The Return of Jake Slater

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The Return of Jake Slater Page 16

by Zavo

  As the night chill began causing my skin to turn to gooseflesh, we went back inside and closed the balcony doors. We had another glass of tequila and then crawled beneath the covers. I fell asleep almost instantly. When I woke, it was morning, and Luke was nowhere in sight. Suddenly, the door to the room opened, and he came in carrying the familiar large silver tray. He kicked the door closed behind him and set the tray on the bed. It contained a plate of eggs and tomatoes, a plate of biscuits with honey, and a plate of fruit. As well as two steaming cups of coffee.

  “Good morning, Ben. Did you sleep well?”

  “I did, Luke. How about yourself?”

  “Like a baby.”

  We made short work of the food and when Luke left with the tray, I got dressed. He returned shortly.

  “I have some work to do this morning, and I know you do as well. But I was thinking we could leave mid-morning for a nice long ride. We could bring a picnic lunch with us.”

  “I’d like that.”

  He smiled, kissed me on the cheek, and left the room.

  Later that afternoon, as Luke and I rode through the countryside, I kept casting sidelong glances at him. The memory of last night was still fresh in my mind. But thoughts of Jake kept returning to chase the memory away. We stopped by a small stream to have lunch. Two hours later, Luke was deep inside me for the third time. Afterward, we swam in the stream and relaxed in the sun before resuming our ride. As we headed back to the hacienda, I realized that I might never find Jake, no matter how hard I looked. He could be anywhere in Mexico by now. As we approached the hacienda, I noticed no one was sitting on the front porch. This seemed odd, as it was a favorite hangout for the boys between customers. However, no alarm bells sounded in my head. Apparently, none sounded for Luke either. But when no one came out to greet us, I began to think something was amiss.

  “I’ve got a bad feeling, Luke. Something’s not right here.”

  “I’m feeling it as well, Ben. Let’s stay as quiet as possible.”

  We looped our reins over one of the hitching posts and climbed the steps together. Luke placed his hand on my arm, and we both stopped in our tracks. Not a sound came from within. We both drew our guns and I followed Luke to the front doors. He opened one of them and stepped inside. I was close on his heels. As my eyes adjusted to the gloom, I saw Donato, Ignacio, and Melchor sitting at one of the tables in the cantina. Ignacio was holding a large steak to his right eye. We rushed to the table.

  “What happened here, mi amigos?”

  Donato was the first to speak.

  “El jefe, it was shortly after you left for your ride. We were sitting on the front porch, as usual, when two men approached on foot. They did not come in on the regular trail, for we would have seen them before they were upon us. Somehow, they were just there. I think they walked in from the river. I did not like the looks of them, and was immediately suspicious of their motives. However, as there were only two of them, I wasn’t all that worried.”

  “What did they want, Donato?”

  There was a note of concern as well as anger in Luke’s voice. Donato hesitated for a moment, his eyes traveling to me before returning to meet Luke’s intense gaze.

  “At first, they said they were simply lost, and in need of food and water. They were insistent on coming inside, but I informed them this was a private home, not simply a cantina. That is when things started to get ugly. They tried to force their way past me and Ignacio and into the hacienda. That is when Ignacio was punched in the face. But six of the boys met them at the door with guns drawn, and they backed down. Both men pulled badges out of their pockets and flashed them at us. One was a sheriff from El Paso named Seth Rawlins. The other was a Texas Ranger by the name of Nathaniel Harrison. I guess he’s also the interim sheriff of Abilene

  When I heard those names, my balls disappeared inside my body. They had come across the border and were looking for Jake!

  “They’re a little out of their jurisdiction, wouldn’t you say?” Luke interjected.

  “Sí, el jefe.”

  Donato continued.

  “They are looking for an outlaw that escaped from Abilene. He was wanted for killing a ranger and helping a murderer escape from the jail there. His name is Jake Slater.”

  Chapter Eight


  “It feels good after my travels, Alejandro.”

  He stood a moment longer, giving me ample time to let my gaze travel the length of his body several times. His chest was covered in black hair. It appeared as if he were wearing a pelt. The nipples were completely hidden. His stomach was the same, with a slight paunch. The hair continued unabated to his crotch. His cock was long and fat. The bit of head not covered by skin was a shade or two lighter than the shaft. His balls were enormous and lighter in color. His arms and legs were heavily muscled and also covered in thick black hair.

  “Do you mind if I join you?”

  “Not at all, Alejandro.”

  He slipped out of the robe and paused a final time at the edge of the tub. He then smiled and came down the interior steps and waded to me. His dick trailed on the water’s surface He turned and sat next to me. We talked briefly regarding garrison matters. There was a lull in the conversation. When I turned to him, he was staring at me. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I returned his kiss passionately. His hand gripped my cock beneath the water and stroked me to full hardness.

  “Stand up, Jake.”

  As I stood, he knelt in front of me. This placed my stiffer right in his face. He pushed me back against the side of the tub and began licking the head of my cock. With his left hand, he cupped my balls. With his right, he reached up and began tweaking my nipples. He took his time on the fat knob. He swirled his tongue over it and probed the tiny piss slit before engulfing it completely and softly sucking on it. Alejandro let the head plop from his mouth, rose up, and swallowed my pole in one quick movement. His lips were stretched wide around the thick root. His nose was pressed deep into my crotch hair. He held my cock deep down his throat, gagging only slightly, before slowly sawing back to the crown.

  He released my cock, stood up, and gripped me at the waist. With no discernible effort, he lifted me out of the tub and set me on its edge. His strength only increased my lust for him. He gripped my thighs and quickly engulfed my prick again. He sank to the root before beginning slow, leisurely bobs on it. Without releasing my pole, he pushed me onto my back and began running his finger lightly along the area between my asshole and my balls.

  After a few more teases, he was poking at my hole. I felt the pressure of his finger, and as I pushed against it, his digit popped inside me and he slid it deep. He paused a moment and began short in-and-out jabs. At the same time, he increased his efforts on my dick. I could feel my explosion building. When his finger found and probed the muscle nestled deep inside my asshole, it sent me over the edge.

  “I’m gonna blow, Alejandro!”

  He drove his finger in a final time while he held the head of my cock between his lips. As I emptied into him, he swallowed every drop. When I was spent, he pulled his finger out of my asshole and ran his tongue a final time over the head of my cock. He released it, grabbed my hands, and pulled me upright. He kissed me deeply then gently pulled me back into the tub. We rinsed off, climbed out of the tub, and began drying off.

  Suddenly, a bell began tolling from somewhere within the fort.

  “It’s time for the siesta, Jake.”

  He took me by the hand and led me out of the bathroom and back to the bedroom. We went around the bed, through the curtained opening, and slid beneath the covers. They were soft and smelled of the outdoors. I slid over as far as I could and lay on my side. Alejandro was quickly next to me, his body tight to me. His warmth felt good against my skin. His scent was intoxicating. He draped a large hairy arm over me and kissed the back of my neck.

  “Sleep tight, Jake.”

  “You too, Alejandro.”

  When I awoke, he was snoring pe
acefully beside me. He was lying flat on his back with the covers bunched at his feet. I ran my finger lightly over the black stubble on his cheek and down his throat to his right nipple. I played with the brown nub till it hardened and did the same to the left. He moaned softly but did not awaken. I trailed the same finger down his hair-covered stomach to his thick patch of crotch hair. I lingered there a moment before continuing to his cock. I grabbed it with two fingers and slowly stroked it. I watched as it grew hard. I swung around so that my face was in Alejandro’s crotch. I licked the fat crown and he moaned and stirred slightly. I slowly took his cock in my mouth, sucking on it softly while I fondled his balls.

  “Good afternoon, Jake.”

  I looked up to find Alejandro smiling at me. I sawed back up to the fat head and let it fall from my mouth. Alejandro turned around and slid down beside me. He grabbed me and flipped me onto my back. He spread my legs and nestled between them. He kissed my cock and licked its entire length. After several turns along my shaft, he tongued my ballsac, and from there he was at the crack of my ass. I lifted my legs and he spread the cheeks of my ass. He began exploring my hole with his tongue, flicking the tip around and over the tiny opening. He withdrew his tongue, and I heard him spit several times. I felt his wetness on my hole and then the head of his cock pressing against me. I pushed back, and the knob popped through and Alejandro’s dick slid all the way inside me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and locked my feet in the small of his back. He withdrew his stiffer then entered me slowly again, making me feel every inch of him. I arched my back and thrust my hips to meet him.

  He lay atop me as he began increasing the force of his thrusts. His weight felt good on me, and the sweat from our chests mixed freely. As Alejandro began to pound my ass harder, I wrapped my arms around him. I began whispering in his ear and gently biting it, urging on his efforts. When his plunges grew to a fever pitch and his cries were the loudest, I knew he was close to shooting his seed. Sure enough, I felt the first few drops deep within me, and then a steady flow as he emptied inside me. When he was spent, he pulled out of me and lay next to me. He was asleep almost immediately.

  When I woke in the morning, Miguel had delivered several breakfast trays to the library. Alejandro had already eaten and was finishing dressing for the day. He kissed me soundly on the lips, tucked in the blue shirt of his uniform, and left the bedroom. I heard the door to his office close behind him. I threw back the covers and got out of bed. I donned the pants Miguel had laid out for me. But I ignored the shirt for the moment. Miguel saw that I was up and brought me a cup of coffee.

  “Good morning, Señor Slater. Are you hungry?”

  “I am, Miguel. I’ll have breakfast on the patio.”

  “Sí, Señor Slater.”

  I took my coffee and stepped out onto the balcony. Miguel came out moments later and placed a plate on the table. It contained beans, eggs, strips of steak, and flour tortillas. There was also an assortment of sliced melons.

  “Thank you, Miguel.”

  “Let me know if you need anything, Señor Slater.”

  “I will, Miguel.”

  As I sipped my coffee, I surveyed the large garrison spread out below me. I could smell beans and steak and tortillas, in addition to the smells of the animals and a faint hint of lilacs. I felt a peacefulness that I had not known in a long time. I decided then and there that I would stick around this garrison as long as Alejandro would have me.


  After being at the garrison for a week, Alejandro and I had settled into a nice comfortable routine. After breakfast, he would be in his office, tending to the running of the garrison. We would have lunch downstairs and, after a few more hours of work, we would retire to Alejandro’s bedroom for siesta. During the times Alejandro was in his office or out in the fort seeing to military matters, I ensconced myself in the library. There I pored through books on the history of Mexico, or the newest novels from European authors, or the numerous Greek tragedies. Alejandro had a vast selection of books.

  If I was not in the mood to read, I would help out with chores around the fort. If that didn’t excite me, I would saddle my horse and ride around the outlying area. On these excursions I was always accompanied by Colonel Sandoval for my protection. Sometimes, however, Alejandro would slip away, and we would ride together. He had a great knowledge of this area, and of Mexico overall. We had our favorite spots where we would dismount, shed our clothing, and satisfy our lust for one another. He could never seem to get enough of me, nor I him. Often on these trips we would hunt for game to replenish the ever-dwindling food supply at the fort.

  Two more weeks had passed at the garrison. It was on a sunny afternoon, upon his return from scouting the area, that Alejandro informed me he had a surprise for me the next day. He was going to take the day off to take me to La Casa de Los Hombres, a place many of the men frequented once a month. That’s all he would tell me. I was intrigued by the promise of adventure. We saddled up the next morning after breakfast. I evidenced my surprise when it was to be just the two of us. He looked at me with a mischievous smile on his face.

  “While my men do frequent this establishment, I prefer to visit it by myself on occasion. It’s proven to be much more fun that way.”

  With the mystery added to, we headed out. We rode till the sun was high overhead. We stopped often to water the horses in this hot, arid land. Due to Alejandro’s knowledge of the area, we had no problems finding water. We had taken so many twists and turns, I quickly lost all sense of direction. I knew there was no way I could find my way back to the fort if something were to happen to Alejandro. It was late in the afternoon when we rounded a bend in a trail we had been following for several miles.

  Suddenly, the trail ended ahead of us at a large hacienda. It was fashioned of the ubiquitous white adobe. As we rode closer, I could see several men sitting in chairs on the long, front porch. As we drew up to the house, the men rose from their chairs and greeted Alejandro by name. As he returned their greetings, the front door opened and a tall, stocky, brown-skinned man came down the steps to meet us.

  “Greetings, Alejandro. You look well. As always, it’s good to see you. By the timing of your arrival, can I safely say you will be enjoying our hospitality for the evening?”

  “As always, Donato, you are very astute. Jake, this is Donato. He runs the place for the owner, Luke Mathers.”

  “Greetings to you, Jake. Welcome to La Casa de Los Hombres.”

  “Thanks, Donato. I’m sure I’m going to enjoy my visit.”

  I watched, fascinated, as Alejandro adopted an ease and comfort that I hadn’t seen back at the garrison outside his private quarters. We dismounted, and an unnamed man led our horses to the corral that stood to the right of the three-story building. I followed Alejandro inside. The building was cool, dim, and luxuriously furnished. There was no one sitting at the long bar to our right. However, to our left there were several men sitting at poker tables. Some were playing cards, while others were making their way steadily through plates heaped with eggs, grits, and large slabs of ham.

  I noticed immediately that many of the patrons had young handsome men either seated next to them, or standing at their elbow. Several of these young men were shirtless, and two were wearing only the familiar one-piece drawers. There was a redhead that had his drawers unbuttoned down to his crotch, revealing a hairy chest as well as the top of a thick nest of crotch hair. I smiled as I watched the man he was attending to eat with his right hand while with his left he rubbed the sizable mound beneath the red thatch. A twinge of sadness overcame me because the young man reminded me of Ben. However, nowhere did I see any open sexual acts; no stiff cocks of any shape or size were on display. That type of activity must be restricted to the rooms, which I was guessing were on the second floor.

  It wasn’t hard to figure out what type of place Alejandro had brought me to. While I had heard rumors of such places when I had been a ranger in Abilene, I had never seen one. I had never known
anyone who had frequented one. However, it was definitely a cut above any of the regular bordellos I had seen in the States. We hadn’t been standing there for long when a tall, lanky man came down the stairs and greeted us.

  “Good afternoon, Brigadier General Reyes. The usual?”

  “Let’s start with lunch, Carmelo. I’ve brought a friend with me and I don’t want to scare him off just yet.”

  We all laughed at this, and Carmelo turned to me.

  “Carmelo, this is my friend, Jake. He’s staying at the fort with me.”

  “Welcome to Los Hombres, Jake. Any friend of Alejandro’s is a friend of ours. Your usual table?”

  “That will be wonderful, Carmelo.”

  He led us through the maze of tables and out a door I hadn’t seen at first. It led to a small patio with a single table. The table overlooked the Rio Grande. It was evident that Alejandro was held in high esteem here. When we were seated, I was lost in thought for several seconds as I stared across the river to the States. So many memories washed over me, mostly of Ben and how much I missed him. A sadness also overcame me with the realization that I could never return to my home. The only one I had ever known. It took me a moment to realize that Alejandro was speaking to me.

  “Jake, are you okay? You look very sad all of a sudden.”

  In the weeks I had spent with this handsome man, I had yet to divulge to him a full explanation of the events that had brought me to Mexico. On several occasions, he had asked probing questions as we lay side by side in bed. I had simply told him that I had suffered a personal tragedy that I wasn’t yet ready to discuss. He had seemed content with that answer for the present.

  “I was just thinking about my life before I came to Mexico, Alejandro. Things are so different for me now. If I’m to forge a new life here, I must forget everything that happened to me over there.”


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