Nexus: Ziva Payvan Book 2

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Nexus: Ziva Payvan Book 2 Page 37

by EJ Fisch

  “Dasaro, Alpha 40824,” he said in response to the automated prompt that would give him access to the director’s personal line.

  It seemed like an eternity before a gruff voice answered. “Captain! May I ask where you’ve been?”

  Dasaro drew a deep breath and put a bit more distance between himself and the embassy officials, who were carrying Nejdra’s corpse to the ship that would transport it back to Haphez. “Director, you have my sincerest apologies, but I think you’ll be interested in what I have to say. I’ve found Payvan.”


  HSP Headquarters

  Noro, Haphez

  Hearing those words shocked Skeet as much as they would have if he still thought Ziva was dead. There was total silence in the director’s office for a moment as he, Zinni, Luko Zona, and Emeri all took turns throwing surprised glances at one another.

  The call had come through as they’d been presenting some recent findings to the director, one of which was a surveillance recording from the Noro spaceport that showed Kade Shevin purchasing three intragalactic transport tickets. Since his wife and daughter were both accounted for, the only reasonable explanation they’d been able to conjure up was that Kade was in league with Ziva and Aroska and the three of them had escaped together. Where they had gone remained a mystery, but perhaps Dasaro could shed some light on that.

  Emeri furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head, playing the part of a confused man well. “What are you talking about? Lieutenant Payvan is dead.”

  “That’s what I thought too,” Dasaro said. “But one of my people found footage of someone wearing the riding suit of the pilot who was found in the forest. I began to look into whether she could possibly still be alive, and suddenly there was an attempt on my life. That answered my question well enough.”

  “Oh please,” Zinni muttered.

  Emeri looked just as disgusted. “You’re telling me Payvan is alive and that she tried to kill you?”

  “That’s why I left,” Dasaro replied, “and why I couldn’t tell anyone. If she knew we found that footage, she had to have somehow breached our system, and there was no telling what she’d do. If everyone suddenly knew her death was staged, she would disappear for good. But if she thought she was still relatively safe, I thought she’d be more apt to slip up, increasing our chances of catching her once and for all.”

  “Is it possible that she staged her death because she’s innocent? Is she defending herself?”

  There was a suspiciously long hesitation on Dasaro’s end, or at least it seemed long based on the simplicity of the question. Perhaps the director had moved too fast, though the conversation was making Skeet angry enough that he probably would have said the same thing.

  “Director, Payvan killed Captain Venn.”

  Once again the room fell dead silent. Skeet took a step forward, fighting away the nausea brought on by the doubt he suddenly felt. They had finally gotten close to proving Ziva innocent, and now, if Dasaro was telling the truth, she had just murdered another HSP agent. She would have had her reasons, he told himself.

  Dasaro continued speaking as Emeri brought up the agency-wide alerts on his computer. Sure enough, there was a news flash with Nejdra’s name on it, originating from the Haphezian embassy on Chaiavis. “She managed to track us here and she contacted me this afternoon, confirming my suspicion that she had somehow gotten into the system. She shot Venn and got away, and now Captain Hoxie has disappeared.”

  The director rubbed his hand over his face and sighed. “What did she say when she contacted you?”

  “She said she’s not going to stop fighting. I believe she’ll try to run again, and with your permission I’d like to continue hunting her.”

  “By yourself?”

  “Maybe it’s better that way. I know how she operates, sir. I’m going to do what I can to put an end to all of this.”

  Emeri straightened his jacket and turned to face the rest of the group. “Permission granted, Captain, but I’ll be expecting a thorough debrief every evening. The agency will do what it can to back you up, and I’ll see to it that you have the Chaiavian embassy’s full cooperation.”

  Zinni rushed forward the moment the transmission disconnected. “That was the biggest load of sheyss I’ve ever heard!”

  “At ease, Officer Vax,” Emeri said. “I don’t believe a word of it either, but how do you explain the fact that Captain Venn is dead?”

  “We don’t know the circumstances. She was in league with Dasaro anyway, so I say good riddance.”

  Skeet had to agree, especially after the way Nejdra had treated them in the interrogation room at the start of the investigation, but he placed a warning hand on Zinni’s shoulder anyway. “What do you propose we do, sir?”

  Zona stepped forward. “If I may, I would suggest investigating Argall while Dasaro is still off-world. If any of the information I’ve found is accurate, we should find answers there.”

  “Fine,” Emeri said. “Sergeant Duvo, make preparations for a recon operation. I want you to go in quiet – the galaxy only knows what we’ll find there. You ship out tonight.”


  Kat’s Hideout


  Ziva poked her head out the door of the shop and was startled to find Aroska there, despite the fact that she’d been looking for him. He sat on the surface of the little balcony, leaning against the railing with his legs stuck through. They swung casually back and forth through mid-air as he lifted a govino stick to his lips and took a drag from it, staring vacantly ahead through the smoke as he exhaled. Ziva looked out over the cityscape herself, wondering if he was looking at anything specific. She found she couldn’t see much at all – the sun was beginning to drop down behind the buildings and it cast a bright orange light that glinted harshly off the structures and passing vehicles. Squinting, she looked away and blinked the spots out of her eyes before returning her attention to Aroska.

  He didn’t seem to realize she was there, so she took another step toward him and crossed her arms. “We need to talk.”

  He jumped, though he tried hard to cover it up, and flicked the govino stick over the edge of the balcony. “Fine,” he said. “You caught me.”

  “That wasn’t it.”

  “Well if you want me to quit, I guess I’ve got to start sometime.” Aroska sighed and looked up at her. “Now, what’s so important that you’re willing to come out here and initiate the conversation?”

  “I think you know.”

  He scoffed. “Says the woman who was adamant that we not bring it up again.”

  “That’s not it, either.” Rather than argue further, Ziva lowered herself down onto the balcony beside him, sliding her own legs through the railing. She looked down at her boots and then past them to the ground far below. The view was both nerve-wracking and relaxing. She felt almost as if she were floating, possibly the reason Aroska was enjoying it so much. She swore she would get him clean if it was the last thing she did.

  He was watching her intently now, eyes filled with both fear and regret. Yes…he knew good and well what she wished to talk about. He fidgeted and looked back out into the glaring light, swallowing hard.

  Ziva swallowed as well and drew a deep breath. “I want you to explain to me why you were going to kill yourself,” she said. “I know it’s not something you want to talk about, and I’m probably the last person you’d ever want to turn to for advice, but I know you need to let it out or it’s going to eat you alive.”

  Aroska remained silent for a long time, staring into the distance and refusing to make eye contact. Unless it was her imagination, Ziva saw his jaw tremble momentarily – she also saw the muscles in his face tighten as he tried to still it.

  “You’re probably going to think it’s ridiculous,” he finally said. “And please don’t feel like it’s your fault – that’s the main reason I haven’t wanted to say anything before.” He sighed. “Nothing was the same after that day two months ago. When I left your hous
e, I felt like I had nowhere to go. I’d found my teammates only to lose them again, the woman I might have loved turned out to be a traitor, and once Solaris was gone, there was nothing left for me at HSP.”

  “I offered you that spec ops position and you—”

  “—and I turned it down, I know. That’s why I told you not to blame yourself for any of this.” Aroska ran his tongue over his lips and turned toward her for the first time since speaking. “After Solaris and the SCU were disbanded, the director offered me some paid time off, which I gladly accepted. I think it ended up being more detrimental than anything else – the realization that everything had changed for good hit me before long, and I started not wanting to go back to work. When my leave was up, I started using accumulated vacation time, but I found that things just got worse the longer I was away. I’d messed with govino back when I was working with Solaris, just to maintain a good rapport, you know? The bottle has been an issue since Soren died; Adin was trying to help me get better, and I was doing okay until he and his team left for a long-term mission. But….” He paused and shook his head. “But after Saun and Dakiti, I figured out those two things could help me forget all the sheyss going on around me. I knew I was destroying myself, but I couldn’t stop.”

  Ziva nodded, surprised at how sorry she felt for him as she took in everything he was saying. Part of her was disgusted that he would have wasted so much time wallowing in self-pity, and yet she could almost understand his reasoning. “So you figured you’d try something more efficient?”

  Aroska scoffed. “A harsh but entirely accurate way of putting it. I was miserable, I felt like I had nothing left to contribute, so I figured I’d end things before I had a chance to screw anything else up. It turns out I was sitting there in my bedroom that day, so wasted that I was seeing two guns in my hand. When I heard my front door open, I was so angry that someone was going to take away that means of escape. As soon as I realized it was you, I knew that you were there to save me, whether you realized it or not. You asked me the other night why I’m helping you – it’s because you gave me a second chance when I was at the end of my rope. I guess you could say you were there for me in my time of need, though maybe not in a conventional way, so the least I can do is be there for you in return.”

  Ziva raised an eyebrow and surveyed the passing traffic for a moment, wondering what the chances were that Dasaro was nearby. “If you want the truth, I think that’s a little pathetic.”

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “I’m serious, Aroska. You have friends, family, people who care about you. Why didn’t you get some help?”

  “I don’t know!” he snapped. “You see, this is why I haven’t wanted to talk about it – I know I messed up! I don’t need you or anyone else to tell me what I should and shouldn’t have done. Believe me, I’m well aware that I’m incapable of doing anything right.”

  “That’s not true,” Ziva said, any tenderness failing to break through the anger she suddenly felt toward him.

  Neither of them said anything for a while, each allowing the other a moment to stew. Ziva shook her head and stared out into the blinding light. The man had nerve for even considering the possibility that she blamed herself for his condition. Then again…she thought back to the day she’d stumbled into his house, to the things she’d pondered while cleaning up. Already it seemed like a lifetime ago. She’d wondered, hadn’t she? She’d wondered if the mess he’d gotten himself into was somehow her fault. No, the thought was absurd. He and only he was responsible for his actions, and he’d been plenty capable of fixing his own problems. But then, after Dakiti and what he’d done for her, shouldn’t she have been looking out for him? Ziva cursed both herself and Aroska under her breath and let her frustration out in the form of a sigh.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  She hesitated a moment before answering, unable to remember the last time anyone had bothered to ask her such a question. “I’m tired,” she replied, fixing her gaze on some point in the distance and holding it there.

  “Aren’t we all,” Aroska said, sighing himself. She saw him turn toward her in her peripherals. “But after everything that’s happened, there’s got to be a little more to it than that. Maybe you’re not great at giving advice, but I like to think I’m pretty good at it. What’s up?”

  Ziva forced a half-hearted scowl but didn’t move otherwise. “Assuming there was something, why the hell do you think I’d ever tell you?”

  “’Because I know you need to let it out or it’s going to eat you alive’.” He chuckled a bit then cleared his throat. “You can talk to me, you know.”

  She shook her head again and looked down at her feet, feeling rather numb. “I’m no good at talking.”

  “I know.”

  Several seconds of silence passed as Ziva struggled to organize her thoughts. The words came out sooner and easier than she had expected. “I just feel like I should have been there for you, but I can’t be there for everyone, you know? Just like I’m not there for Skeet and Zinni right now. For all I know, Dasaro could have killed them to get to me. Marshay, Ryon, Jada…I can’t help but wonder if I made a mistake by leaving them all there while I’m running away to save my own skin.”

  “I wouldn’t say you’re ‘running away’,” Aroska said. “You’re trying to get to higher ground, that’s all. Besides, I think they can take care of themselves. They knew what they were signing up for when they took your side.”

  Ziva pulled her legs up onto the balcony and drew them up against her. “That’s the problem,” she said. “They care about what happens to me, and I’ll admit I care about what happens to them. But with the way I live and the things I have to do every day, I can’t afford to care. The more people I care about, the more ways someone can hurt me, and the more I have to worry about. In my world, friends aren’t assets – they end up being liabilities.”

  Aroska smirked. “I’d like to see the looks on Skeet and Zinni’s faces when you tell them they’re not assets.”

  “My point exactly – they are.”

  He took a deep breath and gazed out over the city in a thoughtful manner. “I see where you’re coming from, although I think your reasoning is completely flawed. Attachment is dangerous because it’s not only emotionally compromising for you but could also put the other party in jeopardy. Am I right?”

  Ziva nodded.

  “Did you ever stop and ask yourself what kind of person you’d be if you didn’t care about anyone? What if nobody cared about you?”

  She groaned. “Aroska….”

  “I’m serious,” he said. “You’re one of the strongest people I know, braver and smarter than I could ever hope to be. Your life and career revolve around focusing on other people – targets, fellow agents, you name it – and in that sense, you might just be the most selfless person I’ve ever met. Devoting your energy to others is just how you operate. But sooner or later, even you need someone to be there for you, and you’re lucky to have people like that. What would happen if that weren’t the case?”

  Ziva was startled when a tear materialized from nowhere and ran down her cheek. “I just don’t want to see any of them suffer because of me.”

  “So what do you plan to do?” Aroska asked. “Stuff everyone you know into a bunker somewhere while you go off and fight all the battles? I doubt they’d be thrilled if you went and got yourself killed on their account.”

  He was completely right, and somehow that angered her. “I just….” She paused, realizing that she’d nearly been shouting, and lowered her voice. “I’m scared, all right? History is being made right here as the great Ziva Payvan admits she’s afraid.” She swallowed and watched a large transport as it drifted by. “Other times have been different, but this time Dasaro knows me, knows Skeet and Zinni. He knows how to get inside my head, and no amount of nostium or HSP training can change that or protect them. I just feel, I don’t know…helpless.”

  “Well, you’re far from helpless,”
Aroska said, “and there’s certainly nothing wrong with being afraid. I think you’ve spent way too much time making sure all your feelings stay bottled up inside you, and then they all come rushing out in the wrong way at the wrong time. Look at what happened with Foda! With everything you’ve been through, I don’t think anyone would blame you if you showed a little emotion once in a while. Go ahead and cry. Maybe complain a little. I haven’t heard one complaint from you since this all started.”

  “And what would I accomplish by crying and complaining?”

  “Nothing, you’re right. But you don’t always have to be accomplishing something. Take a break – think of this as a mental vacation or something.”

  “If that wasn’t the stupidest thing you’ve ever said, it was definitely a contender for second.” Ziva shot him an icy glare and shook her head. “No, at this point Dasaro won’t hesitate to exploit any weakness I show. You say I’m brave? That just means I’m the only one who knows I’m afraid. I need to keep it that way.”

  He looked down at his feet and snorted. “I’d never thought of it like that.”

  She sighed again and raked her hand back through her hair. “I’d rather not discuss this anymore. I’m in danger of losing focus on what we’re doing here.”

  Aroska nodded and edged toward her a bit, placing his arm around her shoulders. “Relax,” he said, giving her a gentle squeeze. “It sounds to me like the only thing you’re in danger of is becoming a good person.”

  Ziva bristled but remained motionless, allowing him to hold her for a moment despite the fact that his touch felt like a sharp blade stabbing into her skin. It struck her that he was one of the very people he spoke of, one of the “assets” who cared for her well-being and who would stick by her whether she liked it or not. How he could possibly feel that way after everything she’d put him through was beyond her.


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