Your illness made us realize time is short. Also, the tide is turning against us in the Badlands. We will not abandon the quadrant so it is becoming increasingly likely we will lose a fight in the near future and be killed. You had a right to know the story before that happens. Our mother had many regrets. She seemed to want to address the one with you but she never quite got around to it. Then she died. We don’t want to go down that same path.”

  The Duke looked at the two young people. “I am so pleased you came. Knowing how the story came out has meant the world to me.” He paused, took a deep breath, and then got back to Empire business. “But if the Empire puts a squadron back in the Badlands as you will request, then those odds go down as far as you dying?”

  Tactical nodded. “If the Empire just puts a squadron of obsolete destroyers and cruisers back in the Badlands
, it would give the Goths pause. We want that Empire force to be told to cooperate with us as long as it doesn’t lead to a war. With the Empire’s ships running around, it will prevent the Goths from putting a chokehold on the quadrant. If the Royal Navy has ships escorting freighters through the blockade to the Agra planets, no way does the Goth Navy interfere with that. If Royal Navy ships show up anywhere, the Goths will get out of the way if they are caught doing something they shouldn’t be doing. If that Zeke squadron cooperates with us, they will have access to the best intel net in the region. Despite their few numbers, they will get to the right place at the right time on many occasions.”

  The Duke nodded. “The ships you would want are not front line ships anyway. They are not critical assets in the war with the OrCons.”

  Rafe agreed. “The ships we want would not even be sent into combat against the OrCons despite your need for ships. They are too old, lightly armed, and their technology too dated. They wouldn’t last ten seconds in a fleet engagement with the OrCons. Their sole function in such a battle would be to act as missile magnets. I saw that in the Badlands with Captain Mallory’s squadron. A couple of her ships went down mighty fast with all hands.”

  The Duke nodded and then smiled. “After all this talk, you still haven’t answered the original question. When are you coming back?”

  Raferty smiled in return and looked at Tactical. She nodded in response. He turned to the Duke. “We have a fight with the Goths and then one with the OrCons. If we survive them, we will come back. Should be only four weeks if our intel is correct. Our border fight with the Goths will be near enough to the Electra system so we can get right over there.”

  “Good. In fact, that would be excellent. It allows me the time to do what I want to accomplish in your absence.”

  The two young people looked at him. “Care to share?” Tactical asked.

  The Duke shook his head. “I would prefer not as I’m not sure I can pull it off.” He now gave them a mischievous smile. “Besides, neither of you is going to like it.”

  “You don’t have to get involved,” Rafe warned him.

  He shook his head. “We are family. I am automatically involved.” He looked them both over. “You must have known I would help if I could.”

  Raferty looked at him intently. “I have no problem with you making a few comm calls to support us as far as getting Empire ships back to the Badlands. The calls should be after the Electra battle so the people you call would already know they are in our debt. Everything helps as far as getting those ships. I would appreciate your efforts in that regard, but we didn’t come here to enlist you in Pirate Flotilla One.” He looked at Tactical who nodded again. He turned back to his grandfather. “We have talked it over and think you should keep your connection to us close hold. Keeps the media from bothering you every time we get mentioned in the news, and keeps your political enemies from bringing up the family black sheep whenever they feel like insulting you.”

  Tobias Gallagher stared at his two grandchildren. He pointed at finger at Raferty and then Tactical. “The media be damned, and all my political enemies can go straight to hell. I have lived with both groups for decades so they are no more than annoying flies to me.” He stared at the two of them. “As to future courses of action for this family, neither of you run this family because I do. You don’t tell me what to do, I tell you what to do.” Raferty opened his mouth. The Duke put up a warning finger. “Don’t want to hear it. I make the family decisions here. I decide what I will or will not do and, in regard to the family, both of you will do as you are told.” He pointed a finger at Hawkins. “Got that, Zachary?” Hawkins nodded. “Yes, Grandfather.” The Duke turned to Tactical. “Got that, Rebecca?” She nodded. “Yes, Grandfather.”

  The Duke smiled. “Excellent. Let’s drink to it.”

  The trio stayed up late into the night. They finally retired in good spirits and semi drunk. Everyone slept very well.

  The next morning the clan gathered at the landing pad for the departure of the two visitors. The two grandchildren said goodbye to their grandfather, George, and several of the other people around the estate that had made their stay so memorable. Hugs were exchanged and then exchanged a second time. Nobody openly cried, but nobody had dry eyes either. As they were about to board their craft, the Duke spoke.

  “One more topic. I know you have probably researched our family and this estate in great detail and know our ways, but I want you to hear this directly from me.” Hawkins and Tactical nodded silently as the Duke turned from them and swept his arm across the valley below and spun slightly to include the ancestral home in the gesture. He paused as he gathered the words. “These grounds have changed very little in all the years we have held this estate. There have been water projects to help irrigation, agriculture fields have been laid in, and the buildings have grown and changed over the years. We have even brought in exotic animals from other places to ensure they did not go extinct. All these changes have been around the edges so to speak. There have been few changes in my lifetime, as the family believes we got this place damn close to perfection. Your great grandfather could show up right now, recognize this version of Haven Hill with no trouble, and feel right at home. This is the center of the family. There are relatives who have lived off planet for generations, and my brothers and a sister have their own grand homes and raised their families there, but, whenever the family gathers, it is here. The heartbeat of the family is here. All the family decisions are made here. It has always been that way and shall always be that way.” He turned from looking at the estate to face his grandchildren. “I tell you this now so you know you have a home here, always. You cannot be turned out, and you cannot be refused entry except by the titleholder of the family. The universe mutates by the second. Change is the one constant in our reality.” The Duke gestured to the valley again. “But not here.” He turned back to the young people. “I know you will travel far and will face many challenges. Your time here will always be limited, but never forget, this is your home, and it shall always be so. Regardless of what happens anywhere else in the universe, you are always welcomed here. You are of Black Hallow now and that can never be changed.”

  There were no dry eyes now. Both visitors hugged their grandfather. Both silently recalled how concerned they had been about this visit going badly. It seemed so ridiculous now. As the two boarded their shuttle, the Duke held out a package to Tactical. “George told me you were engrossed in the biography of Mark Twain. I know you finished the book but I want you to have it as a keepsake of your visit.” Tactical started to protest but the Duke shook his head slightly. Tactical smiled and accepted the book. “I will treasure it always.” Tobias Gallagher smiled at that and turned to Raferty. “I have a present for you, but it is not ready yet.” He gave his grandson a sly smile. “And I guarantee it will not fit into a small package.”

  Raferty smiled back. “Like to give me a hint?”

  The old man looked off in the distance for a second and then came back to him. “It will be the gift that keeps on giving. Use it wisely and it will be a great asset for you. Screw it up and it will get you killed.”

  Hawkins looked puzzled, but his grandfather laughed and placed a hand on a shoulder of each of his grandchildren. “All will become clear soon enough. Do not worry over it.” He leaned in close now. “You both go in harm’s way. Keep a clear head and do not be concerned about things here. I want you both back here as soon as possible and for a longer visit the next time.”

  The two nodded and gave one final goodbye hug, then boarded their transportation. They knew Dragon was in orbit over the capital city and they had lingered long enough. The two grandchildren promised to keep the Duke informed and to return as promised. The shuttle departed for the main port of Zelenka.

  As the shuttle cleared the landing pad. Raferty looked at his sister. “This is really strange but we have been to a place we actually want to go back to on a regular basis. Outside of Destiny’s, I can’t th
ink of another place like that.”

  Tactical nodded while piloting the shuttle. “You’re right. I do want to come back. First time for everything.” She pushed the shuttle to its maximum speed.

  The two now entered a period of comfortable silence. Despite Raferty’s initial doubts, the trip had gone well, very well. The past cannot be changed, but it can be acknowledged. Maybe that acknowledgement could make for a better future. If nothing else, it made the present much more pleasant.

  After watching the shuttle disappear from sight, the Duke of Black Hallow returned to his library and made two comm calls. The first call was to his lawyer to change his will and the second was to set up an audience with the queen.

  The shuttle returned to Zelenka’s capital of Krasny. Tactical put down briefly at the main terminal to pick up one passenger. Joshua Windsor, medical doctor without portfolio, was waiting for the shuttle. As soon as the vehicle landed, he stepped smartly to it and climbed aboard. Both Tactical and Raferty couldn’t help themselves. They peered back from the cockpit with looks of inquiry. Doc Windsor knew the expressions. He shrugged. “I enjoyed seeing my sister very much.”

  “Your parents?” asked Rafe.

  He looked back at Hawkins. “I enjoyed seeing my sister very much.” Without another word, he strapped into the front passenger seat. Tactical requested clearance to depart and the shuttle was soon aboard Dragon. The freighter immediately broke orbit.

  Chapter 10

  The Home Fleet morning briefings were concluded for yet another day. Nothing of urgency was reported in the information passed, and it seemed as if Home Fleet would always be largely spectators to the war. Admiral Barrett rose to say a few words before adjoining the meeting. Surprisingly, he did not speak to the group as a whole but looked up at the lone woman in back of the large compartment. He did not miss much and had noticed her body language and facial expressions during the intelligence brief. “Do you agree with the intel assessment as stated in the brief, Lieutenant Bychovskaya?”


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