Somebody Like You: A Lesbian Romance

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Somebody Like You: A Lesbian Romance Page 8

by Lydia Rose

  Friday during the day Michelle and Sydney sent texts back and forth. Sydney confirmed that she stocked the refrigerator with food for the weekend and Michelle was picking up something for dinner on the way home.

  Michelle got to the house before Sydney. She went into the master bathroom and took a shower. Michelle came out wearing shorts and a t-shirt and went into the kitchen. She opened the bottle of wine that she brought and poured them each a glass.

  Sydney came in the front door a few minutes later. “Hi, honey. I’m home.”

  Michelle walked into the living room and wrapped her arms around her. “Welcome home, baby.”

  Sydney whispered. “Ooh, you smell so good,” she said before kissing her mouth.

  “I borrowed your shower.” Michelle captured Sydney’s mouth this time.

  “Give me ten minutes and I’ll smell as good as you.” Sydney released her and went toward the bedroom.

  Sydney came back into the kitchen minutes later. Her brown hair was pulled up into a pony tail and she took a seat. “I’m starved. I didn’t have time to eat today.”

  “Well, dig in. You’re going to need your strength later,” Michelle said with a lopsided grin.

  As they cleaned up the kitchen, Sydney’s phone rang. “Don’t answer it,” Michelle whispered standing next to her.

  “I have to, Michelle.”

  “I know.” Michelle shook her wet hands in the sink and grabbed a dish towel. She watched as Sydney spoke seriously to the person on the phone. Her eyes never left Michelle as she spoke.

  Sydney turned her back as she finished the conversation. When she turned around, her eyes met Michelle with sadness.

  “You have to go,” Michelle said moving closer.

  Sydney nodded. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. You are a wonderful doctor and someone needs you. If it was my family, I would want you there.”

  “I’ll make it up to you, Michelle. I promise.”

  “Go.” She pushed Sydney toward the door. “Call me if you get a chance.” Michelle gave her a soft kiss.

  “You’ll stay, right?”

  “Of course.”

  “I love you.”

  “I know and I love you too.” Michelle showed a wide smile to ease Sydney’s frustration. She watched until Sydney was out of sight.


  Michelle had no idea what time Sydney came home, but when she opened her eyes in the morning, she felt Sydney against her back. She slipped out of bed as not to awaken Sydney. Michelle took her overnight bag and went into the master bathroom. When she walked into the bedroom again, Sydney was now lying on the pillow Michelle had used. She closed the door as she left and went to the kitchen. Coffee pot was brewing and Michelle sat reading the newspaper on her IPad.

  Two hours later Michelle heard the shower go on and got up from her chair to make breakfast.

  Sydney stood in the shower fearful that Michelle would tire of her erratic schedule. It had always been a bone of contention with women she dated early on in her career. That’s why the last few years she only dated doctors. Sydney stood in front of the mirror drying her hair and looked at the dark circles under her eyes. She didn’t get back to the house until after two and it was only eight o’clock in the morning. Sydney opened the bedroom door and could smell the breakfast that Michelle was preparing.

  Sydney’s head poked into the kitchen. “Am I in the doghouse?”

  Michelle turned around from the stove and laughed. “What time did you get in?”

  “Two,” Sydney said softly as she approached Michelle.

  “You should have stayed in bed longer. You need your rest.”

  “I’m fine.” Sydney insisted. “Can I get a kiss?”

  Michelle laughed. “Sit down and I’ll get our plates.” As she put the plate in front of Sydney, she gave her the kiss she asked for. “Better?”

  “A little.”

  “How do you live like this? You can’t plan anything without getting interrupted.”

  “That’s why I only dated doctors. They’re the only ones who understand this crazy life that we lead.”

  “I thought you got someone to cover you?”

  “I did, but there were two people last night with head injuries.”

  “Are they both alright?”

  Sydney nodded as she put a forkful of scrambled eggs in her mouth.

  “Do you have to go back today to check on them?” Michelle asked playing with her food.

  “No. Roger will check on them both.” Sydney looked at Michelle. “He’s the doctor that was covering for me.” She spread jam onto her toast. “Are you having second thoughts about me?” Sydney asked not meeting her gaze. If Michelle said yes, she didn’t want her to see the tears that would clearly be there.

  Michelle reached over and lifted Sydney’s chin. “Are you having second thoughts about me?”

  “Never,” Sydney said quickly.

  “I’m not running away just because someone doesn’t want me to make love with you. It seems the stars are aligned for us just to have quickies the rest of our lives.” Michelle giggled. “Not that I haven’t enjoyed those quickies.”

  “Maybe we should take this conversation into the bedroom,” Sydney said pointing her thumb.

  “I think that’s a good idea. Finish up and we can clean up later.”

  Sydney took Michelle’s hand and led her to the bedroom. “I want to make love you to, Michelle. The way we used to make love all those years ago. I haven’t made love to a woman since we broke up.” She began to unbutton Michelle’s blouse one by one. As her fingers went to the buttons, her lips went to Michelle’s lips. Opening the blouse, her hand caressed the soft swell of Michelle’s breast. “I love you, Michelle.” Whispering next to her ear. Michelle was lost in the sensation of lips and hands on her body. Sydney reached for the zipper and button of her jeans. As her hands pulled the jeans down, she lowered her body to kiss Michelle’s stomach. “I love the taste of your skin.” Michelle was now standing before Sydney nude. Soft hands began to explore all of Michelle’s skin even though her body was aching for release. A hand went to her core as a moan left Michelle’s mouth.

  “Please, Syd. I need you.”

  “I will love.” Sydney stroked the fold purposely avoiding where Michelle wanted her the most.

  “Please,” Michelle moaned loudly.

  Unable to control her desire any longer, Sydney entered her. Michelle immediately raised her hips as one finger then two delved deeper. Sydney matched her rhythm and she felt the walls of Michelle’s vagina begin to quiver. “Come for me, Michelle.” As the words left Sydney’s mouth, Michelle’s orgasm hit. Sydney now had her thumb on her clit to extend the orgasm until Michelle’s body collapsed onto the mattress.

  “That was so much better than our quickies,” Michelle said giggling. “Syd, I feel very much loved.”

  “Good because that is what I wanted to show you.”

  “You can show me anytime, Syd.” Michelle took a breath. “Can I show you how much I love you?” She asked as she flipped Sydney onto her back.

  It was dark before the two women ended their marathon of love making. Sydney was now dozing with her head on Michelle’s stomach. Michelle stroked Sydney head thinking the passion she hadn’t had for the last eighteen years was finally back. It was here in the woman she walked away from all those years ago. The woman that held half her soul in her heart. As she began to drift off, it was her cellphone that rang. Looking at the screen Michelle smiled as she answered the call.

  “Hi, Grace. Are you having a good time?”

  “Hi, mom. Yeah, we’re having a great time. How about you? Are you with Sydney?”

  “Yes, I’m with Sydney.”

  Sydney hearing her name sat up on her elbow. Michelle mouthed that she was talking to Grace.

  “Mom, can I speak with Sydney?” Grace asked with a snicker.

  Michelle leaned over. “Grace wants to speak with you.”

  Sydney took t
he phone. “Hi, Grace. How is San Diego?”

  “It’s good, Doc. Are you taking care of my mother?”

  “Yes, Grace. I’m taking care of your mother,” Sydney said with a wink at Michelle.

  “I bet you two haven’t been out of bed since yesterday afternoon.” Grace chuckled.

  “I’ll have you know that I was called into work yesterday evening and didn’t get back until two in the morning.”

  “Oh, sorry, Doc. I shouldn’t tease you. Was mom pissed at you?”

  “No. She didn’t put me in the doghouse. Your mom’s been great about my crazy hours.”

  “Then you better be good to her because a lot of women would have been angry that you left them. Again,” Grace said firmly.

  “I know it first hand, Grace. Your mom is a saint.”

  “Well, I just wanted to make sure you two were doing okay. Can I say good bye to my mother?”

  “Sure. Have a good time, Grace.”

  “You too,” Grace said with a giggle.

  Sydney handed the phone back to Michelle rolling her eyes.

  “So she left you again?” Grace asked trying not to laugh.

  “Yes. I think Sydney is paying me back for what I did to her.”

  “Mom, I’ve got to go. We’re going out to dinner. You two take care of each other.”

  “We will, honey and be careful. Good bye, Grace.”

  “Bye, mom.”

  “Your daughter has a strange sense of humor.” Sydney rolled onto her back.

  “She loves you, Syd. That’s why she teases you.” Michelle turned on her side and laid her hand on Sydney’s chest. “Grace is very happy for the two of us.”


  Sunday afternoon Michelle gathered her things and Sydney was getting ready to go to work.

  “Will I get to see you next week?” Sydney asked as she grabbed her jacket.

  “Let me know what evening you will be home and I’ll get here,” Michelle said wrapping her hands around Sydney’s neck. “I enjoyed myself this weekend,” she said kissing Sydney softly.

  Sydney’s phone rang in her pocket. The ringtone told her it was the hospital. “Hold that thought,” she said stealing another kiss. “Doctor Legend.”


  “Hey, Alice. What’s up?”

  “Syd, are you with Michelle?” Alice asked softly.

  “Yes. Why?” Sydney looked at Michelle and furrowed his eyebrows.

  “You’ve got to get down here and bring Michelle quickly.”

  “Why?” Sydney turned her back on Michelle.

  “Her daughter is being prepped for surgery. We need her signature and your hands.”

  “What happened?”

  Can we talk while you drive here?” Alice asked impatiently.

  “I’ll talk to you when I get there.” Sydney hung up her phone and grabbed Michelle’s arm. “We have to get to the hospital.”

  “I have my car. It’s okay if you have to rush off,” Michelle said with a smile.

  Sydney opened the passenger door. “Get in, Michelle. I’ll explain on the way.”

  Michelle looked at Sydney’s face and knew something was wrong. Her face had gone pale and her hand shook as she started the car. She wanted to ask, but something told her not to. As they neared the hospital, she found her voice. “Is it Grace?”

  Sydney nodded unable to speak.

  “Is she dead?”

  “No,” Sydney quickly said. “All I know is that have her prepped for surgery and I need to operate.”

  “A head injury?” Michelle asked no longer able to hold back her choked emotions.

  “Let’s get inside and I’ll find out what’s going on.” Sydney took her hand and led her through the ER in search of Alice.

  “Syd, you need to get up to OR three. Michelle I need your signature here.” Alice handed Michelle a form to sign.

  “Syd, move. I’ll tell Michelle what happened.”

  Sydney kissed Michelle’s cheek and ran off.

  “Let’s sit down, Michelle.” Alice led her to a private area. “A car lost control on the 405 and crashed into the car your daughter was in. She has a head injury and some other cuts and bruises.”

  “What about the family?” Michelle asked softly.

  “Mr. Carter didn’t make it. Mrs. Carter and Cathy are okay.”

  “Will Grace live?” Michelle asked grasping Alice’s hands.

  “She will have the best neurosurgeon operating on her. The CT showed an internal bleed. Syd will take good care of her.” Alice rested her hands on Michelle’s. “Would you like to see the Carters?”

  Michelle nodded. “Yes.”

  Alice led them to the two beds that Cathy and her mother were in.

  “Mrs. Richards,” Cathy said crying. “My dad died.”

  Michelle walked over to her bed. “I know, sweetheart. I’m sorry.” She turned to Mrs. Carter. “I’m sorry for your loss,” she said to her.

  “Thank you. How is Grace?”

  “She’s in surgery.”

  “There was nothing Bill could do. The car came out of nowhere. The driver crushed that side of the car.”

  Sydney walked into the OR and walked over to Grace. “How is she?” She looked at the shaved head of the unconscious girl.

  The doctor assisting Sydney showed her the CT scan. “We couldn’t reach Roger. We know this is highly irregular since you know the family, but there was no one else.”

  “Let’s get started.”

  Sydney worked for hours repairing the damage that was done to Grace. While Grace was being moved to the recovery room, she went to search for Michelle.

  “Sydney,” Michelle said when she saw her approach.

  Sydney reached for Michelle and squeezed her tight. “Grace is in recovery.” “Will she live, Syd?”

  “We have to keep a close eye on her over the next twenty four to forty eight hours.”

  “Be honest with me Syd.” Michelle begged.

  “I am, Michelle. I don’t want to say she’ll be fine because we just don’t know. We’ve got her in an induced coma so her brain can recuperate and I am very hopeful.”

  Michelle looked at Sydney’s stressed face and knew this was what Sydney would tell all her patient’s family. She wouldn’t make a promise because doctors don’t make promises when it comes to something so serious. “Can I see her at least?”

  Sydney took her hand and led her to the recovery room. “Grace is hooked up to a lot of machines. They are all there to help her so please don’t read anything into that.”

  Michelle nodded and squeezed Sydney’s hand tighter. As they approached the bed, Michelle let out a strangled sob.

  Sydney put her arm around her. “Michelle, calm down and talk to your daughter.”

  Michelle walked over to the bed and leaned over to Grace’s ear. “Hi, honey, I’m here. Sydney is taking good care of you, honey. Don’t take too long to wake up. I need to see your beautiful eyes.” Michelle kissed her cheek. “I love you, baby. Don’t you leave me?” Michelle whispered in her ear. “I couldn’t stand it.” She turned into Sydney’s chest and cried.

  Sydney led Michelle out of the room and back to the waiting area. “How are Cathy and her family?”

  “Bill Carter died. Cathy and her mother aren’t seriously hurt.”

  “Poor Cathy. I’m sure they both are devastated.”

  Michelle leaned into Sydney again and cried softly. Sydney could do nothing except hold her close and comfort her lover.

  “Doctor Legend,” A nurse said from the doorway.

  Sydney and Michelle stood up immediately.

  “Grace has been moved to ICU.”

  “Thank you,” Sydney said leading Michelle to the elevators.

  “Can I stay with her there?” Michelle asked holding Sydney

  “Don’t you want to go home and get some rest? I’ll be here all night.”

  “No, Syd. That’s my daughter. I’m not leaving here until she is awake and talkin

  “Don’t you think you should call Grace’s father? Once I let you in there, you can’t be on the phone.”

  Michelle nodded. “Okay.”

  “I’ll go check on Grace and then come back for you. You can go in there.” Sydney pointed to the waiting area. “Make your calls.”

  Michelle called Ryan. “Ryan, Grace was in a car accident.” She heard him suck in air.

  “Is she okay?”

  “She has a head injury. Grace just came out of surgery and is in the ICU. They have her in an induced coma.”

  “Michelle, is she going to live?” Ryan asked as his emotions showed in his voice.

  “They are hopeful. She has a wonderful doctor.”

  “Should I fly out?”

  “It’s up to you, Ryan.”

  “Let me see what arrangements I can make. What hospital is she in?”

  Michelle gave him the name of the hospital and explained that she was going to stay with Grace and couldn’t use her phone. She promised to call him when she could. Her next call was to her parents.

  “Hi, mom.”

  “What’s wrong, Michelle.” Celeste Avery knew something was wrong from the tone in Michelle’s voice.

  “Grace was in a car accident. She has a head injury that required surgery.”

  “But she’s going to be alright?”

  “I’m praying.”

  “Your father and I will be on the first plane out there.”

  “Mom, why don’t you wait a couple of days? Grace is in an induced coma and in ICU.”

  “She’s my granddaughter. I’m not waiting.”

  Michelle gave her the name of the hospital and explained about the phone. “I’m staying in the hospital with Grace.”

  “Will they allow you to do that?”

  Michelle’s voice cracked. “I have connections.”

  “Go take care of our girl and we will get there as soon as we can.”

  “Good bye, mom.”

  Sydney was just coming out of the ICU as Michelle approached. “Come on,” she said taking her hand. Sydney led her to the room where Grace lay quietly. “Let me have your cellphone in case any of your family calls.” Michelle handed the phone to her. “I’ll be back to check on you both.”

  Michelle squeezed her hand. “Thank you, Syd.”

  All night Michelle sat at Grace’s side. She would squeeze her hand in hopes that her eyes would open and she spoke to Grace softly. Sydney would stop in once and hour to check they both out. She brought Michelle a cup of tea during one of her visits.


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