The Return of Jake Slater

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The Return of Jake Slater Page 2

by Zavo

  Not knowing how many stops the train would be making, I figured it best to get some shut-eye. I pulled my hat down over my eyes, and the sound of the wheels on the rails quickly lulled me to sleep. I was jolted awake when someone fell roughly against me. It must have been due to the continuous lurching of the train. A strong hand gripped my shoulder to provide balance for the person. It was quickly withdrawn. I sat up, tipping my hat back as I did so. Before I had discovered who had grabbed me, a voice to my right said, “Excuse me, sir.”

  When I turned my head I found myself staring at a tall man dressed in black. He smiled at me and tipped his hat. His teeth were large, white, and even. He had piercing, light blue eyes evenly set apart by a strong, medium-sized nose. It was perfectly straight from stem to tip. He extended his hand to me. The back of it was covered with brown hair. I noted his nails were clean and evenly trimmed. I extended my hand and he grasped it firmly. His hand was warm and hard, yet somehow soft at the same time. I felt a small jolt of something shoot up my right arm. The stranger apparently felt something as well, and rewarded me with a second winning smile.

  “My name is Harry. Harry Langton. Pleased to meet you.”

  “I’m Jake. Jake Slater. Pleased to meet you as well.”

  Harry continued to hold my hand longer than politeness dictated. I was in no hurry for him to release it. His eyes traveled the length of my body, taking in everything. I didn’t miss the lingering glances at my crotch. When his gaze returned to my face, his bold, blue eyes beneath, thick, clipped eyebrows met and held my own. He gave me a wide smile, and I in turn scrutinized him. His hat rested atop a bed of dark brown hair. His face was creased from the sun and weather. This did not detract from his handsomeness. His cheeks, neck, and chin were covered in brown stubble. Above his lips, which were thick and slightly chapped, grew a profuse mustache. His coat hid his torso, but at close range, there didn’t appear to be any excess flesh there. His black pants were snug against the thick muscles of his legs. I guessed him to be a few inches taller than me. He was incredibly handsome and virile. I felt myself drawn to him.

  “Would you like to join me in the dining car for some fine Kentucky whiskey?”

  “I’d enjoy that very much, Harry. After you.”

  I rose and followed him down the aisle and through the door out onto the back step. We moved at a good clip as we traversed the metal ramp that connected our car to the next. Harry opened the adjoining door and gallantly ushered me into a large dining car. Tables made of dark wood flanked the center aisle on both sides, broken only by a good-sized bar in the far right corner. I had heard of cars like this when the new trains started running. Harry chose a table to our immediate right. We sat, and a waiter appeared it seemed as if out of thin air. Harry ordered two whiskeys and, after the waiter left, he settled back in his seat. Unbidden, he began telling me about himself.

  He was a businessman from Baltimore, traveling throughout the West to purchase land for a group of investors he represented. He was on the last leg of his journey. He was heading to Toledo, the nearest town to Abilene. He would spend a few days in Toledo before returning to Baltimore. When he asked what line of work I was in, an immediate lie leaped to my lips. I told him I was a professional gambler. I’d had some trouble in Silverdale with a few disgruntled losers and was headed for greener pastures in Abilene. He chuckled softly to himself at this part. He looked out the window, deep in thought. We both finished our whiskeys, and Harry ordered two more. We continued to talk about local events, and he was the epitome of a polished businessman. The whiskey continued to flow for the next several hours. Suddenly, Harry glanced at his pocket watch.

  “It’s past my normal lunch time, Jake. If you’re hungry, I’d be honored if you’d dine with me.”

  “I am indeed hungry, Harry. I’d like that very much.”

  Harry waved the waiter over and asked for menus. When they arrived, Harry efficiently ordered for both of us: steak, medium rare, a baked potato, and a salad. While we waited for our meal, the waiter brought us some bread and butter, in addition to another whiskey for each of us. By this time I was close to being good and drunk. I could tell Harry was starting to feel the whiskey as well. He was much more animated, and he touched my hand whenever the chance presented itself. The physical contact was happening more often and was lasting much longer than necessary. Not that I minded. My attraction to this handsome businessman was growing. When the next whiskey arrived it was accompanied by Harry’s foot pressed into my crotch. He had evidently slipped his foot out of his boot. It was his large toe that was expertly stroking the head of my cock, as well as my balls. I jumped at the initial contact, but quickly smiled my acceptance as he worked me till I was stiff and aching beneath my denims. He winked at me, and I returned the gesture.

  “I like what I’m feeling, Jake. Big and hard. Do you know how to use it?”

  “I certainly do. I’ve had no complaints thus far.”

  He grinned wickedly at my response. He laughed heartily as he stroked my cock faster.

  “I have a sleeper on the train, Harry. Would you like to retire to it once we’ve eaten? It’d be the perfect time to check out what your foot has aroused.”

  “That sounds like a fine idea, Jake.”

  When our meal arrived, you never saw two men eat faster in their lives. When the waiter came back to check on us, he was astonished to see two empty plates.

  “Will you gentlemen care for anything else?”

  I looked at Harry for a moment.

  “Bring us a bottle of your finest Port. We’ll be adjourning to my room to play some poker. Thus, we’ll be needing a deck of cards as well.”

  “Very well, sir. We start serving dinner at seven.”

  When the Port and deck of cards arrived, Harry was gracious enough to pay the check. We left the dining car and headed back to my sleeping quarters. The sleeper cars were the last two cars in line before the caboose. My quarters were in the first car we reached. As I turned the knob and opened the door to step inside, Harry grabbed me at the waist and expertly pushed me into the cubicle. Once inside, he spun me around to face him. His lips sought mine briefly before his tongue pushed between them and began exploring my mouth. At the same time, his left hand was at my crotch, rubbing my cock and squeezing my balls. With that hand thus engaged, he placed his right hand on my ass and stepped me backward till the backs of my knees struck the bed.

  His hands stopped their ministrations and he began undoing the buttons on my pants. They were urgently shoved to my knees. He pushed me back onto the bed and tugged my pants and drawers to my ankles. He knelt on the floor in front of me and began unbuttoning my shirt. When he reached the last button he pulled it open and pushed my undershirt up to my armpits. I still had the bottle of Port in my hand. I leaned down and set it on the floor.

  Harry ran his hands through the hair on my chest and stomach. From there he started pinching my nipples, bringing them to fiery hardness. He sucked and bit each one before moving to my pole. He sucked and licked the large head before swallowing my prick to its thick root. He held it in his mouth, sucking on it softly, before sawing back to the knob. He ran his tongue over it several more times and poked the tip into the tiny slit. He swallowed it once more and began sawing steadily on my shaft.

  With his left hand, he grabbed my balls and began kneading them vigorously. At the same time Harry probed between the cheeks of my ass with his right index finger. After several tentative pokes, he withdrew his finger and slid it in his mouth alongside my cock. Once wet, he withdrew it and ran it between the cheeks of my ass before prodding my hole with it. As he continued bobbing on my stiffer, his finger slipped inside my sweet spot and sank in to the last knuckle. A loud moan escaped me, and I arched my back to receive this intruder. Harry only paused a moment, then began sliding in and out of me rapidly. Combined with his mouth on my cock, I knew it wouldn’t be long before my explosion overtook me. Somehow Harry sensed this as well. On his next saw, he paused with
my cockhead in his mouth as his finger worked its magic in my shithole.

  “I’m gonna shoot,” I cried.

  Harry remained steadfast on my cock as the first blast of my juice flew into his mouth. As more of my fluid emptied into him, he began to make a weird humming noise. When I was spent, Harry held the large knob in his mouth a moment longer before releasing it and licking the shaft clean.

  When he was done, he ran his tongue across his lips.

  “That’s my favorite dessert, Jake!”

  We both laughed at his salacious comment. He rose and kissed me on the lips. As he began undressing, I eagerly drank in the sight of his nakedness. He matched me in the hair department on both his chest and stomach. Whereas my hair was as black as night, his was a dark brown, almost the color of coffee. His patch of crotch hair was thicker too, almost a veritable forest. His cock was fully hard, with the large, plum-sized head exposed. It wasn’t overly long, but it was about as thick as my wrist in circumference. Harry’s balls were large, their sac of flesh appearing out of proportion to the length of his cock.

  “Take your pants off.”

  I tugged my boots off, then stood and quickly shed my pants and drawers.

  “Turn around and kneel on the floor, across the seat.”

  I did as ordered, my ass ready and waiting for what I knew was coming next. To my surprise, his tongue was at my hole first, not the head of his fat cock. Harry swirled his tongue across the tiny opening. I began thrusting my ass back at him, urging on his ministrations. After a few more swipes of his tongue, Harry withdrew it and spit onto my hole several times. With a finger, he spread the saliva around, pushing some inside me as well. Satisfied I was good and wet, he placed the large head of his cock against my hole. I relaxed and pushed back against him. The head popped inside me suddenly. I felt the familiar pain and then he was inside me, sinking in all the way.

  “Man, your ass sure feels nice, Jake.”

  “That club you’re poking inside me feels mighty fine as well, Harry.”

  He chuckled softly, then got down to business. His first thrusts were slow and deep, and he made me feel every inch of his fat prick. After several repetitions, he alternated his thrusts with short, powerful jabs. Each one made me whimper and beg for more. Harry informed me of his delight with my ass by small moans and grunts of pleasure. I lifted my head and watched the outside world rush by as this handsome man continued to pound my ass. After a good ten minutes, his thrusts became even more powerful. I knew his explosion was imminent. Shortly, he let out a loud roar, and I felt his spooge flooding my asshole. It seemed endless. Finally, I felt him pulling out of me. I climbed onto the bed and he joined me. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly to him. A loud knock at the door startled both of us. I was the first to find my voice.

  “May I help you?”

  “It’s the porter, sir. Is everything okay in there? We’ve had reports of the sounds of a struggle.”

  “I can assure you, everything is fine.”

  “Very good, sir.”

  After the porter left, Harry kissed me on the cheek, and I was soon fast asleep.

  When I woke, it was getting dark and Harry was gone. The compartment was awash with the scent of our recent lovemaking. I dressed hurriedly and left my room. I began a search of the adjoining cars. As I returned to the diner car, I ran into our waiter from our earlier lunch.

  “Excuse me, have you seen the gentlemen I dined with this afternoon? I can’t seem to find him.”

  “He got off in Toledo, sir.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Will you be wanting dinner, sir?”

  “Yes. Do you have a table ready for me?”

  So that was that. Harry had left the train without saying good-bye. After the waiter showed me to a table, I ordered two whiskeys. I was determined to get drunk again. After dinner and a half dozen more whiskeys, I stumbled back to my compartment and lay down on my bed, still fully clothed. The next thing I knew there was a knock on the door. When I asked who it was, the voice of the porter answered.

  “Good morning, sir. I just wanted to let you know we’ll be arriving in Abilene within the hour. Breakfast is now being served in the dining car.”

  “Can you just bring me some coffee, please?”

  “Right away, sir.”

  When the porter returned with the coffee, I sat upright and stared out the window as I drank the strong stuff. It struck me that I hadn’t formalized a plan for when I reached Abilene. I couldn’t just march into the sheriff’s office, clamoring for Rawlins. What if I found the man safely ensconced there? With deputies to back any move he chose to make? I would most assuredly be arrested or, worse, shot on sight. What if he and Ben hadn’t arrived yet? Should I wait for them to make their appearance, or set off in search of them? Would I stand a better chance of finding them outside Abilene and wresting Ben from Rawlins? There weren’t that many trails into Abilene, even at this late date in its history. After the train pulled alongside the platform in Abilene, I sat quietly staring out the window. My thoughts were swirling, and my stomach was tied up in knots.

  What would I find in this town? A soft knock on the compartment door, followed by a loud “Abilene” roused me into action. I disembarked and began walking down the dirt thoroughfare, headed for the sheriff’s office. I was expecting it to be in the same location as it had been when I had housed Ben here. I was not disappointed when I spotted the familiar sign. Not much else had changed in town since, except for one or two additional saloons. I climbed the wooden steps and had just reached for the doorknob when the door opened and a young man stood facing me. I didn’t recognize him, but the silver star pinned to his chest explained his profession.

  “Morning, mister. Can I help you?”

  I launched into the story I had concocted just moments ago.

  “Yes, my name is Marshall Owens, and I was hoping to speak to Sheriff Rawlins. He’s an old friend of mine. The last time we exchanged letters he invited me to look him up the next time I found myself in Abilene.”

  He looked at me quizzically for a moment, as if I had asked if Moses was back in town. Finally, he extended his hand, and I shook it heartily.

  “Nice to meet you, Marshall. My name is Roy Higgins. Deputy Higgins. Sheriff Rawlins is back, and you can see him. But you won’t be able to speak to him. He’s over at the undertakers. His brother brought his body in yesterday morning. Along with another one, but I’m not sure who it was.”

  I fought to keep my composure at this news. Sheriff Rawlins was dead! What the hell had happened? Was Ben the second body? I tried hard to drown out the sound of my heart pounding in my chest.

  “What happened? Were there any prisoners with Sheriff Rawlins, Deputy Higgins?”

  “No one knows for sure. Rawlins had sent a telegram informing the office here that he was headed back from Silverton with Ben Masters. Masters is a wanted murderer Rawlins had been pursuing for weeks. When Rawlins didn’t arrive at the expected time, his brother set out in search of him. Found him a day’s ride from here. He found the second body about a mile from his brother’s.

  At this statement, I felt my knees begin to buckle, and I placed my hand on the doorframe to steady myself.

  “Was it this Masters fellow?”

  “Again, I’m not sure who the second body is, Mr. Owens. It’s probably best to talk to Sheriff Harrison. He’s been filling in for Rawlins since the man lit out several weeks ago in pursuit of two escaping prisoners. He’s inside at his desk if you need him. Now, I’m late for an appointment. It was nice to meet you, and you have a good day.”

  “You too, Deputy Higgins.”

  As the deputy headed down the street, I didn’t enter the office but chose instead to sit on a bench to the right of the door. I knew I had to go inside to find the answers I needed. But first I needed to sit and get a grip on myself. After taking several deep breaths, I counted to one hundred. I stood, opened the door, and stepped into the cool interior of the o
ffice. It was pretty much as I remembered it. Two desks faced the door. Each had a chair behind it as well as in front. Both were unoccupied at the moment. Behind the desk was the hallway that led to the holding cells. There was the stove, and the rack of guns on the wall.

  Next to the rack were a slew of wanted fliers. My heart sank as I saw Ben’s face peering back at me. It was an incredible likeness. A person would not easily mistake him for someone else. As I turned back to the desks, I heard footsteps coming down the hall. A man materialized, and I got my third shock of the morning when I found myself facing Nathaniel Harrison. A silver badge was pinned to his leather vest. He was just as amazed to see me, as evidenced by the expression on his face. It was one of absolute shock!

  “Jake Slater!”

  “Nathaniel Harrison!”

  We stepped to each other and clasped hands heartily. He quickly enveloped me in his arms.

  He had been my first love, and my last serious relationship before I had met Ben. My mind went back to the night we had met. It had been a little more than two years ago. We were both new to the Texas Rangers. We had gone through all the required training and testing together in El Paso. We were both young and fresh-faced and very eager to perform our new jobs. We had quickly become friends. I had almost as quickly fallen in love with him. Contrary to what many people believe, love is on no timetable. Sometimes it can happen very quickly. He was a foot shorter than me, but several pounds heavier. But he was by no means overweight. He had light blond hair and light brown eyes. A thick blond mustache hid his upper lip.

  He was from the South, Georgia to be exact. He had an accent that I had found endearing. Our first assignment was hunting a small, post-war band of outlaws that had been terrorizing the El Paso area for several months. They had been stealing cattle and robbing homesteaders, banks, and even stagecoaches. There didn’t seem to be anything they wouldn’t do. We decided to rest for a bit just outside a small town right on the border of Old Mexico. We had been trailing the outlaws for many days. We had lost them several times but had always managed to find their trail again. However, they continued to be at least a day’s ride ahead of us.


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