by John Milton
John T. Shawcross received a Ph.D. from New York University and is now professor of English at the University of Kentucky. He is also the author of With Mortal Voice: The Creation of Paradise Lost, John Milton: A Bibliography for the Years 1624-1700, and Paradise Regain’d: “Worthy T’Have Not Remain’d So Long Unsung”.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Milton, John, 1608-1674.
The complete poetry of John Milton: arranged in chronological order with an introduction, notes, variants, and literal translations of the foreign language forms by John T. Shawcross.—Rev. ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
I. Shawcross, John T. II. Title.
PR3551.S4 1990 89-77299
821′. 4—dc20 CIP
ISBN 0-385-02351-0
Copyright © 1963, 1971 by Doubleday, a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.
Introduction to the Revised Edition
Arranged according to probable date of composition of the verse, this revised edition brings together all original poems and poetic paraphrases written by John Milton. Included therefore are nine poems not published in either of the two collected editions of the minor poems appearing in Milton’s lifetime: two verses found with his Commonplace Book, a third poem on Hobson the university carrier possibly by Milton, four sonnets, and two Latin epigrams from two prose works. Poems written in Latin, Greek, and Italian are given in original versions and in new prose translations, which attempt insofar as possible to follow the original lines. Differences from the first edition of this collection include the addition of the foreign language texts and the texts of Psalms 80–88, additional notes, a general updating of materials, and some rearrangement of the poems.
I have attempted to narrow the dates of composition as much as is presently possible; when apparent proof of date is missing a question mark is added. But the reader should bear in mind that such dating is open to question and it may be in dispute by scholars. Full discussion of dating will be found in the textual notes. Milton frequently altered poems after he had recorded them in the earliest versions which have survived, but perhaps only Arcades, A Mask, Samson Agonistes, Paradise Regain’d, and Paradise Lost underwent extensive revisions. Dates for such development are indicated and the poems placed in this arrangement accordingly. Paradise Regain’d has been positioned after Paradise Lost because the received text is apparently an extensive transformation into epic form of whatever was its early version. Samson Agonistes has been rearranged in this revised edition, not because I have altered my belief concerning its date of composition, but because its former position isolated some of the minor poems from others, creating a frankly odd arrangement. It is perhaps best to place the three major poems together, and the standard placement of Samson Agonistes last allows one to contrast it effectively with Paradise Regain’d in interpretation and form. The dating of the three major poems is, in any case, particularly uncertain and has been frequently challenged.
Explanatory notes present information necessary to an understanding of the poetry for the student and general reader and, hopefully, readings suggestive of structure, biographical contexts, sources of importance, and import for Milton. No attempt has been made to present a history of ideas, a frequent approach to a study of Milton. Textual principles are explained in the introduction to the textual notes. Generally, the basic text is that which seems to be closest to Milton—holograph, then scribal copy, and so forth. Alterations from the basic text are few; and all verbal variants in known significant texts are recorded in the textual notes. All dates for years are given in new style. Milton’s prose works are cited from first editions.
The advice and knowledge of Professors J. Max Patrick and William B. Hunter, Jr., have been pervasively instructive in both large matters and small. But the decisions underlying the texts and commentary—and thus the faults—are my own. I am indebted also to William R. Parker for a number of suggestions.
Biographical Table
Born (Dec. 9), Bread St., Cheapside, London.
1618 ?–1620 ?
Tutored by Thomas Young.
1620 ?–1624
At St. Paul’s School, London, under Alexander Gill. C. 1623 or 1624 family moved to home in St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, Westminster (?).
1625–1632 July
At Christ’s College, Cambridge, ostensibly to enter clerical life. Plague closed Cambridge from Apr. 17, 1630, to c. Jan. 1631. C. 1631 family moved to home in Hammersmith.
Admitted to Christ’s College (Feb. 12), from which he matriculated on Apr. 9.
Period of rustication (Lent term through spring vacation).
Bachelor’s degree conferred (Mar. 26).
Master’s degree conferred (July 3).
1632 July–1635 ?
At Hammersmith with parents. “A Mask” (“Comus”) performed, Sept. 29, 1634.
1635 ?–1638
At Horton, Bucks, with family. Frequently in London after death of mother, Apr. 3, 1637. Publications: A Mask (1637/8 ?); “Lycidas” in Justa Edovardo King naufrago (1638).
1638 Apr. ?–1639 Aug. ?
Continental tour to France and Italy.
1639 autumn–1648
Tutoring until c. 1647. Studies continued; prose and poetic writings, some published and others begun. Residence: St. Bride’s Churchyard (a few months) and Aldersgate St., London (1640–Sept. ? 1645).
Publications: “Postscript” (?) in Smectymnuus, An Answer to a Booke entituled, An Humble Remonstrance (Mar.); Of Reformation (May ?); Of Prelatical Episcopacy (July ?); Animadversions upon the Remonstrants Defence, against Smectymnuus (July).
Publications: The Reason of Church Government (Feb. ?); An Apology against a Pamphlet call’d A Modest Confutation (Apr.). Married to Mary Powell (May ?), who soon returned to her family’s home in Forest Hill (July ?).
Father came to live with Milton (Apr.). Publication: The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce (Ed. 1, c. Aug.).
Publications: Doctrine and Discipline (Ed. 2, enlarged, Feb.); Of Education (June); The Judgement of Martin Bucer (Aug.); Areopagitica (Nov.). Sight began noticeably to fail (autumn ?).
Publications: Tetrachordon and Colasterion (Mar.); Poems (Ed. 1, autumn ?). Wife Mary returned home (summer ?). Residence: Barbican (Sept. ?–autumn 1647).
Daughter Anne born (July 29).
Father died (Mar. 13 ?). Residence: High Holborn (autumn–c. Mar. 1649).
Daughter Mary born (Oct. 25).
1649–1660 ?
Period of public service as Secretary for Foreign Tongues to Council of State: appointed Mar. 15, 1649; continued in position until at least Oct. 22, 1659.
Publications: The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates (Ed. 1, F
eb.); Observations upon the Articles of Peace (May); Eikonoklastes (Ed. 1, Oct., in answer to Eikon Basilike, c. Feb.). Residence: Charing Cross (c. Mar.–Nov.) and Scotland Yard, Whitehall (Nov.–Dec. 1651).
Publications: Tenure (Ed. 2, enlarged, Feb.); Eikonoklastes (Ed. 2, enlarged). Probably lost sight of left eye.
Publication: Joannis MiltonI Angli Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio (Feb., in answer to Salmasius’ Defensio regia pro Carolo I, which appeared in England by Nov. ? 1649; revision of so-called “Defensio prima” was published in Oct. 1658. Also Joannis Philippi Angli Responsio Ad Apologiam Anonymi, by the younger surviving son of Milton’s sister Anne, published toward end of year in answer to John Rowland’s Pro Rege et Populo Anglicano Apologia written against “Defensio prima.”) Son John born (Mar. 16). Became totally blind before Feb. 1652, and granted assistance in secretaryship. Residence: Petty France, Westminster (Dec.–Sept. ? 1660).
Daughter Deborah born (May 2); wife Mary died (May 5 ?); and son John died (June 16 ?). Work on poetry and prose (?) through 1658.
Publication: Joannis MiltonI Angli Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio Secunda (May, in answer to Pierre du Moulin’s Regii Sanguinis Clamor, Aug. ? 1652, which attacked the Commonwealth).
Publication: Joannis MiltonI Angli pro se Defensio (Aug., in answer to Alexander More’s Fides Publica, Oct. ? 1654).
Married to Katherine Woodcock (Nov. 12).
Daughter Katherine born (Oct. 19).
Second wife, Katherine, died (Feb. 3); daughter Katherine died (Mar. 17). Publication: edited “Sir Walter Ralegh’s” The Cabinet-Council (May ?).
Publications and other writings: A Treatise of Civil Power (Feb.); Considerations Touching the likeliest means to remove Hirelings (Aug.); A Letter to a Friend, Concerning the Ruptures of the Commonwealth (written Oct. 20, first published by John Toland in 1698); possible work, “Proposalls of certaine expedients for the preventing of a civill war now feard, & the settling of a firme government” (autumn ?, first published in Columbia Milton).
Period of transition between governments, loss of office, and governmental harassment and imprisonment. Publications and other writings: The Readie & Easie Way to Establish A Free Commonwealth (Mar.; Ed. 2, revised, c. Apr.); The Present Means, and brief Delineation of a Free Commonwealth (“Letter to General Monk,” written after Mar. 3, first published by John Toland in 1698); Brief Notes Upon a Late Sermon (Apr.). Residence: Holborn near Red Lyon Fields (Sept. ?–early 1661). Escaped death penalty under Act of Oblivion of Aug. 29; in prison, after burning of books written by him (Oct. ?–Dec. 15).
Period of general retirement; work on poetry and prose.
Residence: Jewin St. (early 1661–1669 ?).
Married to third wife, Elizabeth Minshull (Feb. 24).
Stayed at Chalfont St Giles, Bucks, to escape plague (June ?–Feb. ? 1666).
Publication: Paradise Lost (Ed. 1, Aug. ?; further issues, 1668, 1669).
Publication: Accedence Commenc’t Grammar (June ?). Residence: Artillery Walk, Bunhill Fields (c. 1669-74).
Publication: The History of Britain (before Nov.).
Publication: Paradise Regain’d and Samson Agonistes (early in year).
Publication: Joannis Miltoni Angli, Artis Logicæ Plenior Institutio (May ?).
Publications: Of True Religion, Hæresie, Schism, Toleration (May ?); Poems (Ed. 2, enlarged, together with Of Education, Ed. 2, Nov. ?).
Publications: Joannis Miltoni Angli, Epistolarum Familiarium Liber Unus (with college prolusions, May); Paradise Lost (Ed. 2, revised, July); A Declaration, or Letters Patents (July ?). Died, apparently of gout (Nov. 8 ?); buried in St. Giles, Cripplegate (Nov. 12).
Posthumous publications: Literæ Pseudo-Senatûs Anglicani (Oct. ? 1676; a free and inaccurate English version appeared in 1682); Mr. John Miltons Character of the Long Parliament (Apr. ? 1681); A Brief History of Moscovia (Feb. ? 1682); Letters of State (translated by Edward Phillips, with four sonnets and a biographical memoir, 1694); Joannis Miltoni Angli De Doctrina Christiana (1825; translated and published in same year by Charles R. Sumner).
The following abbreviations, in addition to those which are commonplace, those which are standard for books of the Bible, and those which are easily recognizable short forms, will be found in this edition:
Aen. Aeneid
Ec. Virgil, Eclogues
El. Elegy
FQ Faerie Queene
HLQ Huntington Library Quarterly
Meta. Ovid, Metamorphoses
MLN Modern Language Notes
MLR Modern Language Review
NQ Notes and Queries
Od. Odyssey
PL Paradise Lost
PMLA Publications of the Modern Language Association
PQ Philological Quarterly
PR Paradise Regain’d
Ps. Psalm
Rep. Plato, Republic
RES Review of English Studies
SA Samson Agonistes
SEL Studies in English Literature
Son. Sonnet
SP Studies in Philology
TLS Times Literary Supplement
TM Trinity Manuscript
UTQ University of Toronto Quarterly
A Paraphrase on Psalm 114
Psalm 136
Apologus de Rustico et Hero (The Fable of the Peasant and the Overlord)
Carmina Elegiaca (Elegiac Verses)
“Ignavus satrapam dedecet …” (“Slothful sleep …”)
Elegia prima (Elegy 1: To Charles Diodati)
Elegia secunda (Elegy 2: On the death of the Beadle of Cambridge University)
Elegia tertia (Elegy 3: On the death of the Bishop of Winchester)
In obitum Præsulis Eliensis (On the death of the Bishop of Ely)
In obitum Procancellarii medici (On the death of the Vice-Chancellor, a Physician)
In proditionem Bombardicam (On the Gunpowder Plot)
In eandem (On the same: “Thus did you strive …”)
In eandem (On the same: “James derided …”)
In eandem (On the same: “Whom impious Rome …”)
In inventorem Bombardæ (On the inventor of Gunpowder)
In quintum Novembris (On the fifth of November)
Elegia quarta (Elegy 4: To Thomas Young)
On the Death of a Fair Infant Dying of a Cough
At a Vacation Exercise
Elegia quinta (Elegy 5: On the coming of spring)
On the Morning of Christs Nativity
Elegia sexta (Elegy 6: To Charles Diodati, sojourning in the country)
The Passion
Elegia septima (Elegy 7: “Not yet did I know …”)
(Lines appended to Elegia septima)
Song: On May Morning
Sonnet 1: “O Nightingale, …”
Sonnet 2: “Charming lady, …”
Sonnet 3: “As on a rugged mountain …”
Canzone: “Scoffing, amorous maidens …”
Sonnet 4: “Diodati, and I will say it …”
Sonnet 5: “In truth your fair eyes, …”
Sonnet 6: “Young, gentle, and candid …”
On Shakespear
Naturam non pati senium (Nature does not suffer decay)
De Idea Platonica quemadmodum Aristoteles intellexit (On the Platonic Idea as Aristotle under
stood it)
On the University Carrier
Another on the same
Hobsons Epitaph
An Epitaph on the Marchioness of Winchester
Il Penseroso
Sonnet 7: “How soon hath Time …”
A Mask (“Comus”)
Psalm 114
Philosophus ad regem … (A philosopher on his way …)
On Time
Upon the Circumcision
At a solemn Musick
Ad Patrem (To my Father)
Ad Salsillum poetam Romanum ægrotantem (To Salzilli, a Roman poet, being ill)
Mansus (Manso)
Ad Leonoram Romæ canentem (To Leonora singing in Rome)
Ad eandem (To the same: “Another Leonora captured …”)
Ad eandem (To the same: “Why, credulous Naples, …”)
Epitaphium Damonis (Damon’s Epitaph)
Sonnet 8: “Captain or Colonel, …”
Sonnet 9: “Ladie, that in the prime …”
Sonnet 10: “Daughter to that good Earle, …”
In Effigiei Ejus Sculptorem (On the Engraver of His Likeness)