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Chasing Forevermore

Page 2

by Rivera, J. D.

  “Who the hell are you texting?” Miranda questioned Carson, her eyes narrowed. If I had to guess, I’d say she knew exactly who it was.

  “Kristin,” he replied, not glancing up.

  “Well, you are being rude.”

  He finished typing, set his phone on the table, and narrowed his gaze on Miranda, who was grinning. “I’m sorry, Mom.”

  Those two were like brother and sister. Constantly picking on each other, but would knock anyone else out that messed with the other. In fact, Miranda had knocked the shit out of Carson’s ex-girlfriend. We were all glad.

  “Are you bringing Kristin to Mackenzie’s party?” Miranda asked him.

  We all looked at him, waiting for his answer. “No. Why the fuck would I?”

  “I guess I will then,” Miranda said. “You wouldn’t mind, would you? It wouldn’t bother you to have Kristin see you acting like a man whore with our old classmates?”

  Mac’s body went stiff beside me. “You didn’t invite people from high school, did you?” she whispered in my ear.

  “No. Just people we hang out with now. I promise.” I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  She smiled weakly. “Thank you.”

  I nodded and pulled her closer to me.

  Chapter 3


  I knew Hayes would know better than to invite people we went to high school with, but I still had to ask when Miranda mentioned it. It wasn’t that I had a problem with any of them—well, maybe the school whore, Candy, who tried to break Hayes and I up, and Baylee, who I watched make out with Hayes—it was just that I was never really friends with any of them.

  “Oh, I just meant Carson would probably go out and pick someone up to sleep with,” Miranda explained. “I just wonder if he has let Kristin in on that yet.”

  Carson shrugged. “I’m sure she knows. I don’t hide my life from her or anyone else, but I wouldn’t sleep with anyone from Maverick anyway.”

  “Can we talk about something other than Carson’s sex life?” Brad asked. “Let’s talk about the fact that I have to see your dad again.”

  We all laughed a little. Brad didn’t exactly like Miranda’s dad, and I don’t think Miranda’s dad liked Brad’s age too much. “Oh, come on,” I said, “he can’t be that bad.”

  “He’s not. I just don’t like the way he treats Miranda and I let him know it.” He tipped his cup back and swallowed. “Just like Hayes lets anyone who looks at you know he doesn’t like them.”

  I rolled my eyes and glanced at Hayes, who shrugged. “I don’t like guys looking at what’s mine.”

  “Yes, I’m sure the kid always on my hip is a real turn on. Or the spit up I usually have on my shoulder and don’t know about.”

  “You have no idea,” he said, then leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips. He glanced at Harley on my lap. “It looks like she fell asleep.”

  “I know.” I looked at our daughter, my heart melting a little at the sight of her. “Is it bad that I’m glad?”

  “Fuck no. She was horrible the last time I took her out. I wound up getting my food to go and leaving.”

  “She’s not that bad,” Brad chimed in. “The last time Miranda and I took her out she was an angel.”

  Hayes and I gave each other a look. “She’s slick. She knows how to fool everyone,” Hayes joked.

  “I’m sure the one and a half year old knows how to trick everyone. Uh huh.” Miranda laughed.

  Our food came and we all dug into the yummy pasta. My life felt so perfect while I was hanging out with the most important people to me, but I still couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe Hayes wasn’t as happy as I was.


  “I’m home,” I called as I stepped into our house that evening. Harley’s little laugh drifted from the living room and I couldn’t wait to see her. After placing my bag and purse on the bench next to the door, I stepped into the living room, a huge smile spreading across my face.

  “Hey, babe,” Hayes greeted, turning to look in my direction from his spot on the floor. He was laying with Harley next to him, a small toy race track spread out in front of them.

  With his hair all messed up and his t-shirt tight enough to show off his amazing muscles, he looked sexy as hell.

  I sat down next to him and placed a kiss on his lips as Harley sat down on my lap. “What are the two of you doing?”

  “Car!” Harley hollered, pointing at the track.

  Hayes sat up and tickled her little stomach. “We are racing cars. And she freakin’ loves it.”

  I narrowed my gaze at him. “Does she?”

  “You heard her giggling when you came in.”

  Nodding, I asked, “And where did it come from?”

  “I may have stopped by the store on my way home,” he said, then popped a kiss on my cheek. “I love her, but I can only take so much princess and doll crap.”

  I laughed and turned my attention to Harley. “Are you having fun with Daddy?” She smiled and squirmed out of my lap, but not before I placed a kiss on her forehead. I watched her walk right back to the race track, pushing a car along it.

  “We need to pack,” Hayes said, getting to his feet. “But first, I need to eat. I was thinking of going down to Harold’s and getting some burgers.”

  I stuck my hand out for him to help me up. After I stood, he crushed our bodies together and wrapped his arms around me. “I missed you today,” he whispered against my ear.

  I closed my eyes, relishing the embrace. “I missed you, too.”

  He leaned forward and smashed his lips to mine. The kiss couldn’t go anywhere with Harley in the room, but it still elicited a moan from my throat.

  “Babe,” he whispered, pulling back a fraction, “tell me what’s wrong. You know you can’t hide things from me. I know you.”

  I looked down, pinching the fabric of his shirt. “Are you happy?”

  I peeked up at him, his beautiful green eyes wide. “Yes,” he stated, almost irritated. “Are you?”

  “I’m very happy. But I never really changed. You…you had to change a lot for Harley and me.”

  He glanced at Harley to make sure she was okay, then placed his hands on my cheeks. “I grew up. And I’d do anything for the two of you. You mean the world to me.”

  I think his words were meant to comfort me, but they only cemented what I was already thinking. He’d do anything, including giving up the things that made him happy, for us. I didn’t feel like pushing the subject and fighting, so I nodded. “Okay. I’m sorry for being silly.”

  Hayes stared at me for a minute, searching my eyes for the truth. I only hoped I was concealing it well. He dropped his hands and took a step back, not looking all that satisfied with my answer. “You want your usual from Harold’s?”

  “Yes,” I replied, hating that my insecurities had caused this sudden distance.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  I cleaned up the living room and started a load of laundry after he left to kill time. Around thirty minutes later, Hayes came back with food and we ate in silence. I hated to think it, but what if I had planted a seed in his head and he was wondering about his old life? What if I made him realize he missed it?

  As soon as Harley fell asleep, I brushed my teeth and slipped under the sheets, ready to end the day. A few moments later, Hayes came into the bedroom, closed the door, and took his shirt off. I couldn’t help but ogle him. He had put on a lot of muscle and was seriously built.

  He then dropped his jeans to the floor and crawled over me. “This evening was shitty, but I am not about to end it that way.”

  I barely had time to register what he was doing before his lips crashed into mine and his tongue slid into my mouth. Without thinking, my hands went to his back and my legs wrapped around him.

  “I love you, Mackenzie,” he whispered, then melded his lips with mine again. A moan escaped my throat at the feel of his hand traveling down my body, reaching for the hem of my shirt. He tore it over my head and his
hand came over my breast, pushing my bra down.

  “Hayes,” I breathed, “I love you, too.”

  He moved his lips, trailing kisses down my neck, my collarbone, then finally sealing them over my breast. “Oh…” I trailed off, losing all conscience thought. I had always had this problem with him. He could make me forget everything. Everything but him.

  I began pushing his boxers down and he tore my panties off as if they were nothing, still teasing me with his mouth. I moaned and grabbed his face, guiding it back to my lips. A moment later, he showed me exactly how much he loved me.

  Laying in his arms, I listened to the staccato of his heart, letting it soothe me and erase some of my doubts. “Mac…”


  “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.” He placed a kiss on my forehead and inhaled. “I don’t want my old life back in the least. You have no idea how miserable I was without you, do you?”

  I didn’t say anything for a couple of minutes, absorbing his words. “Thank you.”

  “I promise I’ll do a better job of reassuring you from now on.”

  I stared into his eyes. “I love you, Hayes Morgan. So fucking much.”

  “I know you’re serious now, using the F word.” He pinched my ass. “Maybe we should fuck again, just to reassure each other.”

  I slapped his chest playfully. “You are such a horn dog.”

  “Only for you, baby.” Then, he kissed me again.

  Chapter 4


  Mackenzie lay asleep in my arms for the last hour while I stared at the ceiling. When she had asked if I was happy, I almost wanted to laugh. I had no idea how she could think differently. I had everything I ever wanted and more.

  Hopefully, after tomorrow, she would know exactly what I wanted. Her to be my wife. The three of us to be a permanent family.

  I rolled to the side, kissed her cheek, and tried to sleep, but my nerves continued to escalate. Tomorrow had the potential to be one of the best days of my life. But it could also be the worst.

  I must’ve finally fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, light was filtering through the blinds and my alarm was blaring from my phone. I had set it early so I could wake Mac up for her birthday, which I planned to start in our bed.

  She was on the other side of the bed, one arm above her head and one knee bent, covers balled up around her—her usual. She was still naked from sex the previous night, which made my plans even easier. Her perfect tits and amazing body were on display for me. I leaned down and kissed her neck while letting my hands roam over her soft skin.

  “Mmm,” she mumbled, stirring from sleep.

  I didn’t respond with words. Letting my mouth pop free, I rained kisses down her chest to her stomach. As she arched her back, I kissed up the opposite direction, toward her neck, as slowly as possible. When I reached the spot below her ear, Mackenzie wrapped her arms around my back and moaned. I fucking love that sound.

  “Happy birthday,” I said before capturing her lips with mine. My tongue swiped across her lips and she allowed access, which I took full advantage of. Our tongues tangled together and I ground my hardness against her.

  “Hayes,” she moaned as I pulled away to kiss her neck again, my hand kneading one of her tits. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I replied, sealing my lips back over hers. She tightened her legs around my waist and before my brain could register what was happening, she rolled us over, straddling me.

  I looked up at Mac, her curly hair wild around her face, her eyes hooded with sleep and desire. She was beautiful. “It’s my birthday, so I’m taking what I want.”

  I reached around and squeezed her ass. “By all means, please take.”

  And she did. She took a whole fucking lot and then some. It was as if it was my fucking birthday and Christmas rolled into one sexy package.


  I sat in my parents’ living room watching Mac tell our friends a story about Harley with a huge grin on her face. I was content to sit back and watch her, just glad that after two years, I was spending her birthday with her.

  My mom sat down beside me. “Are you nervous?”

  “Yeah,” I replied, sighing. “I’m really nervous.”

  She laughed lightly. “I don’t think you should be. I’m positive she’ll say yes.”

  “I hope so.” My eyes scanned the room, landing on Brad and Miranda, who were playing with Harley and a couple princess dolls. Harley’s green eyes—the same shade as mine—were shining as she giggled at a silly face Brad was making. She was a happy child, and I’d do anything in my power to make sure she stayed that way.

  “Hayes,” Mom whispered in her comforting mom voice, bringing my attention back to her. “You and Mackenzie are practically married now. Heck, you act more married and mature than some couples that have been married for years.”

  “I guess.”

  “Just breathe and remember she loves you.”

  I nodded, but my thoughts began to wander. If Mac loved me so much, why did she stay away from me for over a year? What the hell would I do if she said no?

  I glanced at the clock, noting it was time. My phone vibrated with a text.

  Carson: Everything is good. Leaving now.

  Standing, I took a deep breath, adjusted my jeans on my hips, and extended my hand to Mac. “It’s time I give you my present.” Fuck, this is it.

  Mac’s eyebrows bunched as she looked at me. “But you already did. Harley’s hand and foot prints.”

  “No,” I said, motioning for her to take my hand. “That was Harley’s gift, not mine.”

  “Oh, okay.” She still looked puzzled, but she took my hand and stood.

  I guided her around the coffee table toward the entryway. “We’ll be back in just a little bit,” I announced to everyone in the room.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as I grabbed our coats.

  I opened the door, and replied, “To get your present.”

  She didn’t say anything else as we walked toward the Jeep and I helped her inside. Before opening my door, I took a couple deep breaths, relaxing my nerves. She’ll say yes.

  “Did you see Brad and Miranda playing with Harley?” she asked as I slid into my seat and shut the door.

  “Yeah,” I answered, putting the Jeep in reverse and backing out. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets pregnant soon. At least Harley is allowing them the practice.”

  “Why do you say that?” she questioned.

  Pulling out on the street and placing the vehicle in drive, I said, “They can’t keep their hands off each other.”

  “That’s true, but I don’t think Miranda is ready for something like that.”

  I nodded, but didn’t say anything. Miranda was a recovering addict with depression. She had been getting better, was enjoying life again, but she still had her moments. “She’ll get there one day,” I said, keeping the conversation away from us.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, why?” I placed my hand in hers and hoped to hell she couldn’t feel it shaking.

  “You’re acting weird.”

  “I’m fine, babe. Just ready to give you your gift.” I pulled down the gravel road leading to Kurt’s dad’s property.

  “Please tell me we aren’t going to some field party,” Mackenzie joked, looking out at the grassy field.

  “Nope. Something much better.” I parked the Jeep and pulled her in for a short, but hard, kiss. I needed to feel her lips. Reluctantly, I pulled back. “Ready?”

  “I guess.” She laughed lightly.

  I stepped out of the vehicle, shut the door, and patted my pocket to make sure I still had the ring. I met her at the front of the car where she was putting on her coat and took her hand, guiding her through the trees.



  “Are you taking me to our spot?”

  “Yep,” I said, squeezing her hand gently.

  “This is the perfect

  I smiled to myself, hoping she liked the entire gift. Once we rounded a bush, I pushed a few branches back and let her go in front of me.

  She gasped at the small candles laid out around the blanket-covered rock. “Hayes…oh my gosh. It’s beautiful.”

  “Happy birthday, baby. I’m glad you like it.” I pulled her in closer. “I think we should dance.”


  “Yep.” I pulled my phone out of my jeans pocket. “And I know the perfect song.” I scrolled through my iTunes until I found You and Me by Lifehouse and pressed play.

  Mac grinned as I pulled her closer, wrapping my arms around her. “Do you know how hard it was for me that night? I was already head over heels in love with you.”

  She tightened her arms around my neck and placed a small kiss on my lips. “I loved you, too. I was just scared.”

  “I hope you know you never have to be scared with me. Ever.”

  “I know.” She lay her head against my shoulder and we both remained quiet. It was a peaceful feeling having her so close, one I would be fine with for the rest of my life.

  The song began to end and my heart picked up pace, knowing it was almost time.

  “Hayes, are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m great.”

  “If you say so. But your heart is beating like crazy.”

  “I have you in my arms, I’m great.” I placed a kiss on her head. “I promise.”

  The song ended and I kissed her one more time before pulling back. I swallowed and took a deep breath, then grabbed her hand and bent down on one knee. “Mac,” I started as her eyes rounded and her breathing accelerated, “I love you. With all my heart. And I’ve never stopped, not for one second.”

  I cleared my throat and continued. “I can still remember the first time we came out here. You were kinda nervous about me secretly being a killer or something, and I was kinda nervous because I knew I already had a thing for you.” Holy shit, I think I might die from panic.

  “Anyway, we laid down and I showed you the beautiful sky, but as you were watching the stars, I was watching something so much more stunning: you. I knew if I ever got you, I’d never want to let you go. And I still never want to.


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