The Return of Jake Slater

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The Return of Jake Slater Page 12

by Zavo

  We put heels to our mounts and followed Harry single file out of the corral. We headed west toward the opposite end of the canyon. As Simon pulled up alongside me, he threw up his arms and slid sideways off his horse. I still hadn’t seen any of our attackers, but I’d say it was a fair bet it was the posse Harry had warned Samuel about. They must have overpowered and killed Cleon to get this close to the cabin. Based on their accuracy, I put them somewhere on the canyon rim behind us.

  As we raced the short distance to the other end of the canyon, we returned fire as best we could. I wasn’t shooting at anything in particular. I was just trying to keep our attackers low so they couldn’t fire. As we neared the canyon wall, we slowed to a canter and then a fast walk. When we stopped completely, we faced several large piles of dead brush. Harry, Samuel, and Cole dismounted and began hurriedly moving the brush aside. Their efforts soon revealed the opening to a large cave. When the pile of brush was completely gone, Harry and Samuel walked their horses into the cave entrance.

  “Keep your head down for the first few feet, men,” Harry hollered back over his shoulder.

  It was then that our pursuers caught up with us. They had been closer than I estimated. We could only enter one at a time, so we were sitting ducks for them. Bullets were ricocheting off the cliff face. I heard a muffled grunt behind me. I turned to see Cole fall from his horse. A large group of men on horseback was galloping toward us. I was the last to enter the cave and, as I did so, it widened considerably. It became large enough for three or more horseman to ride abreast. The hooves of the horses echoed wildly around us. Harry circled back and took up the rear behind me.

  He reined in his horse and stood in his stirrups. He grabbed an old board that was perched over the entrance beneath some rocks. He gave it several hard tugs, almost toppling from his horse on the last one.

  “Do you need a hand with that, Harry?”

  “I got it, Jake.”

  He gave another pull right at that moment, and it did the trick. A small avalanche of rocks tumbled down into the cave as Harry scrambled to ride out of the way. They effectively blocked our pursuers. It was evident that someone, probably Harry, had cleverly ensured this would be a guaranteed escape route. As I exited the cave, I saw Samuel, Jonas, and Tiny about a hundred yards in the distance. Harry galloped past me as if I didn’t exist, quickly joining them. I was becoming more worried about Bobby, who was barely able to stay in his saddle. When I rode up beside him his entire right side was blood-soaked. His face was as white as flour.

  “Hang in there, Bobby.”

  He merely nodded his head.

  I was still beside Bobby when we caught up with the rest of the gang. They had stopped at the top of a hill that overlooked an endless expanse of sand dunes and sagebrush. Harry had dismounted and was sitting on a large rock.

  “Boys, I think it’s best we split up here. It will make it more difficult for the posse to track us. That cave-in bought us some time. You can bet they won’t delay in backtracking out of the canyon, circling around, and picking up our trail once more. They are out for blood!”

  “Jake, Samuel, and I will head toward the Rio Grande. Once in Mexico, Samuel and I will head to our ranch while Jake strikes out on his own. I don’t need to know where the rest of you are going. If we make it through this alive, we’ll meet in El Paso in two months.”

  It was then that I saw the blood on Harry’s shirt. He had been shot in the right arm.

  “Harry, you’ve been hit. Let me take a look at that for you.”

  “I’ll see to him, Slater. You and Tiny see to Bobby.”

  Samuel dismounted and went to Harry.

  Jonas was still mounted. He seemed stunned as he watched the events around him.

  “I’ll see you in El Paso” he cried, and put heels to his horse.

  No one bid him farewell.

  “You old fool, trying to hide the fact that you’ve been shot. You’re not twenty anymore!”

  “It’s no big deal, Samuel. I’ve had worse.”

  As Tiny helped Bobby down from his horse, Samuel inspected Harry’s arm.

  Harry, the bullet’s still in your arm and needs to be removed. I’m not a doctor, so it’s going to be crude and hurt like hell.”

  “Just get it out of me, Samuel,” was his reply.

  “I have a bottle of whiskey in my saddlebags, Samuel.”

  “Thanks, Jake. Maybe you can give me a hand and then help Tiny with Bobby.”

  His tone had softened considerably.

  I went to my horse and returned with the whiskey.

  “I’ll find a stick for him to gnaw on, Samuel. Tiny, get Bobby down off his horse and I’ll be right there.”

  “Will do, Jake.”

  When I found a stick, I went to where Harry was sitting. He opened his mouth without a word and I placed the stick sideways in his mouth. Samuel doused his wound with whiskey, and I held Harry down while Samuel deftly sliced the area open. He dug with the tip of the knife, soon revealing the bullet within. Harry squirmed and bit down harder on the stick. His face was red and contorted. Samuel dug the bullet out and doused the hole with whiskey again. After a second dousing, he tied my bandana around Harry’s arm to stanch the blood flow. It was then that Harry spit the stick out of his mouth and growled, “Give me some of that goddamned whiskey.”

  Samuel laughed and put the bottle to his lips. Harry took several long pulls from it.

  Now that Harry had been seen to, I went over to help with Bobby. I found Tiny cradling Bobby’s head in his lap.”

  “He’s dead, Jake.”

  Tiny laid Bobby on the ground and placed his hat over his face.

  Samuel glanced over at that moment.

  “We don’t have time to bury him, Tiny. Bobby would understand. Now, you best hightail it out of here.”

  With a final look at Bobby, Tiny mounted his horse.

  “I’ll see you in El Paso, boys.”

  He put heels to his horse and was soon out of sight.

  Harry stood up a little wobbly.

  “We need to ride as well!”

  Samuel and I helped Harry into his saddle. Once mounted, the three of us lit out as if the devil was still on our heels. We descended the hill and started making our way through the sand dunes. We rode till it was too dark to see and stopped and made camp. We didn’t start a fire because we weren’t sure how close the posse was. Samuel checked Harry’s wound and poured more whiskey on it. He also gave Harry another drink. Soon he was fast asleep. Samuel seemed disinclined to talk, so I spread my blanket on the ground by Harry. I lay down next to him and was quickly asleep myself. I woke to a cold, gray dawn. Harry was soundly snoring beside me. Samuel was on his other side. I shook him gently and he woke up, as did Samuel. As it grew lighter, Samuel again checked Harry’s wound.

  “I don’t see any signs of infection, Harry. You always were a tough old bird.”

  “It’ll take more than one bullet to stop me, Samuel.”

  “You just got lucky, Harry. Let’s head out. We should be only a few miles from the Rio Grande.”

  Harry turned to me.

  “Jake. Once we cross, do you have any idea where you’re heading?”

  “None whatsoever, Harry. I’m just glad to finally be leaving the United States.”

  After about a half hour of riding, we crested a small dune and reined in. The river was spread out below us. It resembled a large, undulating snake. It was quite awe-inspiring. We rode down the hill, descended the bank, and started across the river. At one point the water level rose to the bellies of our horses, but no farther. We climbed the bank on the other side, and the horses shook to shed the water.

  “Jake, you are now officially in Mexico.”

  I let out a loud whoop of joy, which I actually felt.

  “Jake, here is where we must part ways. Samuel and I are off to our ranch. I need to mend before I can engage in any more robberies. We could use a good man like you to help with the running of the ranch
. But I think you know how Samuel feels about that.”

  “I do indeed, Harry. I don’t want any trouble with him. I agree here is as good a place as any to say good-bye.”

  “I’ve known since I first saw you on that train that this was no life for you. But I sure enjoyed having you around these past few weeks. Samuel’s biggest beef with you isn’t that you’re around. He and I have been together for more than twenty years. There have been other men, for both of us, but it’s always been the quickie here and there. Nothing serious.

  “But you’ve been different for several reasons, Jake. You’re much younger than anyone that has previously struck my fancy. You’re a different caliber of man than I’m used to running with. Hands down, you sure are the handsomest. I was starting to develop feelings for you. One thing you don’t know, Jake, is that you’re the first one that’s ever shared my cabin. The rest of the boys noticed but were too afraid of me to say anything. When Samuel found you at the cabin, he knew right away. However, here we are and I’m going home with Samuel. He’s the one I truly love.”

  Our conversation was interrupted when Samuel circled back and joined us.

  “Harry, I’m going to ride ahead. Why don’t you take your time saying good-bye to Jake?”

  He nodded his head to me and rode away.

  “Follow me, Jake,” Harry said softly.

  He rode onto a grassy area beneath a large jacaranda tree. When he reined in, I dismounted and helped him down from his horse. He held out his arms and I stepped between them. He hugged me and kissed me deeply. A tear formed in the corner of his right eye.

  “Undress me, Jake.”

  I slowly undid the buttons on his shirt and gently pulled it off, careful of his injured arm. The undershirt was next, revealing his well-sculpted, hairy chest. He placed his good arm across my right shoulder for support. I pulled his boots off, followed by his socks. As I unbuttoned his pants, I could see the swell of his cock outlined beneath them. I slid his pants down and helped him out of them. He wasn’t wearing drawers. His dick was hard as a rock. I looked him over from head to toe. He was a fine specimen of a man. One that had brought me much pleasure over these past few weeks. Truth be told, I had feelings for him as well. But I knew there was no point in voicing them.

  “It’s your turn, Jake.”

  I undressed slowly, teasing Harry. His eyes drank it all in. When I was naked, he stepped to me and I took him into my arms. As always his familiar smells filled my nostrils. They were strong and comforting. He kissed me on the lips and then on my cheeks. He worked his way down my chest and stomach to my crotch. He knelt at my feet and planted a kiss on the head of my cock. Suddenly, he engulfed it and began bobbing on it vigorously. After several bobs he let it plop from his mouth and looked up at me.

  “Lay on your back, Jake.”

  I did as he had ordered. He straddled my waist, my cock flattened beneath his ass. He spit into his left hand and spread it between the cheeks of his ass.

  “I’m gonna need a hand here, Jake.”

  I gripped him at the waist and held him as he rose up and above my cock. He nestled the fat head in his crack, tight against his hole. As I continued to hold him, Harry pressed down firmly and the head popped through the ring of muscle. He sighed as he sank down fully on my stiffer. When there was no more to take, he let out a loud grunt.

  “I’m going to have to let you take the reins on this one, Jake.”

  “It will be my pleasure, Harry. And yours as well.”

  We both laughed as I withdrew from Harry as I gently lifted him. Once just the fat head was still inside I slid back up into him. I held it there for a moment, letting him feel it. I gripped him at the waist and started pumping slowly in and out of him. After a while, Harry began to rise and fall with my movements. Slowly though, as he was still favoring his right arm. He was moaning continuously, and his chest was glistening with sweat. Harry spit into his left hand and started stroking his cock in time to my thrusts. I picked up my pace, ever mindful of his arm. On his next downward lunge, he cried out as he started spraying his seed, crisscrossing the hairs of my stomach. I gave one last powerful thrust, triggering my own explosion. When I was spent, Harry stayed on my pole till it went limp. He lay supine on me, his chest rising and falling in rhythm with mine.

  “I wish this could last forever, Jake. But I know it was not meant to be.”

  I didn’t respond as he rolled carefully off me, stood, and started getting dressed. When he got to his shirt, I stood and helped him. I got dressed as well. Once fully clothed, Harry pulled me into his arms and kissed me again. We both knew it was the last time.

  “Good-bye, Jake. I’ll never forget you.”

  Tears welled in the corners of both his eyes.

  “Good-bye, Harry.”

  He mounted his horse and rode away, never once looking back. I watched till he disappeared over a sand dune. I stood a moment longer before mounting my horse. I galloped determinedly in the opposite direction, following his lead and never once looking back.


  It had been several days since Harry and I had said good-bye. I already missed him. However, I knew that ultimately I could not live on the wrong side of the law. But I also knew that I was never going to be a lawman again. My experiences with the Rawlins brothers had soured me on the only line of work I’d ever known. Also, how many other rangers were gunning for me, convinced I had given succor to Ben before he had met his fate?

  My decision to start a new life in Mexico seemed to be the right one. Hell, it was the only one I could have made. I didn’t have any idea what I would do for a living. Maybe I could join the Mexican Army. It would be steady work. I knew I would find some way to earn my keep. I owed it not only to myself, but to Ben as well. As my father liked to say, “If a man is willing to work hard, there is always plenty of hard work for him to do.”

  As this was my first time in Mexico, I had no idea where to head. I hadn’t thought to find any maps before coming here; not that I’d had much time to prepare. I’d followed several trails that had led to old, abandoned haciendas, or ones that looked like they were best avoided. I was running low on hardtack, but I’d been able to keep my canteen filled thus far. However, as my distance from the Rio Grande increased, watering holes were becoming more and more infrequent. I rode for most of the day, stopping only once around midday to rest in the shade of a large stand of cacti. Big Leroy’s horse was proving to be a reliable mount. He was not as sturdy or classically lined an animal as my black had been, but he could certainly eat up the miles. A few hours before sundown, I shot two large jackrabbits. Rather than eat the meat raw, I decided to stop for the night and make a fire. It wasn’t like I had any place to be at any certain time. I didn’t think I would have any pursuers this soon.

  After skinning the jackrabbits I started a fire and roasted the meat over its flames. I thought of Seth and Nathaniel. It was a good bet that one or more of them were searching for me, undoubtedly with a posse. Seth had shown the same temperament as his brother. Rawlins had been willing to ride to the ends of the earth to track me and Ben down. They would have no jurisdiction over in Mexico. However, in the desolate spaces I had seen, I was guessing each man made his own law. As soon as one or both of them became convinced I had crossed the border they wouldn’t hesitate to come in search of me. Thus, I had to continue to put miles behind me. As a backup plan, South America seemed like as good a place as any. If Seth had the balls to follow me that far, it would be time to have a final showdown. It would be either him or me. I was hoping that Nathaniel would not be compelled to accompany him that far.

  I added several more pieces of wood to the fire. I took a long swallow from the bottle of whiskey that had become my sole companion and wrapped a blanket around myself. I was soon fast asleep. When I woke, the fire was out. It was cold enough to see my breath. I ate the last bit of rabbit and washed it down with the last water in my canteen. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be too far to the next stream or pool.r />
  I saddled up and rode out before first light. After a few hours, I found a sizable pool flowing from a rocky outcrop. I drank my fill then refilled my canteen and let my horse drink. As I was leaving the pool, I heard snorting horses and the low murmur of voices. It sounded as if a group was approaching me, but were still at a distance. I remounted and rode up a large rocky hill. I wanted to reach a vantage point where I could see who or what was causing the noise. After cresting the hill, I dismounted and hid behind a stand of scrub trees. Below me on the plain was a column of mounted soldiers. I counted thirty of them. They wore blue vests with gold epaulets; white breeches with blue piping down the sides; short blue caps with long, wide, black brims; and knee-high black boots, shiny even at this distance. Although I had never been in Mexico before, I was betting this was a contingent of the Mexican army.

  At its head was a solidly built man who sat straight and tall in the saddle. He was the very essence of power and authority. In my mind, he became the General. Every soldier was alert as they surveilled the terrain about them. It was then I noted an advance of five men several yards ahead of the main troop. Since the war between Mexico and the States, there had been an uneasy alliance between the two nations. But my ranger instincts warned me it was best not to be discovered by these powerful soldiers. I turned to mount my horse when my foot slipped in the loose rock. My horse shied, and went tearing down the hill toward the soldiers.

  All the men immediately looked in my direction. At the same time, the General shouted orders in Spanish. The five advance riders headed in my direction. I hesitated, not knowing whether to flee or draw my gun and fire. Even if I did shoot any of the men galloping toward me, I couldn’t fight the rest of the contingent. So I stood motionless, hands raised, my pistol still in its holster. The five men advanced to within a few feet of me. Rifles were pointed at me in addition to several sabers being drawn. The closest soldier, who must have been the most senior in rank, stepped forward and addressed me in Spanish.


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