Playing the Field

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Playing the Field Page 17

by Christina Benjamin

  Maybe today wasn’t going to be so bad after all.

  Chapter Forty-One


  Grant and I texted all morning on Sunday. My fingers were sore, but my heart was full. I couldn’t wait to see him at school on Monday. He’d told me he’d talked to Coach about his hand and though he’d have to sit out the Collier High game this week, he could attend practices so the two of us could continue to stay in sync.

  He’d also said Coach was really proud of us for organizing the team tents at the carnival and that we’d proved we could work well together so he was officially lifting our probation.

  The only bad news was that Grant wouldn’t be able to get his revenge against those jerks from Collier, but he assured me he’d be in the dugout cheering me on.

  Knowing that we’d still be working together both on and off the field filled me with hope. Things between us finally felt seamless, like we’d always been meant to be teammates. Not for the first time, I felt ashamed I’d wasted so much time competing against Grant when it was obvious, we were much better as allies than enemies.

  I wandered into my kitchen after a shower, my mouth already watering from the aroma of whatever my mom was preparing. She was an incredible cook, always trying to impart her culinary wisdom on me. But to her dismay, I’d inherited the ‘helpless in the kitchen’ gene just like my dad and brothers.

  “Hey sweetie,” my mom greeted. “What are you up to today?”

  “Nothing much. It’s a rare day off from practice so I’m just catching up on sleep and homework.”

  “Oh, to be young again,” she teased. “So, tell me, how’s that boy, Grant? The nurses on my floor said his hand was in pretty bad shape.”

  “Yeah, he got lucky he only needed stitches. He’s doing okay. I was texting him earlier. He said it hurts but he’s dealing,” I said, grateful my parents had been lenient when they found out I’d only broke curfew because I had to take a teammate to the hospital.

  “Poor thing. Why don’t you take him some of my famous chicken noodle soup? I just made some last night.”

  “Mom, he doesn’t have a cold, just stitches.”

  “My soup is a cure all. It feeds the soul,” she added with a wink, already handing me a Tupperware from the fridge.

  Knowing it was pointless to argue I took the container from my mom and looked up Grant’s address. It was easy enough to find in a town this small. I typed it into the app on my phone and headed out the door, excited to surprise Grant with my mom’s famous soup.

  It was the perfect peace offering for starting over.

  By the time I turned onto the dirt road leading to Grant’s house I was second-guessing my surprise visit. When I’d left my house, I’d been excited to see him and unleash some of the emotion bubbling in my chest since last night.

  Texting all morning had helped ease my nerves a bit, but I still couldn’t seem to quiet the butterflies in my stomach that reminded me that Grant King liked me and this time, when we started over, we might finally figure out how to make things work.

  My GPS app dinged, alerting me that I’d arrived at my destination.

  Now or never, Alex.

  I took a deep breath and got out of my car. “Heads up, hearts strong,” I reminded myself as I knocked on his door.

  After a minute the door swung open and Grant’s mop of dark hair poked out. “Alex? What are you doing here?”

  “I brought you some soup. It’s my mom’s and it’s kinda famous for curing any ailment.”

  He grinned and opened the door, backing up so I could enter, but I was too stunned to move. Grant wasn’t wearing a shirt and the sight of his perfectly toned abs made my brain go haywire.

  “Sorry, I was asleep,” he apologized when he caught me staring at him. He ran a hand through his hair sheepishly. “Let me just change real quick.”

  I wanted to tell him I didn’t mind the view at all, but luckily, I was still too tongue tied to speak. I barely managed to follow him inside and shut the door behind me.

  When he disappeared down a dim hallway I leaned back against the door and bit my bottom lip, wondering how on earth I’d ever managed to convince myself I was anything but in love with him.

  After I collected myself, I walked to the kitchen and decided to busy myself to keep from thinking about how incredibly irresistible Grant was. I may not be a wiz in the kitchen, but I could manage heating up some soup, so I got to work.


  I quickly dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and gave myself a once over before heading back to the kitchen. I hated the idea of leaving Alex alone in my house. It would give her too much time to take stock of the shabby surroundings and change her mind about me. But I needed to catch my breath.

  I couldn’t believe she was here! As a teenage boy, I’d secretly imagined having my dream girl in my bedroom a million times and now that she was actually here, I was finding it hard to breathe.

  I leaned against my bedroom door for a moment and gave myself a pep talk before going out to face her. “She’s incredibly out of your league, but by some miracle she likes you anyway, so don’t screw this up.”

  With one last glimpse in the mirror, I blew out a breath and opened the door.

  When I got back to my kitchen I was once again stunned speechless by her beauty. Not only was Alex Prince in my house, but she was cooking in my kitchen like it was the most natural thing in the world!

  I watched her swaying to a song playing on her phone while she stirred soup on the stove and that’s when I knew . . . It was too late to fight it—I was already in love with her.

  “That smells good,” I said.

  “It’s famous for a reason,” she replied. “Where are your bowls? It’s almost ready.”

  “I’ll get them.”

  “You’re not good at letting people take care of you, huh?”

  I grinned sheepishly. “I guess it’s just been a while.”

  “Well, point to the bowls then sit down. I’ll do the rest.”

  I did as told but stopped short of sitting down at the small cluttered table in the corner of the kitchen. Stacks of unopened bills and other junk covered it. I scratched my head and turned back to face Alex. “Do you mind eating on the couch?’

  Her eyes lit up. “Can we?”

  “Uh, sure.”

  “Okay. I’ll bring the soup in a sec.”

  As promised, a moment later, Alex joined me on the couch, balancing a bowl of soup for each of us. As she sat down, she handed me one and grinned. “My mom never lets us eat dinner on the couch. Wanna watch the game? The Diamondbacks are on.”

  “That’s your brother’s team, right?” I asked as I flipped on the game.

  Her eyes brightened with surprise. “You remembered?”

  I wanted to tell her I remembered everything she said, but I resisted, nodding instead.

  We scarfed down the delicious soup in comfortable silence while watching the game, occasionally taking breaks to cheer for Alex’s brother. I kept sneaking glances at her to see if her eyes were wandering to the dingy carpet or the broken lamp, but somehow, she looked completely at ease and eventually, so was I.

  When the game was over, I helped carry the dishes to the kitchen and frowned as I watched Alex start to wash them. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I know. But I want to. Besides, you can’t get your stitches wet, remember?”


  When she was done, there was an awkward moment when we stared at each other. I didn’t know how to express everything I was feeling for this girl, but I certainly was going to try.

  I took her hand. “Thank you, Alex. This is exactly what I needed.”

  “It was just dinner,” she said softly, her blue eyes gazing into mine.

  “It was a lot more than that to me.” I pulled her closer. “I can honestly say it’s the best dinner I’ve had at my house since my mom left, so thank you. It means a lot.”

  “Grant . . .” Her voice was soft as sh
e reached up to brush my hair back from my forehead. The light touch of her fingers feathering through my hair made my eyes slide closed.

  I pulled her closer still, letting my forehead rest against her. I felt her breath catch, then shallow; each exhalation making my lips ache to close the last bit of space between us and finally kiss her.


  Grant’s lips were so close to mine that all I could think about was kissing him.

  But did he want me to?

  Was I supposed to let the boy make the first move?

  It was too hard to think with him breathing my air. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. There was no playbook for how to win your first kiss and that terrified me. The only thing I knew without a doubt was that I didn’t want this moment to end. Being this close to Grant made my skin feel electrified and it was a feeling I was growing addicted to.

  I wanted to kiss him desperately, but I still wasn’t sure if I was ready. Stalling, I tore my eyes from his, refocusing on the bandage on his hand. “Can I see?” I asked, gently touching it.

  He nodded slowly, letting me take his injured hand.

  I unwrapped his bandage, relieved to see the wound looked much better today. “Does it hurt?”

  He shook his head. “Nothing hurts when I’m with you.”

  My eyes flicked up to meet his and suddenly I knew I didn’t need a playbook. Everything I’d ever wanted to know was etched in Grant’s gorgeous gray eyes. The emotion I saw pulled me to him like a magnet.

  Grant’s lips pressed against mine, slowly at first and then in an explosion of mind-blowing passion. His lips crashed over mine until I didn’t know where he began and I ended. All I knew was from that moment on I would never be the same.

  When his lips touched mine stars exploded behind my eyes, toes curled, angels sang, and unicorns sprouted wings. It was the most magical moment of my life. And though it was hard to catch my breath while sharing the same air as Grant King, I felt content to suffocate as long as it meant this kiss would never end.


  When the most epic kiss of my life finally came to end, I felt dumbstruck as I stared at Alex. Her perfect lips were pink from our passion and it made me want to kiss her all over again, but I was still catching my breath as my heart threatened to leap out of my chest.

  “Wow,” she whispered, her hand slowly raising to touch her kiss-stung lips.

  I grinned. “Wow is right.”

  “Is it always like that?” she asked, her eyes searching mine.

  “It’s never like that,” I said, tucking a strand of her dark hair behind her ear.

  The most beautiful grin split her face and I couldn’t resist pulling her back into my arms for another kiss.

  When we finally came up for air again, I felt like my heart was glowing with a feeling I’d never experienced before.

  “Why did we waste so much time being enemies when we could’ve been doing this?” I asked.

  She laughed. “I was just thinking the same exact thing.”

  “Do you think things would’ve been different between us if I’d just done that the first day we met like I wanted to?”

  Her cheeks flushed. “Maybe, but maybe it was supposed to happen this way.”

  I pondered that for a moment and realized she was right. If I’d kissed her that first day, she’d never have fallen for the real me, only the version I let people see. “Yeah,” I finally said. “I think you’re right.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. Maybe we had to break down each other’s walls so we could fit together right, like we do now.”

  “You mean without our super inflated baseballer egos?” she teased, returning my smile.


  She grinned. “Just as long as you still know I can kick your butt on the diamond any day of the week.”

  I laughed and pulled her back into my arms. “I wouldn’t want it any other way, Princess,” I replied pressing my lips against hers once more.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  I floated through the next week of school on cloud nine. I wasn’t sure how long first kiss bliss usually lasted, but so far, for me and Grant, the end was nowhere in sight.

  He met me at my locker every morning and carried my books to each class, stealing kisses along the way.

  Life was good!

  Even the Trojan Tattler was singing our praises.

  Trojan Tattler:

  It seems our Princess has finally found her Prince. Or should we say King? Grant King has finally captured her heart. The new Royal ‘IT’ Couple has been caught canoodling all over the halls of Northwood. His Majesty’s injury will keep him off the field for this week’s game against the Collier Knights but I for one can’t wait to see their passion play out on the field. Expect fireworks! Especially after how explosive things got at the carnival between the rivals.

  The Tattler wasn’t the only one upset about Grant missing the Collier game. The Trojans all wanted a chance for revenge after the trouble Colton caused at the carnival. If it wasn’t for him, Grant wouldn’t have a hand full of stitches. Each time I thought about it my blood boiled.

  “What’s wrong?” Grant asked, slipping his good hand into mine.

  It brought me back to reality, which was a pretty great place to be.

  “Nothing,” I said, smiling at him. He looked so handsome bathed in the sunlight as we finished our lunch on the baseball field—a tradition I was glad we’d continued.

  “You know I can see right through you,” he teased, placing a kiss to my temple.

  “Oh, yeah? What am I thinking?”

  “Right now you’re thinking I’ll never guess what you’re thinking, but in fact you were just thinking about the Collier game. And from the angry scowl on these perfect lips,” he said lightly running a thumb across my lower lip, “you were probably plotting Colton’s demise.”

  He’d hit the nail on the head, and I couldn’t hide my grin. “Okay fine, you know me.”

  “Quit worrying about Colton. Just focus on your game.”

  I huffed. “Why aren’t you more upset? He could’ve caused permanent damage!” I said gently stroking Grant’s injured hand.

  “But he didn’t. Besides, if you hadn’t come over to take care of me, we might not be where we are right now.”

  I couldn’t deny that. Colton had been the catalyst to getting Grant and I to finally admit our feelings.

  We’d certainly taken the long way to get here, but being on the same page with Grant King was a pretty great place to be.

  “So, where are we exactly?” I teased. “The baseball field?”

  “No smartass, I meant boyfriend and girlfriend.”

  Joy and shock coursed through me. We’d never used those official titles before. “Am I your girlfriend?”

  Grant sat up straighter as he faced me, taking both of my hands. “Alex Prince, you drive me crazy in the best way possible. Will you be my girlfriend?”

  “Yes!” I yelled, immediately tackle-hugging him until we were both laying on the freshly cut field. The smell of grass and clay mixed with Grant’s cologne was quite possibly the best fragrance I’d ever experienced. But then I was a biased judge. Every experience with Grant was more incredible than the last, and I did my best to show him my appreciation as I pressed my lips eagerly against his.

  “Are you happy?” he asked after we came up for air.

  “The happiest,” I admitted, returning his smile. “But I still want to crush the Knights tomorrow.”

  He laughed. “You will. I’ll be coaching from the sidelines.”

  “Is it true that every time the Trojans beat the Knights we end up at State?”

  Grant chuckled. “I don’t know if it’s an absolute fact, more like a sports rumor, but the Knights are our biggest rivals. The last time we beat them we did go to State.”

  “Then we’re going to win tomorrow,” I said confidently. “For you.”

  Grant pulled me to my feet a
nd kissed me. “No, we’re going to win for us.”

  Chapter Forty-Three


  Watching Alex take the field Friday night against the Knights was a sight to be seen. She walked to shortstop with so much swagger even I was intimidated.

  My girlfriend’s a baller and I couldn’t be prouder!

  It was also pretty amazing how many people came out to cheer for her. Alex’s fan club took up three whole rows of bleachers. They were easy to spot considering they wore tiaras and tutus, holding signs that boasted things like ‘Throw Like A Girl, Rule like a Princess’ and ‘Grand Slam Thank You Ma’am: Princess Power!’

  I spotted her parents standing there too, among the sea of Trojan fans dressed in pink. I wasn’t sure if Alex realized it or not, but from the ear-to-ear grins on their faces, I didn’t think she could possibly make her parents prouder. Plus, it looked like her mom had gotten her Princess after all.

  Alex had confessed that she often felt she let them down by turning out to be a tomboy. I told her that was ridiculous and to prove the point, I found myself snapping a picture of her parents cheering wildly in the stands.

  The thought made me smile, yet I couldn’t help wishing my own family was in the crowd. I knew it didn’t really matter considering I wasn’t playing tonight, but there are some things a person longs for no matter how irrational. Being with Alex these past few days had helped dull the pain. She helped me realize that I wasn’t a product of anyone else’s mistakes but my own. It helped knowing I had her in my corner, but even more than that, she gave me the courage to know I’d be okay, with or without anyone else’s support, and I didn’t need anyone’s permission to chase down my dreams.

  Right now, that dream was watching my girlfriend take down the Knights!

  I turned my attention back to the field. Alex was in position, her eyes locked on the Knights dugout as Colton grabbed a bat and pointed it in her direction. Alex’s glare intensified and she pounded her fist into her mitt, inviting him to bring it.


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