The Return of Jake Slater

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The Return of Jake Slater Page 8

by Zavo

  While he was busy sucking my pole, he slid several fingers into my crack, probing for my hole. Once he found it, he withdrew them. I then felt one slide into his mouth next to my dick. In a moment, it was back poking at my opening. He pushed insistently and slid his finger inside me. I moaned with a mouthful of cock as he rapidly slid his finger in and out of me. On his next saw, Harry drove his finger deep inside me and held it there. At the same time he gently scraped his teeth across the head of my prick. The sensation was incredible, and it pushed me full tilt into my explosion.

  Harry had no warning this time. But he didn’t miss a drop as I began dumping my seed. When I was spent, he pumped his hips faster. He rose up suddenly, leaving only the head of his cock in my mouth. I used my hands to support his flanks, and soon I was gulping his spooge. When he was done, Harry rolled off me, swung around, and crawled beside me. He kissed me deeply, then stared into my eyes, a smile lighting up his face. After we had both dressed, Harry built a small fire. He pulled two blankets from our saddlebags, positioned our saddles as pillows, and pulled me down beside him. He wrapped his arms around me and I was soon fast asleep. The next thing I knew, Harry was gently shaking me awake. The gray of early dawn surrounded us.

  “I think I’m going to enjoy having you around, Jake. Let’s get dressed and rejoin the men.”

  When we approached the men they were mostly still asleep. Loud snores reverberated around us. One man was missing. I assumed he was on guard somewhere. The men had unsaddled the horses and they were picketed a few feet away.

  “Rise and shine!” Harry hollered.

  His order was met with a series of grumblings and curses.

  We ate a cold breakfast of hardtack and biscuits. After breaking camp, we rode for several hours. We stopped twice to water the horses and fill our canteens. The sun was soon high overhead, and water was starting to become scarce. We didn’t pause to hunt or eat, but simply ate the ubiquitous hardtack as we rode. The rest of the men had asked no more questions of Harry concerning me. Nor had they questioned me directly. It appeared Harry ruled his gang with an iron fist. But even his strength and orneriness could not quell the many ugly and suspicious looks I received from his men when Harry’s attention was elsewhere.

  Six rough men rode with Harry; though each was handsome in his own right. It was hard to tell ages in this godforsaken land. The youngest I put in his early twenties. The oldest I pegged as a good ten years older than Harry, who I was guessing was ten years older than me. I only knew Tiny from his questioning of my presence at the train. The rest I had not yet been formally introduced to. As the sun started to sink below the horizon, Harry called the order to stop for the night. We were facing a high overhang of rock beneath which we made camp. It was surrounded on two sides by cacti, leaving only the front open to defend. If we were cornered, the rock face was not impassable. As the men rode single file into the space we had selected, Harry dismounted and turned to address them.

  “Men, I think we can all use a rest. It’s been a hard ride. Plus, Purdy hasn’t seen anyone on our back trail all day. We’ll hit the trail again first thing in the morning. That’ll put us back at the hideout by late afternoon. Go ahead and build a fire, but keep it low. Also, it’s time I made formal introductions.”

  Harry turned to me.

  “Boys, this is Jake. He’s going to be traveling with me for a while. Jake, meet Jonas, Big Leroy, Tiny, Bobby, Simon, and Purdy.”

  Each of the men acknowledged his name with a nod of his head. That was it, no smiles, no “hellos” or “howdies.” Without further ado, the men removed their saddles and Simon led the horses away and tethered them. Jonas and Tiny began gathering wood for a fire. They soon had a small blaze going. Each man had propped his saddle against a rock or a stump and was lounging against it. Hardtack was being eaten again, and soon a bottle of whiskey was passed around. When it was empty, another one took its place.

  Harry and I sat next to each other, staring idly into the fire. My thoughts of course centered on Ben. However, I forcibly shifted my thinking away from him. It was still too painful. No amount of wishing was going to bring him back. The past was over and done with. I turned my thoughts instead to my present situation. What was I doing with this band of outlaws? Of course, I had not had much of a choice in the matter. Harry most assuredly would have killed me, regardless of our past. I had to admit to myself, though, that since being forced to join them, I had not once thought of escaping. Was this new lawlessness the way I was going to deal with Ben’s death? Only time would tell. I knew Ben had been innocent, but I had been unable to save him. Sheriff Rawlins, sworn to uphold the law, had proven more sinister than many outlaws I had chased in my long career.

  I turned to find Harry staring intently at me.

  “You sure are a handsome man, Jake. Good in the sack, too.”

  “Stop it, Harry, you’ll make me blush.”

  “We seem to be a long way from where the robbery occurred, Harry. Do you usually travel this far?”

  “Not usually, no. But as I said, with five gangs besides us operating in this area, the pickings are starting to get mighty slim. There are rangers, sheriffs, and railroad and bank detectives swarming all over these parts. Plus, I had it on good authority that the train was carrying a hefty payroll.”

  As I turned back to the fire, a slightly inebriated Tiny attempted to stand.

  “I have to take a piss, boys.”

  “Do you need any help, Tiny?” asked Bobby.

  “Not with the pissing part, Bobby. I may need an extra hand holding it though, it being so big and all.”

  “I’d be happy to,” Bobby responded.

  “Why don’t you piss right here Tiny, and then we can watch Bobby hold it for you?”

  This was Harry, and as he finished speaking an almost electrical charge seemed to sweep through the group of men.

  Tiny got up from where he was sitting and stepped closer to the fire. He had purposefully positioned himself so everyone could see the impending action.

  “Come here, boy,” he said to Bobby.

  The youngest-looking of the outlaws stood and walked over to Tiny. He knelt in the dirt at his feet. There wasn’t a sound in the clearing but the snapping of sticks in the fire. I was startled when Harry reached over and began stroking my crotch. His eyes never left the two men by the fire. I reached over and returned the favor.

  Bobby’s eager face was highlighted by the flames as he reached up and undid the buttons on Tiny’s pants. He pulled back the flaps revealing that Tiny wasn’t wearing drawers. He also revealed the thick root of Tiny’s cock and a dense patch of gray hair. Bobby reached into Tiny’s pants and pulled out his cock. It was good-sized and already half hard. Bobby wrapped his thumb and index finger around the middle of the shaft. At the same time, a yellow stream of piss arced out and began puddling in the sand between Bobby’s knees. Tiny let out a long sigh while he relieved himself. I looked around at the rest of group. The men were rubbing their crotches, working themselves into a fevered pitch.

  Soon the flow had stopped. Bobby gave Tiny’s dick a few shakes to get the last drops before taking the head into his mouth. Tiny unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a torso that was liberally covered in gray hair. He began tugging on his nipples as the young outlaw swallowed his stiffer. Bobby held it in his mouth for several seconds and then began sawing on it. Tiny was fully hard now. His name certainly did not apply to his pecker. While Bobby was busy with Tiny, Harry had undone my pants buttons and pulled my cock free. He spit into his hand, coated my stiffer, and began slowly stroking me. I in turn had pulled his dick free and was doing the same. I looked past Harry to see that the other four outlaws had each pulled out their pricks and were busy stroking them while they watched the action across the fire.

  Tiny’s right hand held Bobby’s head as he thrust his cock down the young man’s throat. The firelight reflected on the saliva flowing freely from Bobby’s mouth. It also glistened on his chin. I wondered who was goi
ng to be the first to blow when Harry grabbed my arm tightly and said between clenched teeth, “Make a fist and finish me off, Jake.”

  I curled my hand around his fat cock and began stroking him in earnest. He pumped his hips to match my strokes.

  Before long, his hips were moving faster.

  “I’m gonna blow, Jake!”

  I stopped on my last stroke just below his fat cockhead. It swelled as the first whitish blob erupted, landing in his crotch hair. More of his fluid shot forth, creating a small white patch. When he was spent, I bent down and took the fat head into my mouth. I teased one last drop from it, released it, and lapped up his pile of juice.

  “It’s your turn now, Jake.”

  He leaned over and gently took my cockhead into his mouth. He wrapped his hand around my shaft and began stroking me steadily. I turned back to the action at the fire just as Tiny bellowed, and I saw Bobby’s throat muscles working furiously as he swallowed the older man’s load. I turned my head to see how the other outlaws were faring. They were each experiencing their own explosions in rapid succession. I was right behind Simon, as the next stroke of Harry’s triggered my own eruption. My cries joined the others as I dumped my seed into his mouth. When I was spent, he wiped his chin and smiled.

  “You’re gonna fit in right nice around here, Jake.”

  I moved closer to him for warmth, and he wrapped his arms around me and covered both of us with the blanket. He smelled good, and I felt warm and safe for the first time in a long while. I was soon fast asleep. When I woke, the fire was out, and it was very cold. The light gray of dawn was settling over us. My head was pounding from all the whiskey I drank. I shook Harry awake and he got up and roused the rest of the gang. There was much grumbling. The fire was relit and a pot of coffee was soon brewing. Our breakfast consisted of the ubiquitous hardtack.

  “We need to get on the trail, boys!”

  When the fire was doused, we saddled up and headed out. We rode for several hours, stopping only to water the horses when we chanced upon a muddy stream. By the time the sun had reached its zenith we were deep in a no man’s land of sand, rock, and scrub brush. The occasional rattlesnake, jackrabbit, or scorpion were the only signs of life we saw. Harry had given orders against shooting any game. He wanted to be completely sure there was no further pursuit by the train guards. As the relentless afternoon dragged on, through my blurred eyesight I made out a line of sandstone cliffs in the distance. I couldn’t be sure if they were real or simply my imagination. After riding for several more miles, it became clear my eyes had not deceived me: A range of cliffs faced us, although still a few miles off. As we drew closer to them, scrub brush could be seen lining their base.

  When we were almost at the cliffs, I saw what appeared to be a break in the hedge line. It quickly proved to be an opening wide enough to allow a single rider to pass. We slowed down and formed a single line, with Harry in the lead and me close on his heels. After entering the brush, we hit upon a trail which quickly widened to allow two horses to ride abreast. Sheer cliffs walled us in to our right and left. Harry paused a moment and raised his hand in the air. A man materialized seemingly out of thin air He waved in return, then faded back into the rocks. After we rode about fifty feet, the trail opened into a tiny canyon. It couldn’t have been more than a few miles across. It appeared as desolate as the land we had ridden through for the last two days. Harry paused and turned to me.

  “This will be home for the next few weeks, Jake. I know it doesn’t look like much, but it’s a great place to lay low. No one has found it yet.”

  “Do you live here full-time, Harry?” I asked, trying to keep the incredulity from my voice.

  “Most of us have regular homes that we go to once or twice a month. I have a hacienda across the border in Mexico. But when we’re working, here is where we stay. It’s more convenient.”

  We rode on, cresting a small hill where we halted to take in the view below us. To our left was a good-sized pond, with luscious green grass growing around its perimeter for several feet. The water cascaded from a large fissure in the cliff wall. Beyond the pool were three cabins. The rest of the area was rock, dirt, and cactus, and then the cliffs began again. Behind the first cabin was a corral that currently held several horses and mules. Three men were sitting on the porch of this cabin, passing a jug between them and smoking. When we rode up to the cabin, I could see they were around Bobby’s age. All were quite handsome. And quite drunk. For some reason, they were shirtless in this unrelenting heat. Harry dismounted in front of the unofficial welcoming committee, and I followed his lead. The rest of the outlaws split off and went to the other two cabins.

  “Welcome back, Harry,” they said in unison, slurring their words horribly. Big smiles lit up their faces.

  “It’s good to be back, boys. I see you’ve been into the peyote again!”

  They grinned in response and came down off the porch to greet us.

  As the men fawned over Harry, I took a closer look at them. They were in good physical shape, with well-muscled arms and legs and hairless chests browned by the sun. Large, dark nipples capped the muscles bunched there.

  “Jake, these are the newest members of our outfit: Caleb, Christian, and Cole. They have yet to go out on an actual robbery. Their main duty is to take care of this place while we’re gone on a job. They also lend a hand while we’re here, and all three are no slouches at keeping me and Samuel warm between the sheets. That last part they are real good at. That, and drinking whiskey and smoking peyote, as you can see.”

  “Aren’t you, boys?”

  They nodded in unison, the smiles seemingly frozen on their faces.

  “But, boys will be boys. The man you saw in the passageway is Cleon.”

  The meaning of Harry’s remark about “taking care of me and Samuel” was not lost on me. All three of the young men looked as if they could take care of any man’s needs pretty darn good. But the remark also begged the question, who is Samuel?

  “Who’s Samuel, Harry?”

  “Samuel is my companion, Jake. We’ve been together for almost twenty years. He and I met during a gunfight in Tucson. We’ve been together ever since. He’s at our ranch in Mexico making sure everything is running smoothly. He should be heading back here soon.

  “We were pretty much out of money. That’s why we needed to hit the train. After a few more jobs, we’ll all go our separate ways for one or two months, and then regroup when funds are low.”

  Surprisingly, I felt a small twinge of jealousy at the explanation of Samuel. But I quickly shrugged it off. The eager young men led our horses away, presumably to join those in the corral. I followed Harry up the steps and into the cabin. It wasn’t much to look at, but it was clean. A good-sized fireplace took up most of one wall. It was silent now. Across from the fireplace was a gigantic bed, with a homemade quilt spread across it. Harry must have seen me looking at it, for he said, somewhat sheepishly, “That’s my ma’s.” A table stood in the center of the cabin, surrounded by four chairs. There were also two rocking chairs positioned next to the bed. A wide sideboard and cupboard stood adjacent to the table. Two windows in the rear wall and one next to the front door let in the only light. As I was looking around, the three young men returned. They were carrying several items with them.

  “We brought some stuff from the root cellar for you to eat, Harry. We’ll have it ready in a few minutes.”

  “Sounds good, boys. We’re going to stretch our legs for a bit.”

  We went outside and walked over to the pond. We sat at the water’s edge. Harry removed his boots and socks and stuck his feet in the water. I did the same. It was cold and very refreshing. We sat in silence for a few minutes, and then Harry turned to me.

  “So, Jake, I have to ask, where does this leave you and me? I know you’re not an outlaw, and I know you can turn me in. Hell, you can turn all of us in if you have a mind to. But I don’t think you will. I can tell there’s something hanging over you. I’ve see
n it in many men in my days. But I won’t pry. Did I make a mistake in bringing you here with me, Jake? As Samuel always complains, am I a sucker for a pretty face? Or a big dick?”

  “You don’t have anything to worry about from me, Harry. I’m also operating outside the law these days.”

  I began telling Harry my story, meaning to leave out some points, Ben in particular. But before I knew it, the whole thing was just spilling out. When I finished, I lay back on the grass. I had once again spilled my guts to a total stranger. Even the fact that I was a wanted Texas Ranger. Harry was silent for a long, long time. I began to think I had made a mistake in confiding in him.

  “That’s quite a tale, Jake. I thought I smelled the law when I first met you. But I overlooked it for a good time. This conversation will stay between the two of us. The rest of the boys won’t take kindly to learning you’re a former Texas Ranger. Disgraced or not. Knowing this now, I won’t ask you to take part in any robbing that we do. Unless there comes a time when you feel the urge to. Caleb, Christian, and Cole are itching to officially join the gang. I’m thinking it’s time they do. Will you agree to keep an eye on the place while we’re out working? That is, until Samuel returns?”

  I thought about it for a moment before I answered.

  “Harry, I have no place else to go at the moment. I don’t have any kin left. My original goal was to head to Mexico to start a new life. But, seein’s how I don’t have any friends there, it doesn’t matter when I get there. I’m happy to keep an eye on things for you.”

  “I’d like that, Jake. As I said, Samuel and I have a place in Mexico. When we get ready to head back there, you can ride across the border with us.”


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