Echoes from Yesterday: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 4

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Echoes from Yesterday: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 4 Page 28

by Sean Benjamin

  Cunningham didn’t want to guess so plunged ahead. “A title transfer to whom?”

  The Queen smiled. “To Tobias Gallagher’s grandson.” She said it in an even tone. She had the good courtesy not to imply that the answer should have been obvious to all.

  The Defense Minister proceeded carefully. “I was not aware he had a grandson, let alone a grandson capable of commanding Her Majesty’s ships in time of war.”

  “His grandson is well qualified to command. In fact, he has been doing it for several years. The new Duke of Black Hallow is none other than Captain Raferty Hawkins.”

  The three men stared at Queen Alexis in mute amazement. Cunningham’s mouth was agape. He was a man who prided himself on his thorough preparation for any possibility, but nobody could have foreseen this. It was very rare for him to be greatly surprised but this single occasion was making up for all that lost time. It briefly flashed through Cunningham’s mind the only time he had been surprised recently was when Raferty Hawkins had seen through his plan for Skyler Mallory to accompany the pirates on their raid against Murmansk. Now this. Hawkins was proving to have a bad habit of surprising him.

  All three men began calculating how this new information would fit in the political and military landscape of the Aurora Empire. Hawkins had the resume and the skill set to be a major player in the internal politics of the Empire if he desired. With a peerage, he would have entry into any political arena he chose to step into. Once in the arena, his personality and military achievements would earn him respect and give him creditability. He would be a force to be reckoned with. A man who had fought battles for years and had no attachments to anybody or anything in the Aurora Empire was unpredictable. He did not accept the status quo in the Badlands and there was no reason to believe he would behave any differently in the Aurora Empire. That made him a potential opponent. A very dangerous opponent. Each man sitting there came to the independent conclusion that a new Duke of Black Hallow in the Upper House, and having the Queen’s ear, was an unknown, and unknowns were always bad. They preferred the devil they knew. Suddenly the cost of two destroyers and some engines to ensure Hawkins got out of the home systems and back to the Badlands seemed like an acceptable expenditure.

  The Admiral spoke up first. “Madam, the pirate ships will be in repair for five to six weeks at Wanderlust. In that time, three Spinnakers are due to join Home Fleet at that base. It would be an ideal time to transfer two Armets to the Duke of Black Hallow to make up for his losses.” Wu quickly consulted his pad and continued. “The destroyers would be Galea and Konos.”

  The Queen nodded. “You will inform Admiral Barrett?” Admiral Wu nodded and Alexis continued. “Excellent. The pirates will have to man the ships themselves. I’m sure they will make that happen. The Spinnaker engines for them?”

  The Admiral agreed. “Of course, Your Majesty. We can have replacement engines there in less than a week. The installation and run up periods may add to the time the pirates spend at Wanderlust, but only slightly. I will see to it that extra maintenance support is moved to Wanderlust and ensure the two Armets are in good condition prior to the transfer. We will ensure the Armets will have Spinnaker engines also prior to the transfer. I will get all the appropriate message traffic out as soon as I return to my office.”

  “Excellent, gentlemen!” The Queen rose and offered her hand across her desk. Each man took her hand in turn for a slight handshake. The Queen had gotten a Royal Navy squadron and two destroyers for the pirates. The three men wanted to get out of her office before the Queen decided Hawkins deserved a battle fleet. They started to exit, but the Queen’s voice stopped them. “One more item, for only the Prime Minister, please.”

  Cunningham and Admiral Wu were more than willing to abandon Strickland as they gratefully exited. Strickland turned and regarded the Queen. She gestured to his recently vacated chair and sat back down behind her desk. He took his seat again as she spoke. “I wish to discuss the upcoming vote on Measure 200.”

  Strickland was on much firmer ground with political topics. “It will be a close vote. There are four peers who seem to be playing both sides at the moment to see who will pay the steepest price for their vote. There is still plenty of time for maneuvering, and I expect the tally to change almost hourly. I will be keeping a running count right up to the vote, and keep Madam informed each day.”

  “Thank you for that, Mister Prime Minister. The vote must succeed this year. I fear the ongoing war and high cost of paying for it will push opponents to claim that conforming to the anti-slavery measure would be too costly in this time of great government expenditures, so the measure should be voted down.”

  Strickland was in full agreement. “As war costs rise, nobody will want to see the cost of other items rise also. Reform is never welcomed in a wartime economy that is already stretched to its maximum.”

  “So it is imperative we get the bill through now.” Alexis leaned across the table. “Here is my plan to assist you.”

  The two leaned toward each other as the Queen talked in earnest.

  Chapter 49

  Predator’s shuttle settled in the hangar bay of Corsair. With her own shuttle there, it was a tight fit but Hawkins got the shuttle in. The hangar doors slid shut and the space pressurized. After the green lights came on, Hawkins and Killian O’Hare departed the craft and were met by Flint Colfax. He was nervous having his two commanders aboard his ship for the first time. The fact they showed up with no notice did not help his nerves or allow him to prepare for their visit. Of course, he knew that was the point. They wanted to see the real ship and real captain.

  Handshakes were exchanged and Colfax tried to look calm and in command. “How can Corsair assist you both today?”

  O’Hare took up the conversation. “We just want to tour the ship and thank the crew.”

  Colfax was surprised but pleased. The crew had met O’Hare but never Hawkins. The fact the two leaders took time out of their hectic schedules would make a positive impression on his people. The trio set off. Hawkins insisted on visiting sickbay first to see all the wounded. After meeting and talking to each patient and the medical staff, the tour covered the entire ship as the two visitors met and talked to each crewmember. Both the leaders thanked each man and woman. Neither was in a hurry. They answered questions and had crewmembers show them around their work compartments while they explained their duties. Colfax silently marveled at the way the two put everyone at ease and created casual interaction with each person they encountered. He was especially impressed by Killian O’Hare. She was gracious, friendly, and complimentary to everyone she met. It was a side of her he had never seen and didn’t believe existed. After the tour, the three went to the Captain’s day cabin where they were joined by the XO, Winston Summers, and the OpsO, Dallas Keitel.

  After taking seats around the small briefing table, Hawkins complimented them on their ship and crew, and then got down to business. “We are here for two reasons. The first one was to tour your ship and meet your crew. The second reason is to talk to you now.” He looked at each of the three officers in turn. “Your crew and ship performed very well in the fight. I assume you have already told them that. I know many, probably most, did not sign up for that type of action. When we get to Wanderlust we will be getting serious repairs. Of course, I want the ships to be repaired as quickly as possible, but there will be time for extended liberty and I will be authorizing liberty for all crews on nearby planets. I suspect many of your crew will go on liberty and forget to come back.”

  “No, sir.” Colfax was slightly offended at the suggestion. However, Summers and Keitel exchanged looks while showing no surprise. That did not escape the notice of O’Hare or Hawkins.

  Killian took a stab at it. “Flint, no insult was intended. The simple fact is, your crew signed up for something different than this. They were going to stop slavery in the Badlands through non-violent means. Now that they have found out what combat is actually like and see there is likely more
of it coming when we go back in the Badlands, several will opt out.” She looked at him intently and smiled slightly. “It is only natural. They feel very mortal right now and we will be in the Aurora Empire for the next several weeks, so they will be as close to home as they will ever get.” She nodded at his two officers. “They know what we said is true.”

  Colfax turned to his two shipmates with a look of surprise. “Anything to this?”

  Keitel replied first. “There has been talk. I think some people will go on liberty and not come back.”

  Summers seconded the notion. “Flint, fighting for Queen and Empire sound great in the abstract, but some people didn’t like the close up view of what that actually means. There has been some talk of leaving the ship by some people.”

  Colfax nodded. He should have seen this coming. He realized he always had a blind spot in thinking everyone here was as devoted to the cause and to the ship as he was. He knew better, but continued to fall into that trap. He turned to his two visitors, but before he could say anything, Raferty talked first. “I plan on giving liberty to all crews when we get to Wanderlust. I will also say that no crewmembers can quit their ship at that time. With our casualties, we need everyone to get home again. That statement will not apply to your ship. If members of Corsair want to quit, let them leave. You can’t make them stay, and if they were forced to stay somehow, you would have one unhappy ship. An unhappy ship fails soon afterward, usually at the most inconvenient time. Make a pitch to the crew in general and then tell them that if they want to leave, you need to be informed ahead of time to plan for replacements.”

  O’Hare added, “Don’t make them sneak off. They did well by you and you have to let them go with their heads held high. That will help with those who stay. They’ll know they can leave in the future if it comes to it.”

  Colfax nodded as he stared at the table. He looked up. “I think we can get replacements through our organization.”

  His organization was Unity Against Slavery. A group of do-gooders based in the Aurora Empire and dedicated to wiping out slavery across the universe.

  “Worth a shot,” Rafe responded as he stood up and O’Hare quickly followed suit.

  Handshakes were exchanged and the duo returned to the hangar bay with Colfax. As they boarded the shuttle, O’Hare turned to Colfax. “Sent a report to Eve Maldova yet?”

  Maldova headed the UAS effort in the Badlands. She also collected extra money as an informer for the Goths. It was a secret that the senior leaders in Flot 1 and Colfax kept to themselves. They would deal with her at a time and place of their choosing.

  Colfax shook his head in response to the question. “Not yet. Too many other things to do. Not sure what I should tell her.”

  “Tell her the truth, of course.”

  “We’ve told her the truth in each report we have sent her. Isn’t that giving away too much information?”

  “Not at all. Anyway, she would hear about this battle when your crew tells all their family and friends and all the people they know at UAS. Telling her the truth will only verify the information she will receive from other sources. You need to send it soon so she will think you still think of her as being in your chain of command.”

  Colfax looked down at the deck. “I still want to kill her for what she did to Redemption and also did to us.”

  O’Hare smiled a cold smile. “You’ll get your chance. We have never let a traitor or informer walk away yet and I don’t see it starting now.”

  “If we had all been killed in the fight, she would have gotten away clean.”

  O’Hare glanced at Hawkins who smiled and shook his head in a resigned fashion. O’Hare looked back at Colfax. “You still don’t understand us very well. If we had all died, we have people on our payroll back home who would have proceeded to Kyngston and killed Maldova and her entire staff. There is a standing blood contract on her to be fulfilled if we get whacked. She is not getting away. Ever. Trust me on that.”

  Colfax glanced at Hawkins and he nodded in response to the look. He then added “Got to run. See to your ship, Captain.”

  Handshakes were exchanged again and the shuttle departed. As Colfax watched the small craft depart the hangar, he realized he wasn’t even close to getting to where he wanted to be as a captain and as a leader, but he was determined to get there.

  Chapter 50

  After a two-day stay in Signe harbor and docks doing makeshift repairs, Pirate Flotilla One set course for Wanderlust. Nineteen Royal Navy ships accompanied the pirate warships. There were three smaller shipyards between the Electra System and Wanderlust, and many of the damaged Royal Navy ships would put into those shipyards for their repair work. Ten ships would go all the way to Wanderlust with Flot 1.

  Three days from Wanderlust, totally unexpected good news arrived via Admiral Barrett. After watching the message, Hawkins called Tactical, Baby Doll, and Mason Reed to his day cabin. Once seated and armed with beer, he replayed the dispatch for them.

  Admiral Barrett looked into his computer recorder. “I have good news for you, Flag Captain. On orders from Fleet Headquarters on Zelenka, I am to transfer two Armet class destroyers to you, and we will replace all the engines on your warships with the new Spinnaker engines. Take it from me, they are the best in the class.” He paused for a second and leaned forward as if to share a confidence. “My sources tell me the Queen herself is behind this. I believe it. These sources are a bunch of gossips but have yet to be wrong about anything.” Barrett now flashed a genuine smile. “These same sources also tell me the Defense Minister is completely put out by this, so that is an added bonus.” He leaned back. “We’ll get into all the details when you arrive, but I wanted to give you a heads up so you can make appropriate decisions to get a good start on incorporating the two new destroyers into your squadrons. By the way, the two ships will be Galea and Konos. I’m getting two more Spinnakers to replace them so it’s a win-win for both of us. Looking forward to your arrival. Best regards.”

  The message ended and Rafe’s three visitors sat in stunned silence. Mason Reed broke the stillness. He looked at Rafe. “You should marry the Queen in gratitude for this.”

  Raferty smiled in response. “I’ll make the marriage proposal next time I’m on Zelenka.”

  Baby Doll gave a cold smile. “I’ll bet Cunningham couldn’t think straight for two days after hearing this. That is, indeed, an added bonus.”

  They now began to plan a repair and engine exchange schedule and select the captains of the two new destroyers. Rafe would select the captain for one of the ships as it would be in his squadron to replace Rebel, and he decided to let Shane Delacruz pick the captain for the second ship, as it would be a replacement for Scoundrel.

  Chapter 51

  Pirate Flotilla One and other Royal Navy ships from Admiral Levant’s unit arrived at Wanderlust for repairs. Admiral Barrett and his staff were well prepared. The pirate ships and the more heavily damaged Navy ships moved to empty repair docks waiting for them. In addition to the military aid being provided, the Admiral was already hard at work ignoring the majority of inquiries from Zelenka and from his chain of command. He simply refused to return comm calls from most entities. When he did reply, it was a quick noncommittal as to any future course of action or information update. He did invite selected media representatives to visit Wanderlust in two days. These lucky few would receive a situation briefing while on the surface base, and would then get a first-hand view of the damaged ships from both allied forces. These media types would arrive in two days on one ship, making them easier to control and to guide around the base and the spaceport where the repairs were proceeding. Barrett knew once the media had established the story, it would quickly become set in stone. This would make any revision by political people in the Government difficult and risky. Dictating a Government approved revision of any story to the media was not an easy step in the Aurora Empire.

  When the orders came in to upgrade the engines of the pirate ships, Barrett
was very happy he would have the pirates here. He would ensure the job was done right the first time and with no fanfare. He understood how giving engines to pirates while the Royal Navy was under duress might not play well with certain elements both inside and outside of the Government, so he was determined to get it done quickly and quietly.

  ~ ~ ~

  Lieutenant junior grade Lara Bychovskaya watched the arrival of Flot 1 via one of the ship’s hull cameras while seated at her desk in the intel spaces. Blondie had originally planned to go to the observation deck for a panoramic view of the arrival, but she knew that area would be packed with other observers. She preferred to suffer through this in private. She switched between several camera views until she had a true sense of the condition of the flotilla. They may have lost only two ships, but all the pirate warships had been hit repeatedly. They floated outside the repair docks as each waited for her turn to be guided into one of the repair bays. Scorch marks and blast holes were evident on all the ships.

  Blondie bit her lower lip as she watched Predator move into a repair stall. The damaged warship had undoubtedly suffered casualties. Pirate casualties were not reported to the Aurora Empire, so Blondie had no idea who may have been killed or wounded in defense of her Empire. She desperately wanted to know. She also wanted to visit her comrades, but she knew that would be a low priority on everyone’s list except hers. She hoped someone from Predator would request her assistance as a way to get her over to the ship. She knew that such a request from Captain Hawkins would not be refused. She also knew it was selfish of her to want that, given the demands on his time and the current situation, but she hoped Hawkins or one of his people would think of it.

  The comm piece in her ear chirped. She reached up and answered it. “Lieutenant Bychovskaya.”


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