Three Stages of Love: Attraction

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Three Stages of Love: Attraction Page 18

by T. Anthony

  “Alexander, I want you tonight. Please don’t let me finish alone,” I begged in a soft cry.

  “You will never finish alone again as long as I live and breathe. But you will let me make you finish and enjoy the loss of energy for tonight. I want you to cum yourself into the sweetest of dreams and happiest of mornings.” He continued making me groan into pace with his every stroke and flick of his wrist until I could take it no more.

  “Fuck…Alexander…Don’t move!” My body began to jump into motion with the pulses as my release grew near. “Ahhhhhhhhhhh…” I screamed the heavenly and endless cry of ecstasy and emotional freeness.

  Throwing the showerhead aside, Alexander wrapped his arms around me tightly as I continued to feel the tightening of my pussy and then the spurts of release.

  “Come, let’s get you to bed.” He insisted on rising before me and wrapping me in a robe. Naked and dripping wet, he carried me onto the bed. “I’d like to do one more thing for you tonight.”

  “Shouldn’t I be saying that to you?” I joked.

  “No. I need to clear you of all the negativity, sadness, and maliciousness you have seen and experienced. I want you whole again, smiling and carrying that smart mouth I’ve grown to love. I’m sending you to never-never land tonight.” With one eyebrow raised, he waited.

  “Um, I can’t say that I have the slightest clue as to what you are talking about,” I admitted.

  He chuckled under his breath and reached into the nightstand. What he took from the nightstand was a well-know sight but surprising at the moment.

  “You are tired and worn out and just mentally ready to have some peace. I am going to give your mind the peace it needs and deserves. You are going to sleep with this vibrator inside you tonight. It won’t be turned on, but it will stimulate you while you sleep, and I can assure you that you will awake with the most euphoric of auras surrounding you.”

  I just nodded. What the hell could I do? It wasn’t harmful or painful, and truthfully I couldn’t fight for my life if I had to at the moment. But mostly, I nodded because I wanted the euphoria and the peace he was offering me.

  “Good,” Alexander said, trying to hide his surprised expression.

  He unraveled me from the robe and carefully separated my thighs, exposing my recently throbbing and still pulsating sex. He wiggled his lips and moved in to my pussy, releasing his saliva onto me for lubrication. I gasped as the liquid dripped down between my lips. He stroked my pussy with the vibrator and, slowly motioning in circles, he inserted the vibrator deep into my core. And he released his hold.

  He slid his lusciousness beside me, sealing me with a kiss, and then gently slid his arm under my head to turn me onto my side. We lay—spooning—in what was an endless existence of sensual tranquility.

  Take the rest of the world out of the equation, and lock me in a room with Alexander to spend my eternity—that’s my Happily Ever After!


  Soft satin rose petals caressed my bare skin as the night breeze floated the petals off the ground and onto the balmy surface of my damp body. The full moon lit the night sky, forming a path from the depths of the infinite ocean through to the inner core of my desires.

  Alexander stilled beside me—never motioning to touch me. My eyes reveled in his presence. All was still but the sensations within me felt chaotic. With all of my senses awake, I could smell the saltiness of the sweat glistening on his chest. My tongue tickled with the taste of lavender honey ice cream as I imagined his succulent lips. The twitching of my sex below was the reaction to the memories of his essence and the epitome of sexual gratification.

  I writhed in my linen sheet, twisting into a wetness that felt warm. The more I turned, the wetter the surface around me was soiled.

  Uncomfortably soaked I had now gone from a midnight rendezvous to a vision filled with confusion—not knowing where I was or why I lay in dampness.

  “Ugh,” I moaned as my eyes struggled to return to the vision of Alexander shadowed by the moonlight.

  “Evangeline,” I heard Alexander call.

  Titillated by his voice, I moaned in response.

  “Evangeline, wake up,” he said.

  And there he was lying beside me. But we were not on a beach or basking in the moonlight or doused in rose petals.

  “Whoa! I had the most sensual dream,” I exclaimed, smiling wide as I reached to embrace him and draw him close.

  “Really,” he said. “In this dream, did I taste like lavender honey, or was it not I you were dreaming of?”

  “Wait—what?” How could he have known? I questioned myself.

  Alexander pulled me onto him so that I lay across his chest. “Well…it’s magic,” he teased.

  I poked the tickle spot under his arm, and he grabbed me to stop.

  “I’m kidding. While you were having this amazing dream, you talked in your sleep. You said in a very sleepy moan, Mmm, you taste like lavender honey. So I just wanted to make sure that you weren’t off in some dream world licking someone else. But, I figured the vibrator was doing its job!”

  Holy shit! The vibrator was still inside me. I rolled off of Alexander and sat up—yup, there it was: the vibrator and the waterfall! I pulled the sweaty vibrator out and placed it on a towel beside the bed. “Oh God. How did you lay here with me all night? I made a mess, the sheets are drenched in—”

  “And—what’s the problem?” he asked. “It is our bed. You can wet me and our bed any time of the day or night. Hell, if you want to orgasm in every room and on every piece of furniture in this house, I welcome it! The warmth and serenity that is exuded from your body when you orgasm is practically spiritual.”

  I dove back onto him, not knowing whether to thank him or just love him. So I straddled him, locking my chest onto his, kissing him insatiably.

  In the distance I heard the phone ring on the first floor. Alexander and I didn’t stop, but we slowed to hear if Ms. Gina would call up to us. But she didn’t. The phone just kept ringing.

  “I had better get that,” Alexander said, disappointed by our interrupted moment.

  I lay unscathed by the ringing phone and reluctant to move.

  “I can be back in a matter of seconds if you let me run down now, love,” he proposed.

  I smiled, glad that he desired to return to me so quickly. I licked his lips and set him free—but only for the seconds I had agreed to.

  Alexander reached to the ground to pick up a towel, and he wrapped it around his waist. He put even the likes of David Beckham to shame in his current display. He bolted out of the bedroom, and I could hear his quickening footsteps pounding down the stairs.

  “Mmm.” Enjoying my state of orgasmic numbness, I basked not in my surroundings but in my inner sanctuary. I had forever dreamt and longed to know what all these emotions would feel like. I had feared and cowered away from the intensity of these emotions—only to find myself bound and eternally grateful for them.

  But after ten or so minutes, I realized Alexander hadn’t returned. At first I imagined him preparing breakfast to bring up to bed or finding something interesting to spread onto my naked body. But there was no noise—almost like no one was down there—but Alexander was indeed downstairs. Intrigued, I had to find out what he was up to.

  So with my curiosity leading, I tiptoed down to the foyer and around the back to the kitchen. But he wasn’t in the kitchen. I opened my mouth to call out to him, but from the corner of my eye, I noticed as shape. Turning to identify it, I could see Alexander with his head in his hands, sitting on the corner of the couch, whispering angrily into the phone.

  I inched closer to him to listen while I remained still unnoticed.

  “I need you to understand that you don’t mean anything to me. I tried to help you all these years; I tried to be a friend. We had a thing many years ago, and it was never even close to true love, and now you’ve also lost my friendship. I won’t allow you to sabotage this for me. Do you understand me?” he roared, stil
l trying to be aggressively quiet.

  I was torn between smiling at his assertiveness toward the caller—who I had assumed was Chloe—and being pissed off that this bitch was calling our house at eight o’clock in the morning, interrupting a steamy morning fuck fest.

  “Who are you speaking with, Alexander?” I asked slyly.

  Alexander’s head spun almost off of his shoulders, realizing that I was behind him and had surely heard what he was saying on the phone. He placed the phone back to his ear and began speaking again, only in a normal tone now. “Do not call our home again. Do you understand me?” And he hung up the receiver.

  “I didn’t ask you to hang up the phone. I just wanted to know who you were speaking with,” I added, a little annoyed. He could have very easily continued to tell Chloe off in front of me. I would have been delighted to hear it all.

  “I know you didn’t. But I had nothing else to say to her.” Pausing, still wrapped in his towel, he stood and faced me. “It was Chloe. She called to say that she was taking the day off but would be in tomorrow.”

  My forehead tensed, and my jaw tightened. “Really? Because what took you seconds to say took her roughly fifteen minutes to spit out. Was she drunk, high, or mentally unable to get the words out? Or are you telling me just one line from a fifteen-minute conversation?”

  “I’m just trying to keep us from arguing again. I’m not hiding anything from you,” he said in response but didn’t proceed to give me any further details.

  “Oh, you’re not hiding anything from me? You left out about fourteen and a half minutes’ worth of conversation. That, to me, is hiding something.” Now my hands rolled into fists as I became angry with his refusal to discuss his conversation with Chloe. I felt excluded and slighted by him protecting their conversation. I had heard the last bit of it, and though I knew that he was more or less telling her to leave us the fuck alone, I wanted to know all that was said!

  He sluggishly leaned on the back of the couch and folded his hands in front of him. “You already know that I told her to leave us alone. Why do you want to fill your head with all the things she may or may not have said, only to be angered by it and possibly turn that anger toward me? We just got over all of this drama—drama that we had no involvement in, and that didn’t affect us but caused us to argue and have conflict.”

  “I don’t think you get it. Not knowing exactly what was said on that call is making me conjure up some crazy and fucked-up conversations in my head, so I’m sure that if your last statement to her was, Leave us the fuck alone, then the conversation that proceeded it couldn’t possibly be anything that would upset me.” I reinforced my desire to know what was said. I was already getting pissed, but if I hinted at it too much, he would never tell me, just to avoid an argument. I couldn’t help it; I was yearning to know.

  Alexander hesitated but very well knew I wasn’t going to let it go. “She had a meltdown again and insisted on telling me that she loved me all along and things like that. I told her that I was being a friend by trying to help her. Now that she had tried to sabotage my relationship with you, I said that not only did I not love her, but I was also no longer her friend.”

  “Is that all, Alexander?” I asked. I had a feeling that there was something. It may have been nothing, but it sure felt like something. All women have that sense in them, that red flag that goes up when they are not hearing or seeing the full story. Those who say they don’t are in denial of what truths they will find on the other side.

  “Would you like me to make something up just to satisfy you? Or even if I give you a thesis statement, I bet you still won’t believe me.” Eyeing me with a sardonic expression, he waited for me to move on.

  But I couldn’t. “I don’t have proof, and I can’t explain it, but something here”—I pointed between my stomach and my heart—“is telling me that there is something you are leaving out.”

  I may have issues when making decisions about love and relationships, but I have always been able to very easily tell when someone is either lying or keeping something from me.

  The breath in his lungs gushed from his lips as he spoke. “I don’t want you to get upset or freak out. I am going to take precautions.” He paused, seeing as the color from my face had completely drained as he pronounced the word precautions. “She made some threats against us; that’s all.”

  “Against us or against me?” I muttered.

  “Truth?” he asked, and I nodded. “Against you. Don’t get upset. She’s all talk and no action. I have known her forever.”

  “Yes, Alexander, exactly—you are the man she has wanted forever and still wants. And now she’s threatening me because she can’t have you!” I restated the facts. “I want her gone, Alexander!” He nodded his head in agreement, but I didn’t think he quite knew what he was agreeing to. “When I say gone, I mean I want you to fire her. I don’t want her working for you whatsoever, whether it be across the country or across the globe. She is to have no connection to you. I cannot deal with ever again hearing of her or the possibility of seeing this woman, knowing that she used your good-heartedness to stay close to you. She fucked up and made you feel guilty for not protecting her! Fuck that! I will not budge on this.”

  “You are being overdramatic—” he tried to say.

  “Oh, you want to see overdramatic? I can definitely play that role, but you may want earplugs! You stood over Michael’s bloodied face and threatened for him to move out of the city! All I am asking you to do is make her get another job, not relocate!” I stood my ground, and rightfully so!

  “And what if you see her on the street?” he asked.

  I smiled form ear to ear and rolled up the sleeves on my robe. “I would welcome the opportunity, and who knows…become well acquainted.”

  He shook his head in disbelief at how I was reacting, but I had no doubt that I was right. In life there are things you tolerate and then there are the intolerable things—I don’t deal with the latter very well!

  The phone rang again! And as I sprang for it, Alexander beat me to the grab.

  “Stop protecting her! Give me the phone” I yelled! “Seriously!”

  “Hello.” He spoke into the receiver both angry and anxious and maintained his distance from me. As I walked closer, he walked farther.

  Annoyed and at my wit’s end, I yelled, “Give me the goddamn phone. Let me tell her a thing or two about fucking with another woman’s man. I’m not going to let some whimpering little twit ruin or antagonize this relationship after all we’ve been through to get to this point! Enough is enough!”

  Mouth gaping, Alexander shifted forward and extended his hand with the phone toward my direction.

  Snatching the phone from Alexander, I stood directly facing him with my eyes locked as I blurted all my internal hostilities into the line. “Listen to me, and listen to me good. I don’t fear you; I pity you. I don’t like you, and I don’t tolerate you. I suggest you find another job, because yours no loner exists. And if you think you can threaten me, I am not as sweet as Alexander; I will release the gates of hell for you and wait for you willingly!”

  My heart pounded in my chest as I vocalized my insecurities and my anger—only to be slapped in the face by a cackling and sarcastic voice.

  “What show is this going to air on: Jerry Springer or Real Housewives of LA? Because I can’t wait to get there to see it unfold!” the woman said.

  Fuzzy in thought, I couldn’t place the voice. But it wasn’t Chloe! And then Alexander’s smirk gave it away.

  “Sam? What the fuck. You couldn’t have stopped me after the first three words instead of allowing me to make a fool out of myself?” I continued to scream as my heart began its cool down period.

  Samantha giggled through my screams, my anger, and my relief until she heard me calm. “That was the funniest shit I’ve heard—ever! You were getting all New York street on this bitch’s ass! And I’m not going to ask who she is at the moment because I don’t have time for that length of
a conversation.”

  “Wait. Roll back like five screams ago—did you say you can’t wait until you get here? Sam, are you guys coming soon?” The excitement in my voice raised the natural tone of my voice.

  “Yes, crackhead! All that sun and plastic in LA is burning out your brain cells. Marcus has some shop talk to discuss with you when we get there, so maybe that will bring back some of your intelligence?” Sarcastic and piercing as ever, Samantha would probably be the only person who could get away with acting that way toward me—other than my parents, of course.

  “Yeah, yeah, please stay on topic. My brain may have taken a vacation, but I’m still me! So, when are you coming? Soon I hope. I have to prepare for Your Grace’s arrival! Oh, Sam, I’m so excited to see you guys!” Moving the phone away from my mouth, I screamed out to Alexander like a little girl, “My Samantha and Marcus are coming!”

  He nodded and, like a child, clapped his hands.

  I picked up a dish towel from off the counter and threw it at him for making me suffer through thinking it was initially Chloe and then for mocking me!

  “Eva, listen, don’t go crazy on prepping, because you really won’t have that much time to prep. We arrive on Friday night. We will only be there for the weekend, but it is only two days from now. Is that enough time for you to get yourself in order?” Sam asked.

  “Shit no! But I’ll make do. You know that I am a great procrastinator. Oh, yea!” I belted.

  “OK, I’ll call you tomorrow morning to go over details. I gotta go. Love ya,” Sam concluded.

  “Right back at ya, babe!” And we hung up the call.

  I tossed the phone on to the cushion of the couch and jumped into Alexander’s hips. Luckily he caught me or I’d have been ass-pasted to the floor! Not very sexy when you try to pull something sexy off and someone ends up bleeding or with broken bones.

  “I hate that you didn’t tell me it was Sam and made me look like an idiot on the call. But I thank you with all my heart for inviting Marcus and Samantha to come visit. It means a lot to me,” I shared with a soft kiss to his cheek.


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